Hard, Caesar's fist, hard!

Lin Qiong: "!?"

Also, can you still study this kind of thing?

etc!If you confess that you didn't think of this at this time, wouldn't you be exposing your true level?no!I'm also a bitch who wants to save face!

"Hmm! Although I did prepare such a subject, what I want you to study this time is another matter."

Lin Qiong clenched his fist with his right hand, coughed dryly in front of his mouth, and said solemnly, "It's about another phenomenon in Brooke!"

Know-It-All Cat: "Stare——"

She glanced at Lin Qiong, then looked away, and swept the Phoenix King off Lin Qiong's head with her tail.

Phoenix King: "???"

No, I'm squatting and doing well, why are you sweeping me?

Know-it-all cat: "(?·ω·`)"

It's fine if it's normal, but this time I haven't been intimate with the host for a long time?So don't come here to join in the fun, you fat bird.

Phoenix King: "..."

Feng Wang, who sensed the inner thoughts of the know-it-all Maomao, was silent for a few seconds, then aggrievedly flapped his wings and flew back to the eldest lady's shoulders, rolling himself into a ball.

Miss: "..."

With a deep headache, she pinched the bridge of her nose with her hands, and sighed in her heart: "People who don't know the truth may think that this scene is a bad-hearted house cat secretly bullying the sparrow raised by the owner..."

But who would have thought that the essence of this "domestic cat" is a gourmet devil who eats galaxies like pancakes, and the essence of that "sparrow" is the god of life who has the authority over life?

"Another phenomenon?"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Vegapunk couldn't help asking in doubt: "Master, what phenomenon are you referring to?"

"Come on, Brooke—"

Lin Qiong walked up to Brook, reached out and handed over a corn sausage, and said, "Give them a whole one!"

Brooke: "..."

He looked down at the corn sausage in his hand, and had the illusion that he had turned into a domestic puppy, performing a show for the guests at home under the instructions of his master.

He shook his head and put his messy thoughts behind him, then raised his hand and tore open the packaging bag of corn sausage, and threw it into his mouth.

Chewing, chewing, swallowing.

"Huh?" xN

Accompanied by his movements, several scientists present couldn't sit still.

Caesar asked with straight eyes, "What happened just now?"

Gage replied dumbfounded: "He swallowed the food."

"Hey, I knew that you, like me, were interested in this phenomenon."

Lin Qiong rubbed his nose with his index finger proudly, then tore off Brook's clothes, exposing his ribs and spine, and said, "Look, his body looks like this, but it's normal. eat and drink?"

Brooke: "..."

He lowered his head silently, looking at his torn collar and the culprit who caused all this - Lin Qiong - and couldn't help but burst into tears.

Woooooo, Rab, I'm not clean!

"This is an interesting phenomenon after all - it reminds me of Balegaon."

Aizen came to Brook, looked at the skeleton in front of him through the plain mirror, and said, "He finishes eating by breaking down the food in his mouth into spiritual particles, and why are you doing it?"


Brooke took a small step back nervously - under Aizen's gaze, he felt as if he had really become a guinea pig on the test bench, and would face the fate of dissection in the next second.

"Mr. Brook, don't be nervous."

Seeing the fear in Brooke's heart, Aizen couldn't help but chuckled, and explained in a soft voice: "Unless I get the permission of Qiongjun, I won't do anything wrong with you."

Brooke: "..."

I am super!This kind of consolation doesn't work at all, okay? ?It just makes me feel creepier, okay?


'Isn't the subtext of your sentence just now saying that as long as you get the young master's permission, you will do all kinds of cross-line behaviors to me? '

Brook twitched the corner of his mouth, and silently labeled Lan Ran as "absolutely not to mess with" in his heart, 'This person is really too dangerous! '

The sense of crisis that Aizen brought to Brook was not only from that sentence, but also from the coercion that Aizen faintly radiated, which made Brook tremble with fear.

how to say?

Brooke could feel the mischievousness of a child from Aizen. He accidentally knocked over the dining table at home, causing all the dinner he had just finished to smash on the ground. Then he turned around and found his father and mother looking at him with a belt and a fly swatter. That sense of oppression.

The scalp is numb.

"Yo ho ho ho ho, then, that's really thanks to Mr. Lan Ran."

Brooke laughed dryly twice, and then silently moved behind Lin Qiong - in his opinion, in this situation surrounded by wolves, only Lin Qiong could bring him the slightest sense of security.

However, Brook forgot one very important thing, that is, Lin Qiong was the instigator of what happened to him!

"According to Brooke, the process of his eating is normal chewing and swallowing."

Lin Qiong pulled Brook in front of him, and said expectantly, "How about we cut him up and see what's going on?"

'Cut, cut, cut! ? '

Brooke's skull almost flew off in fright, he stammered and said, "Master, master, master! You, you were joking just now, right?"

Lin Qiong: "Well..."

Brooke: "...you're kidding, right?"

Lin Qiong: "Maybe."

Tears like kelp welled up in Brook's eyes: "Master, don't do this, I'm afraid."

The objects that Brook is afraid of are Caesar, Gaji, and Aizen—Broker can see that these three don't have much respect for life.

Lin Qiong said that he was going to dissect him, at most he was joking, but the three of them really knew how to use a knife when they said they would dissect him.

Ha people... oh no, ha bones, too ha bones.

"Oh, don't worry."

Lin Qiong glanced at the shivering Brooke, and comforted him helplessly and said, "Alan was just joking with you, and won't really do anything to you."

"Your Majesty is right."

Aizen glanced at Brooke with a slightly surprised look and said softly: "If my joke just now caused Mr. Brooke discomfort, then I would like to apologize."

'Could it be because of the fruit of the underworld that his soul has been strengthened, so he perceives my power? '

Apologizing on the surface, Aizen calmly analyzed in his heart: 'Interesting!This should be one of the few fruit abilities involving [soul] in the sailing world, right? '

Brooke: "..."

'Could it be that he is actually quite nice and I misunderstood him? '

Aizen's gentle attitude, magnetic voice, and decent smile gave Brook a momentary illusion.

'wrong!No no no no no! '

The next moment, when he saw Aizen for the first time, the indifferent eyes of the other party flashed into Brooke's mind.

'This man is definitely a downright dangerous element! '

Thinking of this, Brook couldn't help but look back at Lin Qiong and the know-it-all cat on his shoulder.

'If it weren't for the young master suppressing this man, I'm afraid the whole world would become a testing ground for him! '

Chapter 0768 Childish Ghost

Aizen: "?"

He looked at Brooke who did not lower his vigilance towards him at all after he showed his kindness, and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

'Another Mako Hirako? '

Aizen curled up the corners of his mouth, then shook his head with deep regret, thinking: 'It's just that I don't want the goodwill I finally accumulated in Qiongjun's heart to be emptied. '

So, just let you go.

Aizen took a deep look at Brook, and then turned around and returned to his seat amidst the other's nervous expression, and calmly sorted out the data left by the previous experiment.


Seeing this, Brook couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, then patted his chest with some lingering fear, and said, "Yo Ho Ho Ho Ho, I was so scared that my heart was pounding—ah, even though I don't have a heart anymore."

"You guys are too timid, aren't you?"

Lin Qiong patted Brook on the shoulder with a speechless face, and said angrily: "I told you that everyone will not do anything to you."

"Yo Ho Ho Ho, who made me a cowardly skeleton?"

When Brook said this, he subconsciously raised his fingers to make a joke about Brooke, but who would have thought that Lin Qiong's movements were faster than him, and interjected, "Although you don't have a gallbladder, do you?"

Brooke: "..."

He touched his head in embarrassment, and said, "Oh, the line was taken away."

"Hmph, I'm the man known as the oldest word grabber!"

Lin Qiong showed a proud expression, and said arrogantly: "Your lines are very good, and now they are mine!"

Aizen: "..."

He silently picked up the teacup and took a sip, and then recalled how many lines he had been robbed by Lin Qiong-can't remember, can't remember at all!

The sister-in-law at the side couldn't help complaining: "Aqiong, where did you come from, Fat Tiger?"

"No, no! Although at first glance this is Fat Tiger's line, please pay attention to my prefix - the oldest."

Lin Qiong shook his finger, and said with a proud face: "So the one I neta just now is the oldest hero king, Gilgamesh!"

Auntie: "..."

She tugged at the corner of her mouth, I'm really sorry I didn't catch your stalk!

"Okay, let's end the chat."

The know-it-all cat flipped lightly on Lin Qiong's shoulder, and when she landed, she had already returned to a human state with long white hair. "Next, let's study Mr. Brook's body."

Brooke: "..."

He couldn't help shivering, and said, "You really wouldn't make me a specimen, would you?"

"Don't worry."

Miss Passionate smiled softly at him, and said, "You are a precious experimental material, so we will not easily make you into a specimen."

Brooke: "..."

After being silent for a few seconds, he grabbed Lin Qiong's sleeves with tears in his eyes and choked out: "Master, don't leave my side, eh eh eh!"

I am afraid!



"Suck yo-"

When Brooke was being examined, Lin Qiong was lying on the sofa like an old man, sipping the iced Coke from the can with habit, and muttered: "It's so boring! Feng'er, come and give me the whole job?"

Feng Wang, who was grooming his feathers: "?"

She turned her head slightly, looked contemptuously at Lin Qiong with her lofty eyes, and said with a sneer, "Stupid Aqiong!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He touched Feng Wang's head with his fingers in surprise, and muttered, "Have a fever?"

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