

"whispering sound!"

The two glared at each other fiercely, and then turned their heads away with a "hum" - this look of never seeing each other made Lin Qiong and Feng Wang, who were eating melon seeds beside them, very happy.

Lin Qiong: "Fight, fight!"

Feng Wang: "Hit to death, hit to death!"

Xuanma & Ranma: "?"

The two of them looked at Lin Qiong and Feng Wang in unison, and then slowly looked away under Lin Qiong's kind gaze.

Sorry, can't beat it.

Seeing the two people dying, Lin Qiong suddenly felt bored and sighed: "Forget it, I'll go do some business first."


The father and son couldn't help turning their heads to look at Lin Qiong, watching him take out a 15L mineral water bucket from his arms.

"Huh?" x2

The two wiped their eyes subconsciously, and then saw Lin Qiong take out another 15L mineral water bucket from his arms.

"Huh?" x2

The two subconsciously leaned back tactically, watching Lin Qiong take out a third 15L mineral water bucket from his arms with doubts about life.

"Hmm?" x2

The two couldn't help raising their hands to hug their heads, watching Lin Qiong take out the fourth, fifth, and sixth mineral water buckets with demented eyes...

"No, no no no no!"

The two stood up from the ground with a "swish", and then rushed to Lin Qiong with the momentum of running out of the hot wheels with both legs.

"Senior, what kind of trick are you doing?"

"Senior, are you performing magic?"

While continuing to take out the plastic bucket, Lin Qiong replied without raising his head, "Do you think I'm magic?"

The father and son nodded in unison.

"if not?"

"This can only be magic, right?"

"You two! The core of magic is tricks, tricks, and tricks—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing, he raised his head to look at the two of them, and said, "Then what kind of tricks, tricks, and blindfolds do you think can do this kind of thing?"

Ranma & Genma: "..."

They stared blankly at the nearly thirty barrels scattered around Lin Qiong—oh no, there were almost forty barrels because Lin Qiong was still taking them out—and fell into deep thought.

'is fake? '

Thinking of this, Xuan Ma squatted down and poked the bucket in front of him with his hand—the tactile feedback was normal, obviously not fake.

'Is it a phantom? '

Ranma thought like this, and quickly touched all the buckets placed by Lin Qiong - all of them were real objects.

'Absolutely! 'x2

The father and son fell into the state of "Abaaaba" again, looking at Lin Qiong with eyes full of hope, waiting for his answer.

"Want to know?"

Lin Qiong glanced at the two of them with a smile, then took out a post-it note and a water-based pen from his arms, and said, "One person on each side, collect a bucket of spring water from each spring, and then use the post-it note on the bucket to clean it. Mark, can you do it?"

"Sir! Yes, Sir!" x2

In order to satisfy their curiosity, Xuanma and Ranma immediately took the post-it notes and water-based pens in Lin Qiong's hands, then picked up the bucket on the ground, and turned into beaters.



I have to say that it is true that there are targeted workers.

In just 7 minutes, the father and son put more than 100 different spring waters into the buckets, and marked them with post-it notes on the buckets.

Dude, stay safe!

"Very well, Wraygood!"

Lin Qiong nodded with satisfaction, and then stuffed the buckets back into his clothes one after another while the two people's eyes almost popped out.

No, this is not magic, is it magic? ?

"Stare—" x2

After Lin Qiong put away the last bucket, the father and son immediately squatted in front of him, looking like "we won't get up unless you make it clear".

"Okay, don't look at me like that—"

Lin Qiong waved his hands dumbfounded, and said, "It's just some simple space tricks."



The two tilted their heads.

"Hmm, one flower, one world? Mustard space? Space ring?"

Lin Qiong scratched his head, briefly cited three examples, and said, "It's almost this kind of thing."

"Gah--" x2

If the expressions of the two of them were dumb just now, then the expressions of the two of them now are horrified.

Xuan Ma looked at Lin Qiong with a messy face, and stammered: "It's difficult, it's difficult, it's difficult. Could it be that the predecessors are gods and Buddhas?"

But, are there really such wicked gods and Buddhas?

"God and Buddha? Can't talk about it."

Lin Qiong shook his head with a smile, and said, "At most, it has something to do with them."

Xuanma & Ranma: "?"

no!Brother, are we kidding?You, why did you admit it! ?

"Previous, senior..."

Xuan Ma swallowed a mouthful of saliva, showed a dry smile, and said, "Ahaha, this, this one, isn't funny at all?"

"Oh? Do you think I'm joking?"

Lin Qiong took out a chair casually, sat on it gracefully, then propped his chin with his hands, looked at Xuanma and Ranma with a smile: "Alright, then I was just joking."

Xuanma & Ranma: "!?"

Originally, the father and son were a little unconfident, but now they are even less confident.

'No, his attitude of being completely disdainful of arguing is more convincing. '

Xuan Ma raised his right hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose, thinking: "Of course, he may also be playing tricks..."

What a fart!

More than half of the more than 100 plastic buckets were filled with water by himself, and then he saw Lin Qiong put it away with his own eyes—come on, come on, tell me how to make a fool of yourself?

"Okay! Don't think too much about meaningless things."

Lin Qiong took out a bag of potato chips, stuffed one into his mouth, and said lazily: "Instead of thinking about who I am, it would be more practical to think about what you can learn from me."

Xuanma & Ranma: "!"

'grass!As expected of a senior, one word really awakened the dreamer! '

The father and son looked at each other, then knelt down on the ground without hesitation, and said loudly, "Please teach us, senior!"

'One thing to say, why do I feel as if I have become someone else's cheating finger? '

Lin Qiong looked at the father and son in front of him, couldn't help but touched his chin, and said to Feng Wang with a subtle expression on his face: "You think, in many urban novels, there are not such old gods with the same background board, the martial arts Is it worth the ceiling? '

King Feng: "?"

She flapped her wings and landed on Lin Qiong's fingers. She stuck her head into the bag and pecked out a piece of potato chips. While tasting it, she complained: "This is the first time I see someone claiming to be the ceiling of force!" '

'There is a saying, in this low-material world, my strength is really worth the ceiling——'

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, then looked at Saotome and his son, and said, "I can't stay here for too long, so I'm afraid I can't teach you some very complicated things! But..."

When Lin Qiong said the first half of the sentence, Zaotome and his son showed expressions of regret and disappointment; when Lin Qiong said the word "but", the eyes of Zaotome and his son suddenly showed hope.

The poor Saotome father and son were manipulated by Lin Qiong.

"I'm going to teach you a technique called 'Air Control Circle'."

Lin Qiong showed a malicious expression, and said, "Because the teaching time is limited, my methods will be a little rough, is it okay?"

"It doesn't matter! Please do it, senior!"

Xuan Ma put his head on the ground first, but when he found that his stupid son didn't respond, he hurriedly stretched out his right hand and pressed the back of Ranma's head, pushing his head to the ground as well.

"Alright, alright."

Lin Qiong stood up, put the potato chips and Feng Wang on the bench together, then walked towards the two while moving his shoulders, and said, "Are you ready? The attack is coming—"

"Huh?" x2

Before the two of them could react, Lin Qiong's figure appeared in front of them, and hit their chins with a double Shenglong Fist.

"Gu oh——" x2

Accompanied by a tidy grunt, Saotome and his son drew a parabola in the air, and then hit the ground.

"What are you doing? Not only did I remind you that 'an attack is coming', but I also deliberately slowed down my attack speed, just to give you time to react!"

Lin Qiong frowned, and said a little unhappy: "The result is you? The two of you were in a daze for two full seconds, watching me blow you away?"

“Intimate Masai with Red Bean Paste!”

Xuanma clutched his chin and got up from the ground, then quickly put on a fighting posture, and said in a deep voice: "Senior, I won't let my guard down again!"

"Me too!"

Ranma also made the same Saotome-style starting move and said loudly: "Senior, come here!"

"Listen well, the so-called air control circle is a technique to maximize one's own perception—"

Lin Qiong took out a wooden stick from his pocket, walked towards the two of them, and said, "You need to calm your hearts down! When you reach the realm of clear mirror and still water, the surrounding environment will be like Like looking in a mirror, it is reflected in your hearts.”

"Yes!" x2

"Then, in the next time, I will attack without rules."

Lin Qiong waved the wooden stick in his hand, and said with a smile: "Maybe it's a continuous attack like a raging wave, maybe it's a swift attack like a poisonous snake—are you ready?"

"Yes!" x2


In the middle of speaking, Lin Qiong, who was waving a wooden stick leisurely, suddenly rushed towards Ranma, and the wooden stick in his hand hit him in the abdomen trickily, flying him into the air.

Xuan Ma: "Chaos..."

"Do you still care about others?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and swiped the wooden stick in his hand, hitting him on the waist and sweeping him out, just falling under Ranma.

"Tsk tsk, how miserable."

Feng Wang smacked his lips and said, "Go on, I love watching!"

Chapter 0776 Is this something I can experience at the age of 16?

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