
Chambord Islands.

"Yo, are you up?"

Lin Qiong landed on the deck of the Neo Alice, waved to the four people sitting at the round table with a smile on his face, and said, "Have you had breakfast?"

"just ate."

The eldest lady put down the teacup in her hand, then looked at Lin Qiong with a smile, and asked, "Where did you go wandering so early in the morning?"

"Oh, I went to the East China Sea to see Master, and went to Beihai to see Miss Zhengyi—"

Smiling, Lin Qiong sat beside the eldest lady, put his arms around her waist, rubbed up and down a few times, and said, "Then I went to bully Doflamingo again."

Miss & Aunt & Secretary & Yoyo: "Huh?"

"No, Master—"

The secretary swallowed the beef biscuits in his mouth, and said with a surprised face: "Brother Doflaming, is that the Doflaming brother I know?"

Lin Qiong wiped off the green onion from the corner of the secretary's mouth with his hand, and said with a smile, "If you're talking about the flamingo-level spiritual guy who is capable of string fruit."

"Wait! You mean, Leah didn't execute Doflamingo's justice?"

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong in surprise, and asked, "I thought the first thing she did when she arrived in Beihai was to clean up."

"Haha, what a coincidence, I think so too."

Lin Qiong smiled and rubbed the young lady's baby-like cheeks with the tip of her nose, and said, "In the end, not only did she not attack Doflamingo, but she also included Germa 66."

Miss & Aunt & Secretary & Yoyo: "Huh??"

"Brother Qiong, you are talking about Germa 66..."

Youyou put down the red oil siomai in her hand and asked with a confused look: "Is it the Germa 66 from the Vinsmoke family?"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers and said, "If you're talking about that genetically engineered family, Germa 66 with a twirl at the end of his eyebrows, then yes."

"Good guy..."

Alice stepped back tactically and exclaimed: "What on earth is Astoria thinking? Neither Germa 66 nor Doflamingo were dealt with."

Lin Qiong picked up the chopsticks on the table, took a siu mai from Yoyo's plate and put it into his mouth, chewing while explaining: "Sister Zhengyi said this - the death penalty is not the purpose, but a warning. "

"Not the purpose, but a warning..."

The eldest lady pondered for a moment, and said with emotion: "Is this the vision of the goddess of justice? No wonder she acquiesced to Leon's revenge in the original book."

In the original book, because of the trap of the Rudra family, all the members of the Astria family except Lyu Leon died at the hands of Jagnat—in the trend of anger, despair, hatred, etc. Under the circumstances, Leon decided to launch an indiscriminate revenge on all the members of the dark faction. Facing the path she chose, the goddess Astria did not stop her, but left Olalie silently.

"So she is the goddess of justice——"

Lin Qiong waved his hand, then said with a look of gloating: "Oh, by the way! There is one more thing about Li Ang."

The eldest lady asked strangely: "Lion? What's wrong with her?"

"Ahem, it's like this."

Lin Qiong coughed a few times, and then suppressed a smile and recounted what happened on the deck, "...It turned out that she choked on drinking water while she was resting, and she died laughing."

"Pfft! It's okay to drink water and choke yourself—"

The aunt couldn't help laughing and lay down on the table, shrugging her slender shoulders, "Aqiong, I think there is nothing wrong with the nickname you gave her!"

Da Baa, you are real Da Baa!

"Hahahaha, I think so too——"

Lin Qiong smiled like Jugula in Yan Yizhong, "The impression of Leon in my mind is really getting better and better now."

"However, it's hard to blame."

The eldest lady on the side covered her face, and said dumbfoundedly: "When Li Ang first appeared on the stage, Li Ang gave people the impression that she was a completely chic, crisp and cold beauty, but why..."

Why, the only impression she left on us now is Daba Fairy?

"Probably, this is the so-called appearance fraud."

Lin Qiong let go of the eldest lady's waist, then leaned back on the chair and sighed: "She's like a village girl with purple braids. She has the face of a married woman, but she can't even make an omelette."

"Master, are you kidding me?"

The secretary opened his mouth wide in surprise, and said with difficulty: "How can someone not even know how to fry eggs? Isn't that a basic dish that children can master after cooking a few times?"

Fried eggs...

What technical content can fried eggs have?Brush some oil on the bottom of the pot, then break the eggs in and wait until it's cooked - at most, sprinkle some salt or tomato paste according to your taste.

"Hahaha, this is not something I can explain clearly——"

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, and said delicately: "In any case, there are quite a few people in other worlds who have attributes like 'hard cooking' or 'murderous cooking'."

"Wait, wait, wait—"

The sister-in-law raised her hand and interrupted Lin Qiong's narration. She said with a surprised look on her face: "I can still understand the attribute of being a good cook, but what the hell is murderous cooking?"

"Well, how can I say..."

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "It's roughly the kind of chef who has his own unique understanding of cooking?"

"I think, I can probably imagine what kind of picture it is."

The eldest lady raised her hand and pinched the bridge of her nose, and said, "Is it the kind—the chocolate is delicious, the cake is delicious, the cheese is delicious, and the puffs are delicious, so I'm going to put them all in the hot pot—— type?"

"Good guy! Would anyone really add all these messy things to the hot pot?"

The sister-in-law leaned back tactically, put her head in her hands, and said with a look of disbelief: "To be honest, I can't even imagine what it will taste like when all these things are added to the hot pot..."

The secretary at the side hesitated for a few seconds, then said weakly: "For example, if it's cheese fondue, well, it's not impossible..."

"No, it's a very ordinary butter hot pot."

Lin Qiong broke the secretary's fantasy with a blank face, and said, "The spicy one."

Secretary: "..."

She immediately put on a mask of pain, and said with an unacceptable expression: "How can someone add chocolate, cake and cheese to the bottom of the spicy pot!? I can't accept it, I can't accept it—"

How would you describe the secretary's feeling at this moment?

It’s as unacceptable as if you found someone reading the book of Superman Orion x Okami Sakura—what kind of story do these two characters have to go through to get together?

"This kind of behavior is a complete blasphemy of cooking—"

The eldest lady clenched her fists and gritted her teeth and said: "If I encounter such a random guy, I will let them eat everything they have made by themselves!"

"Oh oh oh-"

Lin Qiong and the secretary immediately clapped their hands.

Lin Qiong: "As expected of Erina, so handsome!"

Secretary: "As expected of Miss Erina, you are so domineering!"

Auntie: "?"

She thought about it, and immediately clapped her hands.

"As expected of Erina, what a stinky fart!"

The eldest lady: "?"

Looking at the slightly proud sister-in-law, she couldn't help clenching her fists.

Chapter 0758 where there may be estrangement?

"I am a kind person, so I am willing to give you a chance to reorganize the language."

The eldest lady grabbed her sister-in-law's cheek with her hands kindly, and said softly, "Alice, what did you say about me just now?"

"I'm talking—"

The eldest sister-in-law looked at the eldest lady with a look of sorrow and anger, as if she was beaten into submission: "Erina, you are so handsome!"

Lin Qiong interjected, "That won't work, I've used it before."

Auntie: "?"

She looked at Lin Qiong with the same eyes that Tohsaka Tokiomi had when Kotomine Kirei stabbed him in the waist, and said in disbelief, "Ah Qiong, how could you do this!? You are betraying!"

"Oh, well, I was wrong."

With an innocent face, Lin Qiong gestured to zip up his mouth, and said, "I won't talk anymore."

"But there's something to be said—"

The eldest lady blinked her eyes and said, "Handsome is indeed used by A Qiong, so you have to change the word."

"Uh, this, that..."

The sister-in-law was stunned for a moment, and suddenly she couldn't care less about continuing to condemn Lin Qiong's betrayal, and instead began to think about what words to use to praise the eldest lady, "Well, domineering! Yes, Erina is really domineering!"

The secretary raised his hand and said weakly: "Well, Miss Alice, I just said domineering."

Auntie: "?"

She widened her eyes, revealing Kotomine Kirei's expression when she saw Tohsaka Tokiomi and Emiya Kiritsugu dating, and said in pain: "Hisako, are you even going to betray me!!"

"Sorry, I was wrong!"

Without hesitation, the secretary made a zip movement on his mouth, and said innocently: "I won't talk."

Auntie: "??"

Wait, is it my illusion?Why does this scene seem familiar to me?Was it just now...

She looked at Lin Qiong at the side, and what she saw was those eyes that were blinking innocently but revealing gloating.

"Honorie Archon!"

The aunt immediately wanted to rush towards Lin Qiong, but her movement was stopped by the quick-eyed young lady, "Erina, don't stop me, let me fight him for [-] rounds, and we'll have a showdown!"

"I think even if you don't have a showdown, the male and female are obvious."

The eldest lady rejected the elder sister-in-law's application for the battle indifferently, and continued: "Besides, before the big battle, you should organize the language first."

Organize your language×

Find a way to praise me√


The sister-in-law suddenly let out a mournful cry, and then limp in the arms of the eldest lady, and said weakly: "Erina, I seem to have been hit by an attack from the void just now, and now I have two souls and six souls. Hanging with one breath..."

"Is it that serious?"

The eldest lady looked at the elder sister-in-law with concern, and urged: "Then you hurry up and organize your words, and then you can rest in peace."

Sister-in-law: "/doubt"

Missy: "/smile"

After looking at each other for a while, the sister-in-law closed her eyes in pain as if she opened her wallet and found that there was no money in it.

"Don't play dead."

The eldest lady said without mercy, "Hurry up and organize your language, otherwise you won't be able to enjoy the juice."

"Juice? Where's the juice?"

The aunt raised her head, looked left and right with bright eyes, and said, "Is it rainbow juice? Or..."

"No playing dumb."

The eldest lady interrupted the aunt's chanting mercilessly, and said, "I only give you 3 minutes, if you exceed the time limit, you will be at your own risk."

Auntie: "..."

She swallowed, and said weakly: "Can you tell me first, what are the consequences?"

"I will let you enjoy Aqiong for three days."

The eldest lady straightened her sister-in-law's collar with a gentle face, and said, "How is it? Are you very happy?"

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