
After Lin Qiong stuffed his fingers into Ersha's hand, Ersha, who was still crying one second, sniffed her nose and regained her calm the next second.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked delicately at Erza who was holding onto his fingers, and said, "Isn't this little guy too cunning? After the goal is achieved, will he stop crying immediately?"

"This one……"

Irene's expression was very exciting, she glanced at Lin Qiong with complicated eyes, and then whispered: "To be honest, I have never seen Ersha like this before."

Lin Qiong: "Ah? What do you mean?"

"Elusha on weekdays has never been so 'eager' to get something—"

Irene looked at Ersha who was holding Lin Qiong's fingers tightly in her arms, and said softly: "She usually cries to vent her excess energy, but the crying just now is the first time she has expressed desire for something."

Lin Qiong: "..."

She looked at Erza who was holding her finger with her limp little hand, and said with a strange expression: "Then here comes the question - why is she so rare about my fingers?"

My fucking meow is not Uncle Su Nuo, and she is not a super curse spirit, is she?

Chapter 0783 This grudge, I wrote it down

"About why Erza cares about your fingers..."

Irene repeated Lin Qiong's question, then slightly averted her gaze, and said guiltily, "This... Actually, I don't know why she behaves like this."

Erin thought to herself: 'I can't say that. I suspect it's because Erza inherited your genes, so she is naturally close to you, right? '

"You mother, why don't you know anything?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Irene helplessly, then returned his gaze to Erza who was carefully touching his fingers and Erza, and said thoughtfully: "Could it be that..."

Erin's heart suddenly rose: "Could it be that?"

"Could it be that it's because my young master is loved by everyone, the flowers bloom when the flowers bloom, and the tires blow out when the car sees it!"

Lin Qiong showed a snarky and fart expression, and said: "So the first time I saw this young master, this little guy was fascinated by me?"

Erin: "Uh...uh...um..."

'Although the process is completely wrong, the conclusion is correct. '

Erin looked at Ersha who was neither crying nor fussing in her arms, and her heart was filled with complicated emotions: "Because, Ersha really seems to like Dad's appearance. '

"That, young master..."

Irene looked at Lin Qiong who was playing a handshake game with Ersha with her fingers, and after thinking for a long time, she said, "Would you like to give Ersha a hug?"

She felt that her voice was trembling, and her heart was beating with unprecedented power.

'Oops, my heart is beating so fast...'

Irene swallowed a mouthful of saliva nervously, and thought worriedly: "Will the young master be suspicious of something?" '

"Eh? Is it okay? In my impression, many mothers have a strong desire to protect their children..."

Lin Qiong looked at Irene in surprise and said, "Basically, you won't let others hold your child easily."

"Sir, young master... and it's not someone else..."

Irene bit her lips shyly. The words she just said had already used up her courage for today... no, this week. The strong shame made her urge her: "So, do you want to hug me, Master?" Hug Erza?"

Lin Qiong scratched his face in some confusion, and said, "Well, this..."

He was a little worried that his shabby self would accidentally let Erza suffer - although there is a panacea that can cure everything, it doesn't mean that the "injury" can be erased.

Just when Lin Qiong was a little hesitant, Elusa in Irene's arms stretched out her hands towards Lin Qiong, and let out a milky cry: "Puuuuuuuuuu—"

Erin: "?"

She widened her voice in surprise, and then said excitedly: "Master, master! You...have you seen it? Elusa, she is asking for your embrace!"

"Why do I feel that you are more excited than me?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Irene delicately, then scratched his head with some numb claws, and said, "Then what, I have never held a baby before, if the posture is not standard or something, don't mind..."

"Master, so you were struggling with this matter just now?"

It was only then that Irene realized the reason for Lin Qiong's hesitation just now, she couldn't help but pursed her lips and said, "Don't worry! Erusa's body is very strong, so the young master can hug her in any position!"

"Yes, is it?"

Lin Qiong looked at Erza who was looking at him longingly with his golden eyes. He couldn't help but stretched out his hands and said, "Then, let me give it a try...?"

He stretched out his hands and took Erusa from Irene's arms, and then held her butt with his left hand, letting her lie in his arms.

"Come on porphyr!"

Ersha widened her black eyes, and curiously stretched her hands towards Lin Qiong's face, as if she was stroking some novelty.

"Tsk tsk, as expected of the daughter of you and Miss Know-it-all—"

Lin Qiong looked at Ersha in his arms, couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said, "When she grows up, she must be a symbolic beauty."

Tuo "Ahem——"

Irene looked away with some guilt, and then stammered: "I, I think so too! Ai...Elusha will definitely be a beautiful girl in the future!"

'Wow, what is this...'

Irene covered her face with a confused look behind Lin Qiong and said: 'The child's biological father is holding the child and saying that it is someone else's child...it's so weird...'

"But this kid..."

Lin Qiong looked at Irene helplessly, and said vaguely: "It is indeed too energetic."


Irene raised her head, then suddenly showed a wonderful expression, and said, "This, this..."

At this time, Erza was grabbing Lin Qiong's lips and pulling them, as if she was very interested in this "soft, deformable" thing.

"It's okay, she's not very energetic——"

Lin Qiong shook his head lightly, and said dumbfoundedly: "It's just...um...how should I put it? It's a very novel first experience? It feels like it."

"Well, even if you say that, Erza is too rude..."

Irene covered her face with her hands, and mourned: "When she gets a little older, I will add etiquette education to her daily life."

"Ah...I...I think..."

Lin Qiong hesitated for a few seconds, then said with a dry smile, "There's no need to add unnecessary burden to the child, right?"

Although he understands the feelings of many parents who want their children to become dragons and their daughters to become phoenixes, is it really okay to arrange so many extracurricular tutoring for such a young child and add so many burdens?

Of course, the reason why many parents do this is because other parents are involved in involution. If you don’t want your children to be inferior to others in future social competition, you have to accompany them in involution, but...

"However, Erza shouldn't have such worries—"

Lin Qiong glanced at Erza in her arms, then looked at Irene, and said, "Elusha, who grew up in the city of the sky, will be a long-lived species without accident, so she has enough time to come Acquiring knowledge slowly does not need to squeeze the time of childhood..."

"Young Master, do you think so?"

After hearing Lin Qiong's thoughts, Irene couldn't help but smile, and said, "I understand! I won't give Erza too much homework."

"Wow, are you so obedient?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Irene in surprise, and then said with some embarrassment: "Well, I just said it casually, if you have prepared a mature training plan for Ersha, don't worry about it because of what I said. And change something."

"No, it's fine."

Irene smiled slightly and said, "After all, I'm a new mother and I don't have much experience in raising children, so it's necessary to listen to other people's opinions."

This is a lie.

The real reason is that Irene thinks that Lin Qiong is the child's father, and he is qualified to intervene in the child's education - plus what Lin Qiong said is not a problem, so she will naturally not continue to be stubborn.

Lin Qiong: "Yes, is it? That's good."

He nodded with a subtle expression, and said, "Also, let me ask, how long will it take for this child to fall asleep?"


Irene glanced at Erza who was ravaging Lin Qiong's face, and said somewhat unconfidently: "About...an hour and a half?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "That is to say, do I want to let her ravage me for an hour and a half?"

"Ahem, why don't I bring her back?"

Irene stretched out her arms and hugged Ersha's waist with a look of embarrassment, and said, "You can't let her be so... Ren... Huh?"

She looked at Ersha in her arms, and found that this girl was holding on to Lin Qiong's collar, unwilling to leave his arms.

"You stinky girl!"

Erin raised her eyebrows angrily, and said through gritted teeth, "You've never been so clingy to me!"


Erza made a vague cry, and then used her short legs to push Erin's hand.

Erin: "?"

On the contrary, on the contrary!You rebellious girl!you you……

'It seems that the saying 'the son is the mother's flower protector, and the daughter is the father's caring padded jacket' is really true--'

Erin's mouth twitched as she looked at Erza with her mouth bulging: 'Why else would Erza be so close to her father?This is the first intimate contact between their father and daughter! '

Hi, my wife is so angry!

"It doesn't have to be, it doesn't have to—"

After Lin Qiong saw Ersha's movements, he patted her instep dumbfounded, and said, "Little guy, don't be rude to your mother."

"Okay, okay -"

Erza was stunned for a moment, then buried her face in Lin Qiong's arms aggrieved, and pointed the back of her head at Irene behind her.

Erin: "..."

Ah, hey, that’s so strange!Why do I, who invented the dragon-slaying magic and practiced the Source Power Cultivation Method, feel stomachache?

Hehehe, why! ?

Rebellious woman!

"Absolutely, why is this girl clinging to me?"

Lin Qiong scratched his face subtly, and said with emotion: "Has my young master's charm reached such a terrifying level?"

Erin: "..."

She shook her head helplessly, and said, "Young master, it seems that you can only take Erza out of your arms when she falls asleep."

"Come on!"

Although Elusa couldn't understand what Irene was saying, she could probably sense that her mother gave up her plan to take her away from this embrace—thus, the little guy showed a victorious expression.

Seeing this, Irene couldn't help clenching her fists, and then silently made a note in her heart——

○Year × day, Erza showed a very arrogant expression!

'This grudge, I wrote it down! '

Irene looked at her daughter with a smile, and thought: "When you start practicing magic, Mom will pay you back every single sum!" '

Jie Jie Jie!

This is called a mother’s caring mouth!

Chapter 0784 Prohibition of this kind of problem!

"I'm worried about a very serious problem right now..."

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