"The fourth seat!"

"Roger that!"

Accompanied by the curse magic of the fourth seat, Gazef's overall attributes dropped a bit, and he, who was originally the opponent of the second seat, suddenly fell into a disadvantage, which made him unable to help asking: "You all Don't you have the spirit of a strong man?"

The second seat retorted: "No road race! That kind of thing is gone when you join the team!"

He was smashed by that Jue De Jue Ming with a fist and a fist!



Meanwhile, Empire.


Blood · Different World Dihua No. 1 · Shout from the heart King Wu Come on · Hair Loss · Listening to the news reported by his subordinates, the emperor couldn't help but make a surprised sound: "The warrior captain of the kingdom was defeated and captured!? What happened? What happened--"

He snatched the information book from his subordinates, browsed through it at a glance, and got the whole story of the matter in the shortest time, but he didn't show a happy expression, but angrily punched the table, cursing He said: "Damn it, follow the way of the teaching country!"

It is so, it is so!

I'm still wondering why the group of dogs in Theocracy suddenly arranged an army to suppress the border. It turns out that the real goal is not our empire, but the kingdom's warrior commander! ?The purpose of the army is just to divert my attention, so that I can't put the center of information in the kingdom for the time being, right?

Oh, interesting!Who on earth came up with the plan, and actually fooled me——

It's just, do you really think my empire is a soft persimmon?If you dare to station a large army, be prepared to lose personnel!


The Blood Emperor opened his mouth and gave the order to send troops.

Wait, Theocracy, if you dare to scheme against me, this will make your flesh hurt!



Castle in the Sky.

Because it was the first time to come to Sky Castle, the second and fourth seats all showed expressions of surprise and curiosity, and when they led Gazef to the prison under the leadership of Kyle, they were immediately shocked. He saw Clementine, who was lying in the corner of another cell, pinching her feet from boredom.


Almost instantly, Clementine turned around with a full face, and then turned her back to the direction of the gate—to be honest, meeting acquaintances in prison is actually not very awkward, but the problem is, if you are inside Well, if the acquaintances are outside, it will be more or less embarrassing.

Especially when an acquaintance is not only outside, but also pressing another person who needs to go inside, this kind of status gap is even more embarrassing.

'Damn, why are they here! ?Could it be that the person who arrested me was the person from the Dark Codex?Impossible, absolutely impossible—” At this moment, the funny sister turned into Cao Cao, desperately denying in her heart: “How can there be such a monster in the dark scripture, my attack can’t even break the defense when I hit the opponent’s body, what a joke ! ? '

Just when the funny sister was doubting her life, her cell door was knocked by the second seat with a surprised face.

"Hey, you're Clementine, right!? The one from the ninth seat! You're here too! Long time no see—"

Just listening to this content, if you don’t know it, you may think that your old classmates met in Xijiao City, but when you hear the yin and yang voice in the second seat, which is no less than that of the yellow ape, you will not have such an idea at all .

For example, Clementine, she had already clenched her fists at this moment, and then looked at the wall in front of her with a distorted face, imagining the scene where she beat the second seat's parents who didn't know her.

Chapter 0137 I am a magic caster!

"Speak, Clementine!"

"Hello, are you Clementine?"

"That blond hair that looks like a turtle from the back, you must be Clementine, right?"

"Why ignore me!"

I can't hold it anymore, I can't hold it anymore.

The funny lady turned her head with veins all over her face, and shouted, "Your hairstyle looks like a turtle from behind, you bastard!"

The second seat who was being scolded was not angry, but excitedly shouted to the side: "Hey, the fourth seat! Come here quickly, it's really Clementine, I'll just say I'm not mistaken!"

"Hey, is it really true!?" The fourth seat came over with a surprised look on his face, then clapped his hands happily and said, "Wow, it's really Clementine! Long time no see~"

If Lin Qiong were here, he would probably have to complain: "Why are you so happy when you met your old teammate in prison? If you don't know, you might think you are a housewife who met an acquaintance while shopping for vegetables! "

"Tsk, I'm not familiar with you to this extent -" Sister Funny acted like an unruly bad girl at this time. She sat alone in the corner of the cell, looking at her with disdain. The second and fourth seats in front of me said: "By the way, why are you here? Could it be that the people who arrested me are the people from the Six Colors Sacred Scripture?"


The second seat and the fourth seat looked at each other, and the fourth seat waved his hand with a smile, and said, "Oh, Clementine, if you want to inquire about the news, you will be disappointed? We don't know anything. I won't say-"

The second seat folded his hands and nodded, and said, "That's right! You're still staying in there honestly—seeing your spirited appearance, it seems that the treatment in the cell is not bad?"

 It's not only good, it can be said that the prisoners are treated preferentially - shit, that bald guy in Kajit has gained a lot of weight, and now his belly has appeared. Do you think the treatment is good?


Seeing that the two ex-teammates did not intend to reveal the information, Miss Funny clicked her tongue in disappointment, then turned her head and turned her back to them, expressing her refusal to communicate.

"Hahaha, the fourth seat, look, I said that Clementine's hairstyle looks like from behind..."

"You go to me..."



"...Die, you bastard!"

Hearing the movement from outside the door, Lin Qiong couldn't help but looked at the secretary next to him strangely, and asked, "Who else went in before us?"

"There are only the second and fourth seats where Gazef is escorted, right?" The secretary thought for a moment and replied, "Maybe they haven't come out yet? Do we need to call them out?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Go ahead and have a look."

After entering the prison, the first thing you see is outside Clementine's cell, the second and fourth seats are laughing extremely viciously, and they are punching and punching inside like a furious female orangutan. Clementine at the door.

Lin Qiong asked strangely: "Seats two and four, what are you doing?"


Hearing Lin Qiong's voice, the second and fourth seats trembled. They turned around without hesitation, knelt down on one knee, lowered their heads and said in unison: "See His Majesty the Holy Emperor!"

"Excuse me, get up."

Looking at the two kneeling on the ground, Lin Qiong waved his hands helplessly and said, "Answer my question."


The second chair kept his head down and knelt down, and said: "We are just reminiscing about the past - Clementine is the original nine seats of the Dark Codex, and later not only betrayed the Theocracy, but also stole the secret treasure of the Wind Flower Codex .”

"I know, that's why I arranged for people to arrest her." Lin Qiong glanced at Clementine and said, "She still has some strength, but it's a pity that she met Kyle."

'The Supreme Being praised me. '

Kyle involuntarily puffed up his chest, showing a proud look. Morgana on the side pursed her lips and muttered: "Obviously I went too."

Lin Qiong quickly added: "Ah yes, and Morgana is also amazing."

"That's—" Morgana glanced at her sister proudly, and then turned her eyes away with a "hum"—didn't the Supreme praise me?What are you proud of?

"So you are their master?" Clementine looked at Lin Qiong with a gloomy expression. She showed a dangerous expression and said, "You can kill or cut me up, but you imprisoned me here What exactly do you want to do?"

"Don't you think that the heroic fighters in the cell are a symbol of force?" Lin Qiong glanced at Clementine and said with a smile: "You are just a tool I use to show my force. That's all."


If it wasn't for the magic barrier in front of him, Clementine would have rushed to Lin Qiong immediately and punched her - this damn bastard, what did she think of her! ?

"Okay, okay, please be quiet first." Lin Qiong pressed his right hand down towards Clementine helplessly, and one black barrier after another was formed around the prison, covering Clementine. The prison cell was completely blocked in it.

After doing all this, Lin Qiong raised his feet again, followed by the secretary, and walked towards the inner room where Gazef was being held. However, when he passed by the cell next to Clementine, he was suddenly trapped inside. people were shocked.

Lin Qiong narrowed his eyes, looked suspiciously at the oily bald man in front of him, and couldn't help but ask, "Who are you?"

"Hey hey, me, it's me—" the bald man rubbed his hands in embarrassment, then pointed at himself flatteringly, and said, "I'm Khajiit!"

'I know Kakarot, I know Vegeta, I also know Vegeta, I still know Gogeta, but who is this Khajiit? Lin Qiong showed a blank expression. He closed his eyes and frowned, thinking about the origin of this name - did he appear in the plot of Bone King?Bald...

Could it be the bald man who was killed by Sebastian in the second season?No, that guy is a monk with tattoos on his body, but this one doesn't!

As if aware of Lin Qiong's doubts, Kyle stepped forward and reminded in a low voice: "Supreme! He is that Clementine's teammate, the necromancer you asked me to capture together."


Lin Qiong first showed a dazed expression, and then gave him a suspicious look, and said, "I remember he was a very thin person? Why now..."

"Hey, hey, this, this..." Khajit smiled a little shyly, touched his head and said: "Because the food in your majesty's prison is a bit good, I unconsciously ate a little more and gained weight. A little bit--"


Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth. Didn't you gain a little weight?At least you have gained a lot of weight and your belly is showing!


Seeing Lin Qiong still staring at him, Khajiit could only continue to show a flattering smile, lest the emperor would have him stabbed if he became unhappy.

Lin Qiong looked at his wretched appearance, rubbed the bridge of his nose, and said through gritted teeth: "I've been busy dealing with the government these days, and I don't even have time to bury Erina's thighs and chest. Is the bald man here to eat prison food and get fat? Is there any reason for this?"

Khajiit, the second seat, and the fourth seat immediately showed tearful expressions——My holy emperor, can we listen to these words?Could it be that as soon as you leave, the assassin under your hand will appear behind us, and then leave a sentence "You know too much", turn around and give us away, right?

When the three of them were trembling, Lin Qiong hooked his fingers towards Kyle and said, "Kyle, starting from tomorrow, arrange for this man named Kajit to do 100 push-ups and 100 push-ups in the morning, noon and evening every day." Sit-ups, 100 squats, 10-kilometer long-distance running, let him maintain his figure, so as not to get fat in middle age and suffer from three highs—you are bald anyway, so you don’t have to worry about getting more bald.”

"No, wait a minute, His Majesty the Emperor..." Khajiit was obviously a little panicked, he hurriedly said: "I am a magic caster, I am a magic caster! I..."

"Quiet me, too." Lin Qiong waved his left hand down, and the black magic circle reappeared, blocking Khajiit's flustered voice, leaving only the sad middle-aged man hammering the enchantment in vain in the cell man.

It is really sad to smell, and the listener sheds tears.



After "sanctioning" the funny sister and the bald man, Lin Qiong finally came out of Gazef's cell—no, how could there be a sense of déjà vu that he had finally come to the final boss after defeating two small bosses?

Lin Qiong shook his head, and after shaking out his strange thoughts, he looked at the warrior commander who was sitting in the cell, and said, "We finally meet, Gazef Stronov."

The warrior captain raised his head, looked at Lin Qiong in front of him, and said solemnly: "Are you their master? Your true identity is from the empire, right?"


Lin Qiong was taken aback, he pointed to the second and fourth seats outside, and said, "No, didn't you hear them discussing so loudly that they were members of the Dark Codex just now? from the country, right?"

This time Gazef couldn't fix it, he said with a look of astonishment: "Isn't that the smoke bomb you released to make me have a wrong judgment?"

This time it was Lin Qiong's turn. He was stunned for a few seconds, then pondered for a few seconds, and said, "What you said seems to make sense? Secretary, how can I prove that I am not from the Empire?"

Gazef said calmly: "No matter what evidence you present, it may be deliberately misleading me, I will not believe you—"

Facing Gazef's questioning, the secretary thought for a while and said, "Young master, why don't you let Kyle tie up that emperor here to dance in a woman's dress?"

Gazef covered his face and said, "Okay, no need to say anything, I believe it."

How dare the imperial people say such a thing, if the emperor hears it, they will lose their heads, okay?

Chapter 0138 The Blood Emperor Wants to Swear

As the saying goes, as long as... no, no, this stalk has been played.

As the saying goes, Master Cubic!Even if you are an extraordinary master, disdainful master or even the strongest king, technically you can beat me, but you can never predict my actions!

Because even I don’t know where I’m going to run, how can you predict where the mouse will click when I’m just panicking! ?Show me your predictions!

In the same way, as long as Lin Qiong is on the first floor, then Gazef, who predicted that Lin Qiong would be on the fifth floor, also predicted a loneliness!This is also a victory!

"Very good! Now that the warrior commander is willing to believe that I am from the Theocracy, it will be easy to handle." Lin Qiong showed a pleased expression. He squatted in front of the cell as an Asian and said with a smile: " Warrior Captain, do you want to cooperate with us?"


Gazef's eyes were a little dazed, he rubbed his head, and said: "You sent people to invade the kingdom, then defeated me head-on, tied me to prison, and then asked me, do you want to cooperate with you?"

Is there such a person?

"Oh, let's ignore the process, as long as the result is good, that's fine." Lin Qiong blinked and said with a smile: "The warrior leader is a member of the kingdom, so there is no need for me to introduce you to the kingdom." How bad is the nobleman?"


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