Lin Qiong: "?"

Are you Xiao Ai's classmate?

He rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "With the sins on your body, you were going to be hung on a street lamp and sunburned to death."

Gage: "..."

"But because you are active in surrendering yourself, and your attitude of admitting your mistakes is sincere, so I and Zheng...cough, Astoria, are going to give you a chance."

Lin Qiong supported his cheekbones with his hands, and said with a light smile, "Let's put down our ambitions and become a member of the research and development department of Sky City."


Jiazhi was stunned for a moment, and then said without thinking: "Since this is the young master's order, then Jiazhi should obey it!"

"Hey, you boy—"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and asked, "Don't ask, what do I want you to develop when I ask you to join the R&D department?"

"What the young master says is what we want in our hearts!"

Jia Zhi looked at Lin Qiong firmly, and said in a vibrating voice: "As long as the young master needs it, it is what I desire!"

This is a lie.

He doesn't care what Lin Qiong's R&D department wants to develop, he only knows that there will be no firewood to keep the green hills - even if he wants to help Lin Qiong clone Mr. Bodo, Mr. Mikami and Mr. Yoshizawa after joining, it will be better It's better to be fucked by him, right?

"Okay! I rarely see such a time-conscious guy like you."

Lin Qiong clapped his hands with admiration, and ordered: "I will give you a day to arrange all the things that need to be sorted out and the family members who need to be taken away, is that okay?"

"Follow the young master's orders."

Jia Zhi knelt on the ground with one knee, lowered his head and replied, "Young master, I have something to report, I hope the young master will allow it!"

Gage: 'Look?What is high EQ?I have already called myself a subordinate, can other scientists do it? '

Lin Qiong: "?"

He glanced at Gaji who was kneeling in front of him, rubbing his chin with a weird look on his face, and thought: 'Is it my imagination?Why is there a very familiar feeling coming from this guy... Oh, it's Kazuma's temperament! '

To be precise, it was the despicable temperament that Sato Kazuma exuded when he was not a human being.

Lin Qiong couldn't help but wonder what the "one thing" in Jiazhi's mouth was, so he said, "Tell me, what is it."

"Master, in fact, this subordinate used to be a member of the scientific research team MADS."

Gage clasped his fists and said in a deep voice: "In the team, there are a few scientists whose talents are not inferior to mine. They are Vegapunk, Caesar Courant, and Quinn!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Good guy!He called it a good guy!

He finally understood why this guy exuded the aura of human shavings just now - this damn is planning to be a water ghost and drag everyone into the sea, right? ?

At this time, Vinsmoke Gage, who was kneeling on the ground, laughed wildly in his heart and said, "Jie jie jie!"Something happened to me, don't let any of you be alone!Be a nigger with me!Jie Jie Jie! '

"Gaji, do you think there is a possibility..."

Lin Qiong hesitated for a few seconds before deciding to tell the truth, "I mean, the Vegapunk you mentioned was already a member of the R&D department long before you joined?"

Gage: "Huh?"

His whole body stood frozen in place as if struck by lightning, as if he had seen his girlfriend's muscular yellow hair become aborted under her education a year ago.

Is this reasonable?This is unreasonable!

Lin Qiong glanced at the dazed Jia Zhi, and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Jiazhi shook his head with dull eyes and said blankly: "No."

Lin Qiong waved his right hand and said, "Then go back and pack your luggage first."


After Gage responded, he stood up from the ground like a puppet, and walked towards the door in a daze—that stumbling pace, numb expression, and lifeless eyes all frightened Sora who had just walked in. jumped.

'What, what's wrong with this? '

She hid against the wall, looked at Gaji's leaving figure with blank eyes, and thought: 'Why did Gaji show such an attitude? '

Suddenly, the special hobbies of rich people that she had heard about before flashed through her mind!She couldn't help raising her hand to cover her mouth, leaning against the wall with a face of despair, and then looked at Jiazhi's back with painful eyes, thinking: "Could it be that Master Lin Qiong is going to use genetic technology to make Jiazhi into a Girl, and let her serve the nobles of other countries?Jiaji, I didn't expect you to pay so much for this family...'


Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked at Sola who was crying silently like a heroine in a Korean drama, and couldn't help but asked Sister Zhengyi with a question mark on his face: "No, what's going on with her? Why did it start all of a sudden?"

"Is there a possibility, I don't know what she is thinking?"

Sister Zhengyi looked at Lin Qiong innocently, and said, "After all, I am the goddess of justice, not the goddess of gossip, nor the goddess of homely talk, nor the goddess of women's hearts."

"Do you still have so many messy gods in your God Realm?"

Lin Qiong stroked his chin with a strange face, and asked with a hint of curiosity: "I'm curious—really just curious—is there any [God of Inconvenience], [Not Long] in your God Realm?" God of Hemorrhoids] or [God of No Baldness]?"

Miss Justice: "?"

She looked at Lin Qiong in front of her with the eyes of a surprised creature, and couldn't help but said: "Before I answer your question, can you answer me first, how did you come up with such a weird god?"

"You guy, what are you talking about? It's not weird, is it?"

Lin Qiong looked at Sister Zhengyi and said confidently: "This is a very scary problem that troubles young people today, right?"

Miss Justice: "..."

She twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "Sorry! Because I am a god, I won't...cough cough, so the problems you just mentioned won't happen."

"Eh? Red bean paste?"

"Well, red beans."

"That's great—"

Lin Qiong looked at Sister Zhengyi with envy and said, "I am so envious! Is this the value of a god? I am so envious!"

Miss Justice: "?"

She pondered for a moment, thought for a moment, and said, "Based on what I know about you, you shouldn't have the above problems, right?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "Of course not."

"Then why are you envious of me?"

"It's mainly just me thinking. If I say that, you might be happier?"

This sentence directly silenced Sister Zhengyi.

She was silent for a long time before she said, "Then I thank you."

"Hey, what's the matter? You're welcome—"

Lin Qiong waved his hands with a smile, and said, "If you like it, I can say a few more words."

"I don't think it's necessary."

Sister Zhengyi twitched the corners of her mouth, and said dumbfoundedly: "Actually, most of the problems you mentioned just now are included in the priesthood of the 'God of Medicine'."


When Lin Qiong heard this, he couldn't help but show a bad smile and said: "I understand! From now on, I will call you the handsome director of the anorectal department!"

"Puff cough cough—"

Sister Zhengyi choked on her own saliva, and then looked at Lin Qiong dumbfounded, and said, "You bad thing, just play tricks! Be careful that Mihe finds an opportunity, so hard...huh?"

Sister Zhengyi was stunned for a moment, then pinched her chin and said with a confused look: "Wait a minute, why do I feel like I just said this not long ago?"


Lin Qiong poured the last bit of black tea into his mouth without changing his expression, then stood up and said, "I'll take my leave first! Come and take him away after Jiazhi has packed his luggage."

Sister Zhengyi raised her head and asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

Lin Qiong waved his hands without looking back, and said, "Take a walk around Beihai to see if there are any beautiful scenery, and you can bring Erina and the others on a date in the future."

Miss Justice: "?"

Damn it, why don't you feed my old lady a mouthful of dog food for no reason?

What a dog!I wish you fart will pass!



"Don't run!"

"Don't chase!"

"Dogs run!"

"Pigs chase!"

When Lin Qiong returned to the deck, he found that Da Bae Zi was still chasing Hui Ye.

He scratched his head, then secretly came to Alyse's side, and whispered, "Why are you still chasing? What's going on?"

"There's a complicated story here."

Alyse covered her face, and said: "To put it simply, after the chase is over, da...cough, Leon accidentally choked on his organ while drinking water, which drew Kaguya's ridicule again .”

Lin Qiong: "..."

He opened his mouth with a complicated expression, and then said with emotion from his heart: "Sure enough, there are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames."

Dabaa, are you too dabaa? ?


Alisee covered her face and coughed several times - but Lin Qiong could see her true inner emotions at this moment from the corners of her mouth that were rising crazily.

I can't hold back my smile and it belongs to yes.

"Then keep playing."

Lin Qiong waved his hand at Alysée, and then slowly said in the air, "I'll take a walk around the North Sea to see if there are any beautiful scenery, and I can bring Erina and the others on a date in the future."

Alice: "?"

You fucking, you still have to give me a big mouthful of dog food before you leave, right?

What dog thing?May you have no paper in your shit!



"To be honest, sometimes I think I'm a genius."

Lin Qiong stretched his upper body into the world-transmitting gate, connected to the WIFI at home with his mobile phone, and said, "Let me see, there are all characters born in Beihai..."

The Vinsmoke Family, Dr. Death Rowe, Springtrap Bellamy and...

Don Quixote Pirates.

"Oh? I saw that the newspaper king's initial range of activities was actually in Beihai?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then stroked his chin and said, "If you count the time, the current newspaper reading king is only 15 years old? Hiss—this is going to be interesting!"

Flamingo, you Lin Qiong master Tomaleila!

Chapter 0755 The King of Newspapers

Don Quixote Doflamingo.

One of the future King Shichibukai, the Superman line fruit ability user, in addition to mastering the armed color and knowledge color, but also possesses the ability that only one person among millions of people can have, known as the king The domineering look and arrogance of his qualifications.

He has many nicknames, such as Hai Gang, Tianyaksha or Joker, but the most popular nickname is "The Newspaper King".

The newspaper king read the newspaper for the first time: "The straw hat that I split [-]-[-] with me actually defeated Katakuri, and then retreated from the aunt's pursuit? False!"

The King of Newspapers read the newspaper for the second time: "The straw hat that was [-]-[-] with me actually defeated Kaido the Four Emperors? Then Luo, who was stepped on by me, defeated Big Mom? A false look!"

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