Gazef knelt on the ground with one knee, and then said in a deep voice, "This subordinate just thinks it's suspicious."

The king smiled wryly, and said, "You feel suspicious, how could I not realize it? No matter how arrogant the people of the Theocracy are, it is impossible for them to break into the territory of the kingdom with such a posture鈥?

It would be easier to understand if a large army was approaching and preparing to launch a full-scale war, but the size of a small group of cavalry led by just two suspected members of the Six-Colored Sacred Scripture would be suspicious no matter how you look at it.

"Then why..."

"Because of the nobles." The king sighed, leaning back in his chair wearily, and said, "Gazef, the situation in the kingdom is not optimistic鈥攄uring the kingdom's years, the descendants of the originally shrewd and brave nobles have changed. Greed and cowardice, they are now clinging to the body of the kingdom like vampires, absorbing their own nutrition."

Gazef fell silent, he understood that the next topic was no longer something he could continue to participate in.

The king naturally understood Gazef's concerns, he just shook his head helplessly.

At this time, the nobles of the kingdom have developed a climate鈥斺€?/p>

If the royal family does not target the nobles, then when the nobles fight among themselves, it will give the kingdom a chance to breathe;

If the royal family starts to target the nobles, it will make the nobles unite to resist, making things worse.

At this point, the empire is completely opposite to the kingdom鈥攖he early empire, like the current kingdom, was plagued by dirty nobles, but because of the unremitting efforts of the emperors of the empire, the blood-sucking blood entrenched in the empire was finally eliminated. The worms (nobles) had a big purge.

The result of this difference is that the originally strong kingdom is now beginning to weaken, while the originally weak empire has developed.

It's true that things are impermanent, and Feng Shui takes turns.



the other side.

"Hey, the fourth seat鈥? the second seat held the back of his head with both hands, looked at the blue sky with some boredom, and said, "You said that we have not concealed our tracks so much, why haven't the people in the kingdom responded yet? come over?"

The second seat is a frivolous and arrogant young man with brown ponytails, he looks a bit like a nobleman鈥攂ut you can probably tell from his slightly gloomy eyes and unhappy tone. Feeling very bad right now.

"I heard that the distribution of power within the kingdom is extremely chaotic. The nobles and the royal family are vying for power..." The fourth seat tilted his head and said, "Perhaps we are also arguing about which side should send troops now."

The fourth seat was a young woman with blond hair and a hood with white wing-like decorations protruding from both sides. Compared with the second seat, her temperament was much quieter.

"Huh? We have been in the country for almost three days, are we still discussing?" The second seat picked up the stones on the ground and threw them towards the bushes in front of him, saying speechlessly: "According to this speed, we may not arrive The king's capital is gone, and they haven't reacted yet."

"Maybe鈥斺€? the fourth seat blinked, she hugged her knees with both hands, and said curiously: "Second seat, who the hell do you think the new king is! The captain and the foreign seat are actually the same chose to surrender..."


The second seat rolled his eyes visibly, and he looked at the fourth seat angrily: "You and I both knew about this at the same time, so how can I know what you don't know?"

You.Ask.Me, Me.Ask.Who?

"Oh, of course I know, I'm just asking!" The fourth seat turned to look at the second seat, and muttered, "We are the only two members of the Dark Codex in this operation, so we have to find something to talk about, don't we?"

Although she looks like a "saint" character, since she is a member of the "hero rank" who has joined the dark sacred scripture, she also has her own arrogance - the cavalry around her are not even considered as such It is an "existence that can communicate on an equal footing."

Obviously, the thoughts of the second seat are similar to those of the fourth seat, so he can only hold the back of his head with his hands and say, "I don't know anything else, but he must be an absolute strong man! Otherwise, that Jue Shi Jue Ming wouldn't surrender .鈥?/p>

"You mean, His Majesty's strength even surpasses Jue Die Jue Ming?"

"It's hard to imagine, but that's the only possibility, right?"

Hearing the analysis from the second seat, the fourth seat held his head in both hands, and said with a look of disbelief: "To be honest, I can't imagine the scene of Jue De Jue Ming being defeated at all鈥攊n my impression, she has always been They all exist in an invincible posture.鈥?/p>

"Stop talking, don't make me recall the scene back then." The second seat also held his head in pain, and the words of the fourth seat made him involuntarily think of the day he joined the Dark Sacred Scripture, yes, It was a sunny afternoon, he thought that by virtue of his natural ability related to time, he would be absolutely invincible in the world, but the result was...

He touched his teeth subconsciously, recalling the feeling when the teeth were knocked off by the opponent, he couldn't help shivering - the pain was second, and the more important thing was the sense of humiliation.

"Don't talk about this kind of topic!" The second seat also thought of the day he joined, the scene of being grabbed by Jue Shi Jueming's ankles and sinking his head into the water, and couldn't help falling into autism.

So, the dark scriptures lead the villains to watch the death and death!When he didn't appear at all or even had no lines, he closed the two members of the dark scripture completely.

As expected of you!



After the second seat and the fourth seat entered the kingdom for a full week, the interest groups within the kingdom seem to have finally made a choice-to be honest, if the Theocracy is really planning to attack the kingdom, it will be a week. It has been enough time to destroy several villages, which shows how rotten the kingdom is.

"Tsk, tsk, did you finally react?"

The second seat sat on the horseback, looked at the group of well-equipped cavalry in front, and said to the fourth seat beside him, "Do you think this is the king's army or the noble army?"

The fourth seat pushed the hair from the side of his face behind his ears, and then said with a cold expression: "I haven't seen the famous warrior commander of the kingdom, so it looks like it should be the noble army."

"Ha, it seems that's right." The second seat took out the Western sword from his waist and said, "Should you go up or should I go up?"

'With all your weapons drawn, you still ask me this question? The fourth seat glanced at the second seat speechlessly, and said angrily: "If I said I would come, would you put the weapon back?"

"Hahaha, no鈥? The second seat laughed, turned over and jumped off the horse, and said, "I'll go first鈥?

The fourth seat reminded: "Don't forget that Your Majesty said that pointless massacres are prohibited!"

"I know, I know -" The second seat curled his lips helplessly. He reached out and put the Western sword back to his waist, then casually took the scabbard of a cavalryman next to him, waved it twice casually, and said : "That's almost it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards the phalanx in front of him like an arrow. When the noble army of the kingdom saw that there was only one enemy, they showed a mocking expression.


The fourth seat couldn't help but sighed, she raised her hands, and then crossed them in front of her, showing a sacred and noble expression, but in fact the magic she used was...

"Amplified damage鈥?

"Blurred vision鈥?


Curse spells were released one after another from the hands of the fourth seat, causing the combat effectiveness of the noble army to be seen by the naked eye to be greatly reduced.

The final result was that the second seat holding the scabbard was like a wolf among the sheep, beheading several leaders of the noble army under the horse in two or three strokes, and then was surrounded by the stumbling soldiers. Get off and leave safely.

"too weak."

He threw the scabbard to the previous cavalryman, then smacked his lips with dissatisfaction, and said to the fourth seat: "It's just a bunch of rabble."

This kind of evaluation is not because the fourth seat gives the enemy the feeling of being weak after the curse, but because in the eyes of the second seat, these soldiers don't even have the most basic combination attack and coordination, and they rely entirely on sophisticated equipment to pile up The "Guard of Honor".

Nothing but good looks.

Facing the evaluation of the second seat, the fourth seat shrugged noncommittally, and said: "Don't worry, when the noble army is defeated, the kingdom will definitely send Gazef to meet it, and then you can let go Had a fight with him."

After hearing this, the second seat immediately showed an expectant expression and said: "That's really what I want -"

Chapter 0136 Warrior Captain is defeated again

When the news that the noble army was defeated and fled back reached the ears of the noble group, they were a little panicked鈥攁lthough this group of soldiers were evaluated as "sent" by the second and fourth seats, they were actually The nobles are capable of taking action. The so-called "no cooperation" is just because they formed an alliance with other nobles for the first time. In fact, there is still cooperation among them.


It's useless!

Under the influence of the group weakening magic of the fourth seat, the soldiers who originally caused some trouble to the second seat directly became soft-footed shrimps seven times the night before. In addition, the second seat's soldiers were as long as Strength and clear thinking of the beheading plan.

"How to do?"

"Continue to send more manpower?"

"What are you kidding?"

"That's right, few soldiers at the bottom level died, but none of the commanders remained!"

"Damn it, kill the pariah if you want to kill it!"

"Withdraw the troops and leave the trouble to the royal family."


"Let the warrior field take action!"


Under the chaotic discussion of the nobles, this group of cowards who only valued profit decisively decided to throw the trouble to the royal family - without mentioning that they themselves had produced "just a small group of the kingdom's army in the first place, and their destruction would be a great achievement" ideas.

What a ridiculous moth.



In the long anticipation of the second and fourth seats, the kingdom's warrior commander, Gazef Stronov, finally appeared in front of them.

"It finally appeared." The second seat smacked his lips, and said impatiently, "All the flowers I've been waiting for have faded."

The fourth seat also nodded and muttered: "Beat him quickly. I want to go back and take a shower, as well as sweet snacks and fragrant cakes."

"Oh, woman." The second seat curled his lips, moved his shoulders, and then drew out the Western sword, with an unruly smile on his face again, like a villain's evil smile, and said: "However, I I also miss some things in China - defeat him first, and then discuss the next thing!"

On the other side, Gazef, who saw the opponent's general coming out, stretched out his hand to stop the soldiers around him, and said in a deep voice, "The opponent is undoubtedly a master who has stepped into the hero realm, so you don't want to go up and die."

"But, Warrior Captain..."

"No problem!" Gazef clenched the long knife in his hand, and showed a reassuring and reliable smile to his colleagues, "I'm very strong!"

After finishing speaking, Gazef turned over and got off the horse, then clenched the handle of the knife with both hands, and rushed towards the second seat, saying in his mouth: "Strengthen the spirit, concentrate the fighting spirit, and speed up the flow鈥?

"I'm really impatient. I thought there would be a scene where we exchanged names鈥? The second seat still had a frivolous smile on his face, and said, "Are you going to do it when you come up?"

"I have nothing to talk to the intruders!" Gazef said with seriousness and solemnity on his face, "When you are defeated, the kingdom will ask the Theocracy for an explanation!"

"Oh my, I'm so confident鈥斺€?

The second seat used a Western sword to play a sword flower, and then said gracefully: "Why don't you think about it, if you fail, what will happen to the result?"

"The water is accelerating鈥斺€?

"The Fortress That Never Falls鈥?

"power enhanced--"

"Super-improved abilities鈥斺€?

"Four seats, I will leave the support to you鈥?

As soon as he finished speaking, the second officer rushed towards Gazef, and his voice naturally attracted the attention of Gazef and other soldiers of the kingdom.

"Assault with all members, so that the opponent's partners can't interfere with the battle of Master Warrior鈥?

The next moment, the deputy of the army gave the order without hesitation, and the soldiers charged towards the fourth seat.

"Really, did you do it on purpose?"

The fourth seat glared at the second seat angrily, then turned its attention to the soldiers rushing towards him, and muttered: "It must be to enjoy the battle alone, so I deliberately exposed my鈥斺€?"

Thinking of this, the fourth seat's resentment grew even stronger. She waved her staff, aimed at the soldiers rushing over, and cast magic.

"Blurred vision鈥? the vision weakened.

"Weaken鈥? physical strength weakened.

With just two magic spells, a large number of the soldiers in front of him fell down - some of them were even pressed to the ground by their armor, with no resistance at all.


The fourth seat raised its mouth in dissatisfaction, and then threw a weakening swamp spell at the struggling soldiers, causing them to fall into the quagmire again with a scream, and then pointed the staff at the second seat, He said maliciously: "Second seat, if you don't apologize, the target of my next spellcasting will be you!"

"Wuah, aren't you!?" The second seat didn't expect that he would be backstabbed at this time. After frantically fending off Gazef's attack, he hurriedly said: "I was wrong, I was wrong! Don't interfere, let me have a good fight with him!"

"If you are about to fail, I will still make a move." The fourth seat temporarily withdrew his staff, then yawned a little bored, and said, "Also, you'd better move faster, otherwise your majesty may Wouldn't you be happy鈥斺€?/p>

'His Majesty? Gazef's eyes narrowed suddenly, he felt as if he had heard some incredible information鈥攃ould it be said that the actions against the Kingdom were ordered by His Majesty the Holy Kingdom?

'No, not right!Since when did Theocracy have His Majesty?Isn鈥檛 the Theocracy a country where politics and religion are integrated, with the priest in charge of government affairs? Gazef forced the second seat away with a shaken expression, and then asked breathlessly: "You are not from the Theocracy, but from the Empire?"


The second seat was stunned. He turned his head and looked at the fourth seat, and then burst into loud laughter "Hahaha鈥斺€?, seeming to be amused by the warrior leader's imagination.

"Want to know the answer?" After laughing enough, the second seat tilted his head to look at Gazef, and said, "Then raise your hands and surrender鈥斺€擧is Majesty said that he appreciates your character, so he asked us to capture you alive. So you have the opportunity to see His Majesty's honor with your own eyes鈥?

Regardless of whether he really surrendered to Lin Qiong or not, at least he had to make a gesture in front of outsiders, otherwise he might be hung up by Jue Shi Jue Ming and flick his penis with a rubber band, which is terrifying no matter how you think about it.

"Please forgive me for rejecting this kind of thing -" Gazef took a deep breath, re-arranged his fighting posture, and said: "The answer to the question can be obtained even if I defeat you!"

"Really?" The second seat chuckled, his eyes lit up with a strange light, "What a confident statement, worthy of being the warrior captain of the kingdom, it's just a pity..."

I have the mouth and teeth of a companion!

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