"I don't like watching it, I'm tired of it."

Feng Wang lay lazily on the bench, yawned deeply bored, and muttered: "One thing to say, no matter who lies here and watched the beating scene for more than half an hour, they will feel bored, okay?"

"Is that right?"

Lin Qiong stopped attacking, then put the wooden stick on the ground, leaned on it and said, "Then how about I show you a few jobs?"

"Huh? To elaborate—"

Feng Wang sat up, and said curiously: "Let me Kangkang, what new tricks do you have!"

"I'll think about-"

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "For example, by beating them, let them dance a little swan while avoiding the attack?"

"Huh? Interesting!"

Feng Wang regained her energy, she sniffed, and said, "If you want to fix this, I won't be sleepy!"



Xuanma & Ranma: "?"

Listening to the conversation between Lin Qiong and Feng Wang, big question marks visible to the naked eye appeared on the heads of the father and son.

Xuan Ma said hesitantly, "Senior, I think..."

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think."

Lin Qionghuang waved his upper body hands, and said domineeringly: "Have been beaten for half an hour, and I haven't started yet! How dare you have any objections?"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Saotome and his son burst into tears.

"Red Bean Paste Private Masai! Disappointed seniors!"

Xuan Ma lowered his head and said with a choked voice: "Ranma is really useless, he hasn't learned it yet!"

Ranma: "?"

He looked at his old bean and asked, "Have you learned?"


"Then why do you say I'm useless?"

"Because I am your father!"

"Suffer to death!"

The next moment, Saotome and his son rushed towards each other and wrestled together.

Lin Qiong: "..."

He rubbed his head speechlessly, and complained to King Feng: "I have some doubts now, whether it was a mistake for me to teach them the trick of controlling the air circle."

Saotome father and son: "!?"

The two who were wrestling together one second, knelt down in front of Lin Qiong in the next second, and said obediently like elementary school students who made a mistake: "Senior, we were wrong!"

"No, I'm not angry."

Lin Qiong waved his hands dumbfounded, and explained: "It's like this - I divided martial arts into two types: 'quiet' and 'dynamic', and the air-controlling circle is one of the mysteries of the 'quiet martial arts'."

Xuan Ma: "!?"

He opened his mouth and showed a shocked expression: "I didn't expect that the moves taught to us by the seniors are actually esoteric techniques!" ? '

This is a real secret, not his [Forbidden Secret·Tiger Landing Form] and [Li·Forbidden Secret·Magic Dog Wailing Break] that seem to be joking.

"If you want to cultivate the space control circle, the most basic requirement is to enter the realm of clear mirror and still water."

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said helplessly, "Judging from your performance just now, I think it's a bit difficult."

This father and son was too emotional.

"Ah this..."

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Saotome and his son looked at each other, and then smiled at the same time.

"That, that, senior, please rest assured!"

Xuanma rubbed his hands flatteringly, and said resolutely, "Ranma and I will definitely be serious about the next training..."

"Mr. Xuan Ma, as I said just now, I am not angry, nor do I mean to blame you."

Lin Qiong interrupted Xuanma's declaration helplessly, and said in a peaceful tone: "I just want to tell you——from your performance just now, you may be more inclined to 'Moving Martial Daoist'."

"Then, senior!"

Ranma raised his hand and asked obediently: "If we are martial arts masters, what should we do?"

"What can I do? Change to something else to teach—"

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, then pinched his chin and said to himself: "Should I teach 'Dragon Sing and Tiger Roar'? Or teach 'Countdown Jab'? In fact, 'Crimson Fork' is also good..."


Listening to the name of the move in Lin Qiong's mouth, Saotome and his son couldn't help swallowing.

'This, these moves, sound so powerful! '

"I think you don't have to worry about it."

Feng Wang looked at Lin Qiong who had fallen into the difficulty of choosing, and couldn't help complaining: "Why don't you just ask them what type of moves they want to learn, and then prescribe the right medicine?"

"Good guy!"

Lin Qiong suddenly showed a horrified expression. He looked at King Feng in disbelief, and exclaimed, "Wow! Feng'er, you have such amazing wisdom! It's really terrifying!"

King Feng: "?"

She stared at Lin Qiong with unfriendly eyes, grinned and said, "Are you trying to quarrel?"

"If it was at home, I would argue with you for three hundred rounds."

Lin Qiong curled his lips, then turned his attention to Saotome and his son, and said, "Here! You heard Feng'er's words just now, so what moves do you want to learn? Boxing? Legs? Body? Or a sonic attack?"

Saotome and his son: "!"

The happiness came so suddenly that the two of them didn't know what to do for a while—is there really such a wonderful thing in this world?

Optional moves!Did you hear me?Optional moves! !

Do you understand the gold content of self-selection?This is no different from choosing any five-star character in a mobile game, and it also comes with the corresponding dress/special weapon!


"Senior, is there a move that can increase explosive power in a short time?"

Ranma raised his hand first, then seemed to think of something, and quickly added: "Of course! If the side effects are too big, just pretend I didn't ask."

"A burst move with less side effects?"

Lin Qiong touched his chin and muttered, "Let me think about it..."

Generally speaking, comprehensively enhancing one's own explosive moves is accompanied by no small side effects——

For example, Luffy's fourth and fifth gears will make the whole body lose strength after the end;

For example, Chaogong Longdou's movement and static will cause chaos in the whole body if it exceeds the time limit;

For example, Kakarot's Super Blue Overlay Realm King Fist consumes a lot of stamina.

'Well, so give him a youthful version of the energy of movement? '

Lin Qiong wiped his chin, and then gestured with his hands in front of his body: "First this, then this... Oh right... Oh no... Oh right right right... Oh no right no right..."

Xuanma & Ranma & Phoenix King: "?"

The next moment, three question marks hit Lin Qiong.

What are you doing here?Right and wrong.

"No, Aqiong—"

Feng Wang couldn't help complaining: "Are you wondering whether it's right or wrong for one fee and five milk?"

"I'm not a supernatural power, why am I entangled in this kind of thing?"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, and said with some distress: "I was planning to hand over to Ranma's youthful energy to open up."

From the realm of martial arts, the openness of static/moving qi is a symbol of strength reaching the master level, but if you want to master it in advance, it is not impossible...

"Okay, that should be right."

After Lin Qiong tested his brain a few times, he nodded in satisfaction, and said to the sweaty Ranma: "I think there should be no problem! Come and try?"

"That, that, senior."

Ranma couldn't help swallowing, and stammered, "I, can I ask you a question?"

"You said."

"That is, did you create the move just now?"

"Almost so."

Green, green!

Ranma's face immediately turned green.

Mamma Mia!Created on the spot?Doesn't that mean that I am the first guinea pig to practice this move?

Don't do that kind of thing!

"Ranma, don't worry!"

Lin Qiong saw Ranma's timidity, and couldn't help saying solemnly: "You have to believe in me, you have to believe in you, and you have to believe in me who believes in you!"

Ranma: "..."

Good guy, he is too familiar with these words!

When he was an innocent boy, Xuanma used these words to trick him time and time again, and it was also through these big pits again and again that he realized what kind of scam his father was.

"No problem, okay? I've tested my brain no less than twenty times."

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, looked at the chaotic horse in front of him with dissatisfaction, and said, "Just trust me! Even if you unfortunately die because of this trick of cultivation, I can save you back!"

Ranma couldn't help covering his face, and complained: "Senior, everyone is dead, how can we save them?"

Lin Qiong looked at King Feng: "Is it difficult for the dead to revive?"

I have the Staff of Resurrection.

King Feng looked at Lin Qiong: "The dead have come back to life, it's just a matter of foundation."

I have resurrection authority.

Xuanma & Ranma: "??"

Saotome and his son couldn't calm down at all—Senior, are you kidding me?Can you do such a thing as the dead Su Sheng! ?

You also said that you are not a fairy! ?

"Why, you don't believe it?"

Lin Qiong looked at Zaotuo father and son, raised his eyebrows, showed a malicious smile, and said, "How about I kill you two first, and then I will show you what is the resurrection technique?"

"No no no!"

The heads of Saotome and his son were almost turning into propellers.

"no, I'm fine!"

Xuanma raised his hands to stop Lin Qiong's movements, and said with a dry smile, "Resurrection must be exhausting, right? I won't bother senior to demonstrate it!"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang: "Resurrection, does it consume energy?"

I use the Resurrection Staff.

King Feng looked at Lin Qiong: "Resurrection, as long as you have hands."

I use holy fire.

"You see, it doesn't take any effort at all."

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