Lin Qiong showed an expression of hatred for steel, and thought angrily: 'It seems that the only one I can rely on in the end is myself! '

He hugged Erza and leaned against the back of the sofa, closed his eyes and thought for a few seconds, and then said in a deep tone: "I think, how about calling him Variety Star Lord?"

Loki: "?"

"Tch, I'm still playing tricks on the domestic Lingling lacquer, the expert king of destruction!"

She threw away her right hand holding Lin Qiong with a speechless face, and then said with a look of disdain: "I thought you, as the lord of the sky city, thought for a few seconds, and faced this goddess, you must have some high-level remarks. Saying such an ugly name!"

"Heh! Your prototype Curse No. [-] is nothing more than that!"

Lin Qiong sneered unconvincingly, and said, "Don't laugh at my 99-step at [-] steps!"

"Wool! Our maximum is fifty... ah no, twenty steps!"

"Then I only have fifteen steps!"

Ever since, the two quarreled again.

Erin: "..."

She raised her right hand, pinched the bridge of her nose gently, and thought with some melancholy: 'Is it my imagination?Why do you feel that this scene of quarrel seems familiar? '




Another 15 minutes passed during this quarrel.


Lin Qiong took a few breaths, then looked at Loki and said, "Then what, a temporary truce?"

"Phew! I think it's okay."

Loki sat back on his sofa, picked up the teacup and poured himself a glass of water. After drinking it, he said to Lin Qiong, "You can go! Master is going to seriously develop [Trial Production·Curse [-]] Number] is up!"


Lin Qiong sneered and said: "Prototype Curse No. [-]..."

Loki: "?"

She raised her eyebrows and said with an unhappy expression: "Tie Baa! Do you want to quarrel again?"

"Cut! I'm already a reliable adult man, so I won't continue to have such childish quarrels with you!"

Lin Qiong stood up disdainfully and said to Irene: "Elbow! Let's go see Brother Neptune and Sister Otohime."

Irene nodded and said, "Okay, master."

Loki leaned on the back of the chair, stuck out his tongue towards Lin Qiong's back, and said angrily: "Cut! A reliable adult man..."

"Stingy and meddlesome stupid Loki, flat-chested dumb Loki!"

Before she finished speaking, Lin Qiong who walked to the door suddenly turned around, yelled at her twice, and then ran out of the door without looking back, leaving behind wild laughter: "Thief haha Haha! You can't catch up with me, can you? La la la la—"

Erin: "..."

Her steps suddenly stopped, and then she looked back calmly out of the corner of her eye, and found that Loki's face was darker than the bottom of the pot. She was so frightened that she quickly sped up and ran out of the room.

"Lin, Lin Qiong oh oh oh..."

Like a big monster destroying the city, Loki violently overturned the coffee table in front of him, and let out a thunderous roar: "We're going to kill you! We're going to kill you! Hohohoo!!"

hateful!You actually, you actually dare to violate the "biggest taboo" that Loki-sama Kono is not allowed to violate!

The next time we meet, it will be your death! ! !

"God Loki! Do you still remember, how long did you make a fuss in the bedroom last night?"

At this moment, Riveria, who was sleepy and wearing pajamas, appeared in the corridor on the second floor, looked at Loki below with cold eyes, and said, "The answer is four forty! And the current time It's eight twenty in the morning—do you know what that means?"

Sensing Riveria's (getting up) aura, Loki couldn't help swallowing nervously, and stammered, "''s time for breakfast?"

"Meaning I only got a little over three hours of sleep."

Riveria raised her right hand to cover her forehead, and said in a grumpy tone: "So, can I ask Mr. Loki to be quiet for the rest of the time?"

If it's a short sleep of ten minutes or so, based on Riveria's experience of taking a nap in the dungeon, it won't have any effect.

If it was eight hours of long sleep, it would not have any effect on Rivieria's usual sleep quality.

However, it was precisely at the time when light sleep turned into deep sleep that Riberia, who was awakened, developed an emotion called "wake up gas" for the first time.

Very cranky.

"Yes! No problem!"

Loki replied at an unprecedented speed, "Mother Levi, please rest assured to sleep!"

"Thank you."

Riveria walked towards the bedroom with heavy steps like a zombie, and when her back completely disappeared in front of her eyes, Loki suddenly slumped on the sofa with a face full of fear, muttering: " Woohoo! Is Riveria's angry appearance so scary?"



"Brother Neptune! Miss Otohime!"

Lin Qiong hugged Ersha, waved his right hand to the two people who came to greet him, and said with a smile, "Long time no see! How are you doing recently?"

"Hohoho! Thanks to the young master, recently I have good teeth, a good appetite, and a good body. It tastes delicious!"

"Master, do you know?"

Princess Otohime on the side took the opportunity to complain and said, "Nipton has gained twenty catties in the past month? Twenty catties!!"

"Huh? Well, for a normal man, twenty pounds is indeed a big problem, but..."

Lin Qiong looked at Neptune, who was 12 meters tall, with a complicated expression, and said, "Based on brother Neptune's reminder, twenty catties should be a normal weight fluctuation, right?"

To be precise, brother Neptune's height is [-] meters—this is [-] centimeters taller than ten Pandoras put together.

With a figure of this height, twenty pounds is really nothing... right?

"Not at all!"

Princess Otohime angrily dragged the fat on the blushing Neptune's stomach with her hands, and said, "Because his twenty catties, all, all grew in this place!!"

It is also thanks to the medicine provided by Sky Castle to condition the body, otherwise, with the physical fitness that can break one's hand with a slap in the original work of Princess Otohime, I am afraid that she would not be able to lift the fat on Neptune's stomach.

Lin Qiong: "Ah..."

He looked at Neptune, who was covering his face with his hands, and at the beer belly, whose fat was rolling under the support of Princess Otohime, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "If this is the case, it is indeed a Not a small problem."

"Right? Right!"

Princess Otohime's voice suddenly rose a little, she patted Neptune's stomach angrily, and said, "I told you to lose weight, and you still act like you don't care at all!"

"No, should I put it..."

Neptune rubbed the back of his head and showed an awkward but polite smile, and said: "Mainly because when I was on Fish-Man Island before, I would fight with pirates or Sea Kings to protect the safety of Fish-Man Island. Fight, but after arriving at the New Fishman Island, there is almost no chance of fighting..."

Princess Otohime recalled it distressedly for a few seconds and said, "It seems like this?"

In the past, Neptune was known as the "Great Knight of the Sea" and was a brave and proficient fishman warrior. However, after moving to the new fishman island, he has completely become a civilian worker.

"So there's nothing you can do about getting fat!"

Seeing this, Neptune breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Now is the time for the rapid development of Murloc Island. I can't leave everyone who worked hard and go out alone to fight wild sea kings..."

"Actually, you can also exercise at home, right?"

Lin Qiong stroked his chin, and said thoughtfully: "If you just want to keep fit, it should be fine to take an hour or two a day to exercise, right?"


Neptune turned his head stiffly, and looked at Lin Qiong, who was clearly holding the baby, but could accurately backstab himself, with unbelievable eyes.

"Eh? Is it okay?"

The weak player who is not good at fighting, Princess Otohime, grabbed Lin Qiong's free right hand with excitement, and said in an enthusiastic tone: "Please teach us, Master Lin Qiong!"

"Hmph, my exercise mode is very hard, huh?"

Lin Qiong raised the corner of his mouth slightly, showing the expression of an iron-blooded teacher, and said, "Can Neptune hold on!"

Neptune: "Of course it's not possible..."

Princess Otohime: "Of course it's fine!"

'Otohime ah ah ah——'

The Neptune hunk burst into tears: "The power of seeing and hearing, which can read minds, is not used like this!" ! '

Chapter 0788 What happened to these two women?

"Young master, I, I think..."

Neptune lay on the ground, bouncing around his body in pain, and said hoarsely: "This, this, no, it's not appropriate! Yes, I have lost my status as a king..."

Lin Qiong: "Hmm..."

Otohime: "Um..."

Erin: "Uh..."

The three of them stood in the corner of the living room, looking at the salted fish-like Neptune who seemed to be stranded on the shallows, bouncing around his body feebly, and made a sound of deep thought.

Lin Qiong: "I'm thinking about it, my eyes are a little hot."

Erin: "Indeed."

Otohime: "Indeed."

Neptune: "?"

He stopped his movements, then lay down on the ground gasping for breath, looked at the group of onlookers with resentment, and said, "Master, isn't this kind of statement too much?"

The content of the training was clearly proposed by the young master!Damn it!

"Ahem, okay, okay! I admit that what I just said was a little too much, okay?"

Lin Qiong made a perfunctory apology, then waved his hands and said, "That's all for the training, you can just find time to train yourself in the future."


"However, the calories burned by this exercise method are gradually increased, so it is best to exercise for a long enough time in one breath, otherwise the effect will be much worse."

"it is good!"

"The other is the most important point, try to choose a place where there are no people when training."


In the end, Neptune couldn't bear the blow in his heart, and cried out with a groan.

"Nepton, don't cry, don't cry..."

Otohime very gently touched Neptune's forehead lying on the ground, and said softly: "Even if it's Neptune like this, I like it very much."

Neptune: "..."

This, is this really comforting me?

So he cried even louder.



living room.

“Spicy Nicole Joan of Arc Beer!”

Lin Qiong looked at Neptune sitting on the huge custom-made sofa and said with admiration: "As expected of the majestic King of Fish-Man Island, the Great Knight of the Sea, a 12-meter-tall large fish-man, he can actually cry out a rainbow. Come!"

Princess Otohime: "Pfft——"

It belongs to Snake Butcher Box who left school and ran away-the turtle can't live in school.

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