"is it?"

Miss Wanshitong tilted her head and commented: "But there is one thing to say, this earring in the shape of the Phoenix King is quite beautiful."


Lin Qiong touched his ears, then took out his mobile phone, pointed the front camera at himself, and muttered, "Let me see."

Feng Wang:'? ! '

"The shape is good."

Lin Qiong turned his neck left and right, observed himself in the camera from various angles, and commented: "But some of them don't suit my style."

"Indeed!! White is more suitable for you than gray/orange."

Miss Passionate nodded, and then suggested: "Why don't we throw away Phoenix King and replace it with Lugia? She is white."

"No! No Rogia!"

Feng Wang immediately let go of Lin Qiong's earlobe, and then said angrily: "Anyone can, but Rogia cannot be used!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Seeing Feng Wang's reaction, Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing like a barbell: "Feng'er, why are you having trouble with Rogia? Didn't you already beat her once and came back for revenge?"

"Hmph, how is one time enough?"

The Phoenix King groaned and fell back on Lin Qiong's shoulder, and then urged: "Didn't you say that you have found a suitable test object to test Rocky One? Hurry up!"

"Rocky One?"

Miss Wanshitong tilted her head in doubt, a faint light flashed in her eyes, and then she showed a dazed expression and said, "So you've been busy doing this for the past two days!"

Lin Qiong looked at Miss Wanshitong pretending to be dissatisfied, and said angrily: "You synchronized my memory again, it's too much!"

"Oh, I was wrong!"

Miss Know-it-all pretended to apologize, then turned into a pure white cat and landed in Lin Qiong's arms, and said with a smile, "I've turned into a cat for you to pet."

"Hmph, do you think you will be forgiven for such a small favor?"

Lin Qiong sneered, then stretched out his hand to stroke the soft hair of the know-it-all cat in his arms, and said in a deep voice, "I'm a man with the title of 'hard-hearted ruthless warrior', how could I be conquered by the cricket cat?"

Phoenix King: "..."

She glanced contemptuously at Lin Qiong, who was already obsessed with petting cats, and couldn't help but roll her eyes, thinking: "You can save your mouth even if you come out of the incinerator!" '



Egghead Island, Laboratory.

"Stare—" xN

Under the watchful eyes of Maomao, Aizen Soyousuke, Jeref, Heathcliff, Vegapunk, and Gage, an unnamed Mr. Caesar, who ate the gas fruit, was shivering. Kneeling tremblingly in front of Lin Qiong.

"Young, young, young master..."

He looked nervously at Lin Qiong who was adjusting the Rocky No. [-], and said tremblingly: "Small, small, small, dare to ask, this, this gun, no, it won't really shoot. , Shoot the little one?"

"Don't worry, this thing can't kill people."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, then adjusted the dial on Rocky One, and murmured: "The mode is still random mode, if the intensity is... um... since the target is a rookie like Caesar, let's use the lowest gear. The strength is good."

Caesar: "Huh?"

No, what do you call me a rookie?Young master, do you have any misunderstanding about the strength of this subordinate?I……

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Caesar straightened his back, and said in a loud voice, "Young master is right, I am a waste!"

Members of the scientific research department: "..."

They all thought at the same time: "Although Caesar's scientific research ability is not very good, his skin is really thick!" '

"So, are you ready?"

Lin Qiong pointed the Rocky No. [-] with [Random Mode · Level [-] Strength] set at Caesar, and said, "It's about to go."

"Come on, come on!"

Caesar looked at Lin Qiong with teary eyes, and tremblingly said in a crying voice: "Young master, please be sure..."

Before he could finish his provocative lines, Lin Qiong ruthlessly pulled the trigger.

"call out--"

The next moment, a golden beam shot out from the muzzle of Rocky One, and hit Caesar's forehead directly, making his body lean back involuntarily.

Under everyone's gaze, Caesar's figure disappeared in place, leaving only a few messy clothes scattered on the ground.

Chapter 0796 This guy is hopeless

"It looks like the experiment failed."

Lin Qiong looked at the Loki No. [-] in his hand with regret, and said sadly: "Unexpectedly, because Caesar was too weak, he couldn't even bear the lowest level of curse, and he turned into fly ash directly."

Lan Ran showed a sad expression like a cat crying a mouse, and said in a low voice: "Qianjun, you don't need to be sad! I think Mr. Caesar knows better, and I don't want you to feel sad because of his death."

Jeff comforted softly: "Things will become like this, all because Mr. Caesar is too weak, it has nothing to do with the young master."

Vegapunk put his hands in his pockets and said with emotion: "Although Caesar himself is too incompetent and has made no achievements in the research, he has made an indelible contribution to the research of this weapon with his own life. You deserve to die."

Gage sniffed, then wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief, choked up and said, "Caesar, why did you die... Puff...cough cough...are you dead?"

Feng Wang at the side: "..."

She twitched the corner of her mouth with a speechless face, and complained in her heart: "A good group of scientists, suddenly turned into a group of black-hearted things by A Qiong!" '


At this moment, a rat full of anger and impatience came from the clothes that fell on the ground - a white mouse was standing on the collar, jumping up and down and screaming.

Lin Qiong pondered for a moment and asked, "Who among you understands the rat language, can you translate it for me?"

"Just right, I invented an 'animal language translation device' some time ago, let me try it out."

Heathcliff thought for a while, took out a melon seed from the tray on the table, handed it to the little white mouse, and said softly: "If you have anything to say, just say it, this 'animal language translation device ' will translate what you say into human language and pass it on to my head."

Caesar White Rat: "???"

It raised its right foot angrily and stomped on the ground, then pointed at Heathcliff with its right hand, and barked non-stop—if someone who understands rat language really came over, it would probably only hear a bunch of people being harmonized. telegraph sound.

It can only be said that the scolding is very dirty.

"Yeah, so that's the case, I have fully understood."

Heathcliff nodded, then gracefully put away the melon seeds in his hand, looked at Lin Qiong and said, "Mr. Caesar said that his sanity is being eroded by animal nature, let us take advantage of the last trace of his sanity Time, hurry up and kill him..."


Rat Caesar's fur frowned in fright, and he crawled into the corner of the cabinet like hell, then covered his head with his hands, lying on the corner trembling.

Kazakhstan, so Kazakhstan!

Shushu me, maybe I have to post it!

"Bang bang bang-"

At this moment, there was a light knocking sound from the cabinet where Rat Caesar was hiding.

Lin Qiong's voice sounded: "Stop making trouble, come out quickly."

'No, you can't lie to me, can you? '

Rat Caesar put down his paw, showing a hesitant expression, "Isn't it going to trick me out for an autopsy?" '

In his hesitant voice, Lin Qiong continued: "I'll give you ten seconds, if you don't come out, you'd better never show up in front of us, ten, five, three..."

'Why don't you count down according to the routine! '

Rat Caesar ran out frantically in fright, then hugged Lin Qiong's shoe upper tremblingly, and wailed with tears streaming down his face, "Squeak!!"

Master, you can't do this to me!The old minister is loyal to you, young master!An old minister has hard work without merit, master!The old minister is only serving you wholeheartedly, young master!

"What are you talking about? I don't understand—"

Lin Qiong bent down, grabbed Caesar Rat by the back of the neck, brought him in front of him, and said with an innocent face: "Although I have mastered the soul link, it's disgusting to be linked with a man, so I don't want."


Rat Caesar stayed in place as if struck by lightning, and then showed an expression like Mrs. Xianglin's, with a sad aura exuding from all over his body.

"So, is this guy hit by the 'Curse of the Hamster'?"

Gage came over, squatted on the ground, looked at Caesar's crotch curiously, and said, "Huo! This white mouse's balls are so big."

Rat Caesar: "???"

'I am super, what are you paying attention to! ? '

He couldn't help cursing, and then clamped his legs tightly, trying to cover up some of his features, but...

"How big? How big is it?"

Lin Qiong suddenly became interested. He turned the Caesar mouse over, and then urged Gage: "Gage, break off its legs for me!"

other people:"……"

Where did this play come from?

"Okay, master!"

Gage immediately stretched out his hands, pinched Caesar Rat's legs, and then opened his legs while Caesar Rat was struggling weakly.


Rat Caesar uttered a mournful cry, then turned his head unrepentantly, letting tears flow down the corners of his eyes, and finally landed on the ground, splashing a magnificent splash of water

Lin Qiong: "Huo! Judging by the size of a small white mouse, this egg is really big!"

Heathcliff: "It's definitely a bit bigger than a normal white rat."

Jeff: "Could it be Mr. Caesar's talent?"

Gaji: "Tsk! I peeked at him when he was taking a bath in the bathhouse. It's not worth mentioning!"

Vegapunk: "Interesting! Could it be that there are things in the balls that we don't know?"

Lin Qiong: "Why don't you give it to him and take it out for a look?"


Rat Caesar let out a hoarse scream, and he struggled in Lin Qiong's hands like crazy, screaming and crying, like a little white mouse about to be fucked...

Oh no, it's not as if, it is.

"He is struggling so hard! Is he urging us to move faster?"

"It makes sense! He must be saying: This is the root of troubles, cut it off quickly, and let me concentrate on research!"

"Wow! Caesar is real, I'm crying to death!"

"This is the spirit of scientific risk, I admire it!"

Listening to the speeches of these inappropriate newborns, Rat Caesar stretched out his little paws towards Miss Know-It-All with a look of despair, as if seeing the last straw.

The know-it-all cat glanced at him, then turned around gracefully, and slowly licked the fleshy ball on its paw—who are you sending it to?You also want me to interrupt A Qiong's interest for you?

Comes with keys!Do you deserve it?How many to match?

Rat Caesar twitched twice, then limply in Lin Qiong's hands as if ashamed, completely extinguished the thoughts of resistance, and shouted with desolation: "Hell is empty, the devil is gnawing on Egghead Island!"

It's a pity that due to the language barrier, everyone can only hear the "squeak" sound coming from his mouth.

Miserable Caesar Rat Miserable.




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