Hearing what Lin Qiong said, the cadres present couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief—they felt like the cement pump that was holding the chrysanthemum was removed.

"If that's the case, then it's all the better."

Dover also showed a relaxed expression. He pushed up the glasses on his face and said with a smile: "Then, what is the purpose of Master Lin Qiong, who is not planning to attack the Don Quixote family, to find us specially?" Woolen cloth?"

"Well, you can understand it as..."

Lin Qiong tapped the table with his right index finger and said with a smile: "I hope to reach a consensus with you and your Don Quixote family."

Dover: "?"

Reach a consensus?

Reach a consensus!


He laughed a few times, and said with a hint of yin and yang: "Master, you are joking! With your strength, you can just tell us if you have anything to do. Why do you need to achieve something..."


Dover's strange mood was interrupted by something Lin Qiong threw on the table.

—It was a bunny ear headband.

Dover: "?"

He looked at the hairband on the table and asked doubtfully: "Master Lin Qiong, may I ask what this is..."

"I have a double standard - I can blame others, but others are not allowed to blame me."

Lin Qiong leaned on the back of the chair, raised his legs gracefully, and said, "So this is my punishment for your yin and yang just now - put it on."

Dover: "???"

He looked at the pink rabbit ear headband on the table with a stiff face, and the question marks on his head almost drowned the ocean of the nautical world.

Wang Defa?Do you want to see what you are talking about! ?I am a two-meter-tall hunk, you let me wear this...


An uncontrollable laugh came from behind Dover, causing a vein to pop out on his forehead.

"who is it!"

Dover turned his head and looked at the family officials behind him with a ferocious expression, "Who laughed just now!"

Shaking his head neatly *10086.

Be reasonable!

Even if it's an idiot like Luffy, he won't admit that he laughed just now at this time, right?

Oh no, for Luffy, maybe it is really possible...

"Okay, okay! Don't be angry."

Lin Qiong comforted Dover with a smile on his face, and said, "It's better to put on the headband first."

"That's not it……"

Dover pursed his lips and said with an ugly face: "No matter how you say this..."

"Steammo, don't you hold a weapon?"

Lin Qiong tilted his head, then showed a gentle smile towards Dover, and said, "I can give you a chance to disobey me, as long as..."

"No, I wear it!"

Dover gritted his teeth, picked up the pink rabbit ear headband on the table with a ferocious face, and slowly put it on his head, and asked with a flamingo face: "Master Lin Qiong, are you satisfied now?" ?"

"Very good, I am very satisfied."

Lin Qiong nodded with satisfaction, then glanced behind him with a wicked smile and said, "It seems that it's not just me who is satisfied with your current image."

Dover: "???"

He turned around abruptly, looked at the cadres behind him with suspicious and questioning eyes, and asked gloomily, "What do you think of my current attire?"

"Opinion? What is an opinion—"

Torrebol looked at the hangings on the wall with erratic eyes, and said, "Dover, I don't know what you are talking about."

"Me, I too -"

Pica, who is obviously a strong man but has a cute voice, looked at the chandelier on the ceiling with a guilty face, and said, "I have been admiring this chandelier just now, it is so beautiful!"

Dover: "..."

Do you think I'm stupid? .jpg?

"Tsk tsk! The mafia tycoon in Beihai (formerly), shouldn't be so angry that he would blame his subordinates?"

Lin Qiong looked at Dover with a teasing look on his face, and said angrily: "You will definitely not do such a shameless thing, right?"

'This guy, this guy! ! '

Doflamingo almost gritted his teeth, 'Aren't you too narrow-minded? '

Didn't I just annoy you just now?Are you taking revenge on me like this?Are you too narrow-minded?

Lin Qiong: "?"

He stared at Dover in front of him with eyes as sharp as an eagle's eyes, and asked, "Did you scold me in your mind just now?"

Dover: "?"

'Fuck, is this some kind of sixth sense? '

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a dry smile: "The young master is joking again! How dare I laugh at the young master from the bottom of my heart?"

"Red bean puree?"

"Red beans!"

"Red bean puree red bean?"

"Red bean da red bean."

After the routine inquiry was over, Lin Qiong nodded with satisfaction and said, "Very good, then... um... where did we just talk about?"

Dover squeezed out a smile and said, "You said just now that you hope to reach a consensus with the Don Quixote family."

"Oh yes, consensus!"

Lin Qiong patted his head, then asked with a smile: "I hope that the Don Quixote family can work with the Vinsmoke family to assist the Sky City in maintaining peace in the North Sea."

"Master Lin Qiong, are you kidding me?"

Dover showed a self-deprecating smile. He leaned back in his chair and pointed at himself, saying: "Don't you know what kind of bad person I am? You actually asked me to help you maintain peace? Haha——"

This is too funny, right?

What is the difference between this and Wang ○ being the anti-smoking ambassador?

"Is it possible that I'm just going to give you this task because I know how bad you are?"

Lin Qiong chuckled, looked into Dover's eyes under his sunglasses and said, "After all, the Don Quixote family, who have been in the dark world, know better how to deal with the moths hidden in the darkness, right?"

Dover: "..."

After a few seconds of silence, he covered his forehead and let out a low laugh: "Hehe, hehehe, hehehahahaha——"

Lin Qiong had a smile on his face and calmly stared at Dover who seemed to be going crazy in front of him.

One second, five seconds, seven seconds...

Under Lin Qiong's emotionless gaze, Dover's laughter gradually subsided.

"So, you want me to use my experience in developing the dark forces over the years..."

Dover summarized what Lin Qiong meant and sneered: "Go and clean up other dark forces in this world?"

"That's pretty much what it means."

Lin Qiong took out two cans of Coconut Tree brand coconut juice from his pocket, then pushed one of the cans in front of Dover, and said, "I think you will agree—after all, what you are carrying now is no longer yours. Human life, isn't it?"

Dover: "..."

He glanced at the cans on the table, and then turned to look at the family cadres behind him.


Torrebol gritted his teeth, then took a step forward, and said in a deep voice: "Dover! You are born to be the king of darkness, so you can't be influenced by your emotions..."


Dover, who was full of veins, interrupted Torrepol. He stared at the other party with an ugly face, and asked word by word: "Torrepol, are you teaching me how to do things?"

Torrebol: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, then chuckled and said, "Dover, you can't scare me! You are the king of darkness, and you shouldn't be held back by people like us, so..."

"Shut up! I'm your king, why do I need you to dictate what decisions I make?"

Dover glared at Torebol with a fierce expression, then turned to look at Lin Qiong, and said word for word: "My Don Quixote family has taken over this task!"

Chapter 0757 I am not sister Li

"Congratulations, you made the right choice—"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands with a smile on his face and said, "So I said a long time ago that I like smart people like you."

"Ha, then I really appreciate the young master's appreciation."

Dover sighed softly, then leaned back in his chair with a sense of loss, and laughed at himself: "I never thought that I, Don Quixote Doflamingo, would one day become an envoy of justice."

"Hahahaha, isn't this pretty good?"

Lin Qiong smiled and pulled the tab of the coconut juice. After taking a sip, he joked: "Or are you more inclined to become a dark hero?"

"Hero? Haha, puff hahaha, hero? Me? Hero?"

Dover laughed so hard that he hammered the table with his hand several times, and then said: "It's the first time I've heard someone call me 'hero'."

"Maybe not now, but who can say what will happen in the future?"

Lin Qiong took another sip of coconut juice, then supported his chin, looked at Dover with a smile, and said: "After ten or twenty years, the people of Beihai will only remember that a man named Don Quixote Doveran Brother Ming's man, leading his Don Quixote family, swept away the gangster forces in the entire Beihai, and gave the people of Beihai a bright future!"

Dover: "..."

He raised his hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Master, do you believe these words yourself?"

"Why don't you believe it?"

"You said you know me better than I thought, but do you know what happened when I was a child?"

"Are you referring to your father's matter?"

"Now that you know that, you should understand that I am a born bad, an unruly, cruel, and ruthless villain, a man who will do anything to achieve his goals, be insane, have no bottom line, and have no conscience." villains!"

"Of course I understand."

"Then why do you still want to do this? Could it be that you are still going to be a saint, save bad people like me, and lead me to be good?"

"Hey! See what you're talking about—am I one of those?"

"Then what are you doing?"

"Do you have to ask so clearly?"

Seeing Dover's aura of asking the question, Lin Qiong scratched his head helplessly and said: "Okay, okay! In fact, the answer is simple - mainly, do you think it's better to let a born bad guy Isn’t it particularly interesting to become a messenger of justice under one’s own oppression?”

Dover: "???"

There were tons of question marks in his head.

'No, no, no, no...'

He covered the lower half of his face and looked at Lin Qiong with disbelief. His heart was filled with turbulent dark emotions, 'This person is a fucking newborn, right? '


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