
Lin Qiong smiled with satisfaction, then raised his right hand and said, "Shake hands."

Suicune raised his left hand expressionlessly.

Lin Qiong: "Change hands."

Suicune put down his left hand and raised his right hand.


Lin Qiong praised, and continued: "Take two steps back, then turn around, and then return to the original place."

Suicune: "..."

It was silent for half a second, and after sighing heavily from the bottom of its heart, it honestly followed Lin Qiong's instructions.

"Tsk tsk! Let me tell you, when I used to browse Douyin, when I browsed pet bloggers such as Bianmu Eleven, Bianmu Bella, and Bianmu Xiaobei, I saw those extremely smart Bianmu , are all envious!"

Lin Qiong clicked his tongue twice, and then said to Feng Wang on his shoulder with a smile on his face: "It's all over now, our family Shuishui is no worse than others, hahahahaha!"

Suicune: "?"

Hey!Are you polite?Are you polite!

We are Suicune!Suicune, what do you know?One of the three holy beasts under King Feng, it represents the holy beast of Beifeng's purification!

Although I have been nicknamed Water Dog recently, how can you really treat me like a dog and compare me with Bian Mu on the short video platform! ?

Shui Jun couldn't help looking at Feng Wang, looked at her with full of expectation, and thought: "Master Feng Wang, you will definitely reprimand the young master for this kind of behavior!" '

King Feng pondered for a few seconds, and then suggested: "How about we also make a short video? How about calling Bian Mu Shuishui?"

Suicune: "??"

Master Feng Wang! ?Why did Master Feng Wang drop his teeth first!

We are your loyal generals, how can you let us do this...

"I think it's okay! Usually, I can take pictures when Suicune goes out to pick up the courier, cleans the room, or buys breakfast!"

Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "We can also take pictures of eating and broadcasting at ordinary times - ask Erina to order steaks, chicken legs and the like for Shuishui, right?"

Suicune: "???"

He immediately straightened his body with a serious look on his face and looked at Lin Qiong and Feng Wang calmly, as if they were well-trained military dogs.

Lord Fengwang, young master, when will we start shooting the short video?

I, Suicune, in order to satisfy the young master's wish, must be obliged to speak!



When I really thought about writing Zongman, let Lin Qiong be an island pet blogger (bushi

Chapter 0801: When I woke up, I was the enemy of the world

My name is Suicune, one of the three holy beasts of the Phoenix King's Guard.

His title is the Incarnation of the North Wind, his nickname is Water Dog, and his nickname is Shuishui.

Now, I am facing the biggest opportunity in my Pokémon life!

As long as I seize this opportunity, I will become the CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of my life...

Hey, I'm a little excited when I think about it!

Shui Jun was squatting straight on the ground, and when he was dreaming about his beautiful life of eating and drinking, a strong impact suddenly came from the side, knocking him back.

Suicune: "?"

He hurriedly stabilized his body, and then looked at the golden hair lying on Lin Qiong's lap in front of him with a look of astonishment, wagging his tail indistinctly...

Oh no, it’s Emperor Yan.

'Iron! '

Suicune was surprisingly angry, he glared at Yandi in front of him with bared teeth, and roared, "Yandi, what are you doing! '

Hearing Suicune's call, Emperor Yan turned his head to look at him, then snorted softly, and said, "Why?The protagonist of this short video, you, Suicune, can do it, but I, Yandi, can't do it? '

Suicune was shocked: 'Nani! '

What kind of world is this?How come someone is snatching him up even as a dog! ?



"Aww! Bow woof—"

"Hululu! Aww!"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Amidst the delicate expressions of everyone in the room, Bianmu Suicun and Jin Mao Yandi suddenly entered into barking mode after calling each other a few times.

"No, why did you suddenly start arguing?"

"I can't! I can't understand dog language!"

"Lord Fengwang, can you translate?"

"Translate with a hammer! I can't understand dog language either!"

"That's weird.jpg!"

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "Let's divide these two first... huh?"

Just when he was about to separate Bian Mu Suicun from Jin Mao Yandi, Erha Lei Gong who was on the side suddenly moved to his feet little by little, and looked at him with a flattering expression. He, and tapped the mobile phone next to him with the tip of his nose: "Master, I want to take a video too!"I also want to eat delicious and drink spicy! '

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corners of his mouth, and then couldn't help covering the upper half of his face—one thing to say, he really didn't want to use the word "ghost obsessed with the sun" to describe a dog.

Especially Erha.

After covering his forehead to calm down, Lin Qiong said, "Lei Gong, I..."


"Wang Woo!!"

Before he finished speaking, Bianmu Suicun and Golden Retriever Yandi, who noticed the movement here, rushed towards Erha Leigong angrily, threw him to the ground, and bit him.


The next moment, Erha Leigong, who was surrounded by justice, let out a miserable howl, which made several people in the room couldn't help but cover their ears.

"Turtle! Isn't this too good at howling?"

Lin Qiong looked at Erha Lei Gong who was jumping up and down in the room after breaking free from the siege of Bian Mu Suijun and Jinmao Yandi. He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth and said: "To be honest, look Looking at Lei Gong’s torment, I think it’s not unreasonable for this guy to become Erha.”

The aunt said in a dumbfounded voice: "Erha Benha, you didn't run away."

King Feng couldn't help but cover his face and said: "Why did my escort become such a shameful appearance now?"

She thought for a few seconds, and said firmly: "No matter what you think, it's A Qiong's fault."

Lin Qiong retreated tactically on the spot.

"Isn't it, Sir?"

He looked at Feng Wang with an exaggerated expression and said, "Can this also be used as a scapegoat?"

King Feng said with a serious face: "This is not to blame, but to discuss the matter! This is an iron-clad fact! This is... Karma!"

Lin Qiong held Feng Wang and walked to the window, and said in a deep voice, "Feng'er, do you understand what I mean?"

Feng Wang was silent for a few seconds, and replied: "A Qiong! It's late at night, and I'm sleepy."

Lin Qiong: "Then I will give you a chance to organize your language."

Feng Wang was silent again, and then shouted loudly: "Even if I am dead and nailed in a coffin, I will use a decayed voice..."

"Go away!"

"It's such a nasty feeling———"

After watching King Feng turn into a shooting star in the sky, Lin Qiong patted the dust on his hands with satisfaction, and said, "The world is filthy again!"

After saying that, he turned around and looked at the three big Gou Gou who were lying on the floor with low eyebrows and a well-behaved look.jpg.

You can't be cute, Master Feng Wang has been sanctioned, if they continue to make trouble, I'm afraid they will be blamed on the spot.

"keep going--"

Lin Qiong sat back on the sofa, looked condescendingly at the three dogs in front of him, and said with a sneer, "Aren't you very lively, noisy, and capable of tearing down a house just now?"

Sangouzi: "!?"

Their movements paused slightly, and then they looked around the messy room with nervous eyes.

"The cushions on the sofa were thrown to the coffee table by you, and they were covered with sauces and sauces."

"The tea table and bench beside the bed were knocked to the ground by you, smashing the flower screen in the corner."

"You tripped over the wires on the TV by the wall, pulled it to the ground, and broke the screen."

Every time Lin Qiong said something, San Gouzi's head drooped a little bit, and in the end the three of them even lay down on the ground, covered their heads with their hands, and let out a mournful sound of "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow".

However, at this time Lin Qiong was hard-hearted.

He looked at the three dogs expressionlessly, and said indifferently: "You are all ready, what method will you use to apologize?"

Sangou: "..."

The three brothers looked at each other, then looked at Lin Qiong's mobile phone in unanimous agreement, and called out: "In this case, I can only work to compensate, right?" '

"In that case, let's start shooting the first video—"

Lin Qiong showed a big demon-like smile, and said, "I've already thought about the title, and it's called [Bomb Disposal Records of the Trio of Destroyers]. What do you think?"

Three dogs: "?"

Bomb disposal?

The three brothers showed blank expressions at first, but soon Suicune and Entei, who had better brains, came to their senses.

Bomb disposal = demolition egg = Karma egg!


Shui Jun and Yan Di hurriedly rushed to Lin Qiong's legs, and let out a mournful cry: "Wooooow! Awow!"

Master, don't worry about this kind of thing!

Lei Gong was still in a daze, tilting his head, trying to think about what bomb disposal is.

Bomb disposal?Could it be that we should defuse the bomb?That is indeed a bit of a challenge!



It is just a joke of Lin Qiong to let the three dogs shoot short videos to become a pet blogger, and to take the three dogs to do bomb disposal operations - after all, he is in the sailing world now, even if he wants to be a pet blogger, he does not have this condition .


Feng Wang shook his head in disappointment, and said, "I thought you were really going to transform into a pet blogger."

"Come on--"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang speechlessly, and said, "I want to be a pet blogger, and the first uploaded video is to train you, this fat bird."

King Feng: "?"

She glared at Lin Qiong and said, "You called me Fat Bird just now, right? That's what you called me, right?"

Lin Qiong nodded confidently and said, "Steammo, don't you support the weapon?"

"I'll give you a chance to organize your language!"

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