Seeing this scene, Princess Otohime confirmed her inner guess: "There is adultery, these two people must have adultery—"

If there is nothing wrong with these two people, she will, she will... her husband will drink bitter melon juice for a month!

Neptune: 'Otohime! ? '

"Come on!"

Elusa looked at Lin Qiong to the left, then to Irene to the right, and couldn't help but clapped her hands happily and let out a "giggle" laugh.

"Good guy, does it really look so expensive?"

Lin Qiong looked at Erza with her lower body on his right leg and her upper body on Irene's left leg, dumbfounded, and said: "Who said children only have to make choices? This little guy has already mastered the essence of everything I want. .”

Erza: Children don't get to choose, I want them all!

"Sorry! Master, Erza is too willful——"

Irene looked at Erza, who was waving her hands happily, with a look of embarrassment, and whispered, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Hey, what's the trouble?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand, and said indifferently: "If you ask me for the stars and the moon, I might still feel a little worried, but this level...sprinkle water!"

Irene: "To the extent that you want the stars and the moon, are you just worrying?" '

Neptune: 'As expected of a young master, the stars and the moon come to mind when he opens his mouth! '

Princess Otohime: "Master, you will definitely be a doting and foolish father in the future. '

"That's right! Brother Neptune——"

Lin Qiong looked at Neptune in front of him, and asked curiously, "How do you plan to hold this celebration to celebrate Princess Otome's pregnancy?"

"Also, there is still a celebration?"

King Neptune looked at Lin Qiong in astonishment, and asked in surprise: "It's hard, isn't it enough to announce the news?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He tilted his head involuntarily, and said, "Brother, are you sober? The Wang family has a queen. This is a grand and happy event worthy of celebration by all the people. How can it be over with just one announcement?"

More importantly, if the Murloc Island doesn't hold a celebration, wouldn't it be a waste of time to join in the fun?

"Nepton, the young master is right."

Princess Otohime raised her right hand, gently covered the back of Neptune's hand, and said softly: "Recently, everyone in Fishman Island has been working overtime to build a new home, and it's time for everyone to relax. son."

"Hey! That's right—"

Lin Qiong showed a satisfied smile at Princess Otto, and said, "Old Sister Otto sees things thoroughly! Unlike Brother Neptune, she is just a fool!"

King Neptune: "?"

He leaned back tactically, pointed at his own face in surprise, couldn't help looking at Otome and asked, "Otome, am I stupid?"

Princess Otohime patted the back of Neptune's hand lightly, and said motherly: "How could it be? You are the great knight of the sea, the king of Murloc Island, how can you be such a fool?"

"That is to say—"

The great knight suddenly showed a satisfied expression. He smiled "hohohohoho" while stroking his beard, and said complacently, "I'm the great knight of the sea, Neptune, okay? My witty one Batch!"

Others at the scene: "..."

A man and two women looked at each other, then shrugged their shoulders helplessly.

Lin Qiong thought to himself: "Just based on your words, you can't be witty!" '

Otohime sighed: 'My husband is a bit stupid. '

"Then, the witty group of great knights of the sea..."

Lin Qiong looked at Neptune, who was standing with his hands on his hips, and said, "Do you want to hold this celebration?"


Neptune froze in place as if a rooster that was about to crow had its throat choked.

After a while, he hesitated and said, "How about..."

"Couldn't you be planning to let everyone from Fishman Island have a banquet with you?"

Lin Qiong interrupted Neptune's singing, narrowed his eyes and said, "With all due respect, this kind of activity can't be called a celebration at all, right?"

What is a celebration?

Neptune: "..."

Seeing that his wonderful plan was rejected, the great knight of the sea suddenly showed a dignified expression as if he was facing an enemy.

Princess Otohime: "..."

Did my husband increase his attribute points to protect Murloc Island?

'It's impossible!Let me, a virtuous wife, help here! '

Princess Otohime coughed lightly, and then said in a reminding tone: "Nepton, I remember that the facilities on New Murloc Island have basically been completed, right?"

"Hmph, under my wise leadership, except for a few of the most troublesome equipment, the rest of the equipment has been successfully built."

Neptune showed a slightly satisfied expression, and said, "How about it? Otohime, am I amazing?"

Princess Otohime: "..."

She looked at her husband helplessly, sighed insignificantly, and thought, "Nepton, didn't you hear any other information from my words?" '

Princess Otohime felt that maybe her hint was not obvious enough, so she spoke again: "Now that most of the facilities have been set up, can we allow these equipment to be put into trial operation for a day to test it?"

"Huh? Equipment testing? It's not impossible..."

Neptune scratched his head, and said with some distress: "But I have to prepare for your pregnancy celebration recently, so the trial operation will probably be put after the celebration..."

Princess Otohime: "..."

She leaned against the back of the chair with a face of despair, stared at the ceiling blankly, and murmured: "Desperate! Desperate for Neptune's brain!"

Lin Qiong said that he almost died laughing, how could there be such a naive fish man?

Irene on the side couldn't help reminding: "King Neptune, Princess Otohime wants to tell you that maybe the celebration and the trial operation of Murloc Paradise can be combined..."

King Neptune: "Ah—"

He made a sudden sound, then excitedly held Princess Otohime beside him in his palm, and said happily: "Otohime, you are so smart!"

Princess Otohime: "Hmm... many... thank you for the compliment..."

Why is it that Neptune praised me for being smart, but I don't feel any joy at all?What's going on?

The family members were in tears.


Lin Qiong has already let out a goose cry from laughter.

This weird laughter made Erza, who was lying on his lap, turn her head in confusion.

After staring at him for a while, Erza opened her mouth and said imitatively, "Goose, goose——"

"Pfft hahaha-"

Lin Qiong immediately burst out into even more exaggerated laughter. He laughed for a while before regaining his composure and said to Neptune: "Brother Neptune, did you see that? Even Erza was laughing... Praise for your amazing wisdom and eloquence!”

Chapter 0791

"Yes, is that so?"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Neptune touched his head in embarrassment, and said shyly with a hint of complacency: "Look? Let me just say I'm a witty group?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He pondered for a few seconds, then turned his head to Irene's ear, and whispered, "Tell me, does he really not understand or does he really not understand?"

'Eep, sir, the young master's whisper——'

Irene raised her arms to cover her blushing cheeks, and said with erratic eyes, "Ni...King Neptune, probably really thinks I'm very witty..."

"Hey, this guy—tsk tsk, the world is full of fake witty guys like Neptune."

Lin Qiong sat up straight, then shook his head and sighed: "A man like me, who is so naive and witty, really has too few words!"

Erin: "..."

She opened her mouth, and then exchanged glances with Princess Otohime sitting on Neptune's palm.

Erin: "Haha..."

Otohime: "Hehe..."

The two showed an awkward yet polite smile at the same time, and then sighed in agreement.

Comrades, all comrades!



Since Neptune and Princess Otohime had to discuss various matters on the trial operation day, Lin Qiong took Irene and Erza away from Dragon Palace City.

"Then the question is—"

Lin Qiong stroked his chin and said, "Where should I go to bask next...I mean meet friends?"

Erin: "?"

She glanced at Lin Qiong suspiciously, and said, "Young Master, didn't you mean to say, show off the baby?"

"how is this possible!?"

Lin Qiong suddenly raised his voice, and said righteously: "Am I the kind of bastard who will take cute little angels around to find those lonely people to bask in!"

Erin sighed and thought: 'I wasn't sure at first, but your reaction said it all, right? '

Obviously, it is!

However, in order to take care of Lin Qiong's dignity (?), it is obviously impossible to say such words.

So, Irene said helplessly: "Of course the young master is not that kind of person."

"now it's right."

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, then put his right hand against his chin, and muttered, "The next"

Ah Jian (Jian Yulei)?Handsome guy (meh)?Or black slave strikes iron king (Hephaestus)?

"In that case, let fate decide—"

Lin Qiong took out his mobile phone, opened the green bubble, clicked on the dice in the emoticon, and said: "1 and 4 go to Ajian, 2 and 5 go to the handsome guy, 3 and 6 go to He Phaistos!"

3, 2, 1...

Leave you!



Navy Headquarters.

"Oh! Brother Qiong——"

Yu Lei opened his hands, walked towards Lin Qiong who was standing on the edge of the training ground with a smile on his face, and said, "Why are you today... I am super!"

The moment he saw Elusa in Lin Qiong's arms, Jian Yulei opened his mouth wide and said dumbfounded: "Qiong, Brother Qiong!? This, how long have you been separated? Has a baby been born?"

"You guys, why did you react with Loki?"

Lin Qiong looked at Jian Yulei speechlessly and explained: "Erza is not my daughter, she is Irene's daughter."

Jian Yulei: "Huh?"

He froze for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Ersha in Lin Qiong's arms, and thought strangely: "Is there no problem with the induction of divine power?"The blood of Brother Qiong is indeed flowing in this child—”

"Master Jian Yulei—"

Irene took a step forward and said with a stiff expression and erratic eyes: "Erza is a baby created through special means by combining my genes with Miss Know-It-All's."

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