Bai Ye raised his eyebrows, "Of course, the premise is that you have a recipe. The specific operation can be so detailed, but you still have to have a recipe. With my current level, I still can't reach the level of deploying intermediate and high-level energy cubes. "

If it's just an operation, it's nothing to have Bai Ye on his body, but it's not good to let him customize the formula according to the elves.

"With your words, I feel relieved. Isn't it just a formula? I will definitely find a way to get it for you." Lin Yi said confidently.

Some recipes are even available online. What is really difficult is the manufacturing process of energy cubes. This is one of the reasons why breeders are so rare.

Of course, you can also manufacture according to the approximate time, but the quality of the produced energy cubes is different, and most of them are limited to primary energy cubes.

After all, the quality of the materials is different every time, so the purification time will also change, which needs to be grasped by the cultivator himself.

Bai Ye put all the energy cubes in the refrigerator and stored them well. In this way, Big Needle Bee also had rations for next month.

Considering that he doesn't have much money left, Bai Ye is going to go to the Golden Beach to dig for treasures, and along the way hone the actual combat ability of the big needle bee.

The big needle bee has been with him for so long, and he has experienced only a handful of battles, so it is necessary to give it a wave of special combat training.

Of course, before the actual action, you have to take a wave of missions first, and earn some extra money by the way.

Opening the quest section of the trainer's association, Bai Ye found that the most popular quest today was related to him.

Looking for the stinky mud leader who escaped, anyone who finds and provides real clues can get a certain reward. (The leader of the stinky mud is powerful. Trainers who do not have senior-level combat power should evacuate immediately after discovering it to avoid danger.)

Task form: public; task deadline: upon completion.Reward amount: Undecided, if the trainer tames the stinky mud leader alone, he can get a one-time reward of 50 yuan.

50, a senior-level, close-to-professional-level stinky mud leader. Reasonably, although stinky mud is not very popular, the price is a bit low. If it is cultivated normally, it may not even cover the cost.

Bai Ye reckoned that this was something the Association could do nothing about, because if the offer was too high, it was inevitable that someone would find a few similar substitutes to make up for it.

Anyway, even if this kind of public task is not found, there will be no punishment, so Bai Ye will take it easily. After all, if his character explodes and encounters it, it will be nothing.

"What do you think of this mission?" Next to him, Ji Dong handed over his mobile phone.

"Looking for a vine monster with regenerative characteristics, the reward is 10 yuan. The most important thing is that this task is also a public task, with no time limit and no limit on the number of people."

Bai Ye took one look and said, "It's not bad. You can pay attention to it after entering the secret realm."

His main purpose this time is to train the big needle bee. It is best not to have too many restrictions on these tasks. In fact, Bai Ye thinks that those long-term material acquisition tasks are very good.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them took on several similar public missions and then embarked on the road to the secret realm of Zhuhai.

Chapter 44 Entering the Secret Realm

Entering the Zhuhai Secret Realm again, this time, the two did not choose the relatively safe routes before, but entered the activity area of ​​wild elves.

Of course, the general scope of activities is still on the periphery of the secret realm. With the strength of the Roentgen cat and the big needle bee, entering the depths of the secret realm is undoubtedly courting death.

This time he wanted to drill into the jungle, and Ji Dong didn't save the 200 yuan rental fee, and he was well-equipped.

After passing through the relatively safe outer area without any danger, the two officially entered the really dangerous area.

This place is sparsely populated, as can be seen from the thick, waist-high grass.

Of course, for Ji Dong, it reached the waist, but for Bai Ye, it almost reached the neck.

The dense grass covered the sight of the two of them, and the level of danger rose sharply immediately.

"It would be great if there was a super-type elf." Bai Ye felt emotionally while tapping the grass in front of him with the wooden stick in his hand.

With the big needle bee watching from the sky, the dangers on the surface can be ignored for the time being, but the dangers hiding in the grass are the most troublesome.

"Fortunately, there is a Roentgen cat exploring the way ahead." Looking at the wriggling grass in front of him, Bai Ye couldn't help but feel a little lucky. This secret place, even if it was only on the periphery, was not a place for novice trainers like them to come to.

Suddenly, there was a frightened creaking sound from ahead, followed by a series of rustling sounds, and the grass began to shake rapidly.

"It's Lada again, these guys are really everywhere." Ji Dong complained from the side.

Bai Ye was also speechless. Along the way, they had already encountered three Boradhas. Although they didn't fight much, this surprise was quite scary.

The two continued to move forward, and not long after, the big needle bee in the sky suddenly sent a warning, or a reminder.

In a bush in front, several red fruits were hanging on it. From a distance, it looked like an ordinary bush.

Bai Ye took a closer look, and immediately noticed the clues. There seemed to be a few blue-green vines hidden in the bush.

It's a vine monster.

One of their mission goals this time.

However, after Bai Ye took a look at the specific properties of the vine monster, he immediately lost most of his interest in it. The chlorophyll properties gave it a negative review.

"Big needle bee, do you still remember what I taught you yesterday, focus on two points and one line, let's try it out."

"Do you need help?" Lin Yi asked from the side.

"No need for now, if the big needle bee can't beat it, then let the Roentgen cat take action." Bai Ye shook his head and refused. He didn't think that the big needle bee would lose to a grass-type vine monster in a battle of the same level.

"Hiss!" The big needle bee let out a low beep, and his spirit instantly gathered.

The so-called two points and one line is to regard the weakness of oneself and the opponent as a point, and then rush over quickly, killing with one blow.

The most important thing is the process of seeing the other party as a point, which is the process of concentrating.

The big needle bee gathered momentum, and its figure instantly pierced like a sharp arrow.

With a bang, the vine monster hidden in the bushes was directly blown away, and then, there was no more, double restraint of external vital attacks, plus the sniper characteristics, within the same level, it couldn't resist.

"It's not bad, but what did I tell you? It's as quiet as a lake and as dynamic as thunder. A real assassin must have an absolutely calm heart and extraordinary courage. Look at you, you just killed a little guy in an instant. It’s just me, how excited I am.”

Bai Ye looked at the big needle bee who came back to claim credit as soon as he defeated his opponent, and commented.

"The mental quality is not up to par. You have to practice more when you go back. Even if you are excited at the moment, you should not show it. The deterrent effect caused by this will definitely be much stronger than what you are now. Moreover, don't you feel that after defeating your opponent, I don’t even look at it, just turn around and walk away, wouldn’t it be more handsome that way?”

There was a thoughtful look in the eyes of the big needle bee. In his mind, he imagined that he would kill his opponent with one blow under the watchful eyes of everyone, and then walk away with a cold face and without looking back.

This look seems a bit handsome!

Lin Yi on the side had a rather strange expression after hearing Bai Ye's teaching to the big needle bee.

And when he saw that his Roentgen cat was also thinking, he immediately felt something bad.

Bao, this kind of hateful behavior, we can't follow suit.

After spraying some wound medicine on the vine monster and picking off a few fruits on its bush, Bai Ye and Ji Yi continued their journey.

However, before he had moved forward for a long time, there was another rustling sound from the grass in front of him, and this time the movement was not small.

"Sure enough, the further you go inside the secret realm, the easier it is to be attacked by wild elves."

Originally, Bai Ye thought it would still be a Lada, but unexpectedly, the rustling sound seemed to be getting closer.

The roentgen cat didn't stop it!

A large piece of grass was crushed, and a big purple-black snake came out.

Arbor monster, and it is an Arbor monster that has reached the senior level.

Behind him, the roentgen cat jumped three or two between the Aber monster and the two of them, and some embarrassment flashed in its eyes.

Just now, I was startled by its big eyes, and the big needle bee was still nearby, so I was ashamed.

"Back." Ji Dong pulled Bai Ye back a few steps, leaving enough battlefield for the elves.

"Do you need help?" This time it was Bai Ye who asked.

On the other side, the Roentgen cat has already fought with the Aber monster.

"No need, you know, snakes are in the cat's diet." Lin Yi said lightly, of course, in his heart, he was not as calm as his tone.

"It's all Bai Ye's fault. I'm such an honest person, I've learned from him badly." Lin Yi said in his heart.

Seeing this, Bai Ye shrugged and didn't say anything more.

The Roentgen cat had just reached level 30, while this Arbo monster was at level 33. There was only a three-level difference between the two. If Ji Dong managed it properly, it was not impossible to win.

However, this process is destined to be a bit difficult.

And the next battle, just as Bai Ye expected, even if the Roentgen cat defeated the Aber monster, he was still seriously injured, dripping with blood, and could no longer continue fighting in a short time.

"Let's find a place to rest first." Bai Ye suggested as he looked at Ji Yi who was treating the wound of Roentgen Cat.

"I was reckless, my fault." Lin Yi sighed, a little ashamed, he felt that he was not as calm as a child this time.

Bai Ye smiled slightly.

At this time, a vaguely familiar smell suddenly came into the noses of the two of them.

Chapter 45 The smelly flowers that died together

There was a rustling sound in the grass, and then, an elf with a reddish-brown flower with white spots on its head and a blue spherical body, like walking grass, appeared in front of Bai Ye and Ji Dong.

Smelly flower, the evolution of walking grass.

Drops of viscous saliva dripped from Smelly Flower's lips, and at the same time, with its appearance, the stench that was only faintly present suddenly became stronger.

The original clean air was gradually replaced by a rotten, disgusting stench like rotten eggs.

This smell once again reminded Bai Ye of some bad experiences.

He was convinced, no matter where he went, he couldn't get rid of the influence of the stench, and in this secret realm, he even encountered the body of the smelly flower.

Ji Dong on the side also frowned, and the Roentgen cat simply plunged into the grass next to it, trying to block the stench.

The body information of this stinky flower flashed across Bai Ye's eyes. It was of an excellent level, plus the ordinary green characteristics, so it wasn't a big trouble.

"The secret realm really deserves to be a secret realm, and it's just the periphery. None of the elves I met here are below the excellence level." Bai Ye thought in his heart, and was about to command the big needle bee to meet the enemy.

However, it was discovered that the state of this stinky flower was a bit wrong. After seeing Bai Ye and the others in front of it, a trace of resentment flashed in its eyes.


What is it resentful for? It was obviously the one that slammed into the door, okay?

The next moment, Bai Ye remembered what he had read in an expedition log.

The stinky flowers in the wild are quite friendly elves. As long as they are not in danger, they will consciously put away their own stench, and only release it when they are in danger.

In other words, this stinky flower was in danger before!

Suddenly, a strange fragrance spread, covering up the original smell of the smelly flowers.

"Meow?" Roentgen cat raised its head from the grass, with confusion and fascination in its eyes.

But Bai Ye's complexion changed, "Tian Tianxiang, are these guys going to die together!"

"Big needle bee, make a quick decision, use double needles after the wind is down."

If the move of Sweet Fragrance is used in the wild, its power is comparable to that of a nuclear bomb, and all elves within a radius of five kilometers will be attracted to it.

In a word, it is a cloud-piercing arrow. When thousands of troops come to meet each other, it is definitely a big killer.


The Big Needle Bee was refreshed, its wings waved rapidly, and a stream of air spread out, and the next moment it shot towards the smelly flower like lightning.

At the same time, Bai Ye seemed to hear bursts of rustling sounds not far away. It seemed that elves were already coming?

"So fast!" Bai Ye panicked.

On the other side, the giant sting wasp had already shot to the side of Stinky Flower, and its sharp needles with a cold light pierced directly into Stinky Flower's body.


Smelly Flower let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground.

Bai Ye frowned, and became more and more certain in his heart that this stinky flower must have been injured before, because the attack by the big needle bee just now did not trigger a vital attack at all, but it still only took one shot Out of combat.

At the same time, the wind that was heard before was approaching, and it was already clearly audible, and several familiar figures appeared in Bai Ye's sight.

It's a needle bee!

Bad, as we all know, the big needle bee is a social elf, and in this secret realm, it can be regarded as one of the characters that are not easy to mess with, and can be called a rookie killer.

The big needle bees glanced at the stinky flower that had fallen on the ground, and then at the big needle bee in Bai Ye, seeming a little puzzled.

At this time, bursts of rustling sounds suddenly came from the grass nearby.

Another elf is coming.

Several big needle bees looked at each other, and one of them immediately grabbed the stinky flower on the ground.


After the other few big needle bees shouted at Bai Ye, they quickly flew towards the distance.

The big needle bee waved a long needle towards Bai Ye.

Seeing this situation, Bai Ye immediately said: "Follow."

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