The newspaper king read the newspaper for the third time: "Crocodile and Mihawk, who are also Shichibukai with me, actually work together for the clown Bucky? It's fake!"

The newspaper king read the newspaper for the fourth time: "Redhead punched Kidd before, and Karp punched Aokiji after, and Luo even escaped from the hands of Blackbeard? A false look!"

Since then, the King of Newspapers has given up reading newspapers—he is afraid that when he picks up the newspapers again, he will see that the real identity of Straw Hat Luffy is actually the God of Super Saiyans, who can destroy the world with a wave of qigong at any time news.

Can't stand it, can't stand it at all.

However, the above stories all happened when he was 41 years old, and he is only now...

15 is old.



15-year-old Doflamingo is troubled, very troubled.

He was originally from a family of Dragonites, but his father—Don Quixote Huoming Gusheng—advocated that "Dragonians should be equal to other people", decided to give up the power of Dragonites, and left with his family. San Marie Gioia.

However, what happened next was contrary to his imagination.

After learning that their family had lost the supreme privilege of the Celestial Dragons, the neighbors not only showed no kindness, but vented the resentment they had received from the Celestial Dragons over the years on them.

Seeing the tragic experience of his family members, Huo Minggu, who felt remorse, wished to return to Marie Gioia, but his application was rejected.

In the end, Ancient Sage Huo Ming's wife contracted a disease due to the harsh environment and died when Doflamingo was eight years old.

'It's all father's fault——'

'He's a real douchebag—'

'I want to regain my identity as a Celestial Dragon, and then take revenge on these unruly people——'

Driven by anger, Doflamingo disregarded his younger brother's stop, shot and killed Huo Minggusheng, and then returned to Mary Gioia with his father's head, but was still rejected by the other party—the betrayer Not eligible to return to Mary Gioia!

Doflamingo, who was expelled from Marie Gioia, vowed that he would definitely turn the world dominated by the Tianlong people upside down—thus, he awakened the domineering look known as the "proof of the king".

Then, Torebol, Pica, Diamanti and Vergo, who were attracted by Ming Ge's domineering power, presented the Thread Fruit in the hope that Ming Ge could guide them as kings.

Determined to embark on a dark path, Ming Ge took Rosinandi back to Beihai and formed the future famous Don Quixote family, which began to emerge and become prominent.


say it one more time.

15-year-old Doflamingo is troubled, very troubled.

"What the hell!"

Doflamingo kicked over the chair in front of him and said in a broken voice: "My family, who knows? I was obviously just going to watch the execution of the Pirate King, why did I encounter such a thing?"

First, the inexplicable guy rescued the Pirate King, then the inexplicable guy defeated the navy, then the inexplicable guy overturned the World Government, and finally, the inexplicable guy announced that he would end the era of pirates...

Damn why?

"Damn, damn, damn—"

The impotent and furious Brother Ming kicked the chair in front of him again and again, as if he regarded this innocent chair as a substitute for that "unexplainable guy".

Looking at the furious "King", the cadres of the Don Quixote family looked at each other.

In the end, Torrepol, the oldest, said, "Dover, calm down."

"Calm down, how do you let me calm down?"

Brother Ming gave up the trouble of looking for that chair, and instead hammered the table in front of him, cursing and saying: "Because of that inexplicable guy, the Don Quixote family's industry has shrunk by at least 70.00%, seventy! !”

In order to develop his own power faster, Doflamingo chose the road of being involved in the underworld from the very beginning - such as arms trading, slave trading, and even devil fruit trading are all within the scope of his involvement.


Pop, it's all gone!

"Oh, that sounds awful—"

A frivolous voice sounded from the window: "Have you ever considered filing a bankruptcy application? I can decide to give you an uninhabited island and let you farm happily on it."

Everyone: "..."

After a brief silence, everyone in the room quickly turned around and looked at the man who suddenly appeared at the window with wary eyes!

Hum, let's see which arrogant thief actually dared to break into the meeting of the Don Quixote family...

Then they saw Lin Qiong's smile.

Oh, it's the master of Sky City, so that's okay.

"It's you……"

After Brother Ming saw Lin Qiong's appearance, the smile on his face suddenly became unbearable, "Why do you appear here?"

He doesn't understand, he really doesn't understand.

You don't look for Whitebeard, you don't look for Charlotte Lingling, you don't look for Kaido, you come to look for a little pirate like me?

How can I be so virtuous? ?

"I came here specifically to find you."

Lin Qiong turned over and jumped down from the window frame, then sat down very naturally on the "throne" that originally belonged to Doflamingo. He picked up a fork and cut off a piece of the cake that he had never tasted before and gave it to himself. In his mouth, he frowned and said: "The cream of this cake is too sweet, I don't like it very much."

Doflamingo: "..."

No, whoever sends it doesn't care if you like it or not?This fucking is Lao Tzu's cake, Lao Tzu's!

"The cake wasn't to your taste, I'm really sorry—"

Although his heart was full of surging emotions, he forced out an ugly smile on the outside and said: "The next time Mr. Lin Qiong comes here, I will definitely prepare a cake suitable for your taste."

"You have a heart."

Lin Qiong casually stuck the fork on the cake, then leaned back on the chair and said with a smile: "Donquixote Doflamingo, do you know why I came to you?"

Doflamingo: 'How the hell do I know?I don't want you to come at all, go farther away. '

Doflamingo: "Forgive me for being dull, for not being able to figure out Lord Lin Qiong's thoughts."

"Oh, actually you should know in your heart."

Lin Qiong supported his chin, looked at Doflamingo in front of him with a smile, and said, "After all, didn't you just talk about this matter?"

Everyone in the Don Quixote family: "..."

What were they talking about just now?Of course, it is about the fact that due to Lin Qiong's intervention, the property of the Don Quixote family has shrunk by more than 70.00%.

"Hiss, whoo—"

Dover took a deep breath, then looked at Lin Qiong with a deep look on his face and said, "Lord Lin Qiong, I didn't know you..."

"Dover, you've let me down."

Lin Qiong interrupted Dover, looked at him with regretful eyes, and said: "On the first day when my people arrived in Beihai, Vinsmoke Gaji took the initiative to surrender and became the leader of the Sky City. A member! And not only did you let me come to see you in person, you didn't even want to call me 'Master'."

Dover: "..."

I used to be a Celestial Dragon, now I am the young master of the Don Quixote family, and in the future I will be a mafia giant who controls the dark side of the world!And you?What is your identity? Do you want me to call you Master?

Oh, you are Lin Qiong, that’s okay.

"I'm extremely sorry, please forgive me for being rude -"

Dover suppressed his anger and bent down, whispering: "I just feel that I am not qualified to call you Master yet."

"It's okay, I'm a good talker."

Lin Qiong waved his right hand with a smile and said: "Even those Tianlong people who were executed by Lingchi are allowed to call me 'Young Master'."

Dover: "..."

He couldn't figure out for a moment whether Lin Qiong was joking or hinting at something - after all, he had the blood of Tianlong people flowing through him.

"I understand."

A mask-like smile appeared on Dover's face again, and he said, "Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient, Master Lin Qiong."

"I just love talking to smart people like you."

Lin Qiong chuckled, then turned over the upside-down teacup on the table, and said, "Because smart people usually know what they should and shouldn't do."

"The young master is right."

Dover twitched the corner of his mouth, then took the initiative to pick up the teapot on the side, and poured black tea into Lin Qiong's cup, "I'm such a person who knows what I should do and what I shouldn't do."

"Is it really?"

Lin Qiong took a sip of black tea, then looked at Dover with a half-smile, and said: "Why do I think you feel that the Don Quixote family had to abandon 70.00% of the black industry because of my appearance?" What about genuine anger?”

'This person is deliberately disgusting me...'

Dover twitched his eyes, then tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, forced out a smile and explained: "Master! You have misunderstood me - how could I be angry because I gave up the black industry prohibited by the master's order? Then Doesn’t it mean that I am dissatisfied with the young master’s instructions?”


Lin Qiong put down the tea cup, glanced at Dover with a smile, and said, "So, you are not dissatisfied with my instructions, right?"

"The young master is right."

In order to prevent Lin Qiong from seeing the unwillingness in his eyes, Dover bent down and said in a sincere tone, "I have no dissatisfaction with the young master's decision!"

Chapter 0756 Are you teaching me to do things?

"Hahaha, that's why I said, I like smart people like you."

Lin Qiong laughed. He took a sip of the black tea in the cup, then turned the cup upside down on the table, squinted his eyes and said, "Even if you were lying to me just now, I like your attitude."

'This guy really has been playing tricks on me! '

Dover lowered his eyelids and said, "Master, you are joking again..."

"No, I'm not joking!"

Lin Qiong waved his hands, then put his feet on the chair, tilted his head and looked at Doflamingo in front of him, and said, "I know you better than you think—you are a person full of Ambitious, a man who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals."

Dover: "..."

He moved his lips, and then said, "Master Lin Qiong..."


Lin Qiong interrupted Dover, "Call me Master."

Dover: "..."

There is one thing to say, he is speechless more times today than in the past 15 years combined.

"Master Lin Qiong! Master!"

He gritted his teeth and shouted out the word "young master" and asked: "So, what are you going to do with me and the Don Quixote family?"

"To be honest, I was originally prepared to let you disappear from this world once and for all."

Lin Qiong tapped the back of his hand, then glanced at the cadres who subconsciously tensed their muscles because of his words, and said with a smile: "Everyone, relax - if I really plan to do something to you. , do you think you have the ability to resist?"

Everyone: "..."

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, the cadres of the Don Quixote family suddenly fell silent.

Is there something wrong with what the other party said?

no problem!

The other party is a fierce man who single-handedly overturned the navy and conquered the entire world. If you tie this group of crooked melons together and double their number... no, ten times, it is not enough for the other party to fight with one hand.

"We know the strength of Master Lin Qiong very well."

Dover grabbed his knees with both hands, then leaned his upper body forward, and whispered: "So, the Don Quixote family will obey all the arrangements of the young master."

This is a lie.

If Lin Qiong is really planning to do something, Dover will definitely lead the family to try every means to resist Lin Qiong's orders - he is not a man who just surrenders and waits for death.

"Don't worry, since I've made it clear, then naturally I won't do anything to you."

Lin Qiong propped his chin, and said with an innocent face: "After all, Sister Zhengyi said that the death penalty is only a means, not an end."

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