Next was Shivana who went to the Angelisia Mountains. After she landed, she was approached by a frost dragon named Orasadak Heliliar, and said frantically to her: "I am white!" Dragon King Ola Sadarke, female dragon, I have my eyes on you, put down your weapons and become my princess!"

Then he was overwhelmed with rage, and Shivana, who had directly entered the dragon transformation state, was torn in half by her hands, and even the Frost Dragon Clan was killed by Shivana. Immediately raised the white flag, the clever Frost Dragon who was frightened by Shivana's tyrannical posture.

As a result, Shivana, bathed in the blood of the White Dragon King, successfully controlled the Frost Dragon Clan and became the new overlord of the Angelisia Mountains. other races—

Shyvana: A dwarf?Like blacksmithing?This is new technology, want it?

Dwarf Kingdom: Long live the city in the sky!Long live Lord Lin Qiong!Long live Lord Shyvana!

Shyvana: Quagoa?Need food?Learn about potatoes and sweet potatoes, and the purification method of salt mines——

Quagoa: Aww, long live the city of the sky!Long live Lord Lin Qiong!Long live Lord Shyvana!

So you see, sometimes it's that simple.



"From the looks of it, only the adventurer group has made no real progress—"

Lying on the sofa, pillowing on the eldest lady's lap, Lin Qiong said absent-mindedly.

The secretary at the side shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "After all, the adventurer's level cannot be improved in a week or two, so it can only be worn down slowly."

"Well, it's okay, anyway, the focus of the next plan should be on the Theocracy's side, so the progress of the kingdom can be fast." Lin Qiong couldn't help yawning, and then muttered: "I don't know if you will die or die." How is the little girl doing?"

Thinking of the content of the conversation with Jue Shi Jueming half a month ago, the secretary couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "Well, young master, was the agreement you made with her last time serious?"

Lin Qiong said as a matter of course: "Yes, is there any problem?"

"Mr. Kayaba will kill you."

"Jie Jie, is Heathcliff the cricket? He is fighting me purely for defense, what is he going to use to fight me!"

"Uh, like modifying the model of the heroine to Aatrox in the game you asked to make?"

"Fuck, it's better to change it to Brother Tuozi."

Lin Qiong felt an urge to poke his eyes when he thought of the picture of Brother Tuozi saying shyly to himself, "Please look at me, traveler" and then dancing lightly.

Lin Qiong couldn't help but sat up and said, "I don't think Heathcliff is that crazy, right?"

The secretary averted his gaze and thought, "Young master, you have pushed him out as a shield, and you almost got him married, what do you think?" '

After a few seconds of silence, Lin Qiong said again: "It won't be that crazy, right!?"

The secretary reached out and patted Lin Qiong's shoulder and said, "Sorry! Maybe in the world where the young master plays a beautiful girl game in the future, the heroine will be a red-haired gorilla."


Lin Qiong clasped his head in both hands, and said, "Damn it, Jue Di Jue Ming is a legal Wannian Lolita no matter what!? And the voice actor is the Great Demon King Tamura!? That Great Demon King Tamura!? What the hell is he? What are you dissatisfied with, Hun Dan!"

The eldest lady and the secretary tugged at the corners of their mouths. The biggest dissatisfaction is that you sold him out!Although the rewards are quite impressive, it is still sold! !

"Ah, I'm desperate, I'm desperate for this world—" Lin Qiong fell on the eldest lady's lap again, and after rubbing the knee socks on her lap, he said with some dissatisfaction: "Erina, next time Would you like to try pantyhose?"


"Because when the knee socks are rubbed, look—if you rub against the top of the sock, it will easily become rolled up because of my rubbing! It's very unpleasant in every sense—" Lin Qiong raised his head Come on, pointing to the cuffs of some curled socks, and then said solemnly: "But the pantyhose is different, it will always wrap Erina's butt, so I can even rub my butt together!"

The eldest lady, who became angry from embarrassment, pulled Lin Qiong's cheek with her hands, and asked, "Why can you say such things without changing your face!!"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, then gave a thumbs up sassyly, and said, "The courage to express your inner desire!"

The secretary nodded seriously at the side, and gave Lin Qiong a thumbs up, and said with emotion: "As expected of the young master, he can always say things that ordinary people dare not say."

The eldest lady looked at the secretary angrily, and said, "Fei Shazi, just help the evildoers all day long!"

Lin Qiong said puzzledly: "How can this be helping the evildoers? This is called judging the situation."

The secretary nodded: "That's right!"

The eldest lady put her hands on her chest, snorted, and said, "I think you are shy!"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and said confidently: "Yes, I am shy!"

Faced with such a righteous boyfriend, the eldest lady felt powerless to complain.She raised her hand to cover her face, and said, "The boyfriend who dared to look at my legs at the beginning, how did he become like this now?"

Hearing this sentence, Lin Qiong said with some emotion: "Ah, speaking of it, I did have such a youthful period of time! Unlike now, where in Erina I didn't..."


The eldest lady rode on Lin Qiong's body in a panic, then covered his mouth with both hands, and said, "Idiot, don't say such things in front of Fei Shazi!!"


Lin Qiong blinked innocently, and then signaled the eldest lady to look in the direction of the secretary with his eyes.


Realizing something, the eldest lady turned her head, and what caught her eye was the secretary's unbelievable expression.

"You, you..."

The secretary subconsciously covered his mouth with his hands, and murmured: "When did you develop to this point!?"

Didn't this mean that she has done all kinds of things except the bridal chamber! ?

"Ahem, this, Fei Shazi, listen to my explanation—"

"Miss, please start your sophistry."

"It's an explanation, an explanation!"

"Ah yes yes yes."

Facing the secretary's complaints, the eldest lady, who was already feeling guilty, couldn't help but kick Lin Qiong. Unexpectedly, Lin Qiong naturally held her right foot and put it on his thigh. , lowered his head and started playing,

'This dead foot control! '

The eldest lady tugged at the corner of her mouth, then turned to look at the secretary.

The secretary was very calm. She looked at the eldest lady calmly, as if she didn't see the picture of Lin Qiong playing with her right foot, and said, "Miss, why did you keep it from me?"


"I've watched you guys develop all the way, haven't I?"


"So why are you hiding it from me?"

"This one……"

"Now I'm like an outsider!" The secretary's eyes widened, and he said dissatisfiedly, "Obviously I've been paying attention to these things all the time!"

"Why do you need to know!" The eldest lady covered her face with her hands, and said in a broken voice: "Besides, what do you want me to tell you about this kind of thing!?"

"Why can't you say it!"

The eldest lady said hysterically: "Could it be that you let me run over to you happily, and then say to you, 'Fei Shazi, Fei Shazi, listen to me, today I let Qiong touch my chest—' or something like that !?"


The secretary fell into deep thought, and only now did she wake up from the extremely sad incident of "Missy has something to hide from me", and then realized that her request seemed, seemed, probably, seemed, indeed a bit strange.


On the other side, the eldest lady who made a bold statement covered her face again and fell into Lin Qiong's arms, saying weakly, "I really want to die!"


The secretary coughed dryly twice, and then said with a guilty conscience: "This, this, the eldest lady's consideration is not unreasonable! These things are really not easy to talk about——"

The eldest lady kept curled up into a ball, and even pulled Lin Qiong's coat to cover her head, trying her best to turn herself into a cute ostrich.

Now it was the secretary's turn to sit on the wax, she looked at Lin Qiong with teary eyes, as if to say——

Master, raise your hand!


Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, then glanced at the feet that were originally on his lap, but were now pressed under the buttocks of the young lady, and invited the secretary, saying: "You want to Don't pinch Erina's feet? It feels good."

"Do you know what you're talking about——"

The berserk No. [-] machine, Miss, released the ostrich state, then pinched Lin Qiong's neck with tears streaming down her face, and said, "Shouldn't you comfort me first at this time!? Why don't you comfort me, and say Talk about such a question!"

What a strange PIay to invite Fei Shazi to pinch my feet! ?This is what carbon-based organisms can think of! ?

Lin Qiong gave his thumbs up expressionlessly, and said, "I'm just a foot controller, and I think Erina's feet are very beautiful! Especially the arches of the feet, if the curve wets the soles of the feet and then steps on them The footprints printed on the tiles must be works of art!"


The flushed eldest lady fell on the sofa covering her face, and then let out a mournful sound that the CPU was about to burn out.

Today's victory and defeat, Missy's defeat.

Shame training is not enough!

Chapter 0133 Arrived in his loyal Theocracy

A few days later, in the morning.

"Come here, contact me—"

The secretary ran into Lin Qiong's bedroom, put the envelope in his hand on the table, and said, "The contact from Juejiang is here!"

"Excellent sauce..."

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth, okay, it's not impossible for Jue Shi Jue Ming Jue Jue Jiang.

He stretched out his hand to take the envelope handed over by the secretary. With the power of the blue waveguide wrapped around his right hand, he easily tore the seal on the envelope and tore open the seal of the envelope.

"Hmm—" Lin Qiong nodded thoughtfully, then let out a chuckle, and said, "Heh, secretary, tell Violet that you can set off towards the gods of the Theocracy."

"She got it all done?"

The eldest lady lay on Lin Qiong's body curiously, and leaned over the letter paper to read it—but unlike Lin Qiong who had the language protection of the world-transmitting gate, she couldn't understand the words on it.

"Well, there was hardly any resistance." Lin Qiong nodded, he stretched out two fingers to hold the letter paper and raised it, and said: "Now all the six-color sacred scriptures belong to us, the Holy Kingdom It’s already in my pocket.”

"oh oh--"

The secretary clapped his hands and said, "Then, our plan can be carried out?"

"Ah—" Lin Qiong nodded with a smile, and said, "Let's start with Theocracy and make this world a better place!"



In just one day, the city of the sky has already flown directly above the capital of the gods of the church. The oppression and shadow brought by the huge floating castle caused quite a bit of confusion among the residents below.

However, after the angel army appeared, these ordinary residents knelt on the ground and fell into fanatical prayers—is this an inappropriate miracle?When not to pray and when to pray?

On the other side, while the residents below were praying blindly, Lin Qiong had brought the eldest lady, the secretary, Yoyo and the returned Kyle to the interior of the Great Temple.

However, it seems that some people do not welcome their appearance.

"Who are you!?"

Guards in silver-white armor appeared in front of Lin Qiong. They held long spears and stood in front of Lin Qiong with serious faces.

"Back off—"

Before Lin Qiong could say anything, the captain of the Dark Temple had already walked out of the shadows, walked up to Lin Qiong with a serious look on his face, and said, "Master of the Sky City, we have already done what we have done." It’s time for us to do what we need to do, so…”

"Don't worry, boy." Lin Qiong patted the captain's shoulder with a smile, and said, "Keep your eyes open and the world will become a better place."

"I hope you can do it." The captain glanced at the bewildered soldiers, then followed Lin Qiong with a spear in his hand, and walked towards the interior of the temple.

"Tap ta ta—"

With the sound of light footsteps, Lin Qiong stopped behind a seemingly majestic mahogany door. He raised his head and looked at the door in front of him, and said, "Are those old things still in a meeting?"

"What can we do without a meeting?" The captain looked at the wooden door with indifferent eyes, and said, "The only way to cover up your inner fear is through meetings, meetings, meetings, and endless meetings."

if not?Even Jue De Jue Ming failed, what else can these old bastards do?

Laugh to death.

Thinking of the expression of those old people who looked like the sky was about to fall after they learned that Jue Shi Jue Ming had also failed, Captain Dark had the urge to sneer—the group of old people are not usually together. Does it look like a strategist?Don't you look like the world is in my hands?After all, isn't it just looking at the strength of Jue De Jue Ming?

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