Sister-in-law: Σ( ° △ °|||)

I Nima...

At this moment, her brain began to function at an unprecedented speed, and the light called wisdom shone in her eyes.

'snort!Why have I been bothered by such a simple topic for so long? '

The aunt shook her hair confidently, and said, "As expected of Erina, that's amazing!"

How simple?How simple!How could this kind of problem stump me, Ai Nakiri...


The eldest lady blinked her eyes, and said, "Ah Qiong and Fei Shazi both use 'what gas' to describe me, so you should use this word too."

Auntie: "?"

She looked at the eldest lady with question marks all over her head, and said, "Erina, don't go too far, you know?"

"You're right."

The eldest lady showed a hesitant expression and said, "So you still have one minute and 40 seconds."

Auntie: "??"

I Nima...

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

Burn, my fighting spirit!

Stir up, my soul!

Shine on, my spirit!

At this moment, my sister-in-law was not fighting alone - she quickly opened her eyes, then took out her mobile phone from her pocket, opened the dictionary app, and searched.

Miss: "..."

Also, there is this kind of operation! ?

She looked at Lin Qiong, the secretary and Youyou, and asked blankly: "Is Alice a little smarter?"

Lin Qiong: "Indeed."

Secretary: "Indeed."

Yoyo: "The truth."

"Please! I'm a genius girl who is proficient in molecular gastronomy?"

The auntie looked dissatisfied at the people next to her when she heard the words, and said, "How can you think I'm an idiot because of my usual behavior of playing tricks?"

"That's right! I almost forgot that Alice still has this setting—"

Lin Qiong hammered his palm, looked at his sister-in-law with dissatisfaction, and said, "It's all because Alice usually plays too much tricks, which made me forget!"

Auntie: "?"

She raised her right hand and pointed at her nose, asking: "So, you mean, you forgot that I am a genius girl and the responsibility lies with me?"

"if not?"

Lin Qiong's eyes widened, he looked at his sister-in-law confidently, and said, "Why do I never forget that Feng Wang is an idiot? Isn't it because her usual actions emphasize this setting?"

King Feng: "?"

The fat bird, who was happily eating melons and watching a show, couldn't sit still - No, how could this bitch be accidentally injured by a stray bullet?

She flew down from Lin Qiong's head, pressed against Lin Qiong's head angrily, and said, "Aqiong, I..."

"You're hungry, aren't you?"

Lin Qiong reached out to catch Feng Wang, put her on the table, then took out a square scarf and wrapped it around her neck, and said, "What snack do you want? Snow cake? Egg yolk pie? Lots of fun? Chocolate? Or whole beans?"

"Eh?, you wait..."

Feng Wang was stunned for a moment, then squatted on the table with a distressed expression and began to think, mumbling in his mouth: "Right? What to eat? Well, I want to eat salty ones, and I want to eat sweet ones, or both What? It's so hard to decide..."

Auntie: "..."

After seeing with her own eyes how Lin Qiong used Feng Wang's single-core CPU to make her limp, she couldn't help covering her face, and mourned in her heart: "Feng Wang sauce, you have to stand up, Feng Wang sauce!" ! '

"Okay, it's time!"

Just as the sister-in-law covered her face and sighed, the voice of the eldest lady with a hint of a smile awakened her reason: "Alice, are you ready to accept the punishment... the reward?"

Auntie: "?"

She was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the eldest lady blankly.

"What are you looking at me for?"

The eldest lady tilted her head, and reminded with a caring face: "Have you forgotten? I only gave you 3 minutes?"

"No! No no no—"

The sister-in-law pointed at Lin Qiong and Feng Wang and said, "Is the time they wasted just now also included in it?"

"Why not?"

The eldest lady asked back with a puzzled look: "Their performance just now didn't delay your thinking, right?"

Well, it seems to make a little sense?


The aunt hurriedly raised her right hand and said, "Wait a minute! Actually, I already have the answer - 3 minutes is time for thinking, right? Now it should be time for answering questions!"

"In that case—"

The eldest lady raised her right hand with a smile and said, "Please start your performance!"

'Wash Martha!My attention was all on A Qiong and Feng Wang just now, and I didn't pay attention to the content in the dictionary at all...'

A drop of cold sweat slowly slipped down the forehead of the sister-in-law, but when she saw the young lady who had already started to move her wrist, she knew that she probably had no second chance.

Move, my "genius の brain" teeth!

The next moment, accompanied by the accompaniment of "ButYouDidn'tHaveToCutMeOff", the stars of the universe, the birth of planets, the origin of all things, and the cheese snow leopard flashed through the mind of my sister-in-law, and finally everything turned into a sentence.

"As expected of Erina—"

The aunt's face showed a smile of letting go of everything. She gracefully took a sip of the black tea on the table, then wiped her wet lips with a tissue, and said, "You're so stingy!"

Die! Die!Open swingヽ(?Д?)ノ



"I always feel that your sisters are developing towards the trend of happy enemies and rivals—"

Lin Qiong looked at his sister-in-law who was squatting in the corner with her head covered, drawing circles and cursing the eldest lady. He couldn't help but twitching his lips and said, "This is too weird! I remember you weren't like this before, right?"

"Aqiong, the way people get along with each other will change with the change in the degree of intimacy."

The eldest lady leaned on the deck chair, enjoying the sunbathing by the sea, and said: "The most typical example is that couples who have just dated will pay special attention to their image in front of the other half, but after getting along for a long time..."

"Oh haha, I missed what you meant."

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers, and then joked: "That is to say, the relationship between you and Alice is already so close that there is no such strange barrier, right?"

"if not?"

The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong strangely, and couldn't help asking: "Do you think there might still be a gap between the two of us who have experienced that kind of thing together?"

gap?Hasn't that thing been pierced by you a long time ago?

Chapter 0759 really forget it

"Ahem, what you said—"

Lin Qiong, who understood the eldest lady's subtext, couldn't help but show a reserved yet elegant smile and said, "It sounds so embarrassing!"

"Are you still embarrassed?"

The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong in surprise, and pretended to be surprised and said, "A Qiong, I'm impressed with you!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He squinted his eyes, looked at the eldest lady and said, "Is it too early to impress you now? Not only will I impress you tonight, I will also make you beat the bed and beg for mercy!"

The eldest lady: "!"

At this moment, the feeling that had been carved into the depths of her brain night after night surged out along with the memory, making her subconsciously curl up her round toes.

'Stupid, what are you getting excited about...'

Sensing the change in her body, the eldest lady couldn't help biting her lips angrily, then glared at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "Idiot!"

Lin Qiong: "???"

He looked at the secretary beside him with question marks all over his head, and asked, "No! What's wrong with me?"


Like the eldest lady, the secretary who couldn't help rubbing her legs couldn't help but glared at Lin Qiong after seeing Lin Qiong's bewildered expression, and said in a low voice, "Master is an idiot!"

"Huh? Huh?"

Lin Qiong looked at the three-episode Mami puzzledly at the two people who were full of autumn water and peach blossoms, and couldn't help looking at Youyou and asked, "So what did I say wrong again?"


She raised her hands to cover her face and wailed, "Yuyou, you don't know desu! Brother Qiong, don't ask me such questions!"

Yoyo is a pure girl who has been single for as long as her age, right?Although, in recent years, due to certain reasons, he has actively or passively praised the corner, but this kind of question is really not something that Yoyo can answer!

Lin Qiong: "..."

He scratched his head, spread his hands speechlessly, and said, "What should I do? Do you think I'm simple and honest, so I'm bullying here..."

"Mouth, Mouth--"

Intense and contrived vomiting sounded on the table.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked at Feng Wang who was lying on the table, vomiting hoarsely, and a big question mark appeared on his head.


Lin Qiong pinched Feng Wang's neck and lifted her from the table, then showed a kind smile, and asked with concern: "Did you eat your stomach badly? So you feel a little uncomfortable?"

"Well, that's not—"

Feng Wang shook his head "weakly", and said with a painful expression: "I just heard a disgusting speech - I really can't imagine, how could someone be so ignorant?"


Hearing Feng Wang's words, Lin Qiong couldn't help but sneered, and said coldly: "Feng! You have made such a rebellious speech, you should know what to do, right?"


Feng Wang glanced at Lin Qiong proudly, then curled up obediently into a "Feng Wang Ball" and said unyieldingly: "Even if I am dead and nailed in a coffin, I will..."

"I want your mother to leave!"

Lin Qiong stood up and threw the Phoenix King Ball in his hand without hesitation: "Let's go!"

"Gee oh oh oh—"

Feng Wang, who turned into a red flame magic ball, left a series of mournful cries in the air, but she still completely left her last words: "It's such a disgusting feeling, but I will come back——!"

"Ah yes yes yes—"

With a smile on his face, Lin Qiong waved the square scarf in his hand in the direction where King Feng left, and said with a smile, "I lost my way along the way, and I fell down halfway through my journey!"

The best thing is to be hit directly by a cyclone attack from a cyclone attack by an unnamed Legendary Pokémon with a super/flying attribute, a white/blue body, and an unnamed character that lives in the ocean area while flying!

"Ahem, the relationship between Aqiong and Phoenix King is still as good as ever."

The eldest lady who regained her composure glanced at Lin Qiong in front of her, and jokingly said with a chuckle, "Have you ever considered asking Sir Arceus to turn King Feng into a girl, and then..."

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