Caesar, who had recovered his human form, hugged his knees with his hands, crouched in the corner of the wall aggrieved, weeping sadly, desolately and hesitantly.

"To be honest, it's a bit noisy."

Lin Qiong plucked his ears, frowned and suggested, "Why don't we really scar him? It is said that animals will be more docile after being scarred."

"Master, don't wow!"

Caesar couldn't care less about continuing to act slightly, but jumped directly in front of Lin Qiong, hugged his thigh tightly, and let out an earth-shattering cry: "Master! I have no credit but hard work Wow, young master! Young master! I am loyal to you without any second thoughts, wow, young master! Young master, I..."

Lin Qiong looked at him indifferently: "Shut up."

Caesar lowered his head meekly, as obediently as a husky who had just been hit on the head by a steel basin.

Lin Qiong looked at the fact that there was no scientist other than embarrassing, and asked, "After you become a guinea pig, can you still activate the ability of the devil fruit?"

Caesar froze in place: "Huh?"

Looking at Caesar who was in a daze, Lin Qiong couldn't help but frowned, and said, "Why are you in a daze?"

"No, that, that, I..."

Caesar lowered his head with a face full of embarrassment, and whispered, "I was so scared just now, I forgot that I had eaten a devil fruit..."

Lin Qiong: "..."

other people:"……"

After a few seconds of extremely embarrassing silence, everyone let out a heavy sigh at the same time.

"I now make it official."

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and said in a deep voice: "Remove this shameful Caesar Courant from the scientific research group..."

"Young Master, don't ah ah ah ah—"

Caesar let out a heart-piercing cry. He cried out with snot and tears: "Master! Master, I am useful! Master! Master, please listen to my explanation! Master! Master, you..."

"To shut up."

Lin Qiong interrupted Caesar's singing, then looked at him expressionlessly and said, "What are you for?"


Caesar, who was crying, trembled all over, then said with wandering eyes and sweat on his forehead: "Hey, this, eh, more, this, eh, that, eh more, that..."

Seeing the other party's faltering appearance, Lin Qiong suddenly showed a look of understanding, and said, "Understood, it's useless at all, right?"

The more Caesar panicked, the more anxious he became, and the more anxious he became, the more he couldn't think of his own use, the more he couldn't think of his own use, the more panicked he became, the more panicked he became, the more anxious he became...


Caesar, who was limp on the ground, perfectly showed everyone what a textbook-like sweat was pouring down—people who knew it knew that he was sweating, but those who didn't know thought he was leaking urine.

"Ha - Mr. Caesar, do you think there is a possibility..."

Vegapunk looked at Caesar, and said calmly: "You have a very in-depth research on viruses, so you can develop specific medicines for various viruses?"

"Ha!? Tie Baa——"

Caesar's voice suddenly rose a little, he glared at Vegapunk, and shouted: "My uncle is single-minded about the virus! How could he study some nonsense special medicine!"

Everyone: "..."

It's hopeless, it's really hopeless.

Bury it.

Chapter 0797 Trial Product No. [-]

"Really? Single-minded about the virus?"

Just when Caesar was angrily expressing his loyalty to the virus, Lin Qiong's voice with a hint of regret sounded in his ears: "What a pity! Originally, I was planning to let you serve as the minister of the medical department, but now it seems Come on, I can only bury you..."


After hearing these words, Caesar trembled with fright, then turned his head palely and looked at Lin Qiong standing behind him.

"Young, young, young master..."

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then stiffened his neck, and said loudly: "Well, even if it's the young master, don't want me to change my beliefs!!"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? I can't tell, you still..."

Before he could finish his compliments, he heard Caesar say in a trembling voice: "I, Caesar Courant, are single-minded and loyal to the research and development of the antidote to the virus!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He frowned, looked at Caesar in front of him with a look of disgust, and said, "Caesar, have you considered using it to take Lei Ming's gossip with shame?"

Caesar: "Huh?"

He looked at Lin Qiong blankly, and asked weakly: "Young master, Lei Ming gossip, is, what is it?"

"Forget it, pretend I didn't ask this question."

Lin Qiong waved his hands helplessly, and then said to Caesar: "You should change back to a guinea pig first, and cooperate with us in the experiment of devil fruit."

Caesar shrank his neck and said weakly: "Master, you won't really, really castrate me, will you?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth, and said indifferently: "You ask again, and I will immediately ask Vegapunk to perform castration for you."

“Intimate Masai with Red Bean Paste!”

Caesar let out a scream, then immediately hugged Lin Qiong's thigh, and screamed: "Young Master! I am loyal to you, Young Master! Young Master! I..."

"Here! Me! Change!"




After a few minutes.

"Well, according to the test results—"

Vegapunk looked at the record in his hand, lowered his head and said: "After becoming a guinea pig, Caesar can still perfectly use the ability of the gas fruit."


Gaji then said: "After entering the form of a white mouse, although Caesar is not completely immune to the influence of sea water, his resistance is at least three times greater than before."

"Tut tut-"

Lin Qiong touched his chin, and said thoughtfully: "It seems that if the side effects of the curse are ignored, then it may be a kind of enhancement that devil fruit users dream of?"

Vegapunk nodded and said, "If you ignore its side effects."

"Unfortunately, its side effects are too deadly."

Lan Ran pushed the flat mirror on the bridge of his nose, and said with a deadpan face: "After activating the curse, the physical fitness of the cursed will greatly move closer to the changed species."

"According to the test results, after Mr. Caesar became a guinea pig..."

Zeref sighed softly and said helplessly: "Except for intelligence, all other values ​​are only about [-] times that of an ordinary white mouse."

"What a pity, what a pity! I was going to turn Akainu into an ant, and then let him get into the enemy's nasal cavity and use the fire-breathing."

Lin Qiong shook his head with regret and said with emotion: "Now it seems that Akainu, who has turned into an ant, can only ignite the enemy's nose hair."

The ability to activate a devil fruit requires the user's physical strength, and compared with Akainu himself, the physical strength of an ant is too insignificant.

——Even if the physical strength of the red dog ants is five times that of ordinary ants, it is useless.

other people:"……"

After hearing Lin Qiong's plan, they couldn't help but twitch the corners of their lips and thought: 'Let's not talk about the effect of this plan, just its implementation process is enough to make people feel ashamed. '

"However, this is actually a good thing, right?"

The know-it-all cat stretched, then shook the cat on his body, and said with a smile: "At least Mr. Host doesn't need to worry about making the target more difficult than before because of his curse, right?"

"That's true!"

Lin Qiong happily nodded his head, then picked up the know-it-all cat from the table, and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, has the power of the devil fruit you researched come to fruition now?"

"Part of the experimental product has been produced—"

Know-It-All Cat tilted his head and said, "Mr. Host, do you want to see the actual combat effect?"

"I think so, so much!"

Lin Qiong looked at Miss Wanshitong with bright eyes, and said excitedly: "Hurry up and serve it up, let me taste it!!"

"In that case—"

The know-it-all cat yawned, and then looked at Caesar, who was raising his hands frantically after transforming back into his original body...

...Gaji beside him said: "Gaji, it's up to you to demonstrate the new props we made to Mr. Host."


Gage immediately showed a proud expression. He slapped the aggrieved Caesar beside him against the wall, and then said in a vibrating voice, "Master, please wait a moment. This subordinate will go get the props right away!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand in satisfaction, and said, "Go and come back quickly, don't keep me waiting."

Gage replied, "Yes—"



After a few minutes.


Lin Qiong stood at the edge of the table, looking at several items placed on the table——

A device like a card box, two cards the size of a bank card, and several finger-sized props that look like a USB drive.

"So, this is what Miss Know-it-all said..."

Lin Qiong recalled the name of the prop, and said, "Trial Item No. [-]?"

Know-it-all Maomao nodded and said, "Exactly."

"Is it my illusion? I always feel an inexplicable sense of déjà vu..."

Lin Qiong stroked his chin, then looked at Jia Zhi, and said with a smile: "Mr. Jia Zhi, next, please demonstrate how to use this trial product No. [-]."

"Please leave it to..."

Before Ga Zhi finished speaking, Caesar Courant stood in front of him and cried loudly: "Master, please let me..."


Gage put the water glass back on the table with a blank expression, then bent down to pick up Caesar who was struggling to get out of his clothes, and threw him into the trash can in the corner.

"The young master said, this is my task."

Jiazhi patted the dust on his hands, then bowed slightly towards Lin Qiong and said, "Master, next I will formally demonstrate how to use trial item No. [-]."

Lin Qiong nodded impatiently and said, "Hurry up! The Sa family can't wait!"


Jia Zhi picked up the card box, put it on his waist, and said in a deep voice: "Test item No. [-], dress!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Under his gaze, metal belts quickly extended from both ends of the card box, and were wrapped around Gaji's waist.


Gaji picked up the card next to him. After hesitating for half a second, he chose the red one, inserted it into the card box, and said: "Dragon Power·Expand!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

The next moment, a magic circle the size of a coin emerged from the front of the card box, then quickly expanded to a size large enough to cover Gaji's body, and floated quietly in front of Gaji.

"at last……"

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