"Follow you, follow you!"

At this time, Rocky is focusing on a well-behaved but arrogant heart: "Hmph!Now the form is stronger than the person, let's be cowardly first!After you're gone, we'll have plenty of time to play with mermaid crush!Jie Jie Jie! '




Finn looked at Lin Qiong who walked into the conference room, stood up with a smile on his face, and said, "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, we meet again."

"Yo, Finn, good evening!"

Lin Qiong waved at him, then looked at Ai Si who was curled up on the sofa and read light novels, and said, "Good evening, Ai Si too."


Aisi nodded slightly and responded, "Good evening."

Loki: "?"

She couldn't help but patted the door of the lounge, and said dissatisfied: "Did you miss something?"

Finn thought for a while, and then said to Riveria: "Riveria, thank you for your hard work."

Ai Si agreed obediently: "Rivelia, it's hard work."

Loki: "??"

She raised her right hand and pointed at herself, shouting, "What about me? What about me!? The Lord God of my dignified Loki family, don't you deserve a greeting?"

Finn was silent for a few seconds, then showed a smile: "Loki, thank you for your trouble. After dinner, you have been lying on the breasts of the mermaid ladies for fun."

Loki: "..."

Fuck, why don't you say that!

Chapter 0778 I admit that I was a little louder just now!

Luo Jisheng lay on the sofa unloved, stared at the ceiling with blank eyes, and murmured: "I feel like I was raped by the Internet."

"Ah yes yes yes—"

Lin Qiong and his head nodded perfunctorily, then took a bite of the apple in his hand, and said vaguely: "Fast forward until you have jade jade disease."

Loki: "?"

She sat up straight from the sofa, then looked at Lin Qiong with dissatisfaction, and said, "Ah Qiong, do you have a little, a little bit of conscience?"

In order to emphasize how "a little bit" in his mouth is "a little bit", Loki specially drew a move that would cause him to lose the Korean market.

"Loki, I have a wind speed dog at home, you know it."

Lin Qiong looked at Loki and said sincerely: "My conscience is fed to the wind speed dog."

"Hey, I'm damn—"

Loki showed the expression of Wang Lei pointing at people.jpg, and said cursingly: "You kid is so fucking insufferable!"

"Thank you for the compliment."

Lin Qiong clasped his hands in his fists and said with a look of shame, "Actually, I'm far from as good as you said."

Loki: "?"

She opened her mouth, then leaned in front of Feng Wang who was squatting on the tea table and eating sunflower seeds, and asked in a low voice, "Ah Qiong, where did you go for further training? How did your shameless power go to the next level?"

My good fellow, even my dignified Loki felt powerless when faced with his shameless power!

It's so terrifying!

"Study further? Where is he going to study?"

Feng Wang glanced sideways at Lin Qiong who was throwing a small steamed bun of Wangzai into the air, then shook his head back and forth, trying to catch it with his mouth, and couldn't help complaining: "Do you think that in this world, No, is there anyone in the other universe who can teach him this?"

Loki: "!"

She froze for a moment, then nodded with approval, and said, "You're right!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He squeezed out the little steamed buns that fell into his nostrils, then patted the armrest of the sofa with black lines all over his head, and said, "You guys really jumped in the toilet—excessive! Why am I the most shameless person in the world?" ? Isn’t there still Fengwang and Loki?”

Hooh & Loki: "?"

"Would you like to see what you're talking about?"

"Aren't you awake? Do you want me to give you a holy fire?"

Facing the responsibilities of the two female (female) gods, Lin Qiong just straightened his collar slowly and said, "Suddenly I don't want to talk about that very interesting thing."

Loki was silent for a few seconds, then closed his eyes, and said against his conscience: "Aqiong, you are definitely the purest and most innocent person in this world!"

Feng Wang stared at Loki dumbfounded, and said with emotion from the bottom of his heart: "Loki, it makes sense for you to be able to play with Aqiong."

"Shut up you fat bird!"

Luo Ji glared at King Feng, gritted his teeth and said, "My old lady, this is called judging the situation, this is called being able to bend and stretch, this is called..."

"Ah yes yes yes—"

Facing Loki's defense, Feng Wang just nodded perfunctorily, and said, "You have small breasts, you are right."

"Hey, I'm Nima..."

Loki once again showed the expression of Wang Lei pointing at people.jpg, and said cursingly: "Feng Wang, it makes sense for you to be able to play with Aqiong the fuck."

Lin Qiong: "?"

"No, what do you two mean? Tell me clearly!"

He sat up straight and said dissatisfiedly: "Grandma, what does it mean to be able to play with me? It makes sense? She said it as if I was a poor student!"

Rocky said dissatisfiedly: "Aqiong! How could you be a poor student? You must be an excellent student!"

Loki said inwardly: 'In the discipline of shamelessness, you must be among the best. '

Feng Wang also helped and said: "A Qiong, you are definitely the number one scholar! And the number one scholar in the country!"

King Feng said in his heart: 'Of course, he is the shameless national champion! '

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He looked at the two of them suspiciously and said, "Why do I feel like you are hinting at me?"

"No! It's just your illusion!"

"Yes, yes, it's just an illusion!"


"I'm a goddess, will I lie to you?"

"I'm a legendary Pokémon, will I lie to you?"

"Just a mouthful."

Lin Qiong waved his hand generously and said, "Come back to business——Loki, are you ready?"

"Oh oh oh! Is it finally coming?"

Loki quickly sat up straight, then looked at Lin Qiong expectantly, and said excitedly: "Hurry up and bring up the 'interesting things' you mentioned, and let me taste them!"

"This is it, clang!"

Lin Qiong reached out and pulled out a bottle of spring water from the Cursed Spring, then put it on the coffee table, and said, "This is the 'Hamster Drowning Spring', as long as the creatures that are splashed by it will become A cute hamster."

Loki: "?"

Disappointed, she lay back on the sofa, and then looked at Lin Qiong speechlessly.

"No, that's it? Are you kidding me?"

"What world is this? The world of sailing!"

"What's special here? Devil fruit!"

"So you were in suspense for a long time, and then came up with a lower-ranked substitute for a Devil Fruit?"

"You are wasting my feelings for you, understand?"

"You are..."

Loki took the opportunity to criticize loudly, but stopped abruptly when Lin Qiong took out the second bucket.

"this is……?"

"The black dolphin drowning in the spring can turn the person who gets soaked into a black dolphin."

"Oh thanks!"

Then, Lin Qiong took out a third bucket.

"This is again...?"

"Rabbit drowning in the spring can turn people into rabbits."

"Oh thanks!!"

Then, Lin Qiongshuang took out the fourth bucket.

"This pair is...?"

"Cat drowning in the spring can turn people into cats."

"Ohhh thanks!!!"

Then, the fifth bucket... the sixth... the seventh...

Under Loki's gradually exaggerated expression, Lin Qiong seemed to be downloading 2345, continuously putting buckets filled with various drowning springs on the table.

"No.70 four, Niang Niangquan."

Lin Qiong put the No.70 four buckets on the table and said, "You can turn the person who gets wet into a girl."

"Don't take it, don't take it—"

Loki held her head in both hands—she had been doing this since Lin Qiong took out the seventh bucket—and wailed, saying, "I admit that I spoke a little louder just now! I apologize! "

I'm super, what kind of garbage is Devil Fruit?So unfamiliar!

"By the way, the effect of the fountain of the curse is not permanent."

Lin Qiong leaned on the back of the chair, said with restraint, elegance and arrogance: "It will change back when it is showered with hot water, and it will change back when it is showered with cold water."

"Brother Qiong, you are my god!!!"

Loki knelt on the ground at that time, then covered his chest with a painful look on his face, and said regretfully: "I dared to question your decision just now, ah, how short-sighted, how stupid, and how heinous I am. !”

"By the way, the curse effect of the fountain of the curse can be replaced."

Lin Qiong lowered his head, looked at the palm prints on his palm, and said lightly: "Just let the target be drenched in new spring water after two years, and the previous curse can be covered."

"I am guilty! Please forgive me, Lord Lin Qiong, for being ignorant!"

Loki propped his hands on the ground, and slid to Lin Qiong in a kneeling position, then hugged his thigh, and asked casually, "But why is it two years later?"

"Because about two years is the cooling time of the curse."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and said, "If two kinds of spring water were poured in a row two years ago, then the body would not be able to withstand the power of the conflicting curse, and would explode and die."

"Good guy! Is this really a strange devil fruit?"

Loki raised his eyebrows, then excitedly touched the bucket on the tea table, and said, "But this thing is much better than Devil Fruit!"

"But this thing has an obvious shortcoming—that's why I came here to find you."

Lin Qiong supported his chin, looked at Loki helplessly, and said, "The 'quality' of these fountains of curses is too low."


After hearing what Lin Qiong said, Loki raised his eyebrows, then picked up the male drowning fountain on the table without hesitation, poured it on his head, and said, "Let's try it..."

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