She really had a cardiorespiratory arrest just now. If it weren't for the powerful physical fitness brought by the dragon-slaying magic, she would have passed out with a roll of her eyes.

"Then this matter is over."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, then looked at the corridor curiously, and said, "Speaking of which, where is Ersha? Why didn't you see you hugging her?"

"She just fell asleep."

Irene raised her hand and rubbed her face, and said a little tiredly: "Elusha is in the stage of making a fuss now, I managed to put her to sleep, and I took the opportunity to come out..."

Before she finished speaking, the brooch she wore on her chest lit up red.

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked at Irene who froze suddenly, and couldn't help asking: "What happened?"

"Elusha is awake, I'm going to continue to coax her—"

Eileen stood up helplessly, bowed to Lin Qiong, and said, "So I'll take my leave first."


Lin Qiong looked at Irene's leaving back, thought for a while and said, "Wait, Irene."

Erin stopped: "Huh?"

"Can I go with you?"

Lin Qiong looked at Irene expectantly, and said with some embarrassment: "I'm a little bit curious about the baby!"

Chapter 0782 Why does she care so little about me?


Irene's voice suddenly raised a few points: "I want to see Erza!?"

"No, can't you? Well, I just said it casually. If it's inconvenient, forget it."

Lin Qiong was completely unconfident by Irene's reaction, and said with a dry smile: "After all, it is a baby with poor immunity, so it is understandable not to let others touch it."

He couldn't help but recall a piece of news he had read before: the general content was that a dozen relatives took turns kissing the baby's face, causing the baby to suddenly have a high fever and be admitted to the hospital a few hours later.

The reason is naturally that babies have poor immunity, and many miscellaneous fish viruses that are harmless to adults have successfully regained their confidence in young babies.

"Uh, no, it's not that I don't want to..."

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Irene hurriedly explained: "Elusha is not an ordinary baby, and there is no need to worry about immunity, it's just...just..."

Lin Qiong: "Just?"

"It's just that the other half of Erza's chromosomes comes from you, so I'm worried about what you can see..."

Irene clenched her fists and thought with great trembling: "How can such a thing be said so eloquently!" '

Lin Qiong tilted his head: "Huh?"

"No, I'm just... just... that..."

Irene waved her hands in a panic, and explained: "I'm just worried that the noisy baby will make the young master unhappy."

"Hey! I'm not an unreasonable person!"

Seeing this, Lin Qiong stood up from the sofa with his hands on his knees, and said with a smile, "I proposed to see Ersha, so why would you blame her for being noisy?"

"Uh, this, in this case..."

Irene frowned, showing an extremely tangled expression: "Then, then... go?"

Lin Qiong smiled in satisfaction and said, "Let's go!"



Dantou Island·dormitory area.

"Whoa whoa-"

After passing through the enchantment arranged by Irene, Lin Qiong heard Elusa's angry cry: "Quack ah ah—"

"Dude! This voice is really not covered--"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but took a breath, and then said with admiration: "You can tell when you hear it, Ersha is extremely healthy."

"Ahem, I made the young master laugh."

Irene opened the door to the room with an embarrassed look on her face and said, "Erza's physique is very good, so making trouble is particularly torturous."

"Hahaha, it's a good thing to be noisy."

Lin Qiong waved his hands indifferently, then followed Irene into the bedroom expectantly, and said, "Let me see Erza quickly."

"Master, don't worry—"

Irene walked to the crib, stretched out her hands and held Erusa in her arms, then gently patted her vest, and said, "Let me calm her down first, otherwise she will keep making troubles." .”

"Good guy, can this little guy be so tough?"

Standing beside Irene, Lin Qiong looked curiously at Elusa who was frowning and crying wildly in her arms, and said with a smile, "Very good! Crying loudly, very healthy!"

"Crying loudly equals healthy?"

Irene turned her head to look at Lin Qiong beside her, and asked curiously: "Where did you hear this, young master?"

"I don't know! But there's this feeling—"

Lin Qiong crossed his arms and said confidently: "Erza must be an extremely healthy baby!"

"Yes... is it?"

Irene nodded with a subtle expression—mainly because she was a little uncertain whether Lin Qiong said it casually or really felt something.

After all, from a biological point of view, Lin Qiong is indeed Ersha's father.

"Karrah, ahhh——"

Erza is still howling at the top of her throat, how should I put it, it looks a bit like...

"This Ersha, why does she howl so much like Erha?"

Lin Qiong wiped his chin, leaned close to Elusa with a delicate expression, looked at her expression, and said, "Good guy, you don't even have a tear, why are you howling?"

"Two, two ha?"

Irene was taken aback for a moment, and then she felt bad: 'No, did anyone say that about their daughter?Although you don't know...'

Forget it, what's the point if you don't even know?

"I'm not kidding you! When the purebred Erha howls at home, the noise it makes is exactly the same as this!"

Lin Qiong nodded seriously, and said jokingly, "Why don't you give Ersha a nickname, Haha?"

Erin: "?"

No, you think I don't understand, right?

Haha = two ha = two ha, right?

"Ahem, I, I don't think so."

Irene twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "Haha, this name is not suitable for girls!"

"Well, indeed."

Lin Qiong touched his chin, smacked his lips and said, "What a pity! If it was a boy, there would be no need to worry about this."

For boys, let alone calling them Haha, no one would object even if they were called Goudan - don't you think so?Gul'dan.

"Ah, this..."

Irene looked at Lin Qiong inexplicably nervously, and whispered, "Could it be that the young master doesn't like girls?"

"Huh? Who said that?"

Lin Qiong looked at Irene in surprise and said, "Compared to a skinny monkey, it's obviously better to be a little princess, right?"

Who would not like a well-behaved and cute little princess, but choose a mischievous monkey?


Irene breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Erza in her arms in her heart: "Elusha, did you hear that?"The young master prefers girls—"

"Hey, what did I lie to you for?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then approached Ersha with a smile on his face, poked her small face with his fingers, and said, "Is that right? Little Ersha—"


After being poked in the face by Lin Qiong, Elusa's attention was immediately attracted by the fingers on the side of her face. Her gaze followed the fingers all the way, and then fell on Lin Qiong's face.

"A little bit—"

Lin Qiong stuck out his tongue towards Erza, then turned his eyes upwards and made an ugly grimace.

Erin: "..."

Wouldn't Erza be frightened by such an ugly expression?

She lowered her head worriedly, and looked at Ersha in her arms, only to find that the girl was blinking her big watery eyes, looking at Lin Qiong, who was pretending to be ugly, with eyes full of curiosity.

"Hey, weird stuff!"

Lin Qiong rubbed his face, and Erin, who was holding her finger in her arms strangely, asked, "Didn't you say she was quite noisy? Why is she so quiet now?"

Not to mention howling non-stop, this girl didn't even smile!


"I don't know why she is so quiet today..."

Erin was also a little surprised when she looked at Erza, who was so quiet in her arms, and said, "Normally she would keep howling at this time, and she would fall asleep when she gets tired of howling."

"It's okay to sleep until you're tired."

Lin Qiong looked at the well-behaved Erza speechlessly and said, "Little guy, are you usually so naughty?"

"Go por por por!"

I don't know if she understood Lin Qiong's words, but Elusa waved her hands in dissatisfaction, as if she was justifying her actions.

"Oh, little guy, do you have any other opinions?"

After Lin Qiong saw Ersha's reaction, he immediately burst into laughter, then stretched out his right index finger, and teased her near Ersha's hands: "Little naughty ghost~"

"Come on!"

Erza looked at the moving fingers in front of her eyes, and stretched out her hands curiously as if she wanted to grab it—but she underestimated the bird-playing skills that Lin Qiong had honed on Feng Wang for many years!

"Can't catch, eh, can't catch—"

Lin Qiong moved his fingers with a smirk on his face, making Elusa's hand catch empty every time, "Jie Jie Jie! Little guy, it's too early for you to catch this young master." 2 years!"

However, he forgot one thing - the target of his teasing now was not King Feng, but an unreasonable little baby.


Erin twitched her lips and said with an uneasy look on her face: "I have a bad feeling about your behavior..."

Facts have proved that the girl's sixth sense is really very accurate - before she could finish her sentence, Erza, who had emptied four times in a row, shrunk her face, and then burst into tears with a "wow".

"Zi'er wah-Zi'er wah-"

Erza was crying like a fire truck that was screaming, and big tears were streaming down her face.

"Eh, eh—"

Lin Qiong looked at Elusa who was crying without saying a word, and said sweating profusely, "No, you just cry like that? Can you make some sense?"


While patting Ersha's vest to comfort her, Irene said helplessly, "You let a baby reason with you. Is this really unreasonable?"

"Hey, this rant is a bit interesting."

Lin Qiong gave Irene a thumbs up, then stuffed his fingers into Ersha's hand, and said, "Here, do you want this? Here it is for you, don't cry anymore!"

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