"what happened?"

Lin Qiong held Feng Wang up, looked at the messy horse lying on the ground with a smile on his face, and asked, "Are you going to give up?"

"Miscellaneous fish~miscellaneous fish~"

Phoenix King continued to taunt Ranma arrogantly: "Didn't you just say that you hope Aqiong won't blame you? Blame you for what? Blame you for being a noob, right? Puff, puff, puff!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

"Feng'er, take it easy—"

He glanced at Feng Wang twitchingly at the corner of his mouth, and then whispered: "I asked you to taunt Ranma to give him some motivation, but I didn't let you taunt so vigorously!"

"Oh, don't worry!"

Phoenix King patted his chest with his wings, and said confidently: "Who do you think I am? I am Phoenix King! Bring me closer—"

Lin Qiong: "?"

You can't hold back anymore, you also want to be a ship... Oh no, you are the king of people, right?

"You, you guy..."

While Lin Qiong and Phoenix King were discussing in a low voice, the ridiculed Ranma got up from the ground again, then gritted his teeth and looked at the arrogant Phoenix King standing on Lin Qiong's finger, and growled: " You have the guts to get off his hands!!”

"Eh, I don't—"

The Feng Dynasty twitched the tail feathers on Ranma's butt, and said in a sullen tone: "Come and beat me! Come on, come on! Come on and beat me!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He seemed to have seen the shadow of an Internet princess who played with a cat hanging on his thigh, and then waited for the thigh to blow up the other party, and then frantically mocked him.

Too, too, too much debt!

"Ranma! Let me help you!"

At this moment, some black horses that looked (shou) not (yang) down (nan) went (nai) jumped out from the bushes, and landed on Ranma's side with a flexible hand that was completely incompatible with that strong body. Beside him, he shouted in a low voice: "Ranma! Our father and son are united, and we will definitely be able to teach him a lesson!"

Ranma: "..."

He frowned, showing a very tangled expression.

In all fairness, Ranma really wanted to agree to join forces with Xuanma, and then pluck all the feathers of that stinky bird that frantically danced and mocked from beginning to end, but...


However, as long as he thought of the scene where Xuanma left his son in the same place without looking back, he would have the urge to kick the wretched uncle beside him.

so tangled!

Xuan Ma: "?"

After finding that his son hadn't moved for a long time, he couldn't help but looked towards Ran Ma, and immediately saw the other party's malicious eyes.

"You, what kind of eyes do you have!"

Xuanma jumped half a step back in shock, distanced himself from Ranma, and then stammered: "You rebellious son, are you planning to do something to your father? I'm your father!"

Ranma: "?"

Hard, fist hard.

"You bastard father still have the nerve to say it!?"

He gritted his teeth and looked at Xuan Ma, and said, "Who on earth left me and ran away first, and then ran back after finding out that there was no danger?"

Xuan Ma: "..."

He stood up straight in embarrassment, then scratched the back of his head with his right hand, and laughed loudly: "Ahahaha! Although, although I don't know who you are talking about, it must not be me who is bright and mighty." Bar?"

"Ha ha--"

Ranma looked at Xuanma with a half-smile, and asked, "What do you think?"

'This kid, it's getting harder and harder to be fooled now. '

Genma wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, then coughed lightly and said, "Ranma, the most important thing now is to continue to accept the test of senior - don't keep senior waiting."

"Ah, I'm fine here."

Lin Qiong waved his hands with a smile on his face, and said, "Actually, I quite like watching this kind of family ethics drama. You can continue."

Xuan Ma: "?"

He looked at Lin Qiong, who was sitting on a tree stump beside him, eating melon seeds, and looked like a melon-eating crowd, and had deep doubts about his decision just now: "Did I not jump out just now?" '

Ranma leaned towards his father and asked, "What else do you want to say?"

'Oops, isn't this a big crisis of trust between father and son? '

Xuanma turned his brain, and said in a deep voice: "Ranma! If you want to take revenge on me, you can fight me anytime and anywhere in the future, but this senior will only test you once!"

Hearing this, Ranma showed a shaken expression.

'Son, you are still a little young after all——'

Xuanma put his hands on his hips in his heart and laughed wildly, "Let my father make the decisive move..."

At this moment, Lin Qiong spoke.

"Ranma-kun, don't let him fool you~"

"He is stronger than you. Even if you want to retaliate against him afterwards, you are no match for him."

"But if you are willing to promise me something, how about I help you teach him a lesson?"

Xuan Ma: "!?"

Nani, Nani! ?

He looked at Lin Qiong in shock - the unscrupulous man with glasses never expected that Lin Qiong, a mysterious master who seemed very friendly, would actually say such a thing.

"Ranma, you have to calm down! You, think about it carefully, is it more important to get revenge on me, or to accept the test?"

Xuan Ma hurriedly looked at his son, and persuaded loudly: "Besides, even if you are not my opponent now, you will surpass me one day, right? Wouldn't it be fine to take revenge on me at that time? But miss it After passing this test, who knows when you will meet this senior again—"

Ranma: "..."

Well, it seems to make sense?

'call!So ginger is still old and spicy! '

Xuan Ma let out a long breath, then patted his chest gratefully, and said with a smile: "So you still join me..."

"Ranma-kun! If you are willing to accept my terms—"

Just when Xuan Ma thought that the overall situation was settled, the unexpected opponent made another move: "I can promise to fight with you again, what do you think?"

'No, I have to stop...'

Xuan Ma showed a terrified expression, but before he could turn his head, Ran Ma said without hesitation: "Deal! I'll leave it to senior to teach Dad a lesson!"

"Random horse!"

Xuanma grabbed Ranma by the collar, angrily said: "You rebellious son!!"

"Father, I'm doing it for your own good too!"

Ranma made no secret of his gloating, he said: "Don't you really want to experience the strength of seniors? Isn't this opportunity coming?"

Genma: "I&*¥#!@("

He had a majestic face, and just as he was about to raise his hand to give his cub an iron fist of love, he felt the world spinning, and then fell heavily to the ground.

'Ah, ah?What, what's going on? '

Genma lay on the ground with a dull expression on his face, looking at the sky in front of him with his eyes blankly, as if he didn't realize what happened at all: "I was knocked down by him?"But, but, isn't he still sitting there without moving? '

Xuan Ma turned his head to the side, looked at Lin Qiong who was cracking melon seeds, and murmured: "Here, what happened?"

"Huh? What happened?"

Lin Qiong blinked his eyes, and then said as a matter of course: "I make a move, you accept the move, and then you fall - it's such a simple logic, is there a problem?"

"Is there a problem?"

The corner of Xuan Ma's mouth twitched and sat up from the ground, and said dumbfoundingly: "Of course there is a problem—Senior, how did you put me down without moving yourself?"

"Oh? How do you assume that I haven't moved?"

Lin Qiong teased Feng Wang with his fingers, then looked at Xuan Ma with a smile, and said, "Maybe I rushed over and knocked you down at a speed that you didn't realize at all, and then returned to the original place?"

Ranma opened his mouth wide, and said in disbelief: "Yes, is that so?"

"Hahaha, just kidding! Although I can do the above behavior, I did not move just now."

Lin Qiong waved his hand happily, and explained: "I was able to bring Mr. Xuanma down without moving because he is strong enough."

Saotome Genma: "???"

He looked at Lin Qiong with questions on his face and couldn't help but ask: "Senior, you are actually saying something sarcastic, right?"

You can knock me down without moving, and you still say that I am strong enough?This is sarcasm, right?It must be a mockery!

"No, no, no, I'm telling the truth——"

Lin Qiong shook his fingers lightly, and explained with a smile: "If it were Ranma-kun, the technique I just used to bring down Mr. Xuanma would not be effective."

Ranma: "..."

Ranma, who was suddenly cueed, was completely paralyzed.

No, can you all pull me out and flog the corpse?

Ah, damn it!I admit that my food is okay! ?

Chapter 0772 rush, chaotic horse!

"Senior, please explain to me!"

Just when the chaotic horse wind was in chaos, Xuan Ma had already knelt down on the ground with a fierce tiger and said loudly: "Please!"

Not "Tanomu", but "Onegaishimasu".

"Mr. Xuanma, it doesn't matter if you don't need to be like this."

Lin Qiong waved his right hand gently and said with a smile: "The answer is 'aura'."

"Qi, momentum?" X2

Genma and Ranma, father and son, tilted their heads in unison, showing blank expressions.

"This is a trick I learned from an old woman who liked to play nice."

Lin Qiong shook his fingers back and forth in mid-air, and explained: "In simple terms, it is to use the 'momentum' to stimulate Mr. Xuanma's instinctive reaction, and then cause the body to make wrong judgments..."

Xuanma looked at Lin Qiong blankly, as if he had heard some fantasy: "Qi, momentum?"

"Well, maybe it's easier to understand in practice than in words?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then showed a kind smile to Saotome Xuanma, and said, "Mr. Xuanma, are you ready? It's coming—"

Xuanma: "Huh?"

The next moment, he put his hands on the ground, let his body fly into the air, and then fell to the ground with a "slap" under the staring eyes of Ran Ma with question marks all over his face.

Lin Qiong said: "Do you understand? It's coming again."

Xuanma: "Huh?"

Immediately afterwards, he jumped up from the ground like a carp, and then jumped back suddenly. Under Ranma's bewildered gaze, he slammed into the tree trunk behind him hard.

Lin Qiong said again: "Do you understand? It's coming again..."

"Wait! Understood! I've fully understood!"

Xuanma hurriedly raised his hands to stop Lin Qiong's behavior, and then grinned and said: "Ju, you actually have such a skill to use your momentum!? It's really unheard of..."

Lin Qiong supported his side face, and said with a smile: "After all, the Kushida style is a genre that emphasizes 'skills and zero power'."

'Ten skills and zero power? '

Xuan Ma twitched the corner of his mouth, thinking: "This is too exaggerated..."

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