After ruthlessly motivating the Fish-Moving Masters of Killing Fist with his fists, Lin Qiong left Fengche Village contentedly.

"So, where is the next stop?"

He sat cross-legged on a dilapidated formwork, drifting with the waves in the boundless ocean: "Go to the South China Sea to see other dragons? Or go to the North Sea to see Miss Zhengyi? Hmm..."

Distressed, so distressed.

"It's decided, let fate decide everything."

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then took out a coin from his pocket, and said with a smile: "If the number is up, go to see the dragons; if the pattern is up, go to see Miss Zhengyi!"

go you~



North Sea.

"Good guy—"

Lin Qiong stood on the giant snail that originally belonged to Germa 66, looked at Astoria in front of him, and said, "Are you just taking the Vinsmoke family directly?"

"It's not."

Astoria shook her head, she said delicately, "They brought it to the door by themselves."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

"Ahem, Brother Lin Qiong, this is how it happened."

The expression on Alisee's face was the subtle form of Astralia's. She explained: "Less than three days after we arrived in the North Sea, Germa 66 took the initiative to find us, and then..."

Lin Qiong: "Then?"

"Then they declared their allegiance very tactfully."

Kaguya couldn't help but let out a sneer, and then said with regret: "Because they admit their mistakes sincerely, and take positive actions when admitting their mistakes, Her Lady Goddess decided to observe them for a while before deciding how to deal with them."

"what a pity."

Daba Li Ang held the wooden knife at his waist with regret, and said coldly: "I should not have given him a chance to speak at that time, and just charged up and chopped off his head."

"Are you sure Sister Zhengyi won't stop you if you do this?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then looked at Sister Zhengyi who had been silent all this time, and said, "But what Dabaazi said makes sense—I thought you would send Jiazhi the first time you saw him. He's going to see God."

Lucy Lion: "????"

She couldn't continue to maintain the image of a high-cold elf, and she turned into an afterimage and came to Lin Qiong, and then grabbed his collar and asked emotionally: "What's the name of Dabaazi?"

"It's the nickname I gave you just now!"

There was an undisguised vile smile on Lin Qiong's face. He winked at Liu Liang and said, "How is it? Is it especially suitable for you?"

"Suitable for a ghost!"

Liu Liang's eyes were filled with tears of humiliation. She gritted her teeth and looked at Lin Qiong and said, "That kind of nickname doesn't suit me at all!"

"No, I think it fits—"

Kaguya, whose face was flushed from holding back, raised his hand and patted Leon's shoulder, and said in a trembling voice: "Not only perfectly expresses your essence, but also very cute... Poof... Sorry, I couldn't help it .”

This apology is the most mocking.

"Kaguya ah ah ah—"

Dabaazi rushed towards Huiye with red eyes, but Kaguya, who had been prepared for a long time, dodged and hid beside Lin Qiong, screaming strangely: "Ouch! Dabaazi bit someone, it's so scary! "


The companions of the Astria family were not stingy with their own laughter—although the laughter at this time was somewhat harsh to Dabaazi.

"Hui! Night!"

Da Baa pulled out the wooden knife from his waist, and chased after Kaguya with a disfigured face, and said, "Nishi, Nishi! Give me Nishi—"

"Oh, it's so scary, so scary—"

Hui Ye screamed strangely, and then ran towards the open place without looking back, and staged a scene with Da Baa Zi in which she ran away from her and chased her so that she could fly with wings.


"Oh! Dabaa, come on, wow——"

The little human, Laila, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, put his hands in front of his mouth in the shape of a trumpet, and said happily: "Oh! I almost fell to Kaguya!"

"Don't call me dabaaah—"

Dabaazi turned around, glared at Laila viciously, then turned around and continued chasing Kaguya.

"Hahaha! Come on, dabaa!"

"Hui Ye, don't be chased by her!"

"Left! Watch out for the left!"

The other members of the Astralia family entered spectator mode, laughing and joking as they watched Dazaiko chase Kaguya.


Sister Zhengyi shook her head dumbfounded, then poked Lin Qiong's forehead with her hand, and said, "You are really wicked! This nickname must have been with Leon for a long time."

"Hahaha, how cute is the nickname Dabaazi?"

There was a bright smile on Lin Qiong's face, and he didn't hide his gloating at all: "It can be said that it fits Leon perfectly, okay?"

"You bad thing, just do it! Be careful that Leon will find the opportunity and come back with vengeance—"

Sister Zhengyi shook her head helplessly, then pointed to the direction of the room, and said, "Okay, let's continue our chat in a quiet place!"



meeting room.

"Huh, let's get down to business—"

Lin Qiong sat on the chair, then took a sip of the black tea brought by Vinsmoke Sola, and said, "To be honest, I thought you would see the old Gadge for the first time, Just cut the opponent into 18 yuan with one sword."

Sola, who had already retreated to the door and was about to leave: "..."

Is this a topic I can listen to? ?

She raised her head and glanced at Sister Zhengyi, and found that the other party gave her a comforting look.

"Aqiong, you have to remember one thing—"

Sister Zhengyi swallowed the cookie in her mouth, then said with a light smile, "For justice, the death penalty is not an end, but a warning."

Lin Qiong pondered thoughtfully for a few seconds, then nodded and said, "Indeed."

"It was the most correct choice he made to take the initiative to turn himself in and ask for a reduced sentence."

Sister Zhengyi picked up the black tea made by Sola, took a sip, smiled gently at Sola who hadn't left, and continued: "If I took the initiative to find him, then he will definitely die."

"Then he's lucky."

Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing, and said, "If I'm not wrong, your first target should be him, right?"

"Of course! Germa 66 is on my priority list—"

Sister Zhengyi raised her eyebrows and said, "If his movements are slow for a day, I will take the initiative to find him."

Sola at the door: "..."

She quietly put her head out to the door, glanced at her husband whose legs were limp from the fright outside, and couldn't help sticking out her tongue - her husband was still the same, a tough guy on the outside, but a coward in reality.

"It can only be said that he is a smart man who judges the situation."

Lin Qiong glanced in the direction of the door, then put down the teacup in his hand, and said, "I hope he will always be so smart and make the right choice."

Sister Zhengyi nodded reservedly and said, "Indeed."


An insignificant landing sound came from outside the door, making Sora couldn't help but look outside the door again.

What's making noise?

Oh, it turned out that my husband who looked mighty and domineering in front of outsiders was so frightened that his legs became weak again, and then he sat down on the ground and made the sound!

'Who in the family knows?My husband flaunts his power in front of outsiders, but he is as cowardly as a winter melon in front of the young master—"

Sola couldn't help sighing, and just as she was about to go out the door to help Gage up, Lin Qiong's voice came from the room: "Sola, let Gage come in."

Sora: "!"

She straightened her body in a jerk, then bowed slightly, and said, "I understand, young master! I'll tell you what he brought in..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she heard Gajna's voice like a Phoenix Saint Seiya coming from the door: "No need! I'm already here—"

Jiazhi's face was as dark as water, and he stood at the door like a tough guy. Then he walked toward Lin Qiong with his head held high and his legs swinging.

Sora: "..."

She silently covered her face, feeling that the image of her husband in her heart was gradually collapsing.

"What to do, I can't seem to look directly at Gage—"

Sola couldn't help sighing silently, thinking: "Gaji, you have to get up!" '



'I'm so pissed off! '

Standing in front of Lin Qiong, Vinsmoke Gage felt that his legs were about to soften into a puddle of mud.

There is an old saying that "those who do not know are fearless", but the current situation of Gage is just the opposite, "those who know are fearful" - as a former member of MADS and a top scientist who has cooperated with Vegapunk, Gage knows very well How terrible the world government really is.

However, the world government that was so terrifying that he could not resist was actually destroyed by the young man in front of him who seemed to have no threat.

This damn, he was so frightened that he fell limp on the bed and didn't harden up for three days, which made Sola wonder if he was going to die.

"Lin, Lin, Master Lin Qiong—"

Jia Zhi bent down stiffly, and said in a low voice, "I don't know, you're calling me down, what's your order?"

Lin Qiong: "..."


Lin Qiong rubbed his chin, and said something that made Jiazhi's heart skip a beat: "You kid put your posture so low, I'm embarrassed to find fault, really..."

bang bang dong!

Jia Zhi's eyes darkened, and then he said with a dry smile: "Lin, Master Lin Qiong! You, don't scare me, I'm timid."

Lin Qiong & Miss Justice & Sola: "Indeed."

Gage: "?"

He glanced at his wife in astonishment——no, it's fine if Master Lin Qiong and Lord Astria said so, why do you say that?

"Oh, I slipped my tongue."

Sola couldn't help covering her mouth playfully, then moved towards the door with an innocent face, and said, "Then what, I'll get you some more black tea and cookies! Hehe——"

At the end, Sora, who couldn't hold back his laughter, ran out with his head down, leaving Gaji with black lines all over his face.

#My fellow men, after working hard on some things, I feel that my status at home is plummeting, what should I do?Very urgent, waiting online#

Chapter 0754 Oh, here I come!


Lin Qiong glanced at Jiazhi who was in a daze, and couldn't help coughing lightly, calling out: "Mr. Jiazhi—"

Gaji came back to his senses, subconsciously said: "I am here."

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