"Fei Shazi, give up (understanding them)."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, then put the iPad back into his pocket, and said, "If normal people can understand their brain circuits, then they won't become weird creatures in the world."

"That's it!"

The sister-in-law nodded, then happily hugged Lin Qiong's arm and said with a smile: "Aqiong Aqiong! I thought of something very interesting!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh? Please elaborate--"

"Hey hey, didn't we just buy a batch of weapons for zero yuan?"

The aunt covered her mouth and let out a snicker, then showed a devilish smile and said: "It will definitely be very inconvenient if you keep carrying them, right? So, do you want to set up a stall on the roadside?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Good guy!

You are such a villain!

However, I like it!




Old Jack, like an idler who learned that his full-time attendance and half-year bonus was for nothing, leaned against the corner with a painful face, picked up the low-quality ale at hand, and poured it into his mouth.

"ton ton ton—"

As the so-called bitter wine hurts his throat, Old Jack only feels that the pain in his heart has overwhelmed the bad taste brought by the inferior ale.

"Hiccup! But, you damn liar——"

After hiccupping loudly, Old Jack kicked his feet incompetently and furiously, and said with a mournful face: "Ru, if I find you, I will definitely not be as good as you, good juice... hiccup !"

Having said this, he got up from the ground excitedly, as if Lin Qiong and others were standing in front of him, waving his fists vigorously, and shouting in a decent manner: "I'll go first A left hook plus an uppercut, then dodge his counterattack, then grab his wrist and throw him over your shoulder! Humph, don't underestimate adults, you soul!"

After the fantasy ended, an inexplicable emptiness surged into Old Jack's heart, causing him to sit on a chair with a dejected look on his face, choking and saying: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu My money, my money..."

Gone, all gone!

All the possessions accumulated over the years are all fucking gone! !

"Woooo, I was wrong, I shouldn't have lied to you—"

Old Jack fell to the ground, crying like a child weighing more than 300 pounds.

"Come back quickly! Please come back -"

"As long as you come back, I promise not to be angry, woo woo woo—"

Just as he was wailing, the faint shouts coming from the street outside the window attracted his attention.

"Good news, good news!"

"[-] Pele in the audience, [-] Pele in total!"

"Fifty thousand Berry, you can't buy it to lose money, you can't buy it to be fooled!"

"But you can buy a good weapon!"

"Factory direct sales, no middlemen to make the difference!"

"Do not miss passing through!"

Old Jack: "Huh?"

This unheard of ad slogan gave him PUA a dry burn, and even made him forget that he was still crying.

"The bastard boss, Lao Rousi, ran away with his sister-in-law! In order to pay the employees, we decided..."

Just when Old Jack was in a daze, a brand new advertisement sounded again, making Old Jack couldn't help but open the window and said to the outside: "Hey, what is it... Ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh "

Old Jack stared dumbfoundedly at Lin Qiong, who was holding a loudspeaker and yelling advertisements across the street, and the young lady, sister-in-law and secretary beside him who were putting swords on the booth.


Lin Qiong waved to Old Jack enthusiastically and said kindly: "Have you eaten? Are you feeling well?"

Old Jack; "??"

you!His mother!Thank you!ask! ?

The next moment, Old Jack burst out with a strong body that was completely inconsistent with his fat body - he put his right hand on the window sill, jumped out of the window nimbly, and then kicked the window frame as a matter of course, and hit the window with a "dong" sound. In the corridor outside the store.


Looking at old Jack with his fat face on the ground, the aunt couldn't help shrinking her neck and said with a smacking face: "It looks like it hurts."

"It shouldn't just look like it hurts, right?"

Youyou swallowed a mouthful of saliva and whispered: "I think it actually hurts..."


The next moment, Old Jack got up from the ground with blood all over his face, then roared and rushed towards Lin Qiong, reached out and grabbed his collar, and roared: "You bastard——"

"Can you stop touching your hands and feet casually?"

Lin Qiong frowned and patted Old Jack's hand away, then straightened his collar with dissatisfaction, and said, "You are really rude like this."

"Politeness? Politeness!? You tell me to be polite? I'm OO you're XX!"

Old Jack jumped on the ground angrily, he growled hysterically: "You little freshman stole all the weapons in my shop, and then set up a stall opposite my shop openly, don't you look down on me!? are you!?"

Hearing Old Jack's words, the melon-eaters watching the excitement suddenly showed expressions of surprise, and then showed even more interested expressions - Oh, is it a big melon?Don’t you want to enjoy this?

To be fair, eating melons is a part of human evolution, so don’t play if you’re upset!

"Just a moment."

Lin Qiong interrupted the old Jack who was cursing with his palms up, and then said with a puzzled face: "You just said that the weapons on our booth are all from your shop?"


"What about the evidence?"


"Evidence? Everything has to be evidenced, right? You can't just open your mouth and say whatever you say, right? Then if you shout that all the shops on this street are yours, won't other people have to pay rent to you? "

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, the onlookers couldn't help but nod their heads.


"This young man is right! You can't be what others say, right?"

"Old Jack, you said someone stole your weapons, you have to provide evidence, right?"

Old Jack: "???"

He blushed angrily and shouted: "How can I not know the weapons in my own shop? My old Jack has opened a weapons shop for several years. Don't you know who I am?"

"who are you?"

The aunt selling clothes on the side was nibbling on melon seeds and said with disdain: "You are an old liar who sells inferior weapons as high-quality weapons to make money and kill people."

"Oh——" xN

After saying this, everyone will understand.

"You're an old liar! Everyone understands!"

"Laughing to death! I'm afraid you don't want to cheat other people's weapons, so you can sell them in your own shop!"

"I'm super, low-quality products are high-quality products, and they are still weapons! You damn fat pig!"

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

Seeing that he was being criticized, Old Jack rushed to the doctor and said: "Evidence! Yes! Where is the evidence? Smelly old woman, you said that I sell inferior weapons as high-quality weapons, where is the evidence? You can't just say what you say. Bar?"

After saying this, he couldn't help but show a proud expression and thought happily: 'Hey!This time I call it tit for tat!How are you? Are you angry?Are you angry? '

"Oh, I just said nonsense, I apologize, I'm sorry."

The aunt spit out the melon seeds in her mouth on the ground without changing her expression, then blinked and said, "What about you? You have evidence to prove that the weapons in this young man's stall were all stolen from your store. ?"

Auntie: I just want to have fun, what evidence will I tell you?You have to care about yourself now, okay?

Old Jack: "..."

Hey, what the old lady said makes sense!


The focus now is not on her at all, but on these little bastards!

"Yeah, evidence?"

While eating potato chips, Lin Qiong said matter-of-factly: "If you can't prove that these weapons are from your shop, you have to apologize to us!"

I Nima...

I also want to apologize to you?Why is your face so big?

Evidence, evidence...


Old Jack's eyes lit up, and he shook his fist with excitement, and said, "Haha! I have the purchase receipt! You don't have it, right? Just compare the items on the purchase receipt with these weapons to know them ownership!"

"I see, is the receipt used as evidence? This is indeed very powerful proof..."

The eldest lady flipped up her hair, and then said to Old Jack, who looked confident of victory: "But, sir, are you really prepared to do this?"

"Haha, it's too late to regret now!"

Old Jack showed a arrogant expression. He waved his hands excitedly and shouted: "Aren't you very good at talking? I want to see how you can quibble!"

"Sophistry? No, no, no, as long as you can show the purchase receipt, we will admit that these weapons were all stolen from your store and apologize to you."

When the eldest lady said this, she showed a strange smile to Old Jack and said: "Then, please ask this gentleman to show everyone the receipt recording the purchase price of the weapons." Shall we take a look?"

Chapter 0765 What a coincidence, I know someone who knows everything

"Come on, take out the receipt receipt in your mouth and let everyone see it!"

"Look at where and how much you bought the high-quality weapon you are talking about."

"As long as you can show it, we will apologize immediately."

The eldest lady sat on the chair, looking down at the old Jack in front of her with a superior look, admiring the other person's expression that completed the transformation from "Plan through! General!" to "Western Malaysia! Sea Eight!"

"You, this, I..."

Old Jack stood there at a loss, sweating profusely as he looked at the young lady in front of him, his heart was full of panic—Xi Ba!Horse nose!Shet!In this case, how dare you let me take it out?


The neighbors and shops around him all know that he is not a good person and sells inferior weapons as high-quality weapons, but he is not worried that the owners of these shops will deliberately jump out to expose his true colors-after all, they are all neighbors who look down and don't look up. My boss is worried that he will take it seriously and retaliate.


If he took out the receipt certificate under this situation, wouldn't he just hand over the handle to someone else?

You must know that the melon-eaters who are watching around at this moment are not only the shop owners around, but also a large number of tourists who come to join in the fun!

Once his affairs are exposed...

No, absolutely not!


Old Jack was just about to find an excuse to shirk, but before he finished speaking, he was mercilessly interrupted by the eldest lady.

"Old sir, are you going to make excuses and say that you can't find the receipt?"

The eldest lady yawned lightly, and then said casually: "Just now I confidently said that I have the receipt certificate as evidence, why can't I find it in a blink of an eye? Could it be... you are guilty, right?"

'The real general is on our side——'

The eldest lady looked at the sweaty old Jack with contemptuous eyes, and made up the last cut with a chuckle: "However, it's useless even if you make excuses, because..."

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