"Hey! It's free."

Lin Qiong immediately showed a disgusted expression, he hastily waved his right hand, and said: "There is only one blue Akuya in this world, and it would be a big deal if there is one more red Phoenix King." Wonderful."

What if the two meet at that time, triggering a red and blue intelligence storm that affects the entire multiverse, turning all creatures in the multiverse into creatures who open their mouths to Abba and shut their mouths to Maca...

That's really bad.

"Ahem, I think Lord Ho-oh may not have reached the level of Lord Aqua..."

The secretary at the side whispered for Feng Wang, "Sometimes, Lord Feng Wang is very smart!"

"Fei Shazi, when you added the word 'ba', you already lost trust in King Feng."

Lin Qiong patted the secretary on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Admit it, Feng Wang and Akuya are half-assed idiots!"

Secretary: "..."

She clasped her hands together and bowed in the direction where King Feng was thrown, and whispered, "Master Feng Wang, Guoba Nasai!"

"Okay! Everyone has rested, right?"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands, then looked at the eldest lady, the secretary and Yoyo, and said with a smile: "Then can we continue to experience the customs of the Chambord Islands?"

"I think it's okay—"

The eldest lady stood up with a smile, raised her right hand gracefully, and said, "So, what projects are you going to take me to experience today? My husband."

"Please look forward to it, my lady."

After Lin Qiong got what the eldest lady wanted, she held her hand gracefully, and said with a light smile, "Today's journey will definitely satisfy you."

Secretary: "Look at—"

She looked at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, who looked like medieval nobles, and couldn't help but make a sound of envy: "Young Master, I want it too, I want it too!"

"No problem~"

Lin Qiong let go of the eldest lady's hand with a smile, then walked in front of the secretary, put his left hand behind his back and bent down, stretched out his right hand, and looked at her with haloed golden eyes. , said softly: "This beautiful lady, may I have the honor to invite you to visit the beautiful scenery of the Chambord Islands?"

"Whoa, whoa whoa—"

Looking at Lin Qiong who was like a gentleman in front of her, the secretary screamed like a little girl, she put her hand in Lin Qiong's palm excitedly, and said excitedly: "Young master, so you know these etiquettes well. ?"

"It's just a perfect reproduction of the words and actions of some nobles."

The golden halo in Lin Qiong's eyes gradually faded and turned back to a deep black, "With my ability to control my body, even JOJO can be reproduced perfectly, okay?"

Auntie: "..."

Young master, why did your graceful posture last for three seconds?Can't we last a little longer?

"Qionni-chan, why do you usually use that image?"

Youyou tugged on Lin Qiong's sleeves and asked curiously: "Looks like a noble, elegant and handsome..."

"Because that's exhausting!"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said confidently: "I don't want to speak in such a tone! Don't you like me treating you with that attitude?"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, the eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo couldn't help imagining Lin Qiong's usual image of a nobleman.

...Missy's fantasy...

"Good day, my Venus."

Lin Qiong sat elegantly at the table, looked at the eldest lady walking out of the bedroom, smiled slightly, and said softly: "Under your beauty, even the blooming flowers will be eclipsed! I really hope that time can stay at this moment forever. , let me always admire your appearance..."

...the secretary's fantasy...

"Heh, are you avoiding me?"

Lin Qiong pressed his right hand against the wall, looked down at the secretary who was leaning against the wall condescendingly, with a domineering and cool smile on the corner of his mouth, and said arrogantly, elegantly and domineeringly: "It's useless! As long as I What I want, I will never let it escape from my palm."

...Yuyo's fantasy...

"How about that, my sweet little princess."

Lin Qiong rode on a white horse, looked down at Yoyo who was sitting in his arms, and said with a light smile, "I found this garden when I was traveling last time, and I wrote down the location specially, so that I can find it today." I will bring you to appreciate this beauty—I will give you the best things in the world."

...the end of the fantasy...

The eldest lady blushed slightly and said: "Well, well, it seems to be quite, quite good, isn't it?"

The secretary also blushed slightly and nodded: "Indeed, that's true."

Youyou nodded her head awkwardly: "I, I feel the same way."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He leaned against the fence with a speechless expression and said angrily: "I want to remind you that when you fantasize, don't just fantasize about one scene, but fantasize about all aspects of daily life."

Miss & Secretary & Yoyo: "?"

A few seconds later, the three of them shook their heads with indifferent expressions and said in unison: "I think the current A Qiong/Master/Brother Qiong is very good!"

"Look! Not only am I tired, but you are tired too—"

Lin Qiong shrugged innocently and said, "Let's go, it's time for us to set off."

"Here! Me! Wait! Wait!"

At this time, with a yell, the aunt with an angry face rushed over from the side, then looked at the crowd with teary eyes, and said, "You have been ignoring me since just now! It's too much!"

"Obviously you are the one who wants to hide in the corner, so what does it matter to us?"

"If you don't spank me, how can I hide?"

"If you don't scold me for being stingy, why would I spank your ass?"

"You are stingy! Just be stingy, be stingy!"

"Don't run!"

"Don't chase!"

"If you don't run, I won't chase!"

"You won't run if you don't chase me!"

"You stop first!"

"No, you stop first!"

Under Lin Qiong's dumbfounding gaze, the eldest lady and the eldest sister-in-law started a chase on the deck.

Chapter 0760 you are not allowed to laugh

"One thing to say, why do I feel that this picture seems familiar?"

Lin Qiong looked at the scene in front of his eyes, rubbed the bridge of his nose dumbfounded, and said, "If my memory is correct, I also saw such a scene this morning."

Kaguya & Dabaezi: "Are you calling us?"

"Master, aren't you going to stop Miss Erina and Miss Alice?"

The secretary poked Lin Qiong's waist lightly, and said in a low voice, "I feel that if they continue to fight, they will be gone in half an hour."

"You're right."

Lin Qiong nodded, then walked forward and grabbed the eldest lady, and said, "Okay, okay! Do you still want to go to Shampoo Islands?"

"I definitely want to!"

After molesting the eldest lady, the aunt who regained her spirit smiled and hugged Lin Qiong's arm, fearing that the world would not be chaotic and said: "But I don't know if Erina thinks about it or not—she took the initiative to persecute me just now! "

The eldest lady: "?"

The corner of her mouth twitched, and then she sneered and said, "Did someone heal his butt and forget the pain? Want to be spanked by me again?"


The aunt hurriedly helped her butt with her left hand, then looked at the eldest lady warily, and said to Lin Qiong, "Ah Qiong, don't you care? Someone is bullying your girlfriend!"

"Unfortunately, I'm also his girlfriend—"

The eldest lady sneered and said, "And you are the one who provoked me every time, right? You can be blamed for being counter-killed... Ouch!"

"Haha, were you beaten?"

When the sister-in-law saw Lin Qiong knocking the eldest lady on the head with her finger, she immediately gloated and said, "You deserve it, you are the one who bullied me... Ouch!"

"You too!"

Lin Qiong withdrew his right hand, and said angrily, "Although it's a good thing that your relationship has become closer, the frequency of bickering is too high now, right?"


The auntie covered her head pitifully, then buried her face in Lin Qiong's arms, and said, "It's not all because of Erina!"

The eldest lady: "?"

Are you still throwing the pot?

She directly rolled up her sleeves and said through gritted teeth: "Alice, I must..." today.

"Who made her treat me so badly before?"

The aunt rubbed her face in Lin Qiong's arms, and then said in a muffled voice: "So now that the relationship has finally improved, I'm a little too excited—"

"...I want to cook you a big meal."

The eldest lady quietly put down her sleeves, coughed dryly and said, "Think about it carefully, you have worked hard these days! Let me reward you well."

Lin Qiong: "Happy."

The eldest lady glared: "No music!"

My sister-in-law said angrily, "Just have fun!"


The two met eyes again.

"I knock - I knock again -"

Lin Qiong knocked on the heads of the two of them again with a black face, and said, "If you do this again, I will issue the final order!"

"Final order?"

The two sisters tilted their heads at the same time, and cast doubtful eyes at Lin Qiong, "What is that?"

"From now on, every time you bicker, I will add an indicator."

Lin Qiong raised his finger and said with a smile: "Every night, I will clear the indicators for the day, and according to the number of indicators, I will increase the intensity of loving you that night."

Although watching the two sisters bicker is quite a joy, but because the sister-in-law has been too excited recently, Lin Qiong decided to cool down the two.

Eldest lady & sister-in-law: Σ( ° △ °|||)

The two looked at each other, and then shivered involuntarily.

"Ahem, Ah Qiong, don't worry."

The eldest lady hastily clenched her right hand and coughed dryly, and then emphasized solemnly: "I won't be as acquainted with Alice again."

"This is my line!"

The sister-in-law glared at the young lady, and then quickly expressed her opinion: "I will not pay attention to the provocations of the idiot Erina from now on!"

"You were the one who provoked me from the beginning, right?"

"Huh? What nonsense is that idiot Erina talking about? It's you!"

"Ha! I don't know who I learned this ability to confuse right and wrong from!"

"Slightly slightly slightly, it's you, it's you, it's you!"

Lin Qiong calmly watched the sisters who started bickering again, silently took out a counter, clicked it, and said, "Okay, add one to the indicator."

The eldest lady & sister-in-law: "..."

The two paused slightly, then looked at each other,

"A temporary truce?"

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