"Hey! No, no!"

Nichupton hastily waved his hands and explained: "I haven't drunk alcohol for a long time in order to prepare for pregnancy!"

'Damn it, isn't it? '

Lin Qiong smacked his lips, then looked at the bathtub in front of him with worried eyes, thinking: "It's such a big thing, I can't drink it even if I want to." '

"What's the matter? Master——"

King Neptune looked at Lin Qiong, who was sitting still, and couldn't help but urged in confusion: "Drink! Don't be polite to me!"


Princess Otohime, who couldn't stand it anymore, slapped King Neptune on the stomach, and said angrily: "You don't even look at the size difference between you and the young master! How do you let the young master drink?"

King Neptune: "!?"

He reacted suddenly, then put his exclusive water glass back on the low table next to him with a smirk, and said with a dry smile: "Ahaha, this, this, hahahaha!"


Princess Otohime cast a sidelong glance at him, then picked up the teapot on the table, poured Lin Qiong a cup of tea, and said, "Master, please use the tea!"

'You mermaid, how can you satisfy my hunger while quenching my thirst? '

Lin Qiong, who inexplicably took a big mouthful of bait, sighed helplessly, then picked up the teacup on the table, raised his head and drank the tea in it, and said, "Okay! Next is the two long-awaited gossip It's time!"

"Oh oh oh!" x2

The Neptunes immediately sat on the sofa obediently, showing the serious expressions of elementary school students listening to lectures.

"Eluza-chan's father is..."

Lin Qiong elongated his voice, and after satisfying the appetites of the two, he said with a smirk, "No!"

King Neptune: "?"

Princess Otohime: "?"

The two were silent for a few seconds, and then let out a voice of dissatisfaction in unison.

Neptune: "Huh? What an answer is that!"

Princess Otohime: "Master, shameless!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Seeing the dissatisfaction of the two, Lin Qiong couldn't help but patted his knee happily, and laughed loudly: "Don't worry! I haven't finished talking yet!"


What greeted him was the condemning eyes of the two.

"Oh, don't look at me like that! I said, can't I say that?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help raising his right hand, and said, "Because the other half of Erusa's genes was provided by Miss Pass, I said that she has no father—she should have two mothers." .”

After listening to Lin Qiong's words, Princess Yi Ji looked at Lin Qiong with a puzzled expression, and asked, "Master, is the lady know-it-all you are talking about..."

"Huh? Don't you know her?"

Lin Qiong frowned and recalled for a while, and then showed a sudden look: "Oh yes, she really didn't appear on Fishman Island—?"

After arriving in the nautical world, Miss Know-It-All basically stayed in the Sky City to study devil fruits, and then went directly to Egg Head Island to squeeze Vegapunk.

"In that case—"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers with his right hand, then showed a proud and showy expression towards King Neptune and Princess Otohime, and said: "Then, let me introduce to you, what I am proud of. Miss know-it-all!”



When Irene calmed down and stepped into the reception room again, she heard Lin Qiong's flamboyant voice: "...So Miss Passionate is indeed very powerful, right?"

"Nani Nani? What's wrong with Miss Know-It-All?"

After hearing the topic that interested her, Irene quickened her pace, trotted all the way to the edge of the sofa, and asked curiously, "Are you guys talking about Miss Know-It-All?"

"Because Brother Neptune mentioned Elusa just now, so I just gave them a general science about Erusa's other mother."

Lin Qiong turned around, held Erin in front of Irene, and said in her ear with a smile: "Elusha, look, your mother!"


Erza raised her head and glanced at Irene in front of her, then stretched out her hands towards her: "Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

"In the morning, I was still clinging to the young master's arms and refused to come out—"

Irene showed a somewhat helpless expression, and then stretched out her hands to take Elusa out of Lin Qiong's arms, but in the end...


Erza kicked her right hand away with a jio.

Erin: "?"

She froze for a moment, then stretched out her hand again.


Zhilong scored twice.

Erin: "??"

The corners of her eyes twitched slightly, and she stretched out her hand for the third time.


Under Lin Qiong's gloating gaze, Irene's hand was kicked away again.


Irene gritted her teeth and called out her daughter's name. She looked at her daughter's face and said word by word: "What do you mean?"


Erza tilted her head in confusion, then raised her hands towards Irene again.

Erin: "???"

She stretched out her hand suspiciously, and was kicked away as a matter of course.


It's hard, Erin's fist is hard.

"Pfft hahaha-"

Looking at this scene, Lin Qiong burst into a frenzied laugh: "You, what are you doing? Are you trying to laugh me to death?"

"Obviously this girl reached out to me on her own initiative, but when I went to hug her, she kicked my hand away—"

Irene looked at her silly girl angrily, and said, "Damn it! What is she thinking?"


Erza tilted her head, and stretched out her hands towards Irene again.

Erin: "?"

She took a deep breath, and then asked twitchingly at the corner of her mouth, "Do you think I'm stupid? After being kicked by you four times, will you reach out for the fifth time?"


Erza shook her hand towards Irene inexplicably.

Erin: "..."

She couldn't help but sighed, then helplessly stretched out her hands towards Erusa, and warned: "If you kick my hand again, I won't hug you again, okay?"

Finally, this time her hand...

Still got kicked away.

Chapter 0790 Shocking Wisdom

It's hard, Erin's fist is hard.

"I can assure you—"

Irene clenched her fists, looked at Ersha with veins all over her face, and said through gritted teeth: "You are only ten years old now, no, seven years old, no, five years old! If you are five years old, I will growl Smudge your face!"

Lin Qiong: "Puff puff——"

Irene turned her head to look at her, waved her fist angrily, and said, "Master! You shouldn't be laughing at a time like this, right?"

Lin Qiong looked innocent: "Okay, then I just don't smile and just smile back and forth."

Erin: "?"

She clutched her forehead and thought, "Could it be that Ersha's instinct to piss people off is a gene inherited from the young master?" '


At this moment, Erza once again extended her hands towards Irene with an innocent look on her face.

"You!! Still!? Come??"

Eileen looked at Ersha in front of her, wishing she could become an adult right now, and then give her a set of close-quarters combos, letting her float in the air for half an hour.

"Weird! What is this little guy thinking?"

Lin Qiong looked at Ersha in front of him, and couldn't help showing a puzzled expression, and said, "She is the one who stretched out her hand, and she is also the one who kicked her hand..."

"I'm not there either!"

Erin rubbed the bridge of her nose, and said helplessly, "If I knew, I wouldn't have been kicked several times."

The two looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

"That, that..."

At this time, Princess Otohime on the side weakly raised her little hand, and said softly: "I think, could it be because little Erin wants Irene to come over instead of Irene taking her away? "

Lin Qiong & Irene: "Huh?"

The two turned their heads at the same time, looked at Princess Otohime, and asked in unison: "Details——"

"Through my knowledge and domineering, I can vaguely perceive the thoughts of little Erza—"

Princess Otohime looked at Ersha in Lin Qiong's arms, and she said softly, "The purpose of her reaching out her hand is to hope that mother can come and sit together instead of hoping that mother will take her away..."

Having said that, her expression became more subtle.

'no!Young master, aren't you really Ersha's father? '

Princess Otohime looked at Lin Qiong and Ersha with subtle eyes, thinking: "Otherwise, why would Ersha get so close to you?" '

"Eh? Little Erza thinks so?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Erza in his arms, then waved to Irene, patted the place beside her and said, "Then why don't you sit here and try?"

Erin: "..."

She took a half step back in a panic and said, "This, this, this, isn't this good?"

'Eh?Do you want to sit with the young master? '

She lowered her head in a panic, straightened her clothes, and thought uneasily, "Is my dress okay?"Is the hair messy?Wait, don't I have a strange smell...'

The more she thought about it, the more confused she became, and she even had the urge to put her hair in her hands and scream.

Princess Otohime: '! '

Princess Otohime, who sensed Irene's emotional fluctuations, couldn't help but clenched her hands in front of her chest, her eyes swept back and forth between Lin Qiong and Irene, thinking: 'What is the relationship between these two people! ? '

Waku waku!



After struggling for about 20 seconds, Irene sat beside Lin Qiong awkwardly, with a low eyebrow and pleasing appearance, very much like a newly married daughter-in-law.

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