Lin Qiong looked at Elusa, who was being held in his arms and was happily pulling his face—although he didn't know what was so interesting about her face—and said, "Would she be happy because of Overexcited, making it harder than usual to fall asleep?"

Erin: "!"

She was startled suddenly, and then looked at Ersha in Lin Qiong's arms seriously.

"Come on porphyr!"

At this time, Elusa was trying to bet on Lin Qiong's nostrils with a serious face - but with her weak strength, she couldn't do anything to Lin Qiong's powerful nostril dilating muscles.

"Should, maybe, maybe..."

Erin showed a hesitant and uncertain expression and said, "Probably not?"

"I wasn't very sure at first, but now I am completely sure."

Lin Qiong smacked his mouth, then looked at Ersha in his arms with a complicated expression, and said, "I said, little guy, you are not really going to lie in my arms, are you?"


Elusa tilted her head for no reason, then showed a pure and innocent smile, and continued to compete with Lin Qiong's nostrils-so these nostrils are provoking you?Why you……

Oh, it turns out that from her perspective, these nostrils are glaring at her, so that’s okay.


Irene looked away with some entanglement——

Rationally speaking, she understood that she should take Erusa away from Lin Qiong's arms as soon as possible—in any case, it is always a bad thing for her baby to disturb "others" too much.

From an emotional point of view, she couldn't bear to use magic to remove Ersha from Lin Qiong's arms—God knows when will be the next time she will be able to get so close to her father?

So tangled, too tangled!

"Wait a minute, I suddenly realized a problem..."

Lin Qiong looked at Irene at the side, and said delicately: "Why do we always assume that 'Elusha must stay in the room and fall asleep' as the premise?"

Erin: "Huh?"

"That is, do you think there is a possibility—"

Lin Qiong looked at Irene who was meeting you, blinked his eyes slightly, and said, "I can take Erza to do the next thing."

"Eh? Is this okay?"

Irene looked at Lin Qiong in a little surprise, and said, "Will you not disturb the young master?"

"Hey, why bother or not? It's not something that requires fighting—"

Lin Qiong shook his head indifferently, and said, "I'm just worried that you will disagree."

"No, no, no, I agree, I totally agree!"

Ellen wanted to raise her hands and feet... Oh no, she wanted to turn into a dragon. She raised her hands, feet and big tail to express her agreement, "If the young master is willing, please take Erza with you!"

Lin Qiong looked at Irene strangely, and said, "What about you? Aren't you going to be with me?"

Erin was surprised: "Can I go too?"

Lin Qiong was shocked: "Why do you think you can't go together?"

'Yes, why?Probably because I feel like a despicable thief...'

Irene lowered her head, then couldn't help laughing at herself: 'I'm sorry, Erza!Because of your mother's willfulness, you can only get along with your own father as someone else's child. '

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked at Irene who was suddenly emo, couldn't help but stretched out his right hand and shook in front of the other person, and said, "No, why did you emo suddenly?"

"No, I just accidentally wandered off for a while."

Irene came back to her senses, then looked at Lin Qiong with a smile on her face, and said, "Master, when are we going to leave?"


Lin Qiong stood up and said with excitement, "I can't wait to show off to Loki how cute my Miss Know-It-All's daughter is!"

Erin: "..."

No one can understand how complicated her heart is at this time.



New Fishman Island.


The door to Loki's station was violently kicked open by Lin Qiong, causing Irene, who was about to open the door, to freeze in place.

Irene: 'Master, is this really okay?That's not good! '

"Loki! Come out, Loki!"

Lin Qiong howled at the top of his voice, "Master, I will show you a big baby!"

"What are you yelling about?"

Loki jumped down from the third floor, and landed in front of Lin Qiong vigorously, saying, "It's so early in the morning... I'm go!"

"Hey! How cute is it? This child's name is Erza——"

Lin Qiong raised Erza in his arms with a proud look on his face, and said with joy: "Her mother is Irene Belserion next to me. As for the provider of the other half of her genes... Hehe, you Guess who it is?”

Loki: "?"

'Are you underestimating my ability as a god? '

"Besides yours, who else could it be?"

Loki looked at Lin Qiong in front of him in surprise, and said, "Speaking of which, when did your kid have a child?"

"Unfortunately, the answer is wrong!"

Lin Qiong squeezed his eyes at Loki, and then said with a proud face: "The correct answer is—the other provider of the genes in Erza's body is my lady know-it-all! Didn't expect that?"

Loki: "Huh?"

Loki: "Hmm?"

Loki: "Hmmmmm???"

She first looked at Erza in Lin Qiong's arms, then rubbed her eyes vigorously, then looked at Lin Qiong himself, and finally focused on Irene.

Erin: "..."

Inexplicably, she looked away with a guilty conscience, and looked at the door at the side, as if she was seriously studying the pattern on it.

Loki: "..."

She twitched the corner of her mouth, then looked away from Irene, and looked at Lin Qiong with a complicated expression.

Lin Qiong: "Huh? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Just as Loki was about to say something, he saw Irene clasping her hands behind Lin Qiong and bowing towards him.

'Oh, even if you didn't do this, we wouldn't reveal such an interesting thing! '

Loki gave full play to her mentality of being a god of pranks to watch fun—the next moment, she showed an exaggerated expression and exclaimed: "Wow! Could this be the legendary technique for girls to give birth!? Wow! Quickly give me one too, we are going to have a baby with Ai Si Meimei!"

By the way, it is unknown whether the above sentence contains Loki's truth.

"Wow, you bastard—"

Lin Qiong looked at Loki in front of him with a look of disgust, and said, "Did you think of such a thing the first time you heard the news? You are really bad!"

"No Road Race!"

Loki glared at Lin Qiong, and said with a moaning voice: "People like you don't understand my pain at all! If, if I can have a child with Ai Si Meimei..."

"Hey, did you forget something?"

Lin Qiong sneered, and said, "Yesterday you became a male god through the male drowning spring, but Ai Si also accepts you!"

"Hey, do you know what a hammer? Ai Si Meimei is just being arrogant and shy!"

Loki looked at Lin Qiong with disdain and pointed: "After you left, she immediately found me wearing tight underwear and showed me her sincerity!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He took two steps back in shock, and said in disbelief: "I'm going? Is there such a crazy follow-up? You didn't lie to me?"

"Please, who am I Loki? Can I lie to people?"

Loki looked at Lin Qiong with disdain, and said angrily, "Did you take me for Lin Qiong?"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Did a byd scold me just now?

"You really didn't lie to me?"

"Swear no!"

"Hiss, hiss hiss—"

Lin Qiong's expression at this time was as horrifying as seeing Emiya Kiritsugu, Kotomine Kirei, and Tohsaka Tokiomi wearing sailor uniforms, holding hands and singing handkerchiefs around Kenneth's side: "Good guy! ,When did this happen?"


Loki showed DIO's face proudly, pointed his thumb at his chest, and said arrogantly and coolly: "After we fall asleep, she will come right away!"

"You fell asleep... fell asleep!?"

Lin Qiong's surprised voice suddenly increased eight hundred degrees: "Then he... isn't he meowing in a dream!?"

"What do you know? This is called thinking by day and dreaming by night, OK?"

Loki glanced at Lin Qiong disdainfully, and said with a look of pointing Jiang Shan's exciting words, "Ai Simei must have been thinking about this kind of thing all day, so she entrusted it to me in a dream!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He suddenly leaned back, and then said with a surprised look on his face: "No, can you explain it like this if you have thoughts every day and have dreams every night?"

"I'm Kamita!"

Loki pointed at his face again with a DIO face, and said proudly: "What I say is the oracle, the truth, and the reality——I said it explained it like this, then it explained it like this! "


Lin Qiong hesitated for a few seconds and asked curiously: "I'm a little curious..."

Loki interrupted Lin Qiong's singing without hesitation and said, "No, you're not curious!"

"I'm really curious!"

Lin Qiong rejected Loki's silence technique, and continued: "If 'God Said' is the truth, what if the contents of the two 'God Said' are different?"

For example--

Loki: "God said tofu is sweet!"

A Jian: "God said, tofu is salty!"

Mihe: "God said, tofu is spicy!"

——This situation.

"Hiss, you kid, don't deliberately ask such questions that make things difficult for the gods!"

Loki glared at Lin Qiong, and said angrily: "Just now this question is included in the [Compilation of Prohibited Questions Like Gods] just like 'Can God create a stone that he can't lift'!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

"So this is how your gods deal with problems?"

His eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: "If this problem can't be solved, then it should be forbidden, right?"

Chapter 0785 Irene's answer is...

"In addition to banning issues, addressing directly the person who raised the issue."

Loki put his hands on his hips, beamed with joy, looked up to him, and said disdainfully, "Jie Jie Jie! Welcome to the dirty world of gods!"

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