"Oh, what do you know?"

Feng Wang moved his head away, then gave him a haughty look, and said, "I have decided to become a mature Pokémon, and I will never lose my temper because of your childish actions!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

How could this statement be the same as the junior high school student who, after being wronged by his parents, decided to become a learning machine that would never smile again, making his parents regret it?

He couldn't help asking: "Are you serious?"

"Oh, childish."

King Feng smiled contemptuously and said, "I am no longer the same as I used to be."

Lin Qiong: "Emmm..."

He leaned against his chin and pondered for a few seconds, then wet his hands with water, and rubbed Feng Wang hard against the feathers a few times.

Phoenix King: "..."

After looking at the feathers that had just been tidied up and now turned into a mess, she rushed towards Lin Qiong with fiery eyes, and said sharply: "Dog thing! My old lady is not finished with you today—— "

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Lin Qiong happily struggled with Phoenix King with his fingers and joked: "Oh, Lord Phoenix, isn't he going to become a mature Pokémon and stop getting angry because of my childish actions? How long has it been?" Why is it broken?"

"Fuck you so mature! I'm going to kill the people today!"

Feng Wang's eyes were red and he used continuous pecks towards Lin Qiong, but was intercepted by Lin Qiong's "Right Hand Knight" in mid-air - from this proficient interception technique, it can be seen that this person and one bird are no longer the first time. It's a fight.

"Jie Jie!"

Lin Qiong imitated the voice of the "Right-Handed Knight" and said arrogantly: "It's just a flashing toucan, don't think about breaking through the defense of our right-handed knights and hurting the great Master Lin Qiong!"

"Bah! Call yourself great, you have to be ashamed!"

"Have you never called yourself the great Phoenix King?"

"I'm already great!"

"I am also great!"

"You fart!"

"Have you smelled it?"

"I Nima-"

Lin Qiong used provocation, the effect was outstanding, Feng Wang entered a state of rage——

Attack power ↑↑, attack speed ↑, defense power ↓, intelligence ↓↓.



The sister-in-law, who was holding an ice cream cone in her mouth, hugged her knees with both hands and leaned against the eldest lady behind her. She exclaimed and said vaguely: "How can these two people be so childish? How can they be beaten like this?" Have you come back?"

"Be careful, don't drip cream on your clothes."

The eldest lady glanced at the posture of the elder sister-in-law at this time, couldn't help exhorting, and then explained: "After all, they are two naive ghosts-their most naive quarrel, and they abruptly called you a big fool. Stacked more than 500 times."

Aunt: "Ah? What do you mean?"

"The young master said Feng Wang was an idiot, Feng Wang retorted that the young master was a big idiot, and the young master said Feng Wang was a big idiot..."

The secretary was sipping on medicinal foods that nourished yin, nourished yang, and repaired the kidneys. He took the time to explain, "Then they stacked them up until they reached more than 500 large characters."

"This level of childishness is beyond my imagination..."

The aunt tugged at the corner of her mouth, and complained, "So why did you stop after stacking more than 500 characters? Did you eat? Or something else."


The eldest lady said with a blank face: "The reason why they stopped was because Master Feng Wang sneezed when he was stacking 'big big' and forgot how many times he stacked it, so they stopped arguing."

Auntie: "..."

She couldn't help covering her forehead, and complained: "The reason for the start of this quarrel was naive, and the reason for the end was also naive."

It can only be said that it is worthy of them.

The eldest lady shook her head and said helplessly: "How else could I call them childish ghosts?"

The aunt shook her head in a learned manner and sighed: "Hey, it's really childish... Ouch!"

She lowered her head, looked at the cream stained on the skirt, and muttered, "Accidentally dripped on the clothes, what annoyance!"

The eldest lady: "?"

She sat up, looked at the aunt's chest, and couldn't help vomiting blame: "Didn't I just remind you to be careful not to drip cream on your clothes? You idiot."

"I just accidentally dropped cream on my clothes. Isn't that an idiot?"

The aunt looked at the young lady dissatisfied, and retorted: "You are the idiot, you are the big idiot!"

"Huh? Who in a normal person would drip onto his clothes while eating popsicles?"

The eldest lady raised her eyebrows, and counterattacked without hesitation: "If you say you are an idiot, you are an idiot, you big idiot!"

"You are a big fool!"

"You are a big big fool!"

"You are……"

Secretary: "..."

She looked at the two people who were arguing with each other, and couldn't help but twitched her mouth: "Miss Erina, Miss Alice, you were still complaining about the childishness of Young Master and Lord Feng Wang just now, why now... '

You two are also childish ghosts!



After fighting for about three hundred rounds.

"Huh, huh..."

Feng Wanglei lay on Lin Qiong's palm, got up and continued, "Temporary, temporary, rest, truce..."

"You're good at food——"

Lin Qiong leaned on the armrest of the sofa, looked at Feng Wang in his palm with contempt, and complained: "How long has it been since you got down? Can you do it, chicken."

Phoenix King: "..."

Hi, she is so angry!

She arched her body, then pointed her butt towards Lin Qiong, deciding to ignore this bitch.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He twirled his palm, then approached Feng Wang with a smile, and said, "Keep twisting!"

King Feng: "?"

She twisted her body again, and then found that her head was turned in front of Lin Qiong again.


Lin Qiong showed a smug smile and said, "You continue."

King Feng: "!"


Tolerable or unbearable!

She grinned and said, "You have the guts to undo my seal, let me use all my strength to fight you for three hundred rounds!"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "That won't work, I like to bully the weak."


Feng Wang cursed, then hid his head under the wings very simply, and said in a muffled voice: "As long as I accept my weakness, then I will be invincible!"

Phoenix King Dragon God, open!

Lin Qiong: "?"

He stretched out his finger and poked King Feng. Seeing that King Feng was unmoved, he couldn't help leaning over and said in a low voice, "Are you really ignoring me? Are you really angry?"

Feng Wang arched his body and remained silent.

snort!From now on, I will be a cold and heartless Pokémon!I will never smile at you again!I will make you regret it for the rest of your life ヽ(?Д?)ノ!

Chapter 0769 Speed ​​Run

"ton ton ton—"


Feng Wang, who was lying on Lin Qiong's palm, let out a soul-stirring belch, and then raised his little claws with a happy face, as if he was in heaven.

Wait, didn't you declare just now that you are going to be a cold and heartless Pokémon who never laughs again?How come it's all right in the blink of an eye?

It’s actually very simple, the dialogue is as follows——

Lin Qiong: "Twenty packs of snacks."

Feng Wang moved.

Lin Qiong: "You can choose the type!"

Feng Wang trembled all over.

Lin Qiong: "Add three popsicles!"

Feng Wang raised his head: "Deal!"

Lin Qiong: "There is no Feng Wang in this world who can't handle the big snack packs. If there are, add a few popsicles!" '



"Hi! Is this the life of a fairy in the legend?"

Feng Wang smacked his lips happily, and said, "Even if you exchange the position of Arceus with me, I won't change it!"

Lin Qiong asked curiously: "Oh? So, you look down on Arceus' position?"

"You can't say that."

King Feng squinted his eyes, swayed his legs leisurely, and said: "In terms of force value, Arceus is of course beyond my flattery. But in terms of comfort, as long as I think that I am popular and hot with you , but Arceus can only gnaw fruit in the elf world, I just want to laugh——wahahaha!"

"I see."

Lin Qiong nodded, then paused the recording, put the phone back in his pocket, and said to Feng Wang: "I'm going to do something, will you come?"

"Huh? Are you causing trouble?"

Feng Wang sat up in shock from his dying illness, and the laziness on his face disappeared immediately, "If you say this, I won't be sleepy anymore!"

She flapped her wings (taking a sneak peek at Miss Know-It-All and found that she had no response, then slowly) landed on Lin Qiong's head, and then urged: "GoGoGo! Let me know what you are going to do! "

"Don't urge me to commit suicide again."

Lin Qiong reached out and poked King Feng's stomach, causing Fat Niao to let out a mournful cry, then looked at the eldest lady with a smile, and said, "I'm going out for a stroll with King Feng, do you want to come together?"

"No, no! You go—"

The eldest lady waved her hand towards Lin Qiong out of breath, then stared at Alice in front of her, and said, "...big, big, big..."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth, then looked at the secretary covering his face on the sofa, and asked: "How old is the number one?"

"Uh, Miss Erina should be 648 this time."

The secretary glanced at the records on his mobile phone, rubbed his temples and said, "The next thing is Miss Alice's 649."

Lin Qiong: "..."

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