"Hey hey hey! How long are you going to make fun of me!"

Neptune waved his hands in dissatisfaction, and said angrily: "This old man is the king of Murloc Island, don't I want to lose face!"

"It's a pity! Your face is with us, and it has been gone with the rainbow."

Lin Qiong teased Neptune with a smile on his face, and then said with a smile: "Of course, if you can cry out a rainbow again, I would like to call you the Rainbow Knight!"

Princess Otohime: "Puff--"

"I don't want that kind of title!"

Neptune made a gesture of rejection with a face full of pain, and screamed: "If children born in the future hear this title, where should I put my face as a father!"

"A child born in the future?"

Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Princess Yiji's abdomen, and said, "Could it be that..."

"Hey! It's that 'could it be that-'"

Princess Otohime lowered her head, stroked her belly with her hands happily, and said motherly: "Nipton and I are pregnant with our first child."

"Huo! This is really something worth celebrating!"

Lin Qiong raised his head, showed a sincere smile, and said: "Shouldn't we hold a grand banquet for all the residents of Fishman Island to celebrate together??"

"Eh? This, this is unnecessary, right?"

Neptune, who is taller than fish, waved his hands shyly, and said embarrassingly: "It's just that I have a child, no, there is no need to work so hard..."

"Tsk tsk, I think you don't understand at all!"

Lin Qiong looked at Neptune with contempt and said, "You are still the king! You don't even understand such a simple truth?"

Neptune: "Ah? What, what's the point?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Damn, does he know the truth about hammers?All the experience he accumulated in the Bone King World has long been returned to Miss Know-It-All!He just wanted to complete the celebration and then drag the eldest lady, sister-in-law and secretary on a date.

However, no problem!

Lin Qiong rakishly brushed his bangs with his index finger, then leaned back on the chair with a look of arrogance as if he were sitting in the clouds: "Eileen! Let Brother Nipton listen, as Doragunov Please give me your advice, the Queen!"

That's right!I have Admiral Irene!

"Okay, sir."

Irene didn't think about it so much, she asked Neptune and Princess Otohime, who were full of curiosity: "King Neptune, Princess Otohime, the two think that for the citizens of a country, what is the most important thing?" What is it?"

"the most important thing……"

The two looked at each other, and Princess Otohime said tentatively, "A happy life?"

"The answer is correct! For the 'most' of the 'normal' citizens, the prosperity of the country, the safety of the people, a happy and stable life are all they pursue."

Erin chuckled and nodded, and then continued to ask: "Do you think the current citizens of Fish-Man Island are living this kind of life?"

Neptune touched his head unconfidently, then smiled, and said, "There should be, right? The current residents of Murloc Island all have bright smiles on their faces."

"That's right! From the looks of 'now', I am indeed very happy."

Irene nodded, then raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and asked again: "So, what about 'future'?"

"Future?" x2

Neptune and Otohime showed blank expressions.

"The happiness of 'now' is based on the fact that the king is Neptune! But King Neptune is only a mortal after all, and he will die one day..."

Irene put her hands on the back of the sofa, leaned forward, and asked softly with a smile: "Then who can guarantee that the next king of Fishman Island will be as wise as King Neptune?" ?”

Hearing Irene's words, King Neptune and Princess Otohime couldn't help showing contemplative expressions.

"I understand! In order to reassure the people, it is necessary to announce the news that I am pregnant——"

A few seconds later, Princess Otohime raised her head, looked at Lin Qiong and Irene standing behind him with admiration, and said, "Tell everyone, Neptune and I already have offspring, and I will cultivate them well." Him, let him be a king like Neptune—is that right?"

"Congratulations, you answered correctly!"

Irene nodded in satisfaction, then winked her left eye playfully towards Lin Qiong who was looking at her, and released a wink for him—how is it, young master?They are doing a good job!

'Oh oh oh--'

Lin Qiong couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Irene, and said with a smile: "As expected of Irene, great!"

'Ah?So, so strange!Ming, obviously it was just a compliment, why, why do I feel... so happy? '

Erin turned around subconsciously, then raised her hands to cover her face with her face flushed, and thought in a panic: 'My heart is beating so fast, and my face is so hot...'

She couldn't help but let out a scream, then squatted behind the back of the sofa, buried her face in her arms, and curled up into the shape of an Erin ball.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked blankly at Irene who suddenly hid, stretched his neck hard, looked at the other party who was squatting on the ground, and asked, "What's the situation? Are you uncomfortable?"

"Huh? No, no, it's okay!"

Irene hurriedly got up from the ground, then turned her back to Lin Qiong, and said in a panic: "I, I, I, I just, just, suddenly want to go to the bathroom... Yes! Go to the bathroom!"

After finishing speaking, with Lin Qiong's face full of question marks, she lowered her head and rushed out of the living room, then closed the door with a bang.


Erin leaned against the door with her legs weak, then slowly slid down, and finally sat down on the ground,

'I...what the hell am I...what's going on...'

She looked at the chandelier on the ceiling with blurred eyes, and murmured: "Why... just being praised... will be so happy..."



Lin Qiong: "???"

He turned his head, looked at Neptune and Otohime sitting opposite, and said, "No, what is she... Wow! Sister Otohime, what is your expression?"

"Huh? Huh? Huh?"

Princess Otohime touched her face in panic, and asked with some confusion: "I, what's wrong with my expression?"

"how to say……"

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose subtly, and said, "It's exactly the expression of an aunt who said 'I've hit it'."

"Eh? Ah...yes, is that so?"

Princess Otohime seemed to have reacted, then lowered her head, covered her face with her hands in embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "I, did I have that expression just now?"

'Oops, oops oops oops...'

At this time, Princess Otohime had the urge to lie on the bed and twist into a maggot. It seemed that only this could relieve the itching feeling in her bones at this time, 'Too cunning!This kind of emotional impact is too cunning! '

Although due to the difference in strength, she couldn't accurately read Irene's inner thoughts through her knowledge and arrogance, but it was still no problem to vaguely perceive her inner emotions—it was precisely because of this that Irene had emotions just now. When fluctuating, Princess Otohime was directly overwhelmed by the overwhelming sense of happiness.

'With such strong happiness and embarrassment, how can people not show that expression? '

Princess Otohime curled her legs and fell into Neptune's arms, laughing "Hey hey hey -": 'Oops!I can't stop laughing at all! '

Lin Qiong & Neptune: "?"

'What the hell is going on with these two women? '

The two men present looked at each other blankly, then shrugged their shoulders in unison.

'I don't understand it at all! '

Chapter 0789 This rebellious woman


Because of Irene's sudden departure and Princess Otohime's sudden entry into the "Otohime Ball" state, Lin Qiong and King Neptune are two big men staring at each other.

"Speaking of which, I actually wanted to ask—"

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, King Neptune couldn't help but cast his eyes on Erza, who was in Lin Qiong's arms, who was wrestling with his chin, and asked, "Who is this little baby—?"

"Eluza Berserion!"

Lin Qiong raised his head so that it was within Ersha's attack range, and before Ersha howled, he stuffed his fingers into her hand and continued, "It's Irene's daughter."

"Huh? That Ms. Irene!?"

Princess Otohime came back to her senses, and quickly got out of the state of "Otohime Ball", then propped up the tea table with her eyes shining, looked at Lin Qiong excitedly and asked: "That is to say, little Elusa Is it the child of the young master and Ms. Irene?"

"Boo! It's a pity, I guessed wrong!"

Lin Qiong showed a smug smirk: "Hey, you can't think that I'm her father just because I came here with Erza in my arms~"

Princess Otohime: "?"

She blinked her eyes in surprise, and said in a hushed voice: "Eh? Eh?? Erza, no, isn't it the young master's child?"

Lin Qiong said helplessly: "I told you it wasn't true, why should I lie to you?"

Princess Otohime: "??"

Her pupils dilated a few points, and a brainstorm started in her mind: 'Eh?no?Then, why can I feel the strong love for the young master from Ms. Irene’s heart?Can it be said that... it's marriage, extramarital... eh?Eh!Teeth are white, these are too white! ! '

After realizing this astonishing fact, Princess Otohime couldn't help but stare blankly at the direction where Irene was leaving, and said "Abaa Aba".

Lin Qiong & Neptune: "?"

The two big men glanced at Princess Otohime strangely, and then exchanged glances.

King Neptune: "Master, what is your opinion?" '

Lin Qiong: "Brother Hui, I think there must be something wrong with this matter!" '

King Neptune: 'Indeed! '

Lin Qiong: 'Indeed! '

Two people: '...'

Then, there was another awkward silence.

"Ah, this, this..."

The anxious King Neptune once again focused his attention on Erza and asked stammeringly: "Young Master! If Erza is not your daughter, then who is she..."

Princess Otohime: "!"

Her ears moved slightly, and then subconsciously turned her head in Lin Qiong's direction.

Lin Qiong, who noticed her tricks, couldn't help laughing inwardly: "Good guy!Sure enough, no matter whether it is a human, a murloc or a mermaid, they cannot escape the nature called 'gossip'! '

However, isn't it too kind to satisfy her desire for gossip like this?

That doesn't work!

"Well, about this... umm..."

When Lin Qiong said this, he couldn't help clearing his throat, and then said thoughtfully: "Oh! Speaking of which, I haven't drank water since I came out of Loki, and now I feel a little thirsty in my throat. !"

Having said this, Lin Qiong couldn't help but look at Princess Otohime, waiting for her reaction...


The next moment, King Neptune placed a huge container that could be used as a Linqiong bathtub on the coffee table.

Lin Qiong: "?"

"Master, please use it!"

In King Neptune's big eyes, there was a light called "Gossip": "Don't be cute with me! Drink as much as you want!!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He glanced at the "bathtub" in front of him, then at King Neptune in front of him, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought: "This guy is actually going to use waterboarding to deal with me and make me die alive?"So vicious! '

No, I have to find a reason to frame him!

Lin Qiong looked at King Neptune pretending to be suspicious, and said, "Brother Neptune, based on what I know about you... Could this be a bar?"

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