
Accompanied by the cheerful chirping, the Phoenix King, who was holding a receipt in his bird's paw, landed on the young lady's shoulder, and said triumphantly, "Because the receipt has been stolen by Mr. Kono Phoenix King! I'm really amazing!"

Old Jack: "???"

He stared at the bill held in King Feng's claws in stunned silence, feeling all the blood in his body rushing to his forehead.

Then, he made a wrong decision.

With a ferocious face, he pulled out a dagger that shone with cold light from his arms, rushed towards the eldest lady, and shouted: "I'm going to kill you——"

"Let me come—"

The eldest lady stopped Lin Qiong, who was about to protect his girlfriend, and then slowly summoned Nakiri from within her body, and said in a low voice, "Nakiri flow · arc flash!"




After watching old Jack being taken away by the nearby navy, the sister-in-law happily waved her fist and said with a smile: "I feel like I have become an envoy of justice, Wuhu~"

"Finch is handsome!"

Lin Qiong turned into a qualified fan, clapped his hands cheerfully, and said, "In the future, when people ask who you are, you can declare yourself as 'Justice の Taste, Nakiri Alice'!"

"Wow, let's forget about this."

The sister-in-law wrinkled her delicate little face and showed an expression of resistance, and said: "I feel so ashamed, Ada!"

Replenish your brain--

"Who is coming?"

"Ha! The flavor of justice, Nakiri... Alice!"

——Don’t, don’t do that kind of thing!

"Huh? Are you ashamed?"

Lin Qiong tilted his head and said with a puzzled look on his face: "No way? He should be very handsome..."

Replenish your brain--

"Who is coming?"

"Swastika! Supreme Spear·Majestic Nakiri!"

The sister-in-law put on her own demonic weapon and turned into a heroic female general, "Justice no Taste, Nakiri Alice!"

——Isn’t this handsome? !


In a moment of silence, Lin Qiong and his sister-in-law looked at each other.

Lin Qiong: "Are you ashamed?"

Aunt: "Handsome?"

Lin Qiong: "It's just so handsome!"

Sister-in-law: "It's just shameful!"

The eldest lady supported her head helplessly, let out a helpless sigh, and said, "Are you children? You have to compete for this kind of thing?"

"My name is Lin Qiong, and I am three and a half years old!"

"My name is Alice, and I am two years old!"

The two childish ghosts jumped to the side of the eldest lady, one left and one right, and then grabbed her hand.

"Sister Erina, Xiaoqiong wants to eat fried chicken nuggets!"

"Sister Erina, little Ai wants to eat sweet and sour pork ribs!"

Secretary: "Pfft——"

She quickly covered her mouth, and then turned her head aside—but her constantly shrugging shoulders still betrayed the true emotions in her heart.

I can't hold back my smile and it belongs to yes.

Miss: "..."

She opened her mouth, and said dumbfoundedly, "Are you two childish ghosts?"

Are you all older than me?

"Hahahaha——" x2

Lin Qiong and his sister-in-law laughed happily, and the eldest lady couldn't help but rolled her cute eyes, and said helplessly: "Okay, okay! Do you want fried chicken nuggets and sweet and sour pork ribs? At noon Do it for you!"


The two looked at each other, then clapped their hands happily and let out happy cheers.

"Hmph! Don't be too happy too soon!"

Looking at the two people who were smiling, the eldest lady couldn't help crossing her arms, snorted coquettishly, and said, "It's not so easy to eat food cooked by me! In the next time, you can have Make me happy, understand?"


After hearing the eldest lady's words, Lin Qiong and his eldest sister-in-law looked at each other, and they both covered their mouths and snickered.

"Here we come! It's been a long time since Erina's tsundere session!"

"Wow, it's been a long time since Erina looks like this!"

"It's so cute!"


Hearing Lin Qiong and his sister-in-law's discussion, the eldest lady couldn't help stamping her feet, and said angrily, "Do you still want to eat the big meal I made?"

Big guts!How dare you say something to tease me at a time like this!

"Oh, don't be mad don't be mad—"

Lin Qiong came to the eldest lady's side with a smile, stretched out his hand to support her, and said like a dog: "Come on, Madam Erina, walk slowly!"

"Your Majesty, don't be angry~"

The sister-in-law also approached the young lady with a playful smile, imitating Lin Qiong's appearance, holding her other hand, and said, "Miss Erina, this servant is supporting you!"

Miss: "..."

She looked down at herself who was supported like a concubine, then at [Maid·Alice] on the left and [Servant·Lin Qiong] on the right. He said: "Let's drive! Accompany Ben Gong to see the shops over there—"

It's just role-playing. Has she experienced less?Like a princess knight, a maiden of the sword, or a daughter-in-law who has fallen into poverty, which one has she never experienced?

'Take it down and shoot it--'

The secretary who was following the three of them excitedly took out a digital camera from his pocket, pointed the camera at the three in front of him, and snapped shots indiscriminately, leaving the smiles on their faces behind. on the camera's memory card.

There is another promotional material for E·M·T God Religion!

Jie Jie!




"Yo ho ho ho ho—"

After swallowing the fried chicken in his mouth, Brooke showed an expression as if his soul had been sublimated, and said with emotion: "Ms. Erina's cooking can bring happiness to people... Master, what are you doing?"

When he came back to his senses, he found that Lin Qiong was looking at his head from side to side curiously, like a child who was studying how the light in the refrigerator went out.

"I'm just a little curious, just a little bit."

Lin Qiong made a gesture that would cause him to lose the cold country market, and explained: "That is, how do you eat like a skeleton?"

Brook: "?"

You, why are you researching this?

Auntie: "!"

Oh, why didn't I think of such an interesting thing?

Miss: "..."

Well, actually she was a little curious too.

All of a sudden, the eyes of everyone on the table were focused on Brook, which made him feel creepy.

"Everyone, everyone..."

Brooke raised his hands with a stiff expression, saluted the crowd with a French military salute, and said with a wry smile, "Can you stop looking at me like that?"

To be honest, he felt as if he had become a guinea pig lying on the test bench—these people wouldn't really tear him down, would they?

"Take it easy and relax."

Lin Qiong comforted Brook and said, "If we really plan to do something to you, there's no use being nervous."

Brooke: "..."

Hey this comforter, thank you so much!

"So, how do you, a skeleton, eat?"

The aunt looked at Brooke's ribs and spine and couldn't help but said: "Where did the food you put into your stomach go?"

"I don't know about this kind of thing!"

Brooke spread his hands, and the main thing was to ask three questions: "I just chewed and swallowed normally, and I can't explain the specific principle."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but said with contempt: "Brooke, you are so useless!"

The aunt couldn't help but nodded: "Indeed!"

Brook: "?"

He looked at Lin Qiong and couldn't help but said, "Don't you also know nothing?"

So why can you despise my mouth and teeth like this!

"Tsk tsk tsk! Mr. Brooke, this is your ignorance——"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows at Brook, then shook his index finger triumphantly, and said, "Although I really don't know anything, I know someone who knows everything!"

Missy: "Ah!"

Sister-in-law: "Oh!"

Secretary: "Oh!"

It's up to you, Miss Know-It-All!

Brooke: "Huh?"

Are you guys having some encrypted call that I can't understand?

Chapter 0766 gathering of scientific research group

The second half of the Grand Line.

Egghead Island.

"Hey hey hey! Ladies and gentlemen, the destination of this trip, Egghead Island, has been successfully arrived——"

The sister-in-law wearing a tour guide hat waved the small flag in her hand and said with a smile: "Visitors, please get off the bus in an orderly manner and stand obediently!"

Tourist number one, Brooke: "..."

Tourist No. [-], Kurokas: "..."

Tourist No. [-], Vinsmoke Gage: "..."

Visitor Four, Vinsmoke Thora: "..."

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