Lin Qiong cleared his throat, then moved along the edge of the table to the eldest lady's side, leaned into her ear and whispered: "My dear wife, why are you...oh!"

The eldest lady elbowed Lin Qiong's abdomen, then stood up from her seat in shame and indignation, grabbed the secretary's hand and rushed out of the restaurant.


Lin Qiong looked at the secretary who was "flying" behind the eldest lady like a kite, and couldn't help opening his mouth wide, and let out a voice of surprise: "So it's really possible to do such a thing? Si Guoyi!"

"Hey! Now is a good time to make fun of Erina——"

The sister-in-law jumped up from her seat, then put the index and middle fingers of her left hand between her eyebrows and flicked her fingers towards Lin Qiong, and said with a beaming voice: "Then, Alice, let's go now!"

"Da da da--"

After finishing speaking, she opened her hands, and happily chased after the direction where the eldest lady left.

"I have a hunch that Alice will suffer again."

Lin Qiong smacked his lips, then sat back beside Miss Wanshitong, and said, "What do you think... woo! What kind of expression is this?"

"I just think..."

?_?Miss Wanshitong looked at Lin Qiong with a military expression and said, "After spending time with his wife, someone finally has time to remember me?"

'Oh, why is Miss Know-it-all jealous? '

Lin Qiong looked at Miss Wanshitong with a headache, licked his lips and said, "Well, well, listen to my explanation!"

"Suck it-"

Miss Know-It-All took a sip of soy milk, then bit the straw and nodded, saying, "Well, you tell me, I'm listening."

Chapter 0781 There is a hint of curiosity

Lin Qiong: "..."

Ah!Ahh! ?

So strange, really so strange!

"Obviously Miss Know-It-All is not my girlfriend, but why do I have a kind of... a kind of..."

Lin Qiong raised his hand and wiped his forehead, thinking with lingering fear: "It's the feeling of finding your girlfriend sitting in the living room waiting for you when you come back from fooling around? '

Weird, so weird!

"what happened?"

Seeing that Lin Qiong didn't respond, Miss Wanshitong let go of the habit of being bitten and deformed, and then asked leisurely: "Don't you want to explain? I'm waiting."

"Uh, um, this..."

Lin Qiong nodded his head vigorously, and said solemnly: "It's actually like this..."

"Why don't I tell you?"

Miss Wanshitong propped her chin with her right hand, and said with a smile in her eyes: "Because Erina who is in a shy state is too cute, so I want to bully her severely, right?"

"Ahem! Indeed...there is such a meaning——"

Lin Qiong scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and then hastily added: "However, I actually have other reasons!"

Miss Know-it-All drank soy milk gracefully: "Well, tell me, I'm listening."

"It's actually like this—"

Lin Qiong interlaced his hands and fingers, put them in front of his lips, and said with a serious face: "Actually, I... um..."

Lin Qiong's heart: 'Wash, wash the motor!It's all my fault that Miss Know-It-All interrupted my train of thought just now, causing my mind to go blank——'

Move, my brain cells!You don't just eat nutrition and don't work on your teeth!

Brain cells: 'Sleeping, please do not disturb. '

"Forget it, if you can't figure it out, stop thinking about it—"

Seeing Lin Qiong's pensive look, Miss Wanshitong couldn't help but chuckled, then put down the teacup in her hand, and said, "Let me tell you about Brooke's situation."


Lin Qiong couldn't help but smiled awkwardly, then nodded obediently, and said, "Well, tell me, I'm listening."

Aizen in the corner: "..."

He pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, thinking: "How on earth did A Qiong say the same lines as Ms. Know-it-all, but give people a completely different impression?" '

"According to the research, Brook's situation is that 'appearance' and 'internal' are in two 'observation states'."

Miss Know-It-All blinked and said: "From the 'appearance' point of view, he is indeed a skeleton, and objects can even pass through his ribs without causing harm to him; but from the 'inside' point of view, he has ordinary You can even see the internal organs and the flow of blood.”

Lin Qiong: "?"

He showed a pensive expression, as if he was thinking about something very serious.

Miss Know-It-All: "?"

She tilted her head in doubt, and thought: "Could it be that I said it too profoundly, so that he couldn't understand it?" '

So, Miss Passionate said, "Mr. Host, what are you thinking about?"

"Well, I was just thinking..."

Lin Qiong maintained the posture of Commander Ikari, and said with a serious face: "You just said that Brook has normal internal organs, right?"

Miss Know-It-All nodded: "Well, that's right."

"So, here's the problem—"

Lin Qiong raised his head with a serious face, and said seriously: "Can Brooke poop?"

Miss Know-It-All: "Huh?"

"Because, if there are normal internal organs, it means that food will be digested according to the normal process, right?"

Lin Qiong raised his fingers seriously, and said, "That means it will pass through the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, and finally become..."

"Okay, you don't need to say anything!"

Miss Know-It-All rubbed the bridge of her nose, and then said with a strange face: "Although we haven't tested whether he has this function, during this journey, haven't you observed whether he goes to the toilet?"

"I've been told, but there really isn't one."

Lin Qiong showed an awkward yet polite smile, and said, "Except for meal time, Brook is usually active in Rab's stomach, so we really haven't seen him go to the toilet."

"Okay! Then it's no wonder you have such doubts."

Miss Passionate supported her forehead and shook her head, and said, "The answer is, yes—since he can eat, he naturally has the function of excreting."

After all, he is Brooke, not a Pixiu who can only get in and out.

"I see! But I'm a little curious, how did he go to the toilet as a skeleton..."

Lin Qiong nodded thoughtfully, and murmured: "To be precise, how did he poop? After all, he looks like a skeleton from the outside, right? And there is no mysterious eye..."

Miss Know-It-All: "..."

She covered her face helplessly.

My dear Mr. Host, do you really want to worry about this smelly question?



After breakfast.

"It's troublesome—"

Lin Qiong sat cross-legged on the sofa, folded his hands on his chest, and said distressedly: "Oh, oh, what a trouble!"

King Feng: "?"

She opened her eyes from her doze, glanced at Lin Qiong suspiciously, and said, "Why are you so crazy here?"

"Hey, can you talk? I'm obviously thinking seriously, okay?"

Lin Qiong looked at King Feng with dissatisfaction, and said, "A fat bird like yours whose brain is already stuffed with food will never understand my wisdom."

"Just you? Hehe——"

Feng Wang let out a sneer, and said, "As soon as Aqiong thinks, Arceus laughs."

"You fart!"

"Have you smelled it?"

"Oh my grass!"

Lin Qiong hardened his fist.

Without hesitation, he grabbed Feng Wang on the table, then turned around and threw it smoothly, saying, "The divine bird is attacking! Let's go—"

"call out--"

The impotent and furious Feng Wang turned into a shooting star and disappeared into the air, leaving her last words: "Even if I die, I will be nailed in a coffin..."

Can't hear the one behind.

"Hmph, King Cricket Phoenix!"

Lin Qiong patted his palms, put his hands behind his back, and said distressedly: "Hi! I bullied Erina a little bit maliciously just now, and I'm too embarrassed to go find her now."

Based on his understanding of the eldest lady, if he went to her at this time, he would only get a precious CG of "Erina Ball"——Erina Ball, which mostly grows on the bed sheets, and the ball will shake when it is in the shape of a ball. There will be the sound of "no road race".

"Miss Know-It-All's research has also reached a critical moment, and I'm too embarrassed to disturb her..."

Lin Qiong frowned, showing a distressed expression, and muttered, "Suddenly, I don't know what to do!"

If he remembered correctly, it seemed that there had been a breakthrough in the analysis and solidification of law fragments - according to Miss Know-It-All, if this step was successfully taken, the mass production of "New Devil Fruit" would become possible.

"Why do you feel like you are suddenly alone?"

Lin Qiong lay on the sofa, holding the back of his head with both hands, and said delicately: "Hey, should I say something—busy, please be busy?"

It is yes to have fun in bitterness.

"Master, what are you doing?"

Just when Lin Qiong was lying on the sofa and was about to fall asleep, a voice he hadn't heard for a while sounded above his head: "If you fall asleep here, you will catch a cold? Ah, no! With the young master's physique , should not catch a cold..."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He opened his eyes suspiciously, then raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

'so big! '

What attracted the eye was a pair of beautiful things that were particularly eye-catching due to the gravity. In front of this pair of beautiful things with absolute suppression, even the figure of the eldest lady who was originally superior to others became mediocre.


Irene looked at Lin Qiong, who was in a daze, subconsciously raised her bangs, pressed her forehead against his forehead, and whispered, "Could it be that you are sick?"

"No, I'm fine."

Lin Qiong looked at Irene's face that was close at hand, and reminded a little subtly: "It's just... Irene, don't you think this is too intimate?"

With their foreheads pressed against each other, Lin Qiong could touch Irene's lips by gently moving his mouth forward.

Erin: "!"

After hearing Lin Qiong's reminder, Irene, who realized what she had done astonishingly, squatted on the ground covering her face, and explained in a panic: "Young master! You, listen to my explanation—this is Take care of the habits left behind by the baby!!"

Lin Qiong: "Ah..."

He scratched his head and said, "It seems that there is such a thing?"

It seems that mothers have the habit of sensing whether their baby has a fever by sticking their foreheads.

"Although it is a habit developed by taking care of the baby, you still have to pay attention to the object—"

Lin Qiong looked at Irene who was squatting on the ground and said something, and joked with a smile: "I was confused by your actions just now."

"Ahaha, I will definitely pay attention next time..."

Irene nodded with a dry smile, and muttered in a low voice: "This kind of sudden incident that is not good for the heart is enough to encounter it once."

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