"Then you weigh yourself first."


"Don't raise questions for me. I remember you only weighed two or three kilograms at the beginning, right?"

"Okay, it seems to be, it's like this..."

"now what?"


Phoenix King whistled guiltily, and then landed on the bird stand as if nothing had happened.

"Tsk, that's a shame!"

Lin Qiong curled his lips, then lay lazily on the sofa, looked at Sangouzi who had recovered the Pokémon body and was diligently cleaning the room, and muttered: "I feel that Lei Gong still maintains the two Ha looks more pleasing to the eye."

In Lin Qiong's eyes, the most beautiful of the three holy beasts is Shuijun, and the second most handsome is Emperor Yan. As for Lei Gong, it's hard to say--mainly because of the peach-like fat face. Somewhat subtle.

Thunder Lord: "!?"

Lei Gong, who was diligently dragging the ground, was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Lin Qiong with an aggrieved expression.

Suicune on the side looked at Emperor Yan, and then quickly ran to Lei Gong.

Lei Gong thought: 'Are they here to comfort me?Sure enough, he is my good brother...'

Suicune & Entei: "Hahahaha!"

Lei Gong: "?!"

Hard, hard, Thunder God’s fist is hard!

There is one thing to say, if Lei Gong is a Pokémon that walks upright, he will definitely clench his fists and send a thunderbolt fist to each of the two colleagues in front of him.

Suicune & Entei: "Hahahahaha!"

They're still laughing, none of them have heard it!

"Don't go too far!"

Raikou looked at Suicune and Entei angrily, and said with a grin on his face, "I, Raikou, am I really going to be angry?"

Suicune and Entei looked at each other.

Shui Jun: "Lei Gong, who was going to stealthily cut off just now?"

Emperor Yan: "Lei Gong, who was going to sneak away just now?"

Lei Gong: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, and the fierce look on his face gradually receded, replaced by a kind of indifference.

"Tired, tired."

Lei Gongsheng lay down on the ground with nothing to love, and said: "This world, just destroy it."

"If the world is destroyed, Lei Gong won't be able to eat the dishes made by Erina in the future?"

Lin Qiong came over, squatted beside Lei Gong, gently stroked his hair with black stripes, and said with a smile: "Is this really okay?"

Lei Gong: "!"

He was silent for a few seconds, and then said with difficulty: "I think..."

"I don't think so", before he could say "No", he heard Shui Jun's righteous words: "Brothers, the situation is urgent now, let's kill the traitor Lei Gong!"

Lei Gong: "Huh?"

Before he could react, Fire Emperor on the side continued: "The villain Thunder Lord intends to destroy the world, and the Pokémon can kill him!"

Lei Gong: "Huh??"

He looked around, and found that he was an enemy of the world when he woke up!

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