Lin Qiong turned on the video recording function of the mobile phone, and said loudly in an excited tone: "Come on, shout with me-I'm a waste!"

"I am a……"

Jian Yulei raised his right hand high, then threw the pointer in his hand on the ground, and cursed: "Bastard! Do you think I will be fooled!! Turn off the video for me!"


Lin Qiong put away the phone with a disappointed face, then shook his head with a sigh, and said, "Unexpectedly, even that A Jian has learned to be smart! The world is really unpredictable."

"Brother Qiong, is it my illusion?"

Jian Yulei clenched his fists: "Why do I hear a hint of inconceivability from what you said just now?"

Lin Qiong said seriously: "It's not an illusion!"

'He actually admitted it! '

Jian Yulei clenched his fist, gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Qiong, and said, "For example, if you weren't holding the baby..."

"Hey! Ah Jian, do you think there is a possibility..."

Lin Qiong showed a smug and arrogant smile: "It's because I'm holding Erusa that I dare to provoke you like this? Jie Jie Jie!"

Jian Yulei: "..."

Not only was he shocked by Lin Qiong's shamelessness, he murmured: "It seems that I still have a lot to learn!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He scratched his head in doubt: 'Is it my illusion?I feel that I have suffered a pot that does not belong to me again!hateful!I am obviously such an upright and fresh person! '

never mind!It must be that little guy who is hacking me!



"Master, the training is over."

Irene removed the personality magic, and walked back to Lin Qiong's side with graceful steps.


Lin Qiong looked behind Irene, and found that in the clean and tidy training ground, there were naval soldiers lying neatly on the ground like corpses in a morgue.

He jerked his head back and said, "I'll go, what's going on?"

"After the battle, I found that the battlefield was a bit messy, so I tidied it up."

Irene smiled lightly and said, "You didn't cause any trouble to the young master, did you?"

"You did a great job!"

Lin Qiong patted Irene's head in satisfaction, and then looked at Jian Yulei with a proud face, his nostrils slightly enlarged, and he let out a "hum--" sound in a spirited manner.

Jian Yulei: "?"

No, no no no no!

What the hell are you so proud of! ?What are you proud of!

You wait, when I return to Orario, I... I... 佄

Jian Yulei calmed down and thought about it, and found that his family members tied together were not opponents of Sky City.

'That's all right—'

He immediately showed a smile, then gave Lin Qiong a thumbs up, and said, "Well done, Brother Qiong, I'm a waste!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Jian Yulei was taken aback by his sudden painful expression.

'What's wrong with him? '

Jian Yulei looked at Lin Qiong in confusion, and just when he couldn't help but want to ask, he heard Lin Qiong's mournful cry as if he had been hit by the shining Pelio light: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh Forget, forgot to record the mouth teeth!!"

Jian Yulei: "..."

He thought blankly: "Sure enough, I shouldn't bless this guy with the slightest bit of mercy!" '



Irene opened her mouth, then looked at Jian Yulei hesitantly.

Jian Yulei: "?"

Erin continued to look at him.

Jian Yulei raised his finger and pointed at himself: "???"

Eileen was still looking at him.

Jian Yulei's eyes widened: "Hiss—"

This is not right?This is ten or even nine points of his meow is wrong! ?

'What the hell is this woman thinking? '

Jian Yulei raised his right hand, shook his head desperately while waving his hands vigorously: "How could I deliberately let him take pictures of my black history teeth in order to make this guy happy!" '

Then he saw Irene let out a very disappointed "tsk".

'Wait, she did 'tsk' just now, didn't she! ? '

Jian Yulei opened his mouth wide, looking in disbelief at Irene who was teasing Erza with "Personality Addition·Little Man in Flowing Water", thinking: 'How could this be so!How could this be so?hateful! '

"A Jian, you have to work hard."

Lin Qiong looked at Jian Yulei who was deeply shocked, and said earnestly: "You have also seen the performance of these naval officers and men! How can they maintain the peace of the sea after we leave this world with their current strength?"

"It should be about half a year before we leave this world—"

Jian Yulei twitched the corners of his mouth, rubbed his nose, and said, "Before leaving, it should be no problem to raise the overall strength of this group of navies by two levels."

"Since the reliable Ah Jian has said so, then I can rest assured."

Lin Qiong looked at the sailors lying in the corpses and said with emotion: "With these strengthened sailors maintaining order, the sailing world in the future should be very peaceful."

"If the young master is still worried, how about letting me keep a batch of [Personality Plus·Earth Knights]?"

Irene smiled slightly at Lin Qiong, and suggested: "Just change the consumed energy to the user's physical strength, and then the navy can add a powerful hole card that can be recycled."

"What a guy! As expected of Eileen!"

Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, and then he sighed from the bottom of his heart: "It's more reliable than the unreliable Ah Jian!"

Jian Yulei: "???"

hey you fucking...

Chapter 0793 Epoch-making Inventions

Egghead Island.

After the "Future of the Navy", who had a training camp, Lin Qiong took Elusa and Erin to visit the handsome guy and justice, showing a cute Ailusa, and then returned to it with satisfaction. here.

"This little guy is asleep."

Lin Qiong looked at Ersha who was lying on his chest drooling, and said to Irene dumbfounded: "Tell me, is it possible for her to wake up, find that I am not there, and then turn on the crazy howling mode?"

Erin: "..."

After imagining the situation in Lin Qiong's mouth, she couldn't help shivering, and said with a pale face: "Master, please don't say such terrible things, okay?"

"Hahaha, I was just joking."

Lin Qiong laughed, then handed Erza in his arms to Irene, and said, "Now the treasure is returned to Zhao intact."


Irene took Erusa with a complicated expression, and then whispered to Lin Qiong, "Master, you have worked hard today."

"Hey! Little Ersha doesn't cry or make trouble, and she's so obedient in my arms. What's so hard about it?"

Lin Qiong waved his hands, and said dumbfoundedly: "Instead, I should thank you for giving me the opportunity to play with such a cute little guy."

Erin: "!"

She lowered her eyelids slightly, and said with a faster heartbeat: "For example, if the young master likes it, yes, you can come and play with Ersha anytime in the future."


Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Then don't think I'm bothering you in the future!"

"No, no! It's not too late for me to be happy, so why would I dislike the young master?"

Irene shook her head hastily, then looked down at Erza in her arms, and whispered, "It's not just me, Erza will definitely be very happy too."

"Jie Jie Jie! Very good, very good!"

Lin Qiong raised his head and laughed wildly. He looked at Irene with an evil face, and said, "Just wait! When I find a chance, I will definitely hold the woman you value most in my arms and play with it wantonly! Jie Jie Jie!"

Erin: "..."

She was in a bad mood, covered her face and said, "Master, can you stop making the matter of 'playing with Ersha' so strange?"

"Eh? Don't!"

Lin Qiong turned his head and said, "That kind of statement is more interesting!"

Eileen sighed: "But he can teach bad children."

Lin Qiong took half a step back, and said with a difficult face: "Gu... well, it seems to be the reason..."

Seeing this, Irene took half a step forward, and continued, "The young master also doesn't want Erza to become the second Loki under the bad influence of the young master, right?"

Lin Qiong: "!?"

"The... second Loki?"

Holding his head in his hands, he combined Erza's "watch" with Loki's "inside"——

Erza: "Whoo! Lu Ximei, let me rub your breasts!"

Erza: "Wow! Milaj's beautiful legs, prpr!"

Erza: "Suck it! Wendy-chan's humble breasts are great too!"

——then let out a mournful cry: "Oh, oh! Then, don't do that kind of thing! Absolutely don't let Erza become Loki's crumb!"

(At this time, Loki, who is developing new props in New Murloc Island: "Ah, choo—")

Seeing this, Irene said solemnly: "So, young master, please be sure to set an example, and don't let Elusa imitate the bad!"

"oh oh!"

Lin Qiong stammered and nodded, and promised: "Relax, don't worry! I will definitely not let Elusa grow crooked!"

Seeing Lin Qiong's promise, Irene breathed a sigh of relief, and then encouraged: "I believe that the young master will definitely set a good example for Erza!"

'Wow, good, heavy anticipation...'

Lin Qiong inexplicably felt his shoulders sink, he nodded with difficulty under the pressure, and said, "I, I know!"

Looking at Lin Qiong's wrinkled face, Irene couldn't help biting her lips, lowered her head and said to Lin Qiong, "Master, thank you for being willing to satisfy my willful request."

Lin Qiong scratched the back of his head uncomfortably, and said helplessly, "What kind of willful request is this? As adults, shouldn't we set an example for the children?"

'Goo!This, this gentle place... I like it! '

Irene couldn't help clenching her right fist, and screamed like a groundhog in her heart: "Master——I like you——!" ! '

Although she was going crazy in her heart, she put on a reserved and elegant appearance on the surface, and said with a light smile: "The young master is right, I have been taught."

"Ahem, it's getting late. You should take Erza back to rest first."

Seeing that the topic was starting to turn to commercial bragging, Lin Qiong quickly coughed twice, and said, "I should also go back to Murloc Island to see Loki's research results."

"Well, all right."

Hearing this, Irene nodded with some reluctance, then looked at Lin Qiong with hopeful eyes, and said, "The young master will come to play with Ersha again, right, right?"

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