"Haha, just kidding, but to be honest, I am really good at these. Besides, you don't think that no one else in the police station knows it's you except me, right?" Lin Yi laughed.

"At least, take my master, Captain Xiao, he is better at reasoning and more experienced than me, so do you think it is possible for him to deduce that the person behind the scenes is you."

Bai Ye was silent. After all, he was a little anxious at the time, so he exposed himself.

"So, what you mean is that he has calculated your character into it, and those who know that you took the credit for me are actually in the police station, that is to say... there are ghosts among you! "

Ji Dong nodded heavily, and he didn't want to accept this fact either, but his reason did not allow him to do so.

"So, your asking for leave this time should not be just to protect me, right?"

Ji Dong thought for a while, "You can't say that. I personally think that the easiest way to get rid of the identity of a chess piece is to jump out of the chessboard."

"So, you can understand that I quit."


Show or your show! .

Chapter 42 Consumption and what's next

Association of Trainers.

"Hi, I'm here to submit the task."

"Okay, please show your trainer certificate." The staff lady smiled politely, without any contempt because of Bai Ye's age.

After confirming the content of the task, Bai Ye handed over the six stinky muds he had conquered, and received a reward of 8000 yuan.

Of course, this is an urgent task, and there will be certain dangers, so the reward will be a little higher, otherwise, the six ordinary-grade stinky mud will not be able to reach the price of 3000 yuan each.

After handing in the task, Bai Ye glanced at the trainer's proof that about one-fifth of the progress bar had been completed, then pouted secretly.

In order to compete with the alliance, the trainers registered in the Great Yan Federation are also divided into levels, from one to five stars, which can be roughly divided into five levels.

A one-star trainer needs to get a reward of 10 yuan by completing tasks in the Trainer Association, a two-star one million, a three-star ten million, and a four-star one hundred million. As for five-stars, it is not something that can be obtained simply by completing tasks up.

The star rating is different, and the benefits that trainers enjoy in the Great Yan Federation are also different. Of course, Bai Ye is not sure whether he will stay in the Great Yan Federation forever, so he is not very interested in these, just looking at them in general Just a moment, without too much understanding.

At this moment, he only knows that if he completes the task of [-] more, he should be able to enjoy a [-]% discount on medical treatment, accommodation, etc., which is better than nothing.

Back to the car, Bai Ye could see the smoke outside the car window.

"What, you have something on your mind?" According to his observation, Ji Dong rarely smokes.

"It's okay, I just can't figure it out." From his mouth, a wisp of white smoke lightly exhaled.

"The prison was attacked again, but this time the attack seemed to be a test. They didn't seem to be in a hurry to rescue Henry."

"Then... Could it be that they are still brewing, preparing for something?" Bai Ye asked with a hint of meaning.

"I don't know, I can't figure it out. Forget it. Why do you think so much? If something really happens, the higher-ups should worry about it. It's useless to think too much about it, like us." He pinched the cigarette butt in his hand. extinguished, and dropped to the ground.

"Let's go, don't you want to go to the department store to buy some things? I just happened to be going to customize a set of weights for the Roentgen cat. Now ordinary training has become less and less effective for it. It's time to update the equipment."

"You're right." The tall man was holding up the sky when it fell. What did he, a little guy, worry about here? Bai Ye opened the car door, and then the two of them drove towards the department store center.

Soon, when he came to the shopping mall, Bai Ye went straight to the high-end product counter of the poison department. What he wanted to buy was the poison sac of the professional-grade giant needle bee, and he didn't know if it was available.

"I'm sorry sir, we don't have the poison sac of the professional-level giant needle bee here. You can look at other things. We also have the venom of the dragon king scorpion, the venom of the night fire lizard, and the venom of the poisonous algae dragon. These should all be fine. Satisfy your needs."

The staff member recommended it with a smile.

"Of course, if you insist on needing it, we can also transfer the goods from the headquarters, but it may take some time and the price will be a bit more expensive."

"how much is it?"

"Around 20." The young lady spat out a price that Bai Ye could still accept.

Except for some special elves, the materials on the excellence-level and ordinary-level elves are not very valuable, until the senior level starts to reach thousands to tens of thousands, while the professional level ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

The poison sac of a professional-level needle bee costs 20 yuan, which is not bad.

Handing the only remaining gold bead plus [-] cash to the young lady, Bai Ye's last visit to the golden beach was completely empty. As for the last time, there were only [-] to [-] left.

Ji Dong glanced at the golden bead that Bai Ye handed over, and didn't ask any further questions.

Since Bai Ye dared to show it in front of him, it must have a legitimate source. The two had been together for so long, and he thought he knew something about Bai Ye.

It's just that I understand, I understand, seeing a ten-year-old boy who has more money than an adult, Ji Dong still feels a little sad, especially since he still knows Bai Ye's life experience quite well, it is even more sour up.

Simply, he turned his head away, out of sight and out of mind.

Finally, Bai Ye followed Ji Yi to the appliance area. The things here were relatively simple, basically ready-made. In addition, the Roentgen cat was also a very popular elf, so there was no need to customize it at all, just take it.

By the way, Bai Ye also added a new piece of training equipment to Big Needle Bee, a tennis ball transmitter, which can just be used by him to continue training Big Needle Bee's nerve reflex speed.

I believe that Big Needle Bee will be very happy if she knows that she has bought a new toy for it.

After shopping, call it a day and drive home.

After arriving home, Bai Ye first went back to get some food, and then took the big needle bee directly to the grove for daily training.

His previous plan was to let the big needle bee learn the power grid move in the near future to expand its attack surface, but now that the power grid has learned it, and also learned the downwind move along the way, it's time to assign it a new task.

"Big needle bee, do you want to learn a more interesting move?" Bai Ye first sat down with the big needle bee.

However, in the face of his inquiry, this guy didn't seem to hear it, his eyes were fixed on the energy cube in his hand.

"I really can't do anything about you." Bai Ye smiled and handed over the energy cube.

The big needle bee skillfully tied up the energy cube with a long needle and put it into its mouth, followed by a needle to pick off the cap of the happy water bottle next to it, and then gently pushed it in front of Bai Ye.

"Beep!" Together?

Naturally, Bai Ye would not be polite to it, and after taking a sip, he said, "You eat first, and I will introduce it to you first."

Turning on the computer, it showed a series of his plans for the big needle bee.

Among them, the sword dance move is a very important move in Bai Yeqi's plan, but he can't find a training method, and he can't think of it, so he can only go to the academy to see it later.

Or you can find a wild elf who can dance swords to teach it. Now there is no other way, so we can only put it on hold for now.

"The move I'm going to tell you next is called Shadow Clone. It's not an attack move, but I personally think it's a move that combines both offense and defense."

Bai Ye positioned Big Needle Bee as a melee assassin, and in melee, if he couldn't kill his opponent with one blow, he would inevitably usher in a counterattack.

At this time, if the Needle Bee can create a few more clones and phantoms to confuse the opponent, then the chance of evasion will be much higher than simply controlling the rhythm.

In a word, it is to improve its survivability.

"This trick, in simple terms, is to quickly move horizontally, using visual differences to create phantoms." Saying that, Bai Ye moved his arms quickly, and demonstrated it to the big needle bee.



The big needle bee looked at Bai Ye's arm, but didn't see a phantom.

Bai Ye's face remained unchanged, "Of course, my movement speed is still too slow, it may not make any difference to you, but if you look at your movement speed, it is definitely enough to form a clone phantom."

"In addition, as I said just now, this move is both offensive and defensive. Apart from being used to confuse the opponent and avoid attacks, it can also be used in offense to make your attacks more difficult to defend. "

The big needle bee's eyes flickered. Indeed, if there is a phantom that can help him attract the opponent's attention when attacking, then it will be much easier to attack.

"In addition to the shadow clone, what you need to do is to further improve your concentration. You should know the state when you use Qi Gathering."

Big Needle Bee nodded.

"Then when you are using the energy-gathering state, do you have a feeling that time slows down, and under that feeling, it seems that the opponent's attack has become slow, so you feel that you can easily hit its vital point .”

The feeling that time is slowing down?

Big Needle Bee tried hard to recall, but finally shook his head.

"It may be that you have experienced too few battles, and your concentration is not concentrated to that level. In short, next, you need to carry out training on concentration, and when you feel that way, you will naturally Learn a trick, sharpen it!"

Grinding, the effect of this trick is very simple, the next attack will definitely hit the opponent's vitals, as long as you learn this trick, you basically don't have to worry about the special mission of the big needle bee.

And the big needle bee will become even more terrifying after completing the task and getting the title!

In addition, concentration training can also polish the willpower of the giant stingray to a certain extent, making it more resistant to abnormal conditions such as confusion and cowering.

Chapter 43 A Success

The next day.

The sewage treatment plant was recaptured, the entire city's sewage system returned to normal again, and the pungent stench in the community finally disappeared.

"Think about it, the manufacture of this high-level energy cube is not as simple as the elementary and intermediate ones. If you are not careful, you will lose all your money."

Ji Dong watched Bai Ye solemnly adding all kinds of materials into the machine, with a distressed look on his face.

You know, it's all money, and his five-year salary probably won't be able to buy these things.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'm not sure, how dare I try it, after all, it's all my money." While talking, Bai Ye kept moving his hands.

"Besides, guess why that senior breeder valued me so much, and gave me money and machines."

Hearing what he said, although Ji Yi was relieved a lot, he still felt a little unsure in his heart.

You know, this is a high-quality energy cube, an energy cube that only high-level cultivators can make with confidence.

After Bai Ye processed some of the materials, they added them to the machine in proportion.

The machine started, and the real point came, and Bai Ye couldn't help being a little more cautious.

In fact, in the cultivation plan, there are very detailed records for the speed of production of energy cubes, adjustment timing, adjustment marks, feeding ratio, feeding timing, etc., and he only needs to follow the plan given by others and perform foolish operations step by step. OK.

Of course, it was a fool's operation for Bai Ye, a person with real eyes, but it might not be for others.

After all, not everyone can see the specific purity of the energy mixture in the machine, and judging these depends more on the experience of the breeder.


"Upstairs, can't you keep your voice down? If you wake up my baby, don't blame me for knocking on your glass!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it will be ready soon." Lin Yi apologized to the neighbor downstairs, while looking expectantly at the energy cube maker in front of him, which was running at high speed.

If Bai Ye can really succeed, then can he ask Bai Ye to help make it in the future? If the energy cube can be made by himself, it will save a lot of money. Maybe he can also change the Roentgen cat to a more advanced food. .

Nowadays, Roentgen Cat's daily food is mainly based on primary energy cubes with a small amount of intermediate energy cubes, which is incomparable to the giant needle bee.

Moreover, there is also a ready-made energy cube manufacturing machine here, which saves a lot of expenses. He only needs to bring the materials to the door when the time comes.

Based on his relationship with Bai Ye, I believe Bai Ye would not ask him for manual fees, right?

Ji Yi looked at the brand-new machine in front of him and couldn't help but smile.

Next to the machine, Bai Ye was staring closely at the glass screen on the machine, with all kinds of information flashing before his eyes.

[Energy mixture with impurities...low-purity energy mixture...low-purity...medium-purity...]

When the machine made a beep, the prompt on the panel in front of him was finally fixed at the high-purity level. The time was just right, and there was no waste.

After obtaining the high-purity energy mixture, Bai Ye added the last piece of aconite and purified it again. When it finally reached a high-purity level, the energy cube this time was considered successful.

There was another roar in the machine, and at the same time, thick white smoke came out, and then energy cubes gradually rolled out of the discharge port.

"It was really successful!" Lin Yi couldn't believe it. You must know that it is very difficult to succeed without hundreds of thousands or even millions of people to practice the production of this high-level energy cube.

And Bai Ye can really succeed in one go!

What kind of monster is this!

He picked up an energy cube and looked at it against the sunlight. It was crystal clear, and there were basically no impurities in it. It was definitely a high-grade energy cube.

Bai Ye also picked up a purple-black energy cube and took a look in the sunlight. The quality is quite perfect, and even the quantity has reached the maximum number in theory.

"Come on, Big Needle Bee, try it and see if it suits your taste."

The big needle bee swallowed it in one gulp, with a hint of satisfaction in its eyes.

Although it is not as good as those dark purple energy cubes that I eat now, it is quite good, delicious, yes!

"You can eat it if you like. Once those energy cubes are finished, this will be your staple food in the future."

The Roentgen cat on the side couldn't help but gulp when he saw the satisfied look of the giant needle bee. However, after the last experience, it really didn't dare to try the taste of the giant needle bee.

"You can't eat this. It's a perfect mixture of worm-type and poison-type energy. If you eat it, you might be poisoned." Bai Ye couldn't help reminding when he saw Roentgen cat swallowing his saliva.


The Roentgen cat turned his head with disdain, as if he wanted to eat it.

"Xiaobai..." Lin Yi rubbed his hands, looking embarrassed, "Well, can I ask you to help me make energy cubes in the future?"

Hearing this, Roentgen Cat's ears stood up involuntarily.

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