Seeing that he couldn't fool his idiot son, Genma immediately let out a tut, then took out his ears with his hands, and said in a disdainful manner: "You stupid son, don't disobey your father's orders! I said it's you It’s your fault!”

Ranma sauce: "?"

She clenched her fists tightly and said through gritted teeth, "You stinky old man!"

"A little bit~"

Xuanma made a proud face at Ranma, then crossed his arms and let out a triumphant laugh: "Wow ha ha ha! I just like the way you look at me and feel helpless! Hahaha--"

Too much!


Ranma Jiang raised her pink fist angrily, rushed towards Xuanma again, and shouted coquettishly: "You bastard old man, die!"

Lin Qiong: 'What's the matter with feeling a little excited when I hear Ai Jiang's voice cursing like this? '

Although Ranma sauce is courageous, but because she was not a match for Xuanma in the first place, and her body shape changed from Ranma-jun to Ranma-chan, she couldn't use her full strength, so...

"Thief hahaha——"

Xuanma looked at his daughter who was trampled under his feet, raised his head and let out the same laughter as Lin Qiong, and said mockingly: "Give up, you rebellious son! I am not the opponent of the senior, how can I not be your opponent?"

Lin Qiong: 'Implying me again, right?OK! '

He squinted his eyes at the arrogant Xuanma, and silently made another note of him in his heart.

"Ahhh! You nasty old man—"

Ranma sauce struggled weakly on the ground, gritted his teeth and said: "You wait for me! When I become stronger than you, I will definitely pluck your leg hair one by one!!"

Xuan Ma: "?"

After he heard Ranma-chan's threat, he immediately sneered: "Huo? If you want to say that, then I can only bully you while I am stronger than you now! Jie Jie Jie!"

Lin Qiong: 'It's too scumbag!can not watch anymore! '

He immediately turned into a righteous warrior, and silently made up for him the missing third stroke in his heart.

'very good!It's three strokes! '

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Ranma, who was suppressed by Xuanma with the Great Wall of Jericho, and said with a smile: "Ranma sauce! If you promise me one more thing, I will do it again." How about helping you teach your old man a lesson?"

Ranma: "!"

Without hesitation, she patted the ground below her with her right hand and screamed, "I agree! I agree to any conditions!!"

"make a deal."

Lin Qiong smiled reservedly, then walked towards Xuan Ma gracefully, and said, "Mr. Xuan Ma, I allow you to resist."

Xuan Ma: "!"

He jumped up from Ranma Jiang's body suddenly, and then shouted with an uneasy face: "You rebellious son! Father, I will give you another chance to organize your words!"


Ranma struggled to stand up, then wiped the dust off his face with his sleeve, and said with revenge: "Stinky old man! It's too late to regret it now!"

"No, Ranma! My dear son, it's still too late to restore our father-son relationship—"

Xuan Ma glanced at Lin Qiong who was slowly walking towards him, took two steps back in a panic, and said, "What a big boy, stop him quickly! Don't let him come over!"

As soon as he said it, Genma felt like he was about to urinate.

Seeing Xuan Ma's appearance, Ran Ma Jiang couldn't help but said: "Senior——"

'Great! '

Xuanma was overjoyed, he waved his fists in his heart twice, and shouted: "Ranma, good job!" '

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Ranma sauce took a deep breath and said, "Please don't have any worries!"

'Nani! '

Xuanma turned pale with fright, he smashed his hat on the ground in his heart, and angrily said: "Ranma, unfilial son!" '

Lin Qiong: "Okay!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his right hand towards Xuan Ma and said, "Mr. Xuan Ma, please rest assured!"

Xuan Ma: "?"

What am I worried about?

"I consulted Mr. Tour Guide in advance and specially chose a cute curse for you—"

Lin Qiong gave him a thumbs up, and said with a sassy face: "How is it? I'm not bad to you, am I?"

Genma: "??"

Do you want to see what you are talking about! ?You are really kind to me if you let me go, okay? ?

However, before he could reveal his psychological value, Lin Qiong had already kicked him in the butt.


Accompanied by a scream, the heartbroken Xuanma drew a beautiful parabola in mid-air, and then fell into the spring with a "plop" under the watchful eyes of Lin Qiong, the tour guide and Ranma Jiang.

"Oil shrimp!"

Ranma Jiang clenched his hands into fists and let out a cheer that made Lin Qiong and the tour guide a little ashamed.

Lin Qiong & tour guide: "These two people are really filial fathers and daughters (sons)!" '


After a burst of bubbles, as the water surface rose, a cute black and white figure about two meters tall emerged from the water.

"Wow, woo woo woo!"

It angrily pointed at Ranma-chan with its right finger, and said lines that no one could understand, "Aww! Aw!"

"Huh? What are you talking about—"

Ranma Jiang plucked his ear with his little finger indifferently, and said, "Sorry, I don't understand animal language."


Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Panda stood in the pool with visible shock. He quickly lowered his head and observed his appearance through the reflection of the water... his appearance...

'Ah, Xiba'er!Isn't this Panda? '

Xuanma covered his face with his hands in shock, and let out an indescribable panda scream, "Ranma still maintained his human appearance after all, but I'm not even human anymore!" ?

"This guest fell into the Panda Drowning Spring——"

The tour guide started the introduction very professionally, "It is said that 2000 years ago, there was a panda..."


Xuanma yelled fiercely at the tour guide, then slapped the water surface with both hands angrily, "Wow!"

This obvious thing needs no introduction!Damn it, kick me into the human spring anyway, you brat!

Lin Qiong narrowed his eyes: "Huh?"


Xuanma trembled all over, then glanced at Lin Qiong with a concerned look, patted his chest and said to himself, "Aww!"

Don't panic, don't panic!You are now a panda, and your cry is also the cry of a panda. If he doesn't understand, it's not a big problem!

"Mr. Xuanma."

Lin Qiong squatted on the shore, looked at the cute creature Pang Da in front of him, and said with a smile: "Tell me, is there a possibility—I mean possibility—that I can understand animal language?"


Xuan Ma opened his mouth wide: "Aww?"

Are you kidding me?Are you lying to me?

"No, no, brother Lin Qiong never lies."

Lin Qiong shook his finger, and said with a smile: "If you say you understand, then you understand!"

"Ow, ooh, ooh!"

Genma covered his face with his frightened hands, forming a wonderful "Panda Screaming.jpg" picture: "Ouch!!"

I don't believe it, I don't believe it!I can't believe this kind of thing!

"Oh my, you still don't want to believe it?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help sighing, then stood up with his hands on his knees, turned around and gave the tour guide a wink, and said, "Mr. tour guide, please contact the panda base in Sichuan and ask them to arrange manpower. , come here and help this wild giant panda undergo a castration operation."

Xuan Ma: "Gah?!"

Go, castration?Wait, wait!Eh!Is it the castration operation I understand? ?

He only felt a phantom pain coming from his golden jade, which made him hold his crotch in horror.

Ranma sauce: "Huh?!"

She was stunned for a moment, then she covered her abdomen with her hands and burst into heart-rending laughter: "Go, castration surgery? Hahahaha! Good, good! Great! Great! Great! Great!"

A filial daughter belongs to yes, too filial.

"Okay, Mr. Lin, I'm going to call the Sichuan Panda Base right away."

The tour guide is also a wonderful person. He immediately accepted Lin Qiong's words, then turned around with a smile and walked towards his hut. As for whether the panda base in Sichuan provides services for castration of wild giant pandas... …

What does crooked nut know?


The next moment, Xuanma Panda suddenly jumped out of the pool like a bear who would never be a slave, and then flew towards Lin Qiong, using his mother bear's strength, "Gah!"

Accept!Saotome Style · Forbidden Mystery · Tiger Landing Style! !

Under Lin Qiong's indifferent comment, the giant panda that swooped over suddenly curled up in front of its body, performed a 720-degree front flip in mid-air, and then landed on the ground with a "boom".

Xuanma Panda: "Aww!!"

Red Bean Paste Intimate Masai! !Senior Lin Qiong, please hold your hands high and spare my dog's life! ! ! !


Lin Qiong elongated his voice, then lowered his head, looked at his fingers slowly, and said to himself: "Oh, what is this panda talking about? It's a pity, I can't understand animal language. .”


Xuanma Panda was immediately dumbfounded. He hurriedly glanced at the guide who was drifting away, and immediately hugged Lin Qiong's thigh with tears streaming down his face: "Aww! Woooooo! Woooo!"

I was wrong!Senior, I shouldn't question you!I don't want to be castrated, I don't want to!

"Senior, I actually have a hidden ability, that is, I can understand animal language!"

At this time, Ran Ma Jiang on the side showed a smile like a little devil, and said with a smirk: "What the stinky old man said just now is-you castrate me quickly, I can't wait!"

Xuanma Panda: "!?"

He showed an expression as if Tang Seng came to the west after going through the nine-nine-eight-one disaster, and found a blood strip on the Buddha's head.

Ranma ahhh!You traitor! ! ! !

Chapter 0775 Immortals

castration surgery...

Of course it didn't happen.

"Ha ha……"

Saotome and his son, who had returned to their original appearance after being showered with hot water, were sitting on the ground panting and glaring at each other.

"Unfilial son!"

"Smelly old man!"


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