He opened his mouth, hesitated for a long time, and finally managed to say: "Just, it's fine!"

The secretary laughed dryly, "Ahaha..."

"Forget it, as long as they are happy."

Lin Qiong shook his head helplessly, then walked out the door against Feng Dynasty, and said, "Then I'll go out for a walk first."

"Okay, let's go, master."

The secretary waved to the young master, then remembered something and asked quickly: "Master, will you come back for dinner tonight?"

"Come back and eat."

"Is there anything you want to eat?"

"Well, fish-flavored pork shreds, then mapo tofu, and lastly, tamales, the kind with sweet potatoes."

"Okay! Where's Lord Feng Wang?"

"The whole piece of skin duck, and a Coca-Cola chicken wing!"

"Okay! It's all recorded! You two have fun!"

"Okay, bye!"



After leaving the laboratory, Feng Wang couldn't wait to ask: "So, what are you going to take me to do? The vile behavior of teasing my appetite will be kicked by a million horses continuously."

"Good guy, you fat bird is really vicious."

Lin Qiong smacked his lips, then stretched out his right hand to summon the world-traversing gate, and said: "Wait a minute, I will speed clear a dungeon, and then I will take you to do trouble."

Feng Wang: "Huh?"

Speed, what the hell is Speed ​​Pass?

After Lin Qiong opened the world-traveling door, he put his head in and looked around. After confirming that there was no one around, he put his right hand into the world-traveling door and waved his fingers gently.

"That's it, is it over?"

King Feng watched Lin Qiong close the world-transmitting door in a daze, and couldn't help but said, "No, what did you do?"

"Oh, have you watched Demon Slayer: Blade? Do you still remember Wu Mi's setting? He said that he was considered a stillborn child when he was born, and he tried his best to cry to keep himself alive."

Lin Qiong flicked his right hand, and said with a smile: "So I just gave him a hand to make his death easier."

Phoenix King: "..."

At that time, she came up with a tactical back and said in shock: "I Chao, is this the speedrun you are talking about?"

Lin Qiong tilted his head: "Am I wrong? Just say whether it's fast or not, will it work?"

Feng Wang was silent for a few seconds, and said: "Yes, this is indeed very fast, and it does work, but..."

"Isn't that enough?"

Lin Qiong summoned the Realm Crossing Gate again, and then said with an indifferent expression: "Okay! Don't waste time on that piece of cake, let's quickly set off to a new world of fun."

"No, tell me anyway, where is the new world?"

"You'll know when you go!"

"You fucking..."

The indignant voice of King Feng disappeared into the Realm Crossing Gate.



New world.

Quanjing Mountain, Bayan Har Mountains, Qinghai Province, Heaven.

"Okay, here we are!"

Standing on the cliff, Lin Qiong looked at the mountain village shrouded in white mist with his hands on his hips, and said with a grin, "The place to get the super troublesome props!"

"Aqiong, I'm telling you very seriously."

Feng Wang squatted on Lin Qiong's head, covered a tuft of Lin Qiong's hair with his bird's beak, and said in an extremely super explosive manner: "If you whet my appetite again, you bastard, I will make you lose a tuft of hair!" hair!"

"Oh! Oh! Calm down, calm down."

Lin Qiong raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, then pointed helplessly at the mountain village under his feet, and said, "Feng'er, we've actually arrived at our destination, and I'm about to reveal the secret to you."

Feng Wang was unmoved: "You speak now."

"Alright alright."

Lin Qiong helplessly shrugged his shoulders. He moved lightly, jumped down from the cliff, and said softly: "The world we are in now is called the Cursed Spring World."

"It's an unlucky name."

Feng Wang twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Could you be planning to catch some ghost or water ghost and scare others?"

"You misunderstood, this world is not the kind of evil spirit world you imagined."

Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing when he heard Feng Wang's guess, and explained: "The reason why it is called the Curse Spring World is because there is a place called 'Curse Spring Township' in this world—there is a large There are springs that are more than a hundred eyes small in size, and in these springs, a creature once drowned in them, causing..."

"No, no, wait, wait!"

King Feng felt something was wrong when he heard it halfway, and he quickly stopped and said, "Isn't this the beginning of a ghost story? Most likely, there is a kind of ghost in every spring, right?"

"It is said that you have misunderstood!"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes angrily, and complained, "Can you listen to people? Interrupt later and throw you into the spring."

Phoenix King: "..."

Although I don't know what the consequences of being thrown into the spring will be, but since this kind of punishment is deliberately emphasized by Lin Qiong, it will definitely not be a good thing.

So, from the heart!

"Then I just don't interrupt—"

Feng Wang watched his nose, his nose, and his heart, and his main focus was a well-behaved and docile, "You continue, you continue!"

"After those creatures drowned in the spring, they turned that spring into a fountain of curse."

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "If the latecomer stumbles and falls into it, he will be cursed to look like a drowned person."

Phoenix King: "??"

"Wait wait! If I understand correctly, you mean..."

Her little brain was running for a few seconds, and then she stammered: "If a chicken falls into the spring where the dog drowns, will it turn into a dog?"

"Ouch! You understand? Yes, yes, I'm glad—"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then tapped King Feng's head with his finger, and said, "You understand correctly! If a chicken falls into the 'Dog Drowning Spring', it will turn into a dog."

"Permanent transformation?"

"That's not true! It transforms when it encounters cold water, and dissolves when it encounters hot water."

"I see--"

Feng Wang nodded thoughtfully at first, and then showed a malicious smile: "Jie Jie Jie! I seem to know your purpose for coming to this world!"

"Jie jie jie! As expected of me, 'TamashiのSneaking Big Chicken'!"

Lin Qiong also showed a smirk that could scare the timid to tears, and said, "Jie Jie Jie! I declare that from this moment on, I will become their nightmare!"

Feng Wang: "Chirp ha ha ha!"

Lin Qiong: "Thief hahaha!"

Ranma & Xuanma hiding in the bushes: "..."

The father and son couldn't help but look at each other.

The messy horse in white practice clothes with a braid swallowed, and said in a low voice, "Father! These two people don't look good, why don't you slip away?"

Xuanma, who was wearing a white judo uniform and a white headscarf, also swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and retorted in a low voice: "As a martial arts practitioner, how can you immediately think of running away when encountering difficulties?"

"Then what do you mean?"

"You go up and try it first, if the situation is not good, we will withdraw!"

"Why don't you go up?"

"How can I let my father test the danger!"

"Then can you let your son explore the danger?"

"No road race! Let's go!"

Without saying a word, Xuan Ma kicked Ranma's ass, saying that he kicked Lin Qiong and Feng Wang who were laughing, and shed a drop of crocodile tears: "Ranma! Don't blame father, Everything I do is to make you overcome the trial and become stronger!"

"I believe you a ghost!!"

Ranma did a forward somersault and landed on the ground, then pointed angrily at Genma in the grass and said: "You stinky old man who is full of bad ideas!! You obviously pushed me out because you were afraid of danger!!"

Xuan Ma: "..."

Stupid son!Didn't you completely expose my existence?

What use do you want!


Chapter 0770 want to practice a hand?

Ranma: "..."

After subconsciously scolding his stinky father, he realized that the situation at the scene seemed to be...

Not so good.


'Looking at me, looking straight at me—'

Ranma could clearly feel the slightly stinging gaze from behind, 'White teeth!White teeth!It feels like it will be killed in the next second! '

Lin Qiong: "This..."

"Wow ah ah"

Ranma screamed strangely, then turned around, raised his hands in a fighting posture, and said, "I, I, I, I won't be afraid of you!? I, I'm amazing! I'm super awesome! I'm I know kung fu!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "No, don't be nervous."

"I, I, I, I'm not nervous!"

Ranma gestured back and forth with both hands, and said stiffly, "I'm calm now! My heartbeat doesn't even speed up!"


Lin Qiong raised his right hand, pointed behind Ranma, and said, "That man is your father, right? He has already run away?"

Ranma: "?"

He didn't care about continuing to confront Lin Qiong, but turned around hastily, looked in the direction of Xuanma, and when he saw that there was only a small black spot left on the opponent's back, he immediately cursed: "You Bastard daddy!!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a pity."

Lin Qiong clicked his tongue while shaking his head, shaking his head and said, "Feng'er! If I'm not wrong, this guy was treated as an abandoned son by his father to delay the pursuit of the 'enemy'."

"Oh, what a pity~"

Feng Wang imitated Lin Qiong's tone, shook his head and sighed: "Ah Qiong! I don't think you guessed wrong! This person is regarded by his father as an abandoned child who delays your pursuit! Poor."

"You two, don't have a pitiful mouth!"

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