Riveria handed Loki's head to Finn and said, "Next, I'll leave it to you."

"I will handle it."

Finn stepped on the fence of the corridor, then pinched Loki's head, lifted her into the air, and said word by word: "Loki! Why! It will be! My name!"

"Because, because..."

Loki whimpered in pain: "I, I can't, can't, use the name of Ai Simei?"

Finn: "Huo—"

In other words, my name doesn't matter, does it?

Lin Qiong: "..."

He raised his head and glanced at Riveria and Finn, who were surrounded by a dark aura, then raised his right hand and made a sign of the cross on his chest, and said, "Qianlue, Loki of the Kingdom of Heaven, I will be with you on this day next year." Put a flower of your favorite dogtail on the grave! Amen!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Qiong quickly put Rocky No. [-] into his pocket, then rushed out with his head buried.

"Lin Qiong, Tie Baa——"

After Loki noticed Lin Qiong's movements, he immediately yelled: "Don't run, don't run!!"

Lin Qiong: Mud oils the road!

"Onole Lindome!"

After struggling for a few times, Loki turned his gaze back to Finn, and said sharply, "Finn! Let me go, I'm going to chase that weak-hearted man!"

Finn said blankly: "Loki, how long do you think we have known each other?"

Loki: "Uh..."

Finn continued: "Based on what I know about you, do you think I won't be able to see that you're just looking for an excuse to get out?"

Loki: "Ah..."

But, damn it!exposed!



Egghead Island.


Standing on the shore, Lin Qiong wiped the cold sweat off his forehead with his hand, and said, "It's a good thing I run fast, otherwise I'm afraid I'm going to suffer a lot!"

"What's the matter?"

Feng Wang, who had been waiting for a long time, flapped his wings and landed on Lin Qiong's shoulder, complaining: "By the way, where did you go today? I've been looking for you all day."

"I went out for a stroll today, and by the way, I got back the props entrusted to Loki."

Lin Qiong took the Sand Eagle out of his arms, held it up in front of King Feng with a flamboyant expression, and said, "That's it——according to what Loki said, when this thing is turned on at full power, the launched Curses can even work on you!"

Feng Wang: "Nani?"

She was startled, then reacted quickly, and said, "Wait! If it works on me, wouldn't it also work on Rogia?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

With a moved face, he picked up the handkerchief and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said, "Feng'er, you still can't forget Lugia! Really, I'm crying to death!"

"Don't put me here, boy!"

Feng Wang pecked Lin Qiong's head angrily, and urged: "Quickly answer my question, does this thing have any effect on Rogia!"

"If you really pluck my hair and bald it, I will pluck all the feathers from your whole body."

Lin Qiong clicked his tongue, and said angrily: "Are you stupid? It works for you, but it can't work for Rogia? Why, is she better than you?"

"Fart! I second her without discussion!"

Feng Wang glared at Lin Qiong ferociously, and then let out an even more evil smile: "Jie Jie Jie! Since it is effective for Lugia, then I will turn her into... um..."

Lin Qiong tilted his head: "Become?"

"Toad? Cockroach? Caterpillar?"

Feng Wang squatted on Lin Qiong's shoulder and fell into a short thought, "Or a grasshopper? A leech? A slug?"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang with a look of disgust, and said, "Can you make her look better? Look at what you proposed?"

"Become prettier? No, absolutely not!"

Phoenix King shook his head vigorously and said in a loud voice: "I just want Lugia to turn into an ugly thing!"

Lin Qiong: "Be careful! '

"Jie Jie! Doesn't Rogia like to hide in the bottom of the sea?"

Feng Wang laughed wildly and said: "The sea water is cold water, which means that as long as she goes into the sea, she will become an ugly Lai Kebao, thief hahaha!"

Lin Qiong: "Why do you have different models of laughter?" '

"Have you given it a little thought?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Feng Wang, and then reminded him friendly: "Are you sure that Brother Tuozi will not punish you after you succeed? For example, let you become a creature exactly like Rogia..."

Feng Wang: "Gah——"

Her laughter stuck in her throat, and then she squatted on Lin Qiong's shoulder in a daze, looking at the distant sea with sad eyes.

Phoenix King: You can't cheat Lugia, it will be more uncomfortable than killing me.


Refers to Lugia

Chapter 0795 Brand new experimental product

The sun sets in the west, and the heartbroken bird is on the shoulder.

"I said, it's almost there?"

Sitting on the shore of Egghead Island, Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang, who had fallen into the emo with a speechless expression, and said, "How about I make a few songs for you? How about washing seaweed? One of the must-listen songs for emo people. "

Do you know Kaneki's pain?He accidentally kicked the corner of the cabinet with his little toe of his right foot first, and then when he hugged his foot and screamed in pain, he accidentally stepped on the mouth of Lego with his left foot!

"Go! Go! Go!"

King Feng drove Lin Qiong away with his wings and said angrily: "When you see my emo, don't you know how to say something nice to coax me? You're still here to mock me, right?"

"I wonder if I, too, am mocking you——"

Lin Qiong looked at King Feng innocently, and said aggrievedly, "Hey, Fengfeng, do you not love me anymore?"

"Mouth area—"

Feng Wang retched, then glared at Lin Qiong, and said, "If you want to disgust me again, don't blame me for fighting back!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He showed an expression of disbelief and said, "Come on, please start your performance."

"Humph, you asked for this-"

Feng Wang sneered, she took a deep breath, then adjusted her voice, and said in a trembling voice: "I have a small windmill, hee hee, give it to someone who likes it the most." The Dome of Gege~”

"Mouth area—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help retching, and then looked at Feng Wang with an ashen face, who also had an ugly face, and asked with difficulty: "Is it necessary? Is it really necessary? You are killing 1000 enemies and damaging yourself 800, okay? Bar?"

"Hmph! Then you will take 200 more damage than me!"

Feng Wang sneered, then looked at the sky arrogantly, and said in a trembling voice: "I, Feng Wang, will never..."

"Speak, why don't you continue?"

Lin Qiong raised the mentioned Loki No. [-], and sneered, "Didn't you be upright just now?"


Feng Wang looked at the black muzzle of the gun in front of him, recalled the information Lin Qiong revealed just now, and couldn't help asking in a trembling voice: "A Qiong, what mode and intensity are you using?"

Lin Qiong replied expressionlessly: "Random mode, third level intensity."

King Feng: "!?"

She was so scared that she jumped into the sky at that time, and then said cursingly: "Are you crazy!? You pointed this thing at my old lady? And you opened the third gear of the ****!?"

"You are the Phoenix King who is in charge of life and luck!"

Lin Qiong persuasively said: "You have to believe in your luck! Maybe the curse of the golden eagle or the curse of the snowy owl will be randomized for you?"

"Get up!"

Feng Wang distanced himself from Lin Qiong, and said cursingly, "I believe you! What if you get a slug or Lai Kebao by chance?"

"No problem!"

Lin Qiong put Rocky No. [-] back in his pocket, and said calmly: "I'll open a world-traveling door, throw you to the hunchback brother, and let him help you remove the curse, won't that be enough?"

"That's not OK!"

Seeing that Lin Qiong had put away the props, King Feng put them back on his shoulders, and said with lingering fear, "I don't want to suddenly become something inexplicable!"


Lin Qiong clicked his tongue with dissatisfaction, and then complained: "Feng'er, can't you be considerate of me? After I got this Rocky One, I haven't used it once, and I'm curious about its effect. It's incredible!"

"Climb, climb! No matter how curious you are, don't use my mother as a test object!"

Feng Wang cursed and kicked Lin Qiong's neck with his bird's claws, and suggested, "Why don't you test it with three dogs later?"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He leaned back tactically, looked at Feng Wang with a shocked look on his face, and said, "Feng'er! You said this, aren't you really not feeling pain in your heart??"

"Hmph! Those three guys have been lying on the Egghead Island all day, eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating, and they have gained weight twice!"

King Feng flapped his wings angrily and said through gritted teeth: "Using them as test subjects for you is considered waste!"

What a waste utilization hey...

Lin Qiong smacked his lips: "Tsk tsk! Feng'er, you are really not a human being!"

Feng Wang took it for granted: "I am a Pokémon, so I don't need to be a human."

"Spicy Nicole is a real beef."

Lin Qiong gave Feng Wang a thumbs up, then shook his head, and said, "It's fine to use three dogs as test subjects! Anyway, I've worked hard for you for so many years, so we can't go too far." no?"

Feng Wang tilted his head and shook his feathers: "Then who are you going to find as a test subject?"

As for giving up the use of Rocky One?Laughing to death, Feng Wang didn't believe that Lin Qiong could resist not using a new toy once - after all, if it was her, she couldn't resist either.

"Oh, don't worry."

Lin Qiong made an OK gesture towards King Feng and walked towards the inside of Egg Head Island with an elegant look on his face: "I have already thought of a suitable test subject!"

"Oh, that's good...huh!?"

Feng Wang nodded reservedly at first, and then suddenly realized something, showing a thoughtful expression: "Wait, he has already found a test subject?"In other words, he pointed a gun at me just now...he just wanted to scare me! ? '

hey you fucking...

Feng Wang looked at Lin Qiong with eyes that gradually became more sinister.




Miss Wanshitong looked at Lin Qiong in front of her and said, "Is this a brand new look for you?"

"I won't either—"

Lin Qiong shook his head innocently, letting Feng Wang, who was biting his earlobe with his bird's beak, dangle, "This fat bird suddenly bit my earlobe, and I don't know what she is thinking."

Feng Wang thought; 'I'll bite you to death! '

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