The next moment, under the surprised eyes of Aisi, Finn and Riveria, Loki's figure...

"Changed, changed...?"

Finn looked up and down Loki, whose appearance had not changed in any way, and asked hesitantly, "Loki, is there any effect?"

Loki: "?"

She stood up with a surprised face, then opened her hands, and asked, "No, can't you feel such an obvious change in my body?"

Everyone: "?"

"Sorry, Loki, maybe our eyesight is not very good."

Lin Qiong looked at Loki in front of him seriously, and said sincerely: "But we really can't see any change from you—any change."

Loki: "??"

She opened her hands in confusion, then turned around under everyone's gaze, and said, "Are you fooling me? How could there be no change at all? No matter how you say it should be..."

At this moment, Loki seemed to realize something, and fell silent.


Loki stretched out his left hand, "Mirror."


Riveria handed the mirror to Loki with a calm face.


Loki let out a breath slowly, and then raised the mirror in front of himself.

Hairstyle, unchanged.

Appearance, no change.

The shape of the face has not changed.

Body, no change.

Loki: "..."

She was silent again for a few seconds, raised her right hand and grabbed her crotch, and then...

"What a fool! This is it!"

Loki slammed the mirror in his hand on the ground, cursing: "Why is there no change except for a dime! Is this implying that there is no difference between an old woman and a man? You bastard!!!"

Chapter 0779 you are really born

"My mirror..."

Riveria ignored the furious Loki, but squatted on the ground with a distressed face, picked up the broken mirror fragments from Loki, and muttered: "I ate thirteen popsicles before I won it." my mirror..."

Loki: "?"

She looked at Riveria in disbelief, and said, "Mother Riveria! In your mind, is the mirror given by the lottery more important than our body problem?"

Riveria asked blankly, "Isn't it?"

Loki: "??"

Finn added a knife to the side: "Loki, you are hundreds of millions of years old, you should almost get used to this kind of thing."

Loki: "???"

Aisi made up the last cut very sensiblely: "Loki, figure, can't remember."


Loki spit out a mouthful of old blood, then fell down on the sofa with a pale face, and said weakly to Ai Si: "Ai, Ai Sitan! I, I feel so uncomfortable... I may, I may not live long, can I , can you..."


Before Loki finished speaking, Aisi refused expressionlessly: "Loki, now you are a man, don't want it."

Loki: "Σ( ° △ °|||)——"

She knelt down on the ground, choked up with tears streaming down her face, and said, "We thought that becoming a man would win the favor of Ai Si Meimei..."

"Give it up, Loki."

Lin Qiong patted Loki on the shoulder with pity and said with emotion: "This is enough to prove that Ais rejected you not because you are a woman, but simply because she doesn't like you."

"I Nima-"

Loki jumped back, lying on the sofa with his eyes closed and a peaceful expression on his face, and made a half-dead voice: "I am dead, I have something to burn."

"Everyone, I believe you have already heard this amazing news—"

Lin Qiong looked at the other members of the Loki family, and said with a serious face: "The god Loki has declared his death and officially returned to the heaven! So I propose that the Loki family should be on the spot..."

"Wait for me!"

Rocky sat up in shock from dying, and said angrily: "I said, shouldn't your first thing be to find out the cause of my death, and then avenge me!? Dividing the family property right away is so troublesome! "

"Loki! Don't you know the truth that death is like a lamp going out?"

Lin Qiong shook his head and let out a heavy sigh.

"After the death of the god Loki, the Loki family fell apart—"

"Riveria returned to the elves, picked up a hoe and plowed the farmland..."

"Finn lost the direction of his efforts and became a fisherman next to O'Leary..."

"Aistan was charmed by Freya's ability after being at a loss for a while, and joined the Freya family..."

"Only the last one ah ah ah ah!"

Loki held his head in both hands, let out a cry of pain, and said: "Rivelia and Finn are fine, but my crush Aisi can't be taken away by Freya!! "

Finn & Riveria: "?"

Big question marks appeared on the heads of the two leaders of the Loki family.


Finn crushed the potato chips in his hand, and asked with veins all over his face, "Can you explain to us what 'Rivelia and Finn are fine'?"

"If you can't give us a satisfactory answer..."

Riveria dumped the fragments of the mirror in her hand into the trash can, then squinted at Loki, and said, "Maybe, I will consider 'immigrating' to the Astria family."

"What, what!?"

At this time, Luo Ji seemed to be overthrowing the Buddha with great difficulty, only to find that the Buddha still has a second-stage Tang Seng, who is as restless as Tang Seng, "Wait, wait! You, listen to my explanation, I have a reason!!"

Finn nodded: "Well, you talk, we listen."

Riveria sat on the sofa reservedly: "I hope your reasons can impress us."

Loki: "..."

Xiba!Something big is going to happen!

"Oh! Something big is going to happen!"

Lin Qiong let out a schadenfreude sneer, then sucked the jelly into his mouth, and said vaguely: "Now contact Astoria and A Jian and inform them of the news of the Loki family's disbandment."

"Iron! Don't boo at this time, you bastard!"

Loki rushed over and grabbed Lin Qiong's collar, and said through gritted teeth: "After all, you are the culprit, right? Tell me, who made you assume that Aisi Meimei was snatched by that woman Freya?" of?!"

"Report Loki!"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and said, "It's my Leziren soul!"

"You actually admitted it openly!?"

Rocky was taken aback, and looked at Lin Qiong in disbelief: "Your boy's conscience... tsk! Your conscience was eaten by the wind speed dog."

Lin Qiong let out a loud voice: "Indeed!"


Loki loosened Lin Qiong's collar angrily, then sat down on the sofa, complaining: "You kid will choke on water, choke on food, and block your shit!"

"Ah yes yes yes—"

Lin Qiong nodded perfunctorily, then pointed at Riveria and Finn, and said gloatingly: "Loki! I think you should find a way to appease them instead of cursing me here now." Emotions, otherwise...hehehe!"


Loki uttered a groan, and then looked at Finn and Riveria pitifully.

"Stare—" x2

What greeted her was the cold and unforgiving gaze of Finn and Riveria.

"Oh, don't you look at us like that! Let's explain, explain—"

Looking at the indifferent expressions of the two of them, Loki couldn't help but sneer and said hurriedly: "Because, because we think that with your ability to take care of yourself, you don't need to worry about us at all, right? But in comparison, Aisi Tan That's what worries me..."

Finn & Riveria: "..."

They looked at each other, and then exchanged a look with a heavy expression.

Finn: 'What to do?I actually think what Loki said makes sense—”

Riveria: 'Don't ask me, because I think she makes sense too-'

Thinking of this, the two looked at Ai Si who was eating Baumkuchen at the same side, and then sighed in unison: "Oh."

Ace: "?"

She raised her head and glanced at the two of them with a puzzled expression, then tilted her head and thought for a few seconds, handed over the Baumkuchen in her hand, and said, "Rivelia, do you want to eat?"

"Thank you, Ace."

Riveria shook her head with a smile, and said softly, "But I'm not hungry, so I won't grab your snacks."

"Oh, okay."

Ace nodded, then looked at Finn again, and asked, "Finn, do you want to eat?"

"Thank you."

Finn couldn't help but shook his head, and said, "But I don't have enough stomach, so you'd better keep it for yourself."

"it is good."

Ais nodded, then put the Baumkuchen back, and ate it with her head down. Feeling the sweetness blooming on the tip of her tongue, she couldn't help narrowing her eyes happily.

Loki: "?"

She kept pointing her right finger at herself, looked at Ai Si in front of her with a disappointed face, and murmured: "Ai, Ai Sitan, even, didn't even ask me..."

"I am sorry for your loss."

Lin Qiong patted Loki's shoulder, and said bitterly (xing) mouth (zai) mother-in-law (le) heart (huo): "This can only show that you are not in Ais's heart at all."

Loki: "??"

She gritted her teeth and stared at Lin Qiong, and said, "Are you sure you seem to be comforting me?"

Lin Qiong nodded: "I'm sure and sure!"

"I believe you ghost, your byd is full of bad water."

Loki rolled his eyes angrily, then raised his right hand and snapped his fingers, and said, "I'm not joking, let's talk about serious business—the quality of the curse of this spring is indeed not high, and it is estimated that it can be solved with a medium-quality curse-relieving potion." .”

In fact, if Loki hadn't deliberately lowered his "abnormal state resistance" in order to experience the effect of the male drowning spring, the curse of these springs would not have taken effect on her.

"It's because its strength is too weak, so I came here to find you."

Lin Qiong hugged Loki's shoulders with a smile, gave a thumbs up with joy, and said: "You are the famous God of Mischief, you will definitely not let me down, right?"

"Tsk, don't think that if you praise me like this, I will forgive you for your cynicism, schadenfreude, and hatred for me just now!"

Loki glared at Lin Qiong, and said with a whimper, "We get angry, but it's hard to coax!"

"Actually, I have expected that this kind of situation may happen, so I have prepared things for a long time."

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