She hugged her knees with her hands and said in a low voice: "I still want to...continue to become stronger."

"Hehe, who wouldn't want that?"

Qiu Yu of Misaki Yueji smiled and stroked his beard, narrowed his eyes and said, "Aqiong has paved the way for us! We just need to move forward step by step."


Kasaka Shigure nodded lightly, and said in a low voice, "I will... work hard."



"Apacha, Apache—"

While shouting his name, Apacha raised his hands and stood in front of Lin Qiong, and said with a serious face, "Aqiong is so powerful! Shigure's attack was easily blocked by you!"

"Hey hey, isn't it amazing?"

Lin Qiong puffed up his chest proudly, and smiled like Wang Yousheng in the bright sword, "As long as Apaca reads more books, reads more newspapers, eats less snacks and sleeps more, he can become as powerful as me."

Apache: "!?"

He showed a surprised expression, then looked at Lin Qiong with a troubled expression, and asked in a low voice: "Aqiong, are you telling the truth!"

So, doesn't that mean that Apacha not only has to read books and newspapers, but also eat less of his favorite snacks?Woohoo, don't wow that kind of thing!

Agard on the side: "..."

Seeing Apacha's tangled face, he couldn't help but slapped himself on the face, and said speechlessly: "Master! Don't lie to Apacha, he will take it seriously!"


Apacha looked at Ajiade in shock, and said in disbelief: "Ajiade, are you saying that Aqiong is lying to me!?"

Agard: "?"

So you didn't notice it?

He twitched the corner of his mouth, and asked with a stiff face: "Apacha, do you really think that method can enhance your strength?"

Apacha touched his head honestly, and said with a puzzled look: "But this is what Aqiong said? How could he lie to Apacha?"

Agard: "..."

He turned his head expressionlessly, and looked at Lin Qiong with condemning eyes: "Master!my master!You lied to such a simple Apacha, won't your conscience really hurt? '

Lin Qiong: "..."

He clutched his chest, showing a painful expression: "Thank you for the invitation, don't cue, my conscience is already hurting Smecta!" '

'Ah, how strange?Obviously the first letter of their names is 'A', but...'

Lin Qiong looked at a poop-like cloud floating in the sky with a disappointed face, and thought: "But deceiving Akuya will only make me think she is mentally retarded, but deceiving Apacha will make me think that she is mentally retarded. a pang of conscience. '

what is this!

Lin Qiong thought for a moment and then found the answer——

Because Aqua is a crumb woman who will grab crumbs from the pigeons on the pier; and Apacha is a good man who will feed the crumbs to the pigeons on the pier.

'No, you can't let Apache down! '

Thinking of this, Lin Qiong couldn't help pinching his throat lightly, and said, "Ahem—Actually, of course I didn't lie to Apacha!"

Agard: "Huh?"

He stared at Lin Qiong with wide eyes: "Master!What are you talking about, master! '

Lin Qiong gave him a look back: 'Don't panic!hold on!Watch me do it! '

Apacha showed Lin Qiong a innocent smile like a child, and said innocently: "I knew that Aqiong would not lie to me!"

Agard: 'No!He is lying to you! '

'Don't panic, hold on—'

Lin Qiong raised his fingers calmly, and said solemnly: "Suppose you got a very powerful devil fruit in the sea, but since you haven't read the devil fruit illustration, you can't be sure what it is. Can sell it—is this a missed opportunity to gain powerful abilities?"

"Yeah, that's how it is!"

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Apacha suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment. He looked at Lin Qiong with admiration, and said, "As expected of Aqiong! You can think of such an important thing!"

Lin Qiong clasped his hands in his fists and said modestly: "Reward, reward!"

Agard: "?"

He winked at Lin Qiong desperately: "Master!What if Apache really believed it?With his brain, he might not even be able to recognize a few words if the CPU is not overloaded! '

Lin Qiong returned a wink without panic: "I said it, don't panic, watch me play!" '

"However, the method just now is only applicable to ordinary people."

Lin Qiong walked up to Apacha unhurriedly, reached out and patted his arm, and said with a smile: "If Apacha gets a devil fruit, he can bring it back and ask Qiu Yu or the elders, so don't worry about it." Worried about missing out on something good."

"Wow! Ah Qiong, you know a lot!"

The adoration in Apacha's eyes almost turned into stars and flew out of his eyes, and then he said dejectedly: "Unlike Apacha, who doesn't understand anything."

"Huh? Who said that? Apache knows a lot!"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then folded his hands on his chest, counting the advantages of Apacha in a slightly dissatisfied tone.

"Apacha loves children and is patient enough to play with them—even if they are very naughty children."

"Because children are cute and innocent!"

"Apacha likes small animals, and he can't bear to hurt a little starling—even if that starling is the enemy's pet."

"Because the bird is innocent and the bad guy is the one!"

"Apacha loves flowers and will often carry a watering canister to water them—even if it's just wildflowers on the side of the road."

"Because wildflowers are flowers too, they bloom very beautifully!"

"Look! Doesn't Apacha understand a lot of things?"

Lin Qiong opened his hands with a smile, smiled at Apacha, and said, "Everyone likes the current Apacha, so it is good for Apacha to remain as it is now."

"Hohohoho, what Ah Qiong said is really good——"

The elder couldn't help but let out a series of cheerful laughter, then stroked his beard slowly, and said cheerfully: "Why would anyone hate Apacha?"

Kosaka Shigure was the first to raise his hand and said very proactively: "I also like...Apacha!"

Qiu Yu of Misaki Yue Temple smiled and covered her sleeves, and said, "What a coincidence, I am too."

Ni Gui Zhixu put down the wine bottle in his hand, and said cheerfully: "Apacha, I like you too!"

"Big, everyone..."

Apacha sucked his nose moved, and said with tears in his eyes: "I, I like everyone very much too! I like everyone the most!"

Zero Shadow Eight Fist & Qihuang Sin Blade: "..."

Wow, it's so stinky!Do you want Jiang Zi?

"Huh? What's your expression?"

Lin Qiong turned his head to look at these masters, and asked strangely: "Why, do you have other opinions?"

"No! No no no no!"

Seeing Lin Qiong's eyes on himself, this group of masters from YOMI shook their heads like a convulsion.

"Of course we love Apache too!"

"Yes! Who wouldn't like him?"

"Apacha is super cute!"

"One thing to say, indeed!"

"That's right! What we focus on is a family in the neighborhood—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but nodded his head in satisfaction, then looked at Apacha cheerfully, and said, "Okay! Apacha, let's start training quickly?"


After getting everyone's encouragement, the energetic Apache raised his hands and said happily: "The current Apache is super powerful!"



"Woooooo, Shigure, Apacha lost."

Apacha squatted beside Shiyu pitifully, and aggrievedly drew circles on the ground with his fingers, saying: "Aqiong is so powerful, even Apacha's fist can't beat him!"

"This is enough to prove that Aqiong has exercised his body to an unimaginable level."

Qiuyu Misaki Yueji glanced at Lin Qiong, who was pointing (Ou) pointing (beating) other masters, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "On the journey of martial arts, A Qiong has surpassed my master by too many."

"Qiu Yu, don't break... your heart."

Kasaka Shigure tugged on the guardian's clothes, and said seriously: "We will also follow...."

"Shiyu, you underestimate me too."

Misakiji Akiyu chuckled and whispered: "The stronger Aqiong is, the greater our room for improvement is! This will only make me more motivated to train!"

"As expected of Qiu Yu, what you said is really good!"

Apacha sucked his fingers enviously, lowered his head and muttered: "Apacha really wants to say such a handsome line."

Misakiji Akiyu: "..."

He twitched the corners of his mouth, then rubbed his forehead with some headaches, thinking about how to make Apacha, whose education level was only at the elementary school level, speak philosophical words like himself.

Forget it, can't do it.




An elbow chiseled the fist-wielding Brahma into the air: "My last one—"

A flying man with one knee raised his fist: "I'm next——"

One punch knocked away the Smiling Steel Fist: "The one on my left——"

Kicking Flying Fist Emperor's elbow: "I'm the one on the right—"


After exhaling lightly, Lin Qiong looked at the swaying masters, and said with emotion: "As expected of a martial arts master, it is more difficult to deal with than those disciples."

The masters on the ground: "..."

Hey, look at what this sentence says!

Should we be proud that we have received praise from you, or should we be ashamed that we have to compare with our disciples?

"Stop joking, talk about business."

Lin Qiong waved his hands, then looked at the masters of Killing Fist with his hips crossed, and said, "The progress of eliminating pirates in the East China Sea is a bit slow—don't leave the task to your disciples, and give it to you yourself." I move my teeth!"

Look at how dedicated the masters of Huorenquan are—they spend at least five days a week patrolling around the East China Sea, arresting escaped pirates and sending them to the navy branch!

The main thing is hard work.

Look at how much the masters of Killing Fist are fishing for fish - throw most of the tasks to the disciples, and only move if there is a strong person that the disciples cannot deal with.

The main thing is to fish.

How is this possible?

You are all fishing, so how can I still fish?

So in order for me to catch fish, you all work for me ヽ(?Д?)ノ!

Chapter 0753

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