"It should have been this way!"

So, the sisters finally reached a consensus.



"Master, you are really amazing!"

Walking on the streets of the Chambord Islands, the secretary looked at Lin Qiong with a look of admiration, and said, "Unexpectedly, Miss Erina and Miss Alice were restored to their original appearance in just a few words!"

"Actually, even if I don't do anything, when Alice's excitement passes, it will naturally subside."

Lin Qiong smiled and waved his right hand and said, "After all, Erina won't take the initiative to provoke Alice, right?"

"It seems that this is indeed the case."

After thinking about the two people's record of bickering, the secretary said delicately: "Almost every time Miss Alice took the initiative to provoke."

"Now that they have calmed down, let's not continue to dwell on this matter."

Lin Qiong took the secretary's hand, smiled and ran towards the eldest lady and sister-in-law, and said, "Elbow! Enjoy today's date happily!"

The secretary followed Lin Qiong, showed a happy smile, and said, "Okay, Master!"

Yoyo who was left behind by the four: "..."

She felt aggrieved and poked the ground under her feet with the bottom of her staff, muttering: "Brother Qiong is an idiot! He has a wife and forgets his sister! What a fool!"

Damn it, what's the matter with this "only Yoyo can't do it" atmosphere?

Gu, Kulusi!

While speeding up her pace, Yoyo let out a lovely mournful sound from the bottom of her heart.



"Should I say 'it is indeed the most famous resort in the first half of the great route'?"

Lin Qiong stood at the entrance of No.40 island, looked at the commercial street in front of him, touched his chin delicately, and said, "I can understand clothing stores and specialty stores, but what's wrong with this fishing tackle store? Do the Chambords fish?"

"It seems that there are."

The aunt tugged at Lin Qiong's clothes, pointed at the fisherman who was ostentatiously carrying a big fish not far away, and said, "And it seems that he has his own circle."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He looked in the direction of his aunt's finger——

"Yo! Boss Lake, how do you know that I caught the fish with just one shot?"

"Haha, Miss Aquina, it's morning! Yes, three meters, haha!"

"Mr. Peak, have you eaten? Oh, this fish is just average!"

Hearing this familiar sound of showing off, he couldn't help but suck his teeth, and then muttered: "Grandma, why do I have a sense of déjà vu as if I saw the uncle in the neighborhood?"

In the community where Lin Qiong lived before, there was a senior fisherman who could get up at 04:30 and drive to fish. As long as he caught a big fish, he would get lost in the community for at least three hours with a proud face.

That look, that pace, those lines...

The two are almost carved out of the same mold.

"Fishing enthusiasts always look like this when they catch big fish."

The aunt curled her lips and said with a speechless expression: "My father and grandpa are like this too—I wish I could visit all the old friends' houses with fish!"


Lin Qiong couldn't help coughing a few times, and said in a dumbfounded voice: "Good guy! Does the old man still have such a side? I can't tell."

"In grandpa's words..."

The sister-in-law cleared her throat, then imitated Senzaemon's voice and said in a deep voice: "There is no fisherman in this world who catches big fish without showing off!"

"Good! This lady—"

Accompanied by a loud shout, the fisherman holding a big fish in the commercial street ran over excitedly, and said excitedly: "You are right! You are right! You are wonderful!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Good guy, the old man's words successfully resonated with the fisherman, right? ?

"My dear friend, please calm down."

Lin Qiong tried to appease the fisherman who was holding a big fish in his hand and showing off to his sister-in-law with joy, and said: "This sentence was said by the elders in her family. She herself is not good at it. Take a bite."

"Huh? Isn't it?"

The fisherman was stunned for a moment, and first showed a disappointed expression of "take off his girlfriend's panties and found that she has no dick", but then he said enthusiastically to Lin Qiong and the others: "But it's okay, everyone won't play now ——Learn about sea fishing?”

Lin Qiong: "?"

He has a sense of déjà vu when he was stopped by a young lady at the gate of the community when he went home, and then said to him, "Learn about swimming and fitness?"

"No, no, I'm really not interested in this."

The sister-in-law shook her head without hesitation and said bluntly: "I really can't understand this kind of stupid thing of sitting by the river with a pole and nothing in the end. What fun is there in a sport where you can only go to the market in despair to buy a fish and lie about catching it yourself?”

Fisherman: "???"

He was furious, he was furious, he was furious, he was furious.

"You, you, you, you, you, how do you talk about you!"

He looked at his sister-in-law incoherently, and said angrily: "Who said that we fishermen will go to the vegetable market to buy fish in the end? This is slander, it is a big drop of slander!"

Then there were incoherent words such as "We fishermen never fly!", "It's not rewarding to catch other things", which filled the street with a joyous atmosphere.

Fisherman: "Don't laugh, you don't laugh ヽ(?Д?)ノ!"

Then everyone laughed even more happily.

Chapter 0761 I'm an Honest Man

"Then what..."

The aunt looked at the back of the fisherman leaving, and said a little bit unbearably: "Did I hurt his young heart?"

"I don't think so."

Lin Qiong shook his head, he put his chin in a serious manner, and said seriously: "A fisherman in the Air Force often has a very strong heart!"

Sister-in-law: "Indeed!"

"Okay, let's not waste any more time."

Lin Qiong turned his eyes back to the shops on both sides of the commercial street, and said with great interest: "Shall we experience the regular shops first, or the unconventional shops?"

For example, the weapon shop over there——Lin Qiong could clearly see the weapons placed on the counter through the window of the shop—of course, the most mainstream weapons are indeed all kinds of swords .

"Regular store..."

The eldest lady looked at the jewelry store and clothing store on the street, then shook her head in disappointment, and said, "Forget it! Maybe it is to cater to customers from all over the world, so the design style of these stores is too stable. .”

too robust×

Not featured√

"I feel bored too."

The aunt put her hands on her chest and said with a little distaste, "I might as well go back to Alabasta to buy clothes here."


Lin Qiong recalled the dancer suit worn by the young lady and sister-in-law, couldn't help but smacked his lips, and said, "Indeed!"


Moist and great!

"You guys, are you thinking about something unpleasant?"

Seeing Lin Qiong's reminiscing expression, the aunt couldn't help poking his waist with her hand, teasing with a smirk on her face, "Why don't Erina and I change into that dancer costume again tonight?"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He felt the memory engraved deep in his DNA move.

So he said, "I think so!"

Seeing this, the auntie approached Lin Qiong's ear with a smile on her face, lowered her voice, and said softly, "Aqiong, H!"

"Oh hoo!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help shivering, then gave a thumbs up, showing a bald and strong expression and said: "Yes! I'm.Lsp!"


The auntie covered her mouth pretending to be surprised, "exclaimed" and said, "I actually admitted that I am an LSP!"

"Hmph! This is exactly the courage to admit that you are an Lsp, ヽ(?Д?)ノ!"

Lin Qiong transformed into a tough guy in the style of Fist of the North Star, then pointed to his chest with his right hand, and said in a deep voice: "This courage is the courage that can activate the badge of courage!"

Auntie: "?"

She couldn't help but complain: "Aqiong, I think the Lust Emblem may be more suitable for you than the Courage Emblem!"

"Lust emblem? Lilith beast?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and touched his chin, then shook his head and said, "I think it's better to raise a Dilu beast and a Heidilu beast."

Auntie: "??"

Her eyes widened and she said in disbelief: "Between Lilithmon and a cat, you actually chose the cat?"

"Tsk tsk, I think you don't understand at all!"

Lin Qiong looked at his sister-in-law with disdain, and said with confidence: "Heidilu beast can evolve into demon girl and Lilith beast, and Dilu beast can evolve into Tiannv beast, Venus beast and Sanzang beast. And the Demon Beast and the Celestial Beast can jointly evolve into a Mosti Beast—with so many tricks, isn’t it more fragrant than a single Lilith Beast?”

"Hey! Hiss!"

The sister-in-law couldn't help taking a few breaths, then clasped her fists at Lin Qiong, and said with admiration: "As expected of you, Aqiong, you are better at playing!"

Lin Qiong smiled slightly and said slightly, "Thank you for the compliment!"

Miss: "..."

She supported her forehead, and said helplessly, "Do you two have to stand on the side of the road and discuss about Digimon for a long time? Are you still shopping?"

"Ah Lie~"

The auntie covered her small mouth with her right hand, and said with a surprised face: "Could it be, Erina, you are jealous? No way? No way no way?"

The eldest lady: "?"

She glanced at her sister-in-law, then pondered for a few seconds, and said to Lin Qiong, "Ah Qiong, I have a suggestion."

Lin Qiong: "Huh? Tell me."

"I think your indicator should be calculated separately."

The eldest lady smiled slightly, and said calmly amidst the terribly changed expression of her sister-in-law: "For example, just now Alice took the initiative to provoke me, but I ignored her, you should add a 'nightlife indicator' to her alone. "

Lin Qiong stroked his chin: "Hiss, it makes sense..."

"No, no, no! Wait, wait!"

The sister-in-law hurriedly stopped Lin Qiong from thinking, and said with a non-compassionate look: "Aqiong, don't listen to Erina's nonsense, she is deliberately retaliating against me!"

"Oh? What did I take revenge on you for?"

The eldest lady showed a playful expression, then lowered her head with a smile on her face, polished her fingernails with a nail file, and said absently: "Revenge for provoking me? But isn't this what you asked for?"


The aunt uttered a cry of grief, then looked at Lin Qiong pitifully, and cried, "A Qiong! Erina bullied me!"

"If you don't mess with her, won't everything be fine?"

Lin Qiong shook his head, and said helplessly: "Okay, okay! Don't pretend, this time is not an example!"

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