"Wait! Wait—"

At this time, Ranma, who still didn't understand the current situation, couldn't help but said, "Father, what's going on?"

"the answer is……"

Xuanma glanced at Ranma, then suddenly raised his right fist and swung towards Ranma's head.

Ranma: "!"

He instinctively raised his left hand to block Xuanma's fist, and swung his right hand towards Xuanma's abdomen.

"This is it."

Genma stopped attacking, then pointed at Ranma who was in a counterattack stance, and said, "I just attacked you, so you instinctively fought back, right?"

Ranma: "It's like this..."

"This senior used his 'momentum' to misjudge my instincts, and gave me the illusion that he was attacking me."

Genma scratched his head feeling troubled and said distressedly: "If you want to deal with this move, you have to suppress your body's instincts... Wow! It's troublesome just thinking about it."

"It's amazing, isn't it?"

Lin Qiong put Feng Wang back on his head, then stood up and patted the dust on his pants, and said, "Okay, Mr. Xuanma, let's continue."

Xuanma: "Huh?"

"Eh what?"

Lin Qiong looked at him strangely, and asked, "I just promised Mr. Ranma that I will teach you a good lesson?"

Xuan Ma twitched the corner of his mouth: "But, but, just now..."

"Eh? Could it be that Mr. Xuan Ma thinks that just now is a lesson?"

Lin Qiong covered his mouth in surprise, and said, "No way? That's just an appetizer... No, it should be considered as a gift of peanuts on the table?"

Xuan Ma: "..."

He looked at his son who was gloating with a stiff face, and said in pain, "Ranma, you unfilial son!"

"Dad, come on!"

Ranma clenched his fists with both hands, and said like adding insult to injury: "You must survive!"

'Dear, dear, dear—'

Xuan Ma took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, smiled at Lin Qiong, and said, "Senior, I only have one request."

Lin Qiong said, "Please tell me."

Xuan Ma pleaded: "Don't slap your face."

Lin Qiong raised his fist: "Okay."



Xuan Masheng was lying on the ground without love, his right hand was slightly raised upwards, his index finger touched the ground, and he wrote the word "miserable" unyielding.

"Senior, you are really amazing!"

Ranma didn't even look at his unscrupulous father, but leaned in front of Lin Qiong excitedly, and said, "This is the first time I've seen that stinky old man defenseless."

Lin Qiong modestly raised his right hand, stretched out his thumb and index finger, gestured a small distance, and said, "It's just because I happen to be a little stronger than Mr. Xuanma."

Xuan Ma: "?"

A little bit?You call this gap a little bit?I think it is a billion points, right!

"Okay, both of you! Near here is the well-known Curse Spring Township on Fist Mountain—"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Want to go and see together? I'm very curious about it."

Phoenix King: "..."

She squinted her eyes and thought: "A Qiong, you have no good intentions!" '

"Curse Spring Township?" x2

Ranma and Xuanma father and son expressed doubts.

"Senior, what is Mantra Spring Township?"

"What's there?"

"To be honest, I don't know."

Lin Qiong opened his eyes and spoke nonsense, and said with a harmless face: "I also learned that there is such a place from other people, so I came here specially."


Ranma, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, raised his right hand obediently and asked curiously: "Um, senior, why are you specifically looking for Cursed Spring Township? Is there anything special about it?"

"correct answer."

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers, then pointed at Ranma and said, "As far as I know, Curse Spring Township is called the 'legendary training ground'!"

Ranma & Genma said with longing, "The legendary training ground?"

Lin Qiong raised his finger: "Aren't you curious when you hear this name?"

The two nodded frantically: "Curious! Super curious!"


Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up to a few people and said, "How about we go take a look together?"

"Yeah!" x2

"Then let's go!"

"Go!" x2

At this time, Saotome and her daughter did not know that the fateful node that would change their lives was about to happen.



15 minute later.

Curse Spring Township.

"Is this the Mantra Spring Township known as the 'legendary training ground'?"

Ranma walked at the front of the team, looked at the cold spring in front of him, and the bamboo poles standing in the spring water one after another, and said, "It seems that there is nothing special about it."

"Idiot son! Since this place is called the legendary training ground, there must be something special that we don't know about."

Xuanma put down the backpack on his back, then "whoosh" jumped onto the top of a bamboo pole, stood firmly on it, waved to Ranma, and said: "Come on, Ranma! Let Let me see what you have learned from your seniors."


Ranma sneered, then jumped onto another tree trunk, and said in a deep voice, "Father idiot, don't scare your eyeballs out later!"

"Etc., etc--"

At this time, the tour guide who was introducing Mana Spring Township to Lin Qiong was not calm at that time, he hurriedly ran towards Ranma and Xuanma, and stammered: "You two, please don't mess around! People from Curse Spring Township..."

"Mr. Tour Guide, don't panic."

Lin Qiong patted the tour guide on the shoulder, interrupted his chanting, and said, "Actually, I am very interested in the curse effects of these springs, so let them try it."

Tourist guide:"……"

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "Guest, isn't this inappropriate? Isn't this bad? This, this, this..."

Lin Qiong: "This father and son are neon people."

Tour guide: "Oh, that's all right."

He stood up straight with a calm face, put his hands behind his back together with Lin Qiong, and looked leisurely at Saotome and his son who were fighting on the bamboo pole.

"Hey hey hey—"

After the father and son fought several times, they returned to the bamboo pole and continued to confront each other.

"Not bad, Ranma! The improvement is very obvious."

"Hey, thanks to senior's guidance!"

'What a brat!If it's just the two of us, I'll have to make you suffer -'

Xuan Ma curled his lips, then looked at Lin Qiong who was standing on the shore, and said, "Okay! Let's go down first—don't keep senior waiting."

So, the two of them jumped down from the top of the bamboo pole and landed steadily beside Lin Qiong.

Lin Qiong: "?"

Tsk, why did you two come down?Fortunately, I am still prepared to witness the scene of you falling into the spring with my own eyes!

But fortunately, I was already prepared.

"Mr. Xuanma, Mr. Ranma."

Lin Qiong raised his right hand, directed the eyes of the two to the tour guide beside him, and said, "This is the tour guide of Mantra Spring Township."

The tour guide smiled and nodded: "Hello."

Father and son: "Hello tour guide!"

"The tour guide told me just now that these springs have some special effects, and these effects are the origin of the name of Mantra Spring Township."

Lin Qiong pointed to the spring water in front of him, and said with a grin, "I'm a little curious if what he said is true, so I want Ranma to help me try it."

Ranma: "???"

He suddenly widened his eyes, then raised his right hand to point to his nose, and said, "Senior, do you want me to be a guinea pig!?"

"Oh, don't worry, Ranma!"

Lin Qiong waved his right hand and said, "Mr. Tour Guide said that although the effects of these springs are very subtle, they will definitely not cause any harm to the body, right?"

The tour guide nodded happily: "That's right, he's right."

Ranma: "Yes, but..."

Lin Qiong took a step forward and said, "You promised me to do something for me?"

Ranma: "..."

Ah, Xibaer!General!

He nodded with a painful expression on his face, and then asked again with a little worry: "Senior, really, really, there is really no problem, right?"

"My guest, don't worry!"

The tour guide patted himself on the chest, with a professional smile on his face, and said, "These springs will never cause any harm to the body."

"Huh, okay!"

Ranma patted his face, summoned up his courage and said, "Senior, which spring should I go to?"

Lin Qiong smiled and pointed to the direction of Niangyian Spring that he had learned from the tour guide before, and said, "That."

"So, I'm on—"

Ranma took a deep breath, then ran two quick steps, and jumped in the direction of Niangyian Spring.


The next moment, he fell into the spring water.

Chapter 0773 Ranma Sauce

"Stare—" x4

Under the watchful eyes of Lin Qiong, Feng Wang, Xuan Ma and the tour guide, a series of bubbles appeared in the Niangyian Spring, which caused waves due to Ranma's jump, and then...


The next moment, with the sound of exhaling, a beautiful girl with red hair, good looks and hot body came out of the spring water, then shook her head, shaking off the water stains on her face like a dog down.

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