
Now after Jue De Jue Ming failed, they can only paralyze their nerves through meeting after meeting, forcing themselves to divert their attention from Sky City to target other countries and forces.

'However, it is precisely because this group of old people hold meetings all day without asking about foreign affairs that they gave us a chance. The captain of the Dark Codex stretched out his hand, pushed open the door in front of him forcefully, and knelt on the ground on one knee.




The sound of the door shaft turning instantly attracted the priests who were having a meeting in the room, and they all set their sights on the door—to be precise, it was the one standing at the door with his left hand behind his back and his right hand leading another woman hand of man.


Just as the chief priest of the earth was about to reprimand Lin Qiong, the voice of death and death sounded from the side.

"What a bold act—"

"Don't you know where this is?"

"It's really arrogant not to kneel down at the first time——"

Jue Shi Jueming walked in front of Lin Qiong with a smile on his face, then turned around, looked at the curators behind him with contemptuous eyes, and said, "I didn't see that the great Lord Lin Qiong has reached the level of his loyalty." Is this even the gods of the Theocracy?"

"You...you...do you know what you're talking about!?"

"Isn't my performance clear enough?" Jue Shi Jueming tilted his head, looked at the priests in front of him with puzzled eyes, and asked: "Or is it because you have been in a high position for a long time that your brains have become rigid? , feel that you are the master of the world?"

"It's not that I can't believe it, but I don't want to believe it." The secretary held the document in both hands and said with a sneer: "After all, once they believe what happened here, it means that they have recognized their defeat - right? "

"Ah, that's true—" Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression. He twitched the corners of his mouth in disdain, then stretched out two fingers towards the group of chief priests, and said, "Here you two choose--"

He pressed down his middle finger, and the secretary said from the side: "Give up all your current status and power, and then stay honestly in the prison of Sky City until the matter is over."

He pressed down his index finger again, and the secretary continued to say expressionlessly: "Or, he was eliminated on the spot by Jue Shi Jue Ming."

Lin Qiong put down his right hand and said to Jue Shi Jueming: "I only give them 10 minutes, and I will leave the rest to you."

"Don't worry, my new master." Jue Shi Jue Ming's tone seemed to be very excited, "I also want to see and see, the new future you talked about—"

"You will see." Lin Qiong smiled, he turned and walked towards the door, and said, "Let's dedicate beauty to this world together!"

Watching Lin Qiong leave, and then closing the door, Jue Shi Jue Ming summoned a full body armor, then held the spear body, turned around to look at the priests sitting on the high seat, and said: "Are you saying that you are already this stupid? Are you still unable to distinguish between reality and fiction?"

After a while of silence, the Chief Fire Priest sighed and said, "I just want to know why you chose to betray us—because you failed, so you are afraid?"

"No, it's because he gave me hope." Jue Shi Jueming showed a quiet smile, she looked up at the group of high priests and said, "Let me see the future" screen."

After the voice fell, she stretched out her hand and pulled down the mask, which was also telling the group of chief priests—stop talking nonsense, and make a choice!



The Theocracy is a country that combines politics and religion. It is co-governed by a supreme priest and six elemental priests - but these priests may not have thought that they would be in the safest place in the city of God. Under the protection of Jue Die Jue Ming, he was eaten in one fell swoop.

"None of the seven chief priests chose to die."

Jue Shi Jue Ming reported in a mocking voice: "They may still be dreaming of making a comeback one day."

"Rely on what to make a comeback, rely on dreams?"

A mocking smile appeared on the dark captain's mouth, he turned his head to look at the blue sky outside the window, and said, "The Theocracy has changed hands, and I'll wait..."

He turned his head, looked at the other members of the dark scripture in the room, and said softly: "It's also time to meet our new monarch."

"Let's go, everyone—" Jue Shi Jueming stretched his waist, and said with some playfulness: "I thought some of you would choose to resist, but I didn't expect all of you to surrender, it's really boring——"


The members of the Black Sacred Code twitched the corners of their mouths, resisting?Were you beaten up after resisting?

joke!Which of us hasn't been beaten by you when we joined the team?You are taking the lead in the rebellion... Oh, no, no, you are abandoning the dark side and turning to the bright side. Why are we asking for trouble?

To put it bluntly, for this group of freaks, they have no sense of loyalty to the higher-ups.

Soon, with Jue Die Jue Ming's cheerful footsteps, all the members of the Six Colors Holy Canon gathered in the hall of the Council, and under everyone's gaze, sitting on the throne was none other than the Theocracy's The new owner, Lin Qiong.

"Everyone, it's the first time to meet—ah, some people have met many times." Lin Qiong waved to them friendly and said, "I think you all know what happened, right?"


Without too much narration, the members of the Six Colors Sacred Code knelt on the ground in unison, offering their temporary loyalty to their new master.


Lin Qiong glanced at the six-color members in front of him, and said with a light smile: "Everyone, in the next period of time, you may need to dispatch many times."

Everyone's eyes moved slightly——

Multiple deployments?Wouldn't that mean...

"Your Majesty." The captain of the Dark Codex lowered his head and said calmly, "Are you planning to start a war?"

"Wars won't be so easy to start, at most it is a small-scale magic—" Lin Qiong shook his head, leaning on the deputy of the throne, and said softly: "Let's focus on the kingdom first—arrange two A member of the Dark Codex, defeated the kingdom’s warrior commander in frontal combat, and then arranged [-] knights to press across the border, forcing the kingdom’s nobles to send troops.”

"Yes——" xN

"Then Captain, you will take four members of the Dark Codex and the magic chanter of the Sunshine Codex to guard the border between the Empire and the Kingdom—I don't want the Empire to deal with the matter before the Theocracy and the Kingdom are resolved." That jackal will stretch out its claws."

"Yes——" xN

"That's it, let's break up the meeting."

"Yes——" xN

Chapter 0134 Don't escape this time

When the members of the Six Colors Sacred Code pushed out the room one after another, Kyle and Morgana, who were guarding the door, walked out of the room, closed the door, and guarded the door to prevent stupid people from disturbing to supreme.


When the door slammed shut, Lin Qiong fell into the arms of the eldest lady beside her like Akuya who no longer needed to pretend, and then lifted her skirt very naturally, His face was buried in the beautiful legs wrapped in black 30D pantyhose, and he mourned: "Why do you have to be the holy emperor of such a god! Can't you be the secretary? It's so tiring, talking to these people so tired--"

The posture must be upright and the tone must be calm. You must not even take a peek at the young lady's beautiful legs!This is not a life for humans~

The corner of the eldest lady's mouth twitched as she watched Lin Qiong's unhurried movements—he was so natural, so natural that she didn't even notice what was wrong! ?So why on earth are you so proficient, you... oh, it's all practiced on me, so it's okay.

"Master, what are you talking about?" The secretary looked angrily at Lin Qiong, who buried his face in the eldest lady's lap, and then turned his head back and forth, and said, "You are the leader of our team, so Of course you will be the emperor!"

"Hey——" Lin Qiong made a disgusted voice, "But being the emperor is so troublesome! You can't even touch fish—why can't the secretary become the emperor, and then Erina and I go sightseeing in the mountains and rivers?" ?”

Secretary: "?"

Look, are you speaking human language?As long as you have a conscience, you can't say such a thing! ?

She twitched the corners of her mouth, and said with black lines all over her face: "Then, Mr. Heathcliff and I will stay to take care of the follow-up matters in this world, and you and the eldest lady will go back to the World of Food Halberd to perform the last ceremony. By the way, another honeymoon or something?"


Lin Qiong subconsciously propped up his upper body, then looked at the secretary with the eyes of the best employee of the year and the boss's nephew, nodded vigorously, and said solemnly: "As expected of the secretary, he can actually propose such a construction. The proposal of sex——I think it’s okay! Let’s do it? The secretary stays here with Yoyo and Heathcliff…”

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by the secretary with a sinister look on his face: "Master, don't even think about this kind of thing - don't even think about leaving me alone to enjoy the sweetness with the eldest lady! "

"No, how can I take you with me in this kind of thing?" Lin Qiong was speechless, "You can't stand aside and watch while Erina and I are having sex, right? That's somewhat problematic."

"I, I, I, even I can't do such a thing!" The secretary blushed a lot, and she stammered, "I mean, at least I can serve red beans to the eldest lady the next day." Food or something..."

As for the custom of red bean rice, there should be no need for science, right?


The eldest lady couldn't help but blush. She covered her face and curled up on the sofa. Although she looked like an ostrich, her ears were raised high. She was really a little naughty.

"Damn it, can't we let Erina's mother cook red beans and rice?"

"Of course not! I must cook it myself! It contains my best wishes to the eldest lady!"

'Why, your blessing is special?Can I let her nullify milk for me? Lin Qiong covered his head with some headaches, he waved his hands angrily, and said, "Forget it, forget it, I didn't abandon your idea of ​​taking Erina back, I just said it casually."

After all, to change the darkness and ugliness of this world was the joint decision made by Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo. How could Lin Qiong push everything to the secretary in the end, and then lead the eldest Miss go back and enjoy it?

'No, not going back? When the eldest lady heard Lin Qiong said he couldn't go back, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, but her mood was also a little tangled, "Idiot, idiot!" '

After all, the eldest lady is also a young girl, and after being intimate with Lin Qiong so many times, she also has a little, a little bit, really just a little bit, a little bit of curiosity about that kind of thing.

"Compared to this, young master——" the secretary put the document in his chest on the table, and said with a smile, "You will be busy now! Work hard, Your Majesty the King."

"Isn't it? Are you really ready to let me be the king?" Lin Qiong's face turned green when he saw the documents on the table. He looked at the secretary with wide eyes and said, "Do you know that I will do this all my life?" The biggest official I ever had was the Disciplinary Committee member of our junior high school, and that was because the head teacher saw that I was naughty and wanted me to perform well as a Disciplinary Committee member!"

Of course, if the subsequent group leader of the readers can also be considered an official, Lin Qiong may have achieved the achievement of "manager of a group of [-] people".

"Don't worry, my good young master, I will be there to assist you -" the secretary comforted Lin Qiong like a dog about to get an injection, and said: "After all, you can't just ignore everything, right? "

"No, I handle some affairs with your assistance. This is my responsibility, and I think it is very reasonable." Lin Qiong rubbed his nose and said, "But I don't need to be the king at all, right? I can't be Behind the scenes or something, and then give orders in the general direction?"

The eldest lady blinked at the side, then looked at the secretary and said, "Fei Shazi, I also think Lin Qiong's proposal is feasible! He is not expected to be a king in the first place (Lin Qiong clutches his chest), if Forcing him to deal with these things will waste a lot of time, right?"

Speaking of this, the eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong, and muttered in her heart: "In that case, wouldn't you be able to spend more time with me?" '

"Uh, yes, but..." the secretary rubbed his head and said, "My original plan was to let the young master try to be a qualified leader here—although the young master has no great ambitions, as long as If we continue to travel, there will definitely be an interest group with the young master as the core in the future, right?"

For example, the Nakiri family of the Halberd World, the champions of the Pokémon World, and the legendary Pokémon already belong to this group.

Lin Qiong: "Uh..."

Looking at Lin Qiong's hesitant expression, the secretary added: "Of course, it's also possible to practice this aspect in the future! After all, there are so many different worlds, it shouldn't be difficult to find a similar world, right?"

"That's what I said..." Lin Qiong rubbed his head with some headaches—as the secretary said, is it not easy to find a world where you can be the king in the world?

Pirate World, Naruto World, Moe King World, and even Zhanmei World, it is not too difficult to make a king Dangdang—not to mention, the situation in Zhanmei World is so rotten to the bone. The situation on Wang Shijie's side is even worse.

"That's what I said, but what if I make a mistake in my decision-making and make a big mistake?" Lin Qiong looked at the young lady and the secretary with a wry smile.

"Master, failure is not terrible!" Seeing Lin Qiong's agitated but timid look, the secretary looked at Lin Qiong seriously and said, "Our strength should be unique in this world. With this level of strength, the young master can fail once, twice, or countless times until you succeed!"

The eldest lady also encouraged: "Fei Shazi is right! Qiong, don't be afraid of failure, Fei Shazi and I are with you!"

"Huh..." Lin Qiong raised his hands, rubbed his face vigorously, then exhaled a long breath and murmured: "Escape is very easy, but if you escape once, you will want to escape again. ——”

This is Lin Qiong's personal feeling. Since he was a child, he was very afraid of losing face if he failed, or that others would look at him with disappointed eyes. This has led him to never try group activities in the class—— He even chose to be an ostrich in the idiom solitaire competition in the class held during the class meeting.

In fact, even if Lin Qiong still chooses to escape this time, it doesn't matter at all. With his ability, he can find some people who are good at this field in other worlds, give them favors, and recruit them to his subordinates——

For example, recruiting Lelouch with the cure of Nunnally's legs as a bargaining chip;

For example, recruiting Rick on the condition of protecting the human species and providing food;

For example, on the condition of providing modern knowledge and food, recruit the pupil of the devil's ruby;

If you are afraid that you can't suppress such a high-intelligence character, you can even use contract magic to guarantee its loyalty.


'Didn't you still choose to escape?I want to become a man worthy of Erina, how can I choose to escape because of this level of difficulty? Lin Qiong pursed his lips, stretched out his right hand to hold the young lady's hand, then looked at the secretary, and said, "Secretary, when I first became king, there must have been many things I didn't understand. It’s time to trouble you for your advice.”

The eldest lady held Lin Qiong's hand with her backhand, then nodded vigorously, and said, "Qiong, let's work hard together!"

"That's right!" The secretary knelt in front of the throne, she stretched out her hands to cover the hands of Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, and said seriously: "I will also assist the young master well!"

Thanks to the willpower trained by the master of Miyue Temple, and thanks to the encouragement of the secretary and the eldest lady, Lin Qiong finally took his first step here!

Just like the secretary said, Lin Qiong can fail once, twice, three times, or even ten times with the strength that is invincible in this world. As long as he succeeds in the end, it will be a great encouragement to him and a An extremely useful experience.

Chapter 0135 Actions in the Kingdom

Without the knowledge of the empire, the kingdom, and the Holy Kingdom, the Theocracy has completed a change of ownership. However, since the Theocracy itself is a country that integrates politics and religion, most of the orders were originally deliberated by the council and then issued. , so most of the middle and high-level personnel of the Theocracy are completely unaware that their immediate superiors have changed.

Under Lin Qiong's instruction, the second "Time Disturbance" and the fourth "Sacred Curse Song" of the Dark Sacred Code swaggered to the border of the Kingdom of Re-Estage, and then led a small group of cavalry, as if Traveling straight forward towards the capital of the Re-Estij Kingdom.

Naturally, this kind of undisguised action could not escape the eyes of the scouts of the kingdom. After they reported the matter to the king, before the king made a decision to send soldiers, the noble group had already dispatched their own soldiers. clamoring to teach the Theocracy a lesson.


The aged king was sitting on the office chair, rubbing the bridge of his nose weakly, while Gazef Combat Unit looked at the monarch he served with some sadness, hesitant to speak.

"Gadeff, just say what you want to say." The king glanced at the man he trusted and said, "There is no need to worry too much about our relationship."


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