Lin Qiong: "Huo↗~"

Is this a female ranma?It was really cute.

Phoenix King: "Huo↘~"

Is this Niangdong Spring?How interesting!

Tour guide: "Well—~"

The curse that I haven’t seen for many years is still so beautiful.

Xuan Ma: "Karma!"

My one-year-old son has become a daughter?

Ranma: "?"

She couldn't help touching her head, looked at the three people on the shore with different expressions, and couldn't help but said, "Then, how do you... um? My voice?"

Ranma squeezed your own throat strangely, and muttered, "Ah, it's so strange, how did my voice become like this?"

Lin Qiong: "Le——"

The female Ranma's voice is almost exactly the same as that of Hui Yuan Ai, so Lin Qiong seemed to hear Hui Yuan Ai imitating Conan's speech just now.

"Ranma-kun... no, Ranma-chan."

Lin Qiong pointed to the spring water under Ranma's body, and said with a smile: "I suggest you look at the water surface, so that you can understand what happened to you."

Ranma sauce: "Huh? Huh?"

She lowered her head in confusion, and muttered, "What is Ranma sauce...what the hell!!"

After seeing her current appearance through the reflection of the water surface, she immediately let out an exclamation of more than eighty decibels.

"Eh!? Me, my hair..."

"No, no! It's not just the hair..."

"Even, even the breasts..."

"Wait, did you say that!?"

"No, it's gone!"

"Guha! I, I became a girl!?"

Along with the exclamations one after another, Ranma-chan kept rubbing her chest with her left hand, pulling open the waistband of her pants with her right hand and looking down, falling into petrification.

"Tsk tsk! Mr. Tour Guide, it seems that I misunderstood you."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but smacked his lips, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that the spring water in Curse Spring Township really has such a wonderful effect."

"Oh! Did I say I wasn't lying?"

The tour guide looked at Lin Qiong pretending to be aggrieved, and said, "The guests have to find someone to verify before they are willing to believe my words."

"Oh, isn't it because what the tour guide said is too fantastic?"

Lin Qiong looked at the tour guide with an apologetic face, and said, "I apologize for my ignorance like Mr. Tour Guide."

"Oh, Mr. Lin is too polite."

The tour guide quickly waved his hand and said modestly: "Actually, I also understand Mr. Lin's doubts. After all, the effect of these springs sounds incredible."

"No, no, no -"

At this moment, Ranma Jiang, who had swam ashore from the Niangniang Spring, rushed to Lin Qiong and the tour guide with an uneasy face, widened his eyes, and said incredulously, "Senior, what the hell is going on? "

"Guest, let me explain! What you just fell into is Niangniangquan—"

The tour guide smiled and introduced professionally: "It is said that 500 years ago, a young and beautiful girl slipped and fell into the spring and drowned! So since then, the living who fell into the Niangniang spring will be punished. The curse of the dead soul, turning into a cute girl."

Ranma-chan: "Huh? Huh?? Huh??"

She held her head in both hands, and she was full of disbelief: "No! No! Senior, didn't you tell me just now that it won't cause harm to the body?"

"But, it's true that the Niangyian Spring didn't cause any harm to your body?"

Lin Qiong looked at Ranma Jiang with a strange expression, and said, "You have neither lost arms or legs, nor have you suffered from a terminal illness because of it, nor have you received any strange curses such as headaches or vomiting blood..."

Ranma-chan: "..."

That's right, that's right...

"But, but, have I become a girl?"

Ranma-chan lowered his head, glanced at his tall chest with tears in his eyes, then looked at Genma beside him angrily, and scolded: "Idiot dad, you don't have any expression when you see how I look now. ……Wow!"

When she saw Xuan Ma's bloodless and pale expression at this moment, she was so frightened that she let out a short cry.

"To die, to die, to die..."

Genma looked at the cute and cute Ranma-chan, who was bulging forward and backward, and felt waves of dizziness rushing into his brain: "I, I will be fucking killed by the child!!"

You know, when Xuanma took Ranma out to practice, he had signed a life agreement with his wife, Saotome Jiaxiang: If Ranma could not be trained to be a man among men, then father and son The two have to apologize by caesarean section.

The result now?Ranma-kun directly turned into Ranma sauce—not to mention becoming a man among men, he was no longer a man!

Ranma sauce: "Ah! Σ( ° △ °|||)!"

Hearing Genma's soliloquy, Ranma-chan seemed to have recalled something, and suddenly he knelt on the ground with a pale face and a look of despair, and wailed: "Wash, wash the motor, now it's really going to be old." Mom, kill me!"

Tourist guide:"?"

He blinked his eyes, and then asked with concern in a professional spirit: "Um, two guests? I wonder what are you two worried about? Can you tell me?"

"Yes yes yes!"

Lin Qiong chimed in and said, "Mr. Xuanma, Ranmajiang, what are you unhappy about? Tell us quickly to make us happy!"

Xuanma & Ranma Sauce: "?"

The father and daughter looked at Lin Qiong in disbelief, with horrified expressions on their faces - they now urgently needed a word that was more offensive than newborn to describe Lin Qiong.

Forget it, you can't beat him.

"It's like this..."

Xuan Ma sighed deeply, and then said with a sad expression: "Before I brought Ran Ma out to practice, I once..."

After he told his wife the agreement, he hugged Ranma beside him and howled loudly: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Ranma, we are dead!"


Ranma Jiang's eyes were also filled with crystal tears, she choked up and said, "I, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Lin Qiong & tour guide: "Kacha Kacha——"

Xuanma & Ranma: "Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-"


"woo woo woo woo--"



Well, I can't stop howling.


Xuan Ma looked at Lin Qiong sadly, desolately and resentfully, and said, "Because of you, we are now suffering from life-threatening threats, and you ended up eating melon seeds by the side—is this appropriate?"


Lin Qiong spit out the melon seed shells in his mouth, then looked at the other party with an innocent face and said, "I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious yet."

Xuan Ma: "?"

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "How could I not be in a hurry!!"

"Ahem, guest, listen to me first."

The tour guide coughed dryly and said to Genma: "The curse on this not irreversible."

Xuanma & Ranma Sauce: "Huh?"

The ears of the two people twitched slightly, and then they ran to the tour guide with a "dong dong dong" sound, and shouted in unison: "How can I remove the curse on him (me)!?"

The tour guide said: "There are two ways to lift, one is temporarily lifted, and the other is permanently lifted."

Xuan Ma asked without hesitation: "What's the way to get rid of it permanently?"

The tour guide replied: "Just let her soak in the male drowning spring, and the curse of the mother drowning spring can be overwritten."

"What are you waiting for?"

Xuan Ma looked at the tour guide excitedly, and said, "Mr. Tour Guide, please tell us the location of Nanyan Spring!"

"Uh, this, it can be possible, but..."

The tour guide showed an awkward yet polite smile and said: "If two different curses are received in a row within two years, the cursed person will explode and die due to the conflict between the curses."

Xuan Ma: "Huh? In other words..."

"That is to say, Miss Ranma, who just fell into the Niangyuquan, has to wait two years before she can get rid of the curse by soaking in the Nanyuquan."

The tour guide showed an embarrassed smile and said, "During these two years, she can only change back to a male by temporarily removing the curse."

Xuanma & Ranma Sauce: "..."

"Mr. Tour Guide, this kind of words should be explained at the beginning..."

Xuan Ma covered his face, and said in a heavy tone: "Then please tell us how to temporarily remove the curse."

"Hot water."

"Huh? Hot water??"

"As long as you come into contact with hot water, the curse of the spring water will be lifted..."

The tour guide raised his finger with a smile, and explained: "But it should be noted that if it comes into contact with cold water, the curse will reappear."

"That is to say..."

Ranma sauce thought for a moment, then the corner of his mouth twitched and said: "I have now become a physique that turns into a man when I meet hot water, and a woman when I meet cold water?"

Lin Qiong nodded: "Indeed."


Ranma-chan raised his hands in pain and hugged his head, and let out a mournful cry that made the listener cry and the listener feel sad and happy: "I don't want this kind of physique at all!!"

"Phew, it would be nice to have a solution."

Xuanma breathed a sigh of relief, then patted Ranma on the shoulder, and instructed: "Ranma, you have to be careful not to get caught in front of your mother, or our father and son... both father and daughter will die!"

"You bastard father!"

Ranma sauce gritted his teeth and rushed towards Xuanma, waving his fists one after another, saying: "If! No! Because of you! Take me to the heaven! I won't either! Cursed ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "

"You can't blame me for this kind of thing, right?"

Xuan Ma blocked Ranma Jiang's attack with an innocent face, then threw Ranma Sauce in Lin Qiong's direction with an over-the-shoulder throw, and said, "The culprit obviously set a trap for you to jump into it on your own initiative." The senior in the spring is right!"

Ranma sauce: "?"

How can I not know this kind of thing?But I can't beat him! ?what can I do?I'm desperate too!

Chapter 0774 give him a sign

Lin Qiong: "?"

He narrowed his eyes and glanced at Xuanma, who was throwing the pot away, and silently made a note of him in his heart.

"Smelly daddy, don't try to fool me!"

To Lin Qiong's relief, Ranma-chan did not listen to Genma Saotome's slander and firmly put the blame on the opponent: "In the final analysis, if you don't bring me to heaven, I won't touch you at all. to these things?"


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