Lin Qiong: "..."

He showed a disgusted expression, and then said to Erza in his arms: "Elusha, you can't become like Loki in the future, and become a crumb of the gods!"

"Is it porphyr?"

Elusa stared at Lin Qiong in bewilderment, then smiled, and happily rubbed Lin Qiong's face with her hands - she still can't understand what Lin Qiong said, but this does not prevent She expressed her intimacy and kindness to Lin Qiong.


At this moment, Rocky kicked his legs on the ground, knocked over the table behind him in an exaggerated manner, and then fell heavily on the carpet, clutching his chest, closing his eyes, and opening his mouth, he yelled loudly: "Humph!" Humph, ah, ah, ah—"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Loki: "Hmph--"

The corner of Lin Qiong's mouth twitched: "..."

Loki winked furiously: "Humph——"

Lin Qiong sighed, and said, "What a stinky Loki, I can't have such a stinky Loki."

"Oh oh oh! As expected of my の Tamashi の stealing big chicken!"

Loki turned over and got up from the ground, then gave Lin Qiong a big thumbs up, and said: "This kind of stalk is understood by others and then caught, Saigao desu!"


Lin Qiong nodded, and then said angrily, "So? What do you want to express by doing such a job?"

"Probably what I want to express is..."

Loki put his eyes on Lin Qiong's arms and said, "This child is so cute that he can knock away a god!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He turned sideways subconsciously, blocking Erza in his arms, and then said to Loki seriously: "Loki, can't you? She's still a baby..."

Loki: "?"

At that time, she leaned back tactically, then looked at Lin Qiong in front of her with disbelief, and said, "Aqiong, what kind of freshman am I in your eyes??"

What do you mean she's a baby, no, you mean I'll treat her...

"you misunderstood."

Seeing Loki's expression, Lin Qiong immediately explained: "I mean, she is still a pure baby, you can't influence her and make her become as scumbag as you are."

Loki: "??"

This time, she leaned back tactically into an arched bridge pose, put her head on the ground and said indignantly (although Lin Qiong couldn't see it): "Lin Qiong! In your heart, what kind of image do I have!?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "The culprit of Ragnarok?"

Loki: "..."

She stood up, then patted the dust on her head, and said, "Let's talk about the next thing."

Lin Qiong: "?"

So you don't refute it at all, right?The evidence is overwhelming, right?You scumbag!

"Ahem! Ah Qiong——"

When Lin Qiong was complaining about Loki, the goddess had already put her arms around Lin Qiong's shoulders with a familiar face, and said, "Honestly, what do you think of our relationship?"


Lin Qiong showed vigilance, then looked suspiciously at Loki beside him, and said, "Loki, you are not allowed to do illegal things?"

Loki: "?"

"You...he meow!"

Loki took a deep breath, and then said with a twitching corner of his mouth: "I'm talking to you about business!"


Lin Qiong nodded, then showed a serious expression and said: "Now turn on the serious mode of talking about business!"

"very good!"

Loki nodded with satisfaction and said, "Aqiong, answer me, what do you think of our relationship?"

"Brother? Brother? Bad friend?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then nodded confidently: "Anyway, it can't be that the lover is not full."

"That's true!"

Loki nodded in agreement: "In short, our relationship is very strong, isn't it?"

"you can say it this way."

Lin Qiong nodded again: "So what do you want to express?"

"Ahem, actually I have a bold idea..."

Loki coughed dryly twice, then looked around furtively, and whispered, "I want to take her (Elusha) as a goddaughter."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He froze for a moment, then looked at Loki suspiciously, and said, "What the hell are you trying to do?"

"Hey! What the fuck are you!?"

Loki strangled Lin Qiong's neck a little angrily, and said, "I just think she is cute, so I want to accept her as a goddaughter, can't I? Can't I?"

"Okay, okay——"

Lin Qiong patted Loki's arm quickly, and when she let go, he rubbed his throat speechlessly, and said, "But what are you talking to me about this? Irene is Elsa's guardian, You have to talk to her—"

"Aren't you the head of Sky City?"

Loki winked at Lin Qiong, and said flatteringly: "So this kind of thing must first get your permission, right?"

"Don't, don't, don't ask me for this kind of thing, I don't interfere in other people's private life——"

Lin Qiong shook his head, and said with a speechless face: "For this kind of thing, you should either go to Miss Wanshitong or Miss Irene, why don't you come to me?"

'Fuck, if you're not her biological father, do you think I'll ignore you? '

Loki rolled his eyes and said angrily: "That is to say, as long as Irene agrees, you have no objection, right?"

Lin Qiong said: "Irene's own mother agrees, what can I say?"

"Sure! You're right—"

Loki snapped his fingers, then turned around with a tyrant.gif, he hugged Irene's shoulder affectionately, and said with an ambiguous expression: "Irene, sweet girl, how do you want to talk?"

Erin: "..."

She glanced at Lin Qiong who was walking towards the sofa, and then asked in a low voice, "Master Loki, what is your purpose?"

"No, are you all intimidated by my name as the God of Mischief and the record of Ragnarok? Do you think I must be planning to make trouble?"

Loki showed a dumbfounding expression, and said, "I swear, okay? I really just want to accept a goddaughter this time—"

"Yes, but..."

Irene looked at a loss: "Master Loki, why do you want to adopt Erza as a foster daughter?"

"Because our gods want to give birth to offspring, it is a very troublesome thing."

Loki looked at Irene helplessly, scratched his head and explained: "How should I put it? In most cases, the children of the gods are born under the influence of fate."

For example, there is an unnamed Great Altai who uses lightning. He once went crazy and created humans with various creatures in order to resist fate (this is doubtful), but the result...

It can only be said that all of this is the choice of Steins Gate.

"So, Master Loki decided to accept a foster daughter??"

Irene showed a dazed expression, but still asked with a bit of doubt: "But, why is it Elusa? Isn't Ai Sitan..."

"No, Aisitan absolutely cannot!"

Rocky frowned, raised his hands in resistance and drew an "X" in front of him, and said, "She is going to sleep and fly with Ai Si Meimei, how can she be our adopted daughter? "

Lin Qiong: "?"

He rolled his eyes calmly, and complained in his heart: "Come on, if Ais can be captured by you, I'll eat this coffee table on the spot—without dipping it in sauce!" '

Erin: "Ahaha..."

She felt that she couldn't react other than to laugh dryly.

"As for why it's Erza, it's actually quite simple..."

Loki glanced at Lin Qiong's back, then turned his head, patted his rib chest, made a "piapia" sound, and said, "We are gods with a head and a face anyway, and we can't just accept a righteous one casually." female?"

Erin showed a dazed look——

In terms of identity, Erza is Lin Qiong's daughter; in terms of background, behind Erza is the City in the Sky.

Isn’t this the perfect adopted woman?

"It seems that you also understand."

Loki raised his eyebrows at Irene, and asked, "So, what's your answer?"

"for this I……"

Irene glanced at Lin Qiong with some hesitation, and whispered, "I want to hear the young master's opinion."

She knew in her heart that the biggest reason Loki chose Erza was precisely because she was Lin Qiong's daughter, so she had to listen to Lin Qiong's opinion.

"no problem."

Loki didn't feel annoyed by the "kicking" between Lin Qiong and Irene, but smiled and shouted at Lin Qiong: "Aqiong, did you hear that? Irene carbon wants to hear your opinion ~"

"No! Erza is your child, why do you listen to me?"

Lin Qiong turned around dumbfounded, looked at Irene who had a low-browed and pleasing expression, and said helplessly: "I think you can think about it—although this guy (referring to Loki) is a little bit disdainful, but she treats her very well." People are really nice."

Loki waved his fist in dissatisfaction, and said, "Idiot, the first half of the sentence is superfluous!"


Irene hesitated for a moment and asked, "Young master's opinion is, do you agree?"

"Hiss, no..."

Lin Qiong raised his right hand, scratched his scalp vigorously, and said with a puzzled face: "Irene, there is something wrong with you! There is something wrong with you!"

Erin: "!"

She asked nervously, "I, what's wrong with me?"

"How did you become so indecisive today? The Irene I know is not like this!"

Lin Qiong frowned and looked at Irene, and said: "Although she is an innocent girl yearning for love, she is also the queen of Doragunov, the founder of dragon slaying magic, and the one who fights dragons on the battlefield." Fighting female warrior!"

Eileen lowered her eyelids: 'The young master is right, because of the guilt in my heart, I no longer feel like me -'

So, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath—by the way, this action caused Loki, who felt the unevenness of the world, to hold his chest in pain.

A few seconds later, Irene opened her eyes again, and the eyes that were originally full of hesitation had recovered their spirits at this moment.

She turned her head to look, and said, "God Loki, I'm sorry—"

Chapter 0786 Are these two children?

"Master Loki, I'm sorry—"

Irene looked at Loki and said seriously: "I can't agree to your proposal for the time being."

'Hey?I was rejected?My tempting proposal was turned down? '

Loki was taken aback for a moment, then raised his eyebrows, showing a playful smile:'Heh!Interesting woman, you managed to get my attention--'

She didn't show an angry expression, she hugged Irene's neck with a smile on her face, and said in a low voice: "Can we ask, what is the reason for your refusal?"

"I don't want Erza to become your adoptive daughter because of my identity, otherwise, what is the difference between me and those bad women who secretly gave birth to rich illegitimate children and then benefited from this status?"

Irene glanced at Lin Qiong, quietly arranged a sound-proof barrier, and then said with firm eyes: "I hope Erza is favored by Lord Loki because of her outstanding talent."

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