"Yes, yes, but..."

Lin Qiong scratched his head, looked puzzled at Irene who showed a nervous expression because of his "but", and said, "However, aren't you also a member of Sky City? So you usually completely Take the initiative to bring Erza to find us."

Erin: "!?"

She opened her mouth wide, thinking sadly and angrily: "Wash, wash the motor!"She completely replaced herself as the invisible mistress who left her illegitimate child! '

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He looked at Irene who was struck by lightning, couldn't help stretching out his hand in front of her, and asked with concern: "Irene, you didn't...wow!"

Irene, who was awakened by Lin Qiong, suppressed her embarrassment, pushed Lin Qiong's back with her right hand in a panic, and stammered: "It's getting late! Young Master, you should hurry up and find Loki My lord!!!"

"oh oh……"

Lin Qiong nodded blankly, and then flew into the air with some confusion, muttering: "Just now I was reluctant to let go, but now I'm urging me to leave..."

Women really turn faces faster than books!



New Fishman Island.

Loki Familia Temporary residence.

"The waves are running, the waves are flowing... thousands of miles of rivers and seas..."

Lin Qiong and Luo Ji sat on both sides of the coffee table with serious faces, staring at each other solemnly.

After a few seconds, Loki said: "Aqiong, it's almost time to turn off the BGM."


Lin Qiong reached out and turned off the player, then looked at Loki again: "Rocky! Let me see your proud works!"

"Hum, ha ha ha ha!"

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Loki immediately covered his forehead with his right hand, and let out a series of triumphant and arrogant laughter: "Okay, okay! Then let you see, the epoch-making invention that was invented today 'Artifact', Nightmare Phantom Spear!"

As she spoke, she slapped a classic silver pistol on the table, showing an evil smile.

"This one……"

Lin Qiong looked at the Desert Eagle that Loki had patted on the table, with a hesitant expression on his face, and said, "Isn't it the trial production Tricky No. [-]?"

Loki: "?"

She took a deep breath and cursed: "You're so fucking incompetent, you bastard! Can't I change its name? Besides, even if it's called the original name, it should still be Preparation Curse No. [-] , not some prankster No. [-]!"

Lin Qiong showed a stunned expression, and then continued: "So what is the function of this trial-produced Rocky One?"

"Lin Qiong, what the hell..."

Loki covered his chest, gritted his teeth and hammered his knees twice, then stretched out his index finger and looked at Lin Qiong.jpg, and said: "Just wait, the pain you are causing me now, I will definitely suffer from it one day." It will come from you bit by bit..."

Lin Qiong pinched his chin thoughtfully and murmured: "Let's find a chance to secretly introduce a few talented people to Es Tan..."

"I'm sorry, I admit that my voice was a little louder just now, please don't take it to heart, Lord Lin Qiong!"

Loki flew over and hugged Lin Qiong's leg, then raised his head and tried to make a shy expression, and said, "Gege Qiongqiong, don't be so arrogant~"


Lin Qiong retched, then looked at Loki and said, "If you use biological weapons again, don't blame me for fighting back."

Loki: "?"

God damn biological weapon!My old lady was also a flower in the God Realm back then, okay?People chasing me can line up from the living room to the gate!

"You kid is really ignorant——"

Loki sat back on the sofa cursing, stepped on the coffee table, pointed his thumb at his face angrily, and said, "My old lady is a beautiful beauty from top to bottom, why are you dissatisfied?" ?”

Lin Qiong: Old Man Subway Phone.jpg

Upstairs Finn & Riveria & Ace: Subway Old Man Phone.jpg

One thing to say, it's hard to hold back.

"Are you sure you want to continue this topic?"

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Believe it or not, I will introduce boyfriends to Riveria, Ais, Tiona and Tione later?"

"Next, let me introduce you to this epoch-making invention—"

Loki raised the Sand Eagle on the coffee table, and started the introduction with enthusiasm.

"It is divided into two curse modes: random and designated, as well as one, two and three levels of curse intensity."

"There is no need to introduce the two modes too much, so let's focus on the third level of intensity."

"Facing objects with high resistance, you need to increase the intensity of the curse to ensure that the curse takes effect, but correspondingly, the consumption of magic power will be very exaggerated."

"I have food, so there is no need to worry about consumption."

Lin Qiong waved his hand carelessly, and then asked with a serious face: "More than this, I want to know... what level of targets can the third-level intensity curse be effective on?"

"What level of object? Well, although I haven't tried it yet, but..."

Loki thought about it for a while, then raised his finger solemnly, and said, "Probably it will be effective against targets at Fengwang's level!"

Thanks to Shuke 9422997815, Misty Moon, and Chaldea Guanwei Gudazi for their monthly tickets.

Thanks to Mr. Hibiki, ルー?フランシス, Elsie Bel, and I am 17 years old this year.

Chapter 0794 You Still Can't Forget Her

Lin Qiong was shocked: "I am super, Feng Wang!?"

Don’t look at the fact that Phoenix King has always been Aqua in the Sky City. He has a brain as big as a melon seed. Every now and then, he is thrown out like a baseball by Lin Qiong for seeking death...

But she is at least one of the top legendary Pokémon in the Pokémon world!

"If it can work on Phoenix King..."

Lin Qiong squeezed his chin, and said with a contemplative face: "Then basically it can take effect on most of the targets, right?"

"Not bad at all."

Loki nodded, and then seemed to have thought of something, and added: "Oh, by the way! In fact, the curse intensity of this gun can continue to be increased, but considering your current strength, I just added an output limit to it... …”

Lin Qiong showed a shocked expression, and said: "That is to say, as long as I continue to become stronger, it can unlock the curse strength of level [-], level [-] or even level [-]?"

Loki nodded happily: "That's right."

"Oil shrimp!"

Lin Qiong clenched his fists with excitement and growled: "The motivation to improve my strength suddenly started, you bastard!"

"Hum, how's it going?"

Loki looked at Lin Qiong's "CNM, it's on fire" look, and suddenly said with a proud look on his face: "My new invention, isn't it amazing?"

"Amazing! It's awesome!"

Lin Qiong picked up the pistol on the coffee table and looked at it with fondness: "This Rocky One is really great!"

"That's right, this Loki one... huh?"

Loki came to his senses, then stepped on the coffee table with his left foot, grabbed Lin Qiong's collar with both hands, and yelled angrily: "Hundan! What the hell is Loki No. [-]!"

"It...its name..."

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up with a difficult face, and said sassyly: "How is it? Is it suitable for it?"

"Suitable for a ghost!"

Loki shouted with veins all over his face: "Don't call me that name! Change it for me quickly!"

Lin Qiong nodded helplessly and said, "Okay."

Loki let go of his collar, clapped his hands and said, "That's right!"

Lin Qiong said helplessly: "Then call it Rocky One ProMax."

"You fucking..."

Loki grabbed Lin Qiong's collar again, and said with veins all over his face, "Iron! Do you want to fight?"

"Even if I were beaten to death by you and nailed in the coffin, I would still shout loudly with a decaying voice——"

Lin Qiong took a deep breath, and then said in a trembling voice, "It's called Loki No. [-] mouth tooth!"

Loki: "..."

No, this kid is as shameless as I am, I'm afraid I can't threaten him with ordinary methods!

She let go of Lin Qiong's hand with a solemn expression, then thought for a few seconds and said, "Aqiong, you kid has a crush on me, right?"

Lin Qiong leaned back tactically: "Ah?"

"Because, look-"

Rocky rubbed his chin with a serious face, and said thoughtfully: "Even if we threaten you like this, you still have to call it Rocky One - it must be because you have a crush on me, so you use it." Name it after me, right?”

Lin Qiong: "No, no, no! Where did you draw the conclusion from?"

Rocky raised his finger: "Answer me first, do you think 'black stockings' look good?"

Lin Qiong frowned: "General."

Loki clenched his fist: "Then do you think the black stockings that Riveria just took off and still have her body scent on them are sexy?"

Lin Qiong was shocked: "I feel like I'm suddenly horny!"

Loki shook his voice: "See? This is the 'name'... huh? Why do you feel a little cold?"

"——the harbinger of the end, the white snow. Facing the twilight hour..."

The next moment, Riveria's embarrassing and indignant voice sounded in the corridor on the second floor, causing Loki's eyeballs to fly out in fright.

"Wait, wait! Riveria, calm down, calm down!"

Loki jumped up to the corridor on the second floor in a hurry, and then hugged Riveria's waist with a look of horror on his face, screaming: "This is not a dungeon, but a fish-man island! The mermaid girls around are Innocent teeth!!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

So the fish man is innocent?


Riveria blushed and stopped singing, then stretched out her hand to pinch Loki's face, and said through gritted teeth: "God Loki, can you please explain to me what you just said?"

Lin Qiong: "!"

As expected of the royal family of elves, they still maintain an elegant speech at such a time!

"No, no problem—"

Loki gave his thumbs up with a "snap", and said, "Because I suspect that Aqiong has a crush on me!"

Lin Qiong stepped on the coffee table and said angrily, "You fart!"

"Then, then..."

Riveria calmed down her breathing, then looked at Loki with indifferent eyes, and asked, "What is the connection between this matter and what you just said?"

Loki blinked innocently and said, "I just want Aqiong to know what the consequences will be if you name something after someone else."


Riveria's right hand tightened a bit, and said through gritted teeth: "Why! It will be! My! Name!"

"I, I, from the bottom of my heart, feel, feel deeply sorry for, for my actions—"

Loki raised his hands tremblingly, and said with difficulty: "Then, then change it to Finn, Finn's original cotton socks..."

Finn: "??"

He twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, then came to Riveria's side, and whispered, "Rivelia."

"Ah, I understand."

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