"That's how it is, that's why—"

Hearing Irene's words, Loki couldn't help but let go of her neck, and then laughed happily: "Hahahaha! Irene, you are also a wonderful person, hahaha!"

Erin: "Uh..."

She looked at Loki with a happy face, and asked with some uncertainty: "Should I thank you for your compliment?"

"Ah haha, no need no~"

Loki waved his right hand cheerfully, then patted Irene on the shoulder expectantly, and said, "In that case, we are looking forward to her showing off her talent!"


Erin nodded vigorously and said with confidence: "Loki-sama, please look forward to it! Erza will never let you down!"



"Finished talking?"

Lin Qiong looked at Loki who was sitting in front of him, and said curiously: "You really just gave up like this? I thought you would stalk and beat me up, and you won't give up until you achieve your goal."

Loki: "Huh?"

She leaned back tactically and said with a speechless face: "No! I am Loki, the majestic God of Mischief, the mastermind behind Ragnarok in the divine world, and one of the three leaders of Orario's Familia at the apex. In your mind, I am a A guy who will stalk you?"

Lin Qiong asked back, "Aren't you?"

"Hey, of course I am."

Loki chuckled, and then said indifferently: "Irene Meimei said that I hope Erza can win my favor through her talent, so let's give her this chance!"

"Hey! Irene actually has such confidence in Erza? Tsk tsk, then you have to look forward to it—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, then winked at Loki and said, "I can assure you that Erza will never let you down!"

Erza in the original book is already an extremely tough and fierce girl, but now how fierce can Erza who is mixed with the gene of Miss Know-it-all...

He dare not even think about it! !

Loki: "?"

She looked at Lin Qiong speechlessly, and said: "You also said that Irene has confidence in Ersha, don't you also have full confidence in this girl?"

"Hehe, although I am going to say it, Erza is the child who inherited the genes of Miss Know-It-All and Irene, how could she not be outstanding?"

Lin Qiong smiled at Loki and said, "However, I consider that this statement may bring unnecessary pressure and expectations to this child in the future, so let's forget it."

"Wow, you really-"

Loki sighed with emotion, then looked at Irene and joked, "He's so gentle, I'm crying to death!"

"Young master is like this—"

Irene pursed her lips and said in a proud tone: "When I was in Sky City, he told me that I should not put too much pressure on Erza and let her grow naturally. alright."

"Aqiong, are you serious?"

Loki looked at Lin Qiong and said in surprise: "Do you know that your mentality will delay the growth of your child?"

"No way, no way."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "I know what you're worried about, but what I want to express is—don't put too much pressure on the child before she decides her own future."

Loki held his chin, looked at Lin Qiong with curiosity, and said, "Then if Erza wants to be an artist when she grows up, what will you do?"

"She wants to be an artist, so let her be! It doesn't matter if she wants to learn painting, music or sculpture—"

Lin Qiong crossed his arms, and replied as a matter of course, "There are so many different worlds, can't I find a suitable teacher for her?"

"Hei~ Then you lost a general?"

Loki joked: "Aren't you very confident in Erza's talent?"

"Who stipulates that if she is talented in fighting, she must become a warrior?"

Lin Qiong snorted softly, then poked Elusa's face with his fingers, and said, "The path of life is chosen by oneself, and no one has the right to dictate other people's choices."

"Although I think what you said makes sense..."

Loki thought for a while and said, "Then if Erza brought a boy with a will-o'-the-wisp dyed with cheap yellow hair and told you that this is her boyfriend 15 years later, what would you do?"

Lin Qiong & Irene: "?"

The two said in unison: "I (mother) interrupt his (her) dog legs!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Eileen: "Huh?"

Lin Qiong: "Why did you hit Ersha? It must be the fault of the will-o'-the-wisp boy who deceived her feelings!!"

Irene: "A girl can't be a weapon if she doesn't fight. If she dares to find a will-o'-the-wisp boy today, she will dare to be a will-o'-the-wisp girl tomorrow!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Erin: "..."

When the two looked at each other in embarrassment, Loki on the side had already let out a hearty laugh: "Hahaha, hahahaha! Also, what are you saying with a handsome face, no, no right to say anything to others. Choose to point fingers...Puff...hahaha..."

"Don't laugh! Don't smile!"

Lin Qiong looked at Loki with a face full of shame and anger, and shouted: "Iron! If your Aisi is abducted by a cute boy with white hair and red pupils belonging to the Hestia family, how will you deal with it?" ?”


Loki, who was still laughing at Lin Qiong just a second ago, was stunned on the sofa. She looked at the ceiling with her eyes blankly, and murmured: "Our, our Ash Tan... was killed by the Hestia Familia." ...The white-haired kid...abducted..."

Accompanied by Loki's fantasy, her expression visibly became ferocious and distorted.

"Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!!"

Loki seemed to see Lancelot who Gu Dazi was molesting Matthew, his whole face became distorted: "I'm going to kill that kid who dared to attack Ai Sitan! !"

"Look, look, look—"

Lin Qiong looked at Loki with disdain, and said, "Are you still talking about me? Your own reaction is more intense than mine!"

"Wu Lu Sai, don't laugh at my 99 steps for your [-] steps!"

"Woven! I can at most fifty... oh no, twenty steps!"

"Then we only have fifteen steps!"

"Then I will take five steps!"

"Let's take a step!"

"I didn't move!"

"We took ten steps back!"

"I took fifty steps back!"

Erin: "..."

She looked at Lin Qiong and Luo Ji who were bickering with a speechless face, and couldn't help but twitched her lips: "Are these two children? '

Only elementary school students would quarrel and stack quantifiers in such a meaningless manner, right? !



The quarrel at the elementary school level lasted exactly 4 minutes and 26 seconds.

"Huh...huh..." x2

At this time, the owner of Sky City and one of the three giants of Orario were staring at each other panting.

"For the time being, how about a temporary truce?"

"I think so!"

"Then we've made an appointment. Whoever irritates the other person next will be the dog!"


The two nodded towards each other and decided to forget the previous quarrel in the past.

Lin Qiong was the first to ask, "How is the upgrading of the Cursed Fountain going?"

"Hmph, we've already made the prototype—"

Loki folded his hands on his chest, showing the calmness of a professional-level master, and said confidently: "Before tonight, we will definitely be able to produce [Trial Production·Curse No. [-]]!"

"Trial Production Curse No. [-]..."

Lin Qiong showed a disgusted expression, and said: "Wow! Loki, your level of naming is really bad!"


Loki's voice became louder and louder. She looked at Lin Qiong with an unconvinced face, and said, "If you say so, your naming skills must be very high? Come on, come on, please give me a name so that you can give me a name. Let's see your level?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Hi Xiba!

Does he have the level of naming a hammer? ?

Be reasonable, okay?When he was playing DNF, in order to avoid taking nicknames, he uniformly used a fixed prefix plus character name naming method for all the characters—for example, Liuli's Sword Soul, Liuli's Berserk, and Liuli's Sword Hao.

Um?You ask why Liuli?Because of the first ヽ(?Д?)ノ!

But now?Loki actually asked him to use a dignified name to show his level of naming?

Laughing dead, can't get it out at all!

"What's that look on your face? What's in your eyes? Tears... Oh no, I'm not crying, it's all right."

Seeing Lin Qiong who was hesitating, Loki suddenly said sternly: "Anyway, wouldn't you be unable to come up with a suitable name? No way, right? No one would laugh at other people's taste in naming while themselves... Is it a bad name? Isn’t it?”

Lin Qiong clenched his fists with a look of pain on his face and said through gritted teeth, "Damn it! Which bastard made Loki become so sinister!?"

Erin: "??"

"Young Master's Innate Skills: Countless in My Heart is here again——"

She silently glanced at Lin Qiong, lowered her eyelids and thought: 'Does the young master really not know, or does he pretend not to know? '

After all, once you admit that you are the culprit, how can you happily pass the blame in the future?

Chapter 0787 Otome's Backstab

"Aqiong, why don't you change the subject?"

Loki looked at Lin Qiong, who was wearing a pain mask and didn't wear a belt tonight, patted the coffee table in front of him with dissatisfaction, and said, "Hurry up! Bring your naming taste and let me have a good taste." Two!"

"Loki! You should have tasted enough about naming things, right?"

Lin Qiong hesitated for a while, and persuaded, "Why don't we discuss something more meaningful? For example..."

"No, no, no! What I want to taste is not the name, but your taste—"

Loki's figure appeared next to Lin Qiong. She put her arms around Lin Qiong's shoulders, leaned into his ear and whispered: "The master of the majestic Sky City shouldn't be a name-breaker, right?"

Jie Jie!Don’t underestimate the keen sense of smell of the God of Mischief!

'Goo! '

Lin Qiong groaned in his heart, his soul held his head in his hands, knelt down on the ground in pain, and shouted: "My, my king's name ahhhhh—"

Could it be that his own advantages are going to end here?

No!Never back down in a place like this!

Burn your fighting spirit!Roar, soul!Roar with fighting spirit!

At this moment, I am not fighting alone!Billions of brain cells are with me! !

[Sorry, the brain cell you dialed has been shut down, please try again later. ]

'hateful!A bunch of useless guys! '

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