
As a matter of course, King Feng let out an exclamation of excitement, and she couldn't wait to look at the eldest lady, and asked, "Nah, nah! Can we go for supper?"

"Okay~ I'll do it now~"

The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong, then stood up with a smile, led Feng Dynasty towards the kitchen, and said, "Let's have an extremely luxurious supper today!"

Feng Wang let out a cheer, like a big horse monkey with red 18 on its earrings.

After watching one person and one bird leave the room, the sister-in-law immediately got into Lin Qiong's arms, then put her arms around his neck with a smile, and said, "No matter what Phoenix King answers, A Qiong will say that she answered correctly, right? "

Lin Qiong put his arms around his sister-in-law's waist, blinked and asked, "Is my behavior so obvious?"

"Super obvious!"

The aunt nodded and said with a smile, "If you don't believe me, ask Fei Shazi."

Lin Qiong looked at the secretary.

The secretary nodded with a smile all over his face, and said, "It's very obvious, isn't it? I'm afraid only Master Feng Wang can't find it—"

“Hey, it’s actually like this——”

Lin Qiong immediately showed a distressed expression, and said, "Hi! It seems that my acting skills need to be improved!"

The aunt put her head on Lin Qiong's shoulder, squinted her eyes and teased, "Then here comes the question—Ah Qiong, what exactly are you going to play?"

"Play what? Well..."

Lin Qiong thought for a few seconds, then his eyes lit up, and he said to his sister-in-law: "Jie Jie! Miss Nakie, you don't want your sister to have dinner tonight, do you?"


The aunt coughed a few times, and then said with a strange face: "No, I really hope that she won't be able to eat tonight."

Lin Qiong: "..."

Damn, I almost forgot, this guy is more willing to cheat on his sister than anyone else!

Chapter 0800 Unshirkable!


After eating and drinking enough, Feng Wang lay lazily on the sofa, then stretched his neck suddenly, and let out a roar of a full bird: "Hi~~~~"

"Fenger, you are really awesome——"

Lin Qiong looked at the timer on his phone, couldn't help but gave Feng Wang his thumbs up, and said, "A hiccup lasted 13 seconds, you are really not afraid of dying."

"No, no road race!"

Feng Wang glared at Lin Qiong, then turned his head, and snorted: "This Feng Wang is born with a good stomach, no matter how much he eats, he won't... ouch..."

"Look, look—"

Lin Qiong withdrew his right hand fingers without expression, and then said sadly: "I told you, don't overeat, don't overeat, why don't you believe it? Look, you've broken yourself Bar?"

King Feng: "?"

She struggled to get up from the sofa, then looked at Lin Qiong with a look of Wang Lei pointing at someone.jpg, and cursed in pain: "What did you do just now? I'm asking you, what did you just do!?"

Lin Qiong pondered for a moment and said, "I just killed a mosquito."

Phoenix King: "??"

There was a vein on her forehead, and she said through gritted teeth, "I don't know if you poked the mosquito to death, but you poked half of my life."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said righteously: "It's not a big problem! You are the god of life, just spit out a mouthful of holy fire milk to fill up half of your life!"

Phoenix King: "???"

She laughed angrily: "Come here! You have the guts to lift the seal that Arceus gave me, and you'll be done if I burn it or not!"

Lin Qiong: "That won't work! If I want to burn you, I won't burn it at all!"

Feng Wang: "The burn you mentioned, and the burn I mentioned, are they the same burn?"

Lin Qiong: "I can't make it!"

Feng Wang: "Hey you fucking..."

The eldest lady, sister-in-law, secretary and Yoyo who was called over halfway looked at each other.

Missy: "Just after eating supper, they started bickering again—these two people really can't stop."

Secretary: "Is this how the young master and Lord Feng Wang get along?"

Under the watchful eyes of the four, after arguing with King Feng for a while, Lin Qiong suddenly took out Rocky One.

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang: "Feng'er! I think if it was you, you should understand what I mean, right?"

Feng Dynasty looked at Lin Qiong and nodded, and said, "I understand you!"

Lin Qiong: "Very well, then—"

Feng Wang shouted at the top of his voice: "Red Wangwang, Lan Miaomiao, Huang Zhizhi, come to me!"

San Gouzi, who just finished eating supper, was lying on the dining table and licking his fur: "???"

Emperor Yan: Lord Feng Wang, are you polite?

Suicune: No, what is blue woof?

Thunder God: The water flames are bearable, but the thunder is unbearable!

The three dogs looked at each other, then nodded with serious expressions and evil eyes.

Emperor Yan: "Wang woo! Why is Lord Feng Wang calling me?"

Suicune: "Meow! Master Feng Wang, I'm coming!"

Lei Gong: "Squeak! Lord Feng Wang, I have arrived!"

The three dogs looked at each other again, their eyes full of contempt for the other two dogs.

Emperor Yan: 'No dignity! '

Suicune: 'Spineless! '

Lei Gong: 'Shameless! '

Sangou: 'Hmph! '

Feng Wang stood proudly on Lin Qiong's palm, looked down at the three dogs who had followed him for a long time, and said in a deep voice: "You three beasts, have you followed me for a long time?"

Hearing King Feng's speech recalling the past, Sangouzi suddenly showed a reminiscing look.

Emperor Yan: "Yes! Has it been so long since being resurrected by Lord Feng Wang?"

Suicune: "During these long years, we have been committed to maintaining the peace and purity of the Pokémon world."

Lei Gong: "Speaking of which, the three of us don't seem to be here for a day of vacation? Either we are rushing to the market or on the way to the market..."

King Feng: "?"

She looked at Lei Gong and thought to herself: 'When the two guys were talking, the atmosphere was pretty good. Why are you pulling your crotch now? '

This hatred, I remember it!

Lin Qiong also took a look at Lei Gong, then shook his head, thinking: 'You are finished!Fengwangma...I mean small-minded!woe to you--'

"Well, what Thunder God said makes sense——"

Feng Wang nodded slightly, and sighed: "I also feel that the self who didn't give you a holiday in the past was too much."

Suicune: "Lord Phoenix King! We didn't blame you for your mouth!"

Emperor Yan: "Master Feng Wang! Staying up late and working overtime is all voluntary!"

Lei Gong: "Lord Phoenix King! Please don't blame yourself!"

King Feng: "?"

She curled her lips, thinking: "I'm scolding the former Feng Wang, so what does it have to do with the current Feng Wang?" '

However, such words must not be said.

"So, to compensate you, I have prepared a gift for you."

Feng Dynasty looked at Sangouzi with a warm smile, and said, "This gift was prepared by me and Aqiong, I hope you will like it!"

Sangou: "!?"

The three brothers looked at each other, and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

If it was a gift prepared by Feng Wang or Lin Qiong alone, the three brothers would be very happy to accept it, but the gift prepared by Feng Wang and Lin Qiong...

Have you ever heard that two tonics that are beneficial to the body taken alone can become a deadly poison when taken together?

Shui Jun looked at Feng Wang hesitantly, "Lord Feng Wang, may I have the courage to ask, what is the gift you and the young master prepared?"

Emperor Yan nodded aside: "It's definitely not fear or wariness, it's just that the person who presented the gift is curious."

Lei Gong thought for a while: "Me too!"

Lin Qiong and Feng Wang looked at each other and said, "I'm giving you a gift, you will definitely like it."

San Gouzi was silent for a few seconds, and at the same time came up with a thought: 'Oh, it's over! '

The more mysterious Lin Qiong and Feng Wang's attitude is, the more deceitful this so-called gift will be!

Shui Jun took half a step back, and said with a dry smile: "Your subordinates feel that what they do is only their duty, so how can they have the audacity to accept rewards from the young master and Lord Fengwang?"

Emperor Yan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said: "This subordinate feels that the holiday during this period has already been rewarded by Lord Feng Wang, so Lord Feng Wang does not need to give other rewards to his subordinates."

Lei Gong looked around and said, "I, I am the same!"

Lin Qiong was speechless, and thought to himself: "Why is this Lei Gong so embarrassing?" '

"Don't worry."

Lin Qiong took out Rocky No. [-] slowly, pointed the gun at Sangou who was tense all over, and said, "You just need to close your eyes and open them, and you'll be fine."




Three shots were fired.



"Puff hahaha, hahahahaha——"

Looking at the new Three Dogs in front of him, Feng Wang suddenly let out a frenzied laugh: "Ju, unexpectedly, really, really turned into a dog, puff hahaha!"

Suicune Bianmu: "..."

Yan Emperor Golden Retriever: "..."

Lei Gong Erha: "..."

San Gouzi looked at each other, and then sighed in unison: "As expected, if Master Feng Wang and Young Master get together, there must be no good things. '

Good guy, one shot one, three shots three, turned all three of us into dogs-this time it is not a joke like water dog, fire dog and thunder dog, but a real dog.

"However, I really didn't expect that the same 'curse of the dog' would produce different results after hitting it."

Lin Qiong glanced at the three dogs in front of him, then smiled and waved to Shui Jun, and said, "Shui Shui, come here—"

Suicune: "..."

After being silent for two seconds, it walked towards Lin Qiong helplessly, then crouched in front of him, waiting for his next words.

Lin Qiong: "Turn around."

Suicune: "?"

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand and drew a circle in front of him: "Turn around."

Suicune twitched the corner of his mouth and turned around in a circle.

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