"Yeah! I knew Aqiong was the best!"

The eldest sister-in-law hugged Lin Qiong's arm with a happy face, then made a face at the eldest lady and said: "Humph, Aqiong is a hundred times, a thousand times better than the idiot Erina!"

The eldest lady: "?"

She thought for a while, and then said thoughtfully: "Does that mean that as long as my kindness to you is zero, then Aqiong, who is a thousand times better than me, will also be zero kindness to you?"

Auntie: "??"

Also, can it still be calculated like this?

"Oh, you two sisters just calm down for a while."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but held the hands of the two of them, and then pulled them towards the weapons store on the street, "Let's take a walk, let me show you the weapons stores here - I don't know what they are selling. weapons!"

Will it trigger the unique adventure of the hero of the novel, encountering a supreme sharp knife that is full of rust on the surface, but as long as the destined person holds it, it will reveal its true appearance?

I've already thought of a name, so I'll call it Death Blade Tetanus!

Behind him, the sisters glanced at each other, then stuck out their tongues at each other in unison.

The sister-in-law mouthed: 'Idiot Erina! '

The eldest lady countered with her mouth: 'Stupid Alice! '




When Lin Qiong walked into the shop, the boss who was sitting behind the counter wiping the blade with satin immediately put down the samurai sword in his hand, stood up enthusiastically, and said, "My guest, I don't know what you need to see. What kind of weapon?"

"Boss, do you have any 'ruthless goods' in your store?"

Lin Qiong deliberately acted like a "layman pretending to be an expert" and said to the boss with an inscrutable look: "Don't fool me with some inferior products, I have a very vicious eye!"


To be honest, when he heard Lin Qiong's words, he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

'Where is this young boy who is pretending to be a fool in front of me? '

A trace of sarcasm and disdain flashed in the eyes of the boss: "Still 'ruthless'?"Also 'sinister'?I don't know where I heard about some furs, so I came to show off? '

If this boss lived in the 21st century, he probably couldn't help but complain: "Isn't there really someone who regards the 'experience' seen on Zhihu as a bible?"

Although he was full of disdain for Lin Qiong in his heart, the boss showed a simple, honest and hospitable appearance on the surface: "Haha, then the guest came to the right place! I'm not bragging, the weapon workshop of my old Jack's house is in the The whole of Chambords, that's all this—"

The boss gave a thumbs up to Lin Qiong's pen, and then said with a proud face: "My weapons shop has been established for almost 100 years, and has sold as many as [-] or even [-] weapons. So far, not even one I haven’t received any negative reviews!”

This is a lie.

His weapons shop has only been established for two and a half years, and has sold less than a hundred weapons - as for zero negative reviews?Hey, you have to come back alive, right?

"real or fake?"

Lin Qiong subconsciously showed a suspicious expression, and emphasized with some guilt: "Don't fool me, I am an expert, and I have a very vicious eye, right?"

'Do you want to laugh me to death and then inherit my weapons workshop? '

Old Jack twisted his thigh hard, letting the severe pain suppress the smile in his heart, and then he could continue to say in a normal voice: "Guest, I, Old Jack, am a well-known honest man from all over the country, how could I lie to you? What? Besides, you said you are an expert, so if I cheated you with inferior products, wouldn’t you have noticed it at a glance? "

"That, that, of course!"

Lin Qiong stuttered and nodded. He quietly glanced at the eldest lady and sister-in-law behind him, gritted his teeth and said: "Then why don't you quickly take out the 'ruthless guy' and let me take care of it? "

'After doing it for a long time, it turned out that it was a little white flower who couldn't help but pull the woman he liked to show off after hearing a few words from nowhere? '

After Old Jack discovered Lin Qiong's little trick, he couldn't help curling the corners of his mouth in his heart, thinking: "Then let the honest and honest Old Jack teach you a lesson!" '

Young man, the water here is very deep, you can't grasp it, you know?

Although there was malice in his heart, Old Jack showed a warm smile on the surface, and said cheerfully: "Okay! Guest, please wait a moment, Old Jack will go and take out the treasure from the bottom of the box!"

After speaking, he got into the room behind the counter without looking back.

"You said, if I take away all the weapons in the store now..."

Lin Qiong rubbed his chin, and said with a strange face: "Then what kind of expression will he show when he comes out and sees the empty shop?"

Will it shout where is the trust of people and people?

Chapter 0762 made a fortune!

The eldest lady & sister-in-law & secretary & Yoyo: Σ( ° △ °|||)

They have always responded positively to Lin Qiong's brain circuit.

"I find it interesting—"

The sister-in-law approached Lin Qiong with bright eyes, and said, "Do it now? Let's help together..."


Unfortunately, before she could finish her words, the boss with a golden sword in his arms had already walked out of the room and greeted him enthusiastically: "Guest! Old Jack has packed all the treasures at the bottom of the box. Take it out, come and see...that, guest? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Old Jack shrank his neck, and looked at the silver-haired beautiful girl in front of him in some puzzlement—no, why did this person look at him with gnashed teeth?Act like you ruined her good deed.


Seeing the fun disappearing, the sister-in-law could only look away with dissatisfaction, and said with a groan: "Aqiong, go and see the boss! Take out the treasure! Baby!"


Is she dissatisfied with me?Why do I have the feeling that I accidentally opened the door and interrupted the in-depth communication between the hero and heroine?

Is it an illusion?It’s an illusion!

"Okay, I'll go take a look."

Lin Qiong helplessly touched his sister-in-law's head, then led everyone towards the counter, and said enthusiastically: "Come on, let me see what the treasure in the boss's mouth is?"

"Come, come, let me introduce you—Golden Holy Sword, the eternally shining sword of victory!"

The boss proudly held up this extremely gorgeous two-handed sword, and said, "How about it? This is a supreme sword inlaid with 38 and [-] exquisite gemstones, made by the master himself - take a look at this The heart of the ocean on the gauntlet, and the pink lover on the handle, these are artifacts that Tianlong people don’t even sell!!”

Lin Qiong: "..."

He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth and thought: 'Boss, the flaws in your sentence are almost astonishing, you know? '

Let’s not discuss why Qiqi is 38 and why the weapon is inlaid with gems. Just the name of this weapon gives me the feeling of dreaming back ten years... no, 20 years ago.

"This is indeed an artifact that the Tianlong people don't sell, because you don't dare to take it out to fool them..."

While Lin Qiong was complaining in his heart, he deliberately showed an expression of joy and couldn't put it down, stroking this garbage weapon that was useless except to deceive people, and said: "Really, is it really so powerful?"

"Would honest old Jack lie to you?"

The boss took the weapon back from Lin Qiong's hand with an unhappy look on his face, and then said angrily: "I am willing to show you the family heirloom sword just because you are an expert. I didn't expect you to still doubt me." What kind of person is Jack? I won’t sell it anymore, no matter what!”

"Hey, hey, no, no!"

Lin Qiong grabbed Old Jack's wrist pretending to be panicked, and said with a tangled and reluctant face, "I, my sister suspects you too! I just...cough cough, I just asked..."

'Laugh to death, pure novice, you deserve to be slaughtered——'

Old Jack was full of laughter in his heart, but on the surface he showed a look of lingering anger and said: "Ask? You are doubting Old Jack's character - if you don't believe me, go out and ask, my Old Jack's house When the weapons are sold, do people come back and complain about the poor quality?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Good guy, he called it good guy!Others have to come back with their lives, right?

"Oh, I was wrong, boss, don't be angry!"

Lin Qiong pretended to be flustered and apologized, then nervously looked at the weapon in the boss's hand, as if he was afraid that he would take it back, "They are all experts, give it a chance, okay?"

"You are..."

The boss pretended to hesitate for a few seconds, then let go of his hand halfway, and said, "Okay, okay! Then I'll give you another chance!"

"Okay, thank you boss!"

Lin Qiong took the big sword again, and then leaned in front of the eldest lady and sister-in-law behind him, and said something to them with joy - the boss listened to a few words with his ears upright, and vaguely heard a few words, "I'm amazing!" Right?", "...expert!", "...awesome!" and other lines, I couldn't help laughing out loud in my heart.

'Okay, okay!I will definitely slaughter this little fat sheep today! '

There was an extremely evil smile on the corner of the boss's mouth, and he looked at Lin Qiong who was talking with greedy eyes, thinking about how to squeeze out the other party's oil and water to the maximum, "I don't know how much money this little guy has in his bag— —If you can extract 800 million yuan, wouldn’t you be rich? '

While the boss was thinking, Lin Qiong, who had "finished showing off" with his companion, returned to the counter with a red face, and asked impatiently: "Boss, I don't know how much I will pay you, so you are willing to part with this golden holy sword." ?”

'The cost of this sword is no more than [-] beli. I'm willing to sell it for [-], but how could I let go of the opportunity to slaughter a fat sheep? '

Old Jack's mind was racing, and on the surface he snatched the holy sword from Lin Qiong's hand with an angry look on his face, and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? This is my family heirloom, a priceless treasure, how can you sell it to him?" other people?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

'If I said in disappointment at this time, 'Since it's a family heirloom, it's not worth disturbing', and then turned around and left, what would the boss's expression be like? '

Lin Qiong was thinking maliciously, but on the surface he grabbed the boss's wrist in a hurry and begged, "Boss, listen to me..."

"You let go, I won't listen!"

"Listen to me!"

"You let me go!"

"I won't let go!"

After a while of Qiong Yao's tugging that made the girls feel ashamed, the boss finally stopped his actions, then looked at Lin Qiong impatiently, and said, "All right! Let me see how you plan to persuade me! "


Lin Qiong exhaled slightly, then looked at the boss in front of him seriously, and said, "Boss, do you want your family heirlooms to be left in the warehouse like this and covered in dust forever, so that they will remain unknown forever?"

Hearing this sentence, the boss's pupils dilated slightly, and then he supported the counter in front of him in a trance, and muttered: "Put it in the warehouse... dusty?"

'I'm super!It's a pity that I can't be forced to be an actor!As far as the details of his dilated pupils are concerned, it's not a problem to nominate a Hollywood actor, okay? '

Lin Qiong complained about the boss's behavior as a film king in his heart, but on the surface he showed a hopeful expression, and chased after the victory: "That's right! Boss, such a legendary magic weapon should be used again and again. Write legends in the battle, and become famous in the sea!"

CNM, the teeth are burning up!

"This this……"

The boss showed a very shaken expression. He repeated the words "unknown" and "famous" back and forth in his mouth, acting like an old father in front of the delivery room.

"Boss! Can't you hear it? It's crying——"

Lin Qiong held the boss's hands with eagerness on his face, looked at the inferior sword in his hand with tender eyes, and choked up: "It wants to fight, it wants to be wielded, it wants to Be famous all over the world!!"

"you you……"

After hesitating for a few seconds, the boss gritted his teeth, then let go of his hand with an "oops", and said out of breath: "You are right! I can't let it continue to be dusty in the warehouse! Young man , it will be handed over to you—you must take him to conquer the world and become famous all over the world!"


Lin Qiong let out a passionate shout unique to a sportsman boy. He patted his chest vigorously and said with his head held high, "Mr. Jack, just leave it to me!"

"Hahaha! Good! It seems that the golden holy sword passed down in my family has now met its destined owner——"

Old Jack raised his head and laughed three times, and then said boldly: "Since this is the case, I, the former owner, can't be let down—[-]% discount, I only charge [-]% of the original price of this weapon, how about it? This is a discount that doesn't even count as the cost price? If it weren't for the fact that it chose you, I would never have sold it at this price!"

"[-]% off!? Boss, is this really okay? You will lose money!?"

Lin Qiong showed an unusually moved expression. While wiping the corners of his eyes, he loudly refused: "No! I can never let a warm-hearted and good person like the boss lose money! I will pay in full!"


"Although my original plan was to raise the price first, then discount it and then sell it to you at the original price, but your straightforward character..."

Old Jack twitched the corner of his mouth, and then sneered in his heart: "Isn't this a pig that deserves to be slaughtered?"He's going to be slaughtered anyway, so why not let old Jack make a fortune! '

Thinking of this, Old Jack raised his right hand and said word by word: "Original price? Do you know that the original price of this golden holy sword is five..."

Before the word "thousand" of 5000 million Bailey could be said, Old Jack's words were interrupted by Lin Qiong.

"[-] Berries!? As expected of the legendary holy sword, it's so expensive——"

Lin Qiong showed a shocked expression at first, but then he patted his chest with a sigh of relief, and said to himself: "But it's okay! With the pocket money I have saved over the years, I should barely Strong enough."

Old Jack: "?"


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