The four of them looked at each other, then obediently followed the aunt's wishes and stood in a row from left to right.

"It's like standing in a military posture during military training."

Lin Qiong stroked his chin from the side, then turned his head, waved to Rab on the shore, and said loudly, "Rab! Take a walk around first, we have something to do with Brook."


Rab replied cheerfully, then turned around and dived into the bottom of the sea, and started to explore new sea areas—I, Rab, had a dream of finding another island whale, having a lot of babies with her, and then feeding them Throw it to Brook!

"Good guy—"

Lin Qiong looked at the huge waves caused by Labu's action, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and then said to Yoyo beside him, "Yoyo, it's up to you!"

"Yuyou Beast, order!"

Youyou smiled and raised the staff in her hand, poked the ground lightly with the bottom of the staff, and said, "Water shield technique!"

Accompanied by the unfolding of the azure blue magic circle, a hemispherical water shield enveloped the entire Egghead Island, easily intercepting the huge wave of nearly 20 meters raised by Raab.

"Yoxi, yoxi, as expected of Yoyo, amazing!"

Lin Qiong rubbed Yoyo's dog's head angrily, and said with a smile: "Come and let brother praise you!"

"Ah, filthy, oh--"

Youyou let out a cry of distress, she fled from Lin Qiong's clutches in a panic, then staggered and hid behind the eldest lady, covering her head with her hands and tremblingly said: "My head, my head is almost shaken!"

"Thief hahaha! Yoyo, you can't do it!"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, let out the same laugh as Garp, and said, "This body is too weak, you need to exercise hard!"

"Yuyo is a standard mage template, and her current physical strength is enough."

The eldest lady glared at Lin Qiong reproachfully, and said angrily: "Still, you want Yoyo to become Gandalf, enchant your staff with flame attack before starting the battle, and then rush forward to play a dog-beating stick Law?"

"Hiss—one thing to say, I personally look forward to that kind of picture."

Lin Qiong stroked his chin, and said with a strange expression: "I just don't know what to do with Yoyo-youyo, a melee mage, is pretty good, right?"


Yoyo hurriedly shook her head, and said, "And if you're a melee mage, isn't there Fite and the others?"

"Yeah, too? That's fine—"

Hearing Yoyo's words, Lin Qiong, who had just had a whim, stopped dwelling on this matter, and said to the four stunned tourists, "Okay! Everyone, let's go in first! Miss Wanshitong should already know about our The news of arriving at Egghead Island."

"Please, please wait a moment! Master Lin Qiong—"

Jia Zhi knelt down in front of Lin Qiong with a frenzied face, and begged: "Can you tell me, what is the principle of the barrier that Lord Yoyo used just now? How does it maintain its shape? How does it ensure its strength? And ..."

"Stop, stop-"

Lin Qiong, who was so confused by the question, quickly stopped Jia Zhi's question, and said angrily: "I think you should worry about how you will face your former companions later."

Gage: "..."

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, the faces of Vegapunk, Caesar, and Quinn flashed in his mind, cooling his over-excited brain in an instant.

'Wow!Don't want to see them at all! ! '

Gaji wrinkled his face, showing an expression called a mask of pain, which made Sora tilt his head in doubt, thinking: 'What's wrong with Gaji?Why do you feel like you are about to work in the same group as your ex-girlfriend? '



Egghead Island, Laboratory.

"I am coming!"

Lin Qiong pushed open the door of the laboratory as if no one was around, and greeted several scientists inside: "Hey! Heath, Alan, and big heads!"

Vegapunk: "..."

He looked around, and then said aggrievedly: "Is this considered workplace bullying? Why are they all nicknames, and I'm a nickname?"

"Oh, that kind of thing is not important!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand casually, then pointed behind himself, and said, "Compared to this, Kuai Kangkang, who did I bring!"

Vegapunk: Σ( ° △ °|||)

'That kind of thing doesn't matter! ? '

The devastated Vegapunk glanced at Gage listlessly, and said weakly, "Oh, it's Gage."

Gage: "?"

He glared at Vegapunk in front of him and shouted: "Vegapunk, do you look down on me?"

"That kind of thing doesn't matter."

Vegapunk waved his hands indifferently, turned around, walked towards the laboratory, and said, "Compared to this, Kaji-kun, let me introduce other colleagues to you."

Gage: Σ( ° △ °|||)

'That kind of thing doesn't matter! ? '

Gage, who was greatly shocked, followed Vegapunk into the laboratory listlessly, causing Aizen on the chair to twitch his lips.

"Sinking two people with one sentence, I really deserve to be you, Lord Qiong—"

He silently pushed the eyes on the bridge of his nose, then shifted his gaze to Gage, thinking: "The eyes are erratic, the body is strong but the steps are weak..."

The evaluation is: but that's it.

"This is the person in charge, Miss Lafite, but we usually call her Miss Know-It-All."

"This is Aizen Soyousuke who is in charge of soul research."

"This is Heathcliff in charge of artificial intelligence."

"This is Zeref who is in charge of magic development."

"This is Caesar in charge of virus analysis."

"Finally, the person in charge of future technology, Vegapunk."

"The above are the members of our Sky City Research Department."

Vegapunk put his hands in his trouser pockets, looked at Gage behind him, and said, "Mr. Gage, you are welcome to join."

"Boss, the person in charge?"

Hearing Vegapunk's introduction, Gage couldn't help but cast his eyes on Miss Passer-in-Chief sitting on the main seat, and said in disbelief, "Someone can actually take away the position of chief executive from you?"

As a scientist who has lit up his political skills, words such as "airborne seizure of power" and "high-level suppression" flashed through his brain-don't look at his dissatisfaction with Bergapunk, in fact, in his heart Garpunk is the most powerful scientist.

"Thank you very much for your trust."

Vegapunk glanced at Caesar who said the same lines as Gage a few days ago, then stuck out his tongue at Gage, and said, "But it's a pity, Miss Know-it-all is taking it from me majestically by virtue of her own strength. Take the position of chief executive."


Orochimaru Nautical Submaru turned into a ball of gas and floated in front of Gage, and said mockingly: "Idiot Gage! What are you worried about? You... Goof!"

Before he could finish his words, Jia Zhi punched him in the face with a backhand. After spinning a dozen times in mid-air, he hit the ground heavily.

"Caesar, you are not qualified to judge me yet."

Jia Zhi dispelled the armed color on his fist, then snorted coldly, and said, "Don't pretend to be dead, I didn't use any strength just now."

"You, you, you bastard!!"

Caesar was so angry that he bared his teeth and rushed towards Jia Zhi, but after seeing the fierce look in his eyes, he let out a scream, huddled up and hid behind Lin Qiong, and said with a frightened expression The voice screamed: "Young Master! Look at him, he is threatening me, hey, hey, hey!"

"Mr. Caesar, you have to believe in the ability of our sky city."

Lin Qiong patted Caesar, the scumbag, on the shoulder, and then, with the other party's ecstatic expression, continued: "Even if you are beaten to the point where you have only one head left, we still have a way to save you."

"Does it mean this ability!!"

Caesar was so frightened that the whole ball of gas exploded into a bunch of fireworks, and then huddled in a corner and returned to its original shape, stammering: "I, I, I, I think it's great, so there's no need to be like this!"

I'm very good!As long as you provide three meals a day... No, no, it doesn't matter if you don't provide three meals a day, I will go to the beach to fish to maintain my life, so don't kill me!

Caesar Big Counselor Courant held his head tremblingly, and uttered the wailing of the weak.

Although he behaved very pitifully, none of you here paid attention to him.

"Okay, let's end the chat."

Miss Know-It-All chuckled, then stood up from her seat, turned into a little white cat and landed on Lin Qiong's shoulder, licked his side face affectionately, and asked: "Ah Qiong, this time What's the matter here?"

"I can't pretend I didn't hear that, okay?"

Lin Qiong let out a dissatisfied "huh", then put his hands on his hips, and said confidently: "Am I the kind of scumbag who only comes to you when I need your help?"

"Although you are definitely not such a scumbag, but..."

Miss Know-it-all glanced at Kulokas and Brook who were trembling at the door, licked her meatball calmly, and said, "But, you must have something to ask me this time."


"Am i right?"


"Although there is no answer, but your attitude has been exposed?"

"Well, you're right."

Lin Qiong pursed his lips unwillingly, then pointed to Brook at the door, and said, "I want you to study that thing."

Chapter 0767 I'm Not Clean

"That thing" Ben Skeleton: "..."

Master Lin Qiong, isn't it somewhat impolite for you to call me "that thing" directly...

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

... The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss sung by Li Yajiang is really nice, yo ho ho ho ho!

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, several other scientists in the room also set their sights on Brook's body, which made him feel his scalp tingle—ah, although he has no scalp, yo ho ho!

"Ah, this kind of eyes that seem to be looking at a mouse..."

Brooke felt a cold feeling creeping up his spine towards the top of his head, "I won't really be sent to the operating table by them, and then made into a skeleton specimen, right?" '

That kind of thing don't wow!

"The eater of the Superman-Huangquan fruit, Brook?"

Know-it-all Maomao tilted his head, then flicked his tail, and said: "If I remember correctly, the ability of the fruit of the underworld should be that the soul of the eater can return from the underworld once after death."

"According to the records in the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book, it is indeed true."

Vegapunk walked up to Lin Qiong, observed Brook's body with probing eyes, and said, "However, as far as I know, the resurrection of the fruit of the underworld should not turn the eater into a skeleton."

"This, this is probably because the place where I died was in the Devil's Triangle."

Brook shrank his neck and said with a dry smile: "So when my soul returned from the underworld, I was accidentally lost for a while, and when I found my body, it had already turned into a skeleton."

"Eh? Is it this kind of mechanism? In other words, the recovery of the fruit of the underworld does not directly bring the soul back into the body, but a process of 'searching'?"

Vegapunk pressed his chin thoughtfully, and murmured: "Well, does that mean that we can find the location of the 'Hell' by tracing the return path of the 'soul' in reverse?"


Hearing Vegapunk talking to himself, a big light bulb popped up on the heads of Gage and Caesar

Caesar: "No—"

"As expected of Master Lin Qiong—"

Jia Zhi punched Caesar in the abdomen, causing Caesar's eyeballs to stare out three meters away in pain, and then he stepped forward and said, "I can think of such a delicate research topic from the process of the fruit of the underworld, Sparsi!"

Caesar: "??"

He clutched his stomach, curled up on the ground like a boiled shrimp, and stared at Gage, who was looking at him proudly, with bloodshot eyes.

Gage, iron baa! !

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