Absolutely impossible!

call out!

Tom, who covered his ears, suddenly stood up and stared at Im, with a puzzled expression on his face, as if he was surprised that this creature exuded the same aura as the creature that liked to laugh 'ah~hahaha...'.

Why does it smell like the rats in my body?

Isn't this another world?

The last strange creature Tom saw was one named Thor, and he had a similar aura.

But it's not annoying.

While thinking, Tom raised his foot, as if kicking Cuju, and the small firecracker once again drew a perfect arc and landed on Im's hand.

This time Im 'ah~hahaha...' kept laughing, with no other thoughts in mind, just pure ridicule, and her mind seemed to have returned to the kindergarten period.

Tom heard the laughter, took out his cigarettes, and lit one for himself.

boom! ! !


Im was blown apart, his hair became afro, and his face was dark, as if he had just crawled out of a coal mine, and he blew out a puff of thick black smoke from his mouth.

No image at all.

Noble, mysterious, unfathomable...all gone.


Im took a mirror from Tom who made a gentleman gesture, and when he saw himself in the mirror, he let out a miserable scream.

Is this you? ! !

The scene was once very strange.

"did you know."

"I am the omniscient and omnipotent God!"

Im angry, pointing to his own eyes, "My eyes can see through the weaknesses of everything in the world, and can penetrate the essence of everything. See how I can see through your weaknesses."

Tom pulled a baseball bat from behind his back.

A stick hit Im on the head.

Suddenly there was a big swelling.

Im was hit by a baseball bat like an ordinary person, her head was buzzing, and at the same time she remembered what it felt like, it was painful!

"Wait, what's your weakness?" Im came back to his senses, "Why can't I see through your weakness?"

"What the hell are you?"

"Are you some forbidden race from the depths of the stars?"

"I know you can't kill me at all, so you can only do this, otherwise you would have killed me long ago!"

Tom didn't understand.

no answer.

Im simply didn't rely on her broken eyes, and went straight to the field to crush this strange creature with her own strength. But for some reason, her reaction speed, movements, etc. became very strange, and she was completely played by Tom.

She chased it and beat it.

can not hit.

Tom had a great time.

There were big bumps one after another on Im's head.

His face was forced to wear a mask of pain.

Tom, on the other hand, was extremely excited.

This was much easier to deal with than the big dog, which had to be on a leash, and this creature could be played without a leash.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, I haven't seen it through yet!"

Im was hit all over his head.

There was grievance in his voice.

Tom couldn't get enough of it.

He took out a red tubular weapon with his left hand and struck Im on the head.

Hammer left and hit right.

This time it was Im's turn to run.

No matter how you run, you can't escape the fate of being hammered by Tom.

Back then, Tom relied on this red tubular weapon.

God comes down to earth and strikes three.

Stunned three sharks in the sea.

Im very panic now.

Her heart: "What is this?"

"How the hell can't I beat a cat?"

"I'm so fucking depressed!"

But what she didn't know was.

Renne outside is also looking forward to the results here.

Ren guessed that a large part of Tom's ability was suppressed, just like Yakumo Murasaki's regular ability was suppressed by the world. Although Tom is a comic, he may not be invincible at the same level.

But fighting a pseudo-god Im in the world of pirates shouldn't be a big problem...

"I'm warning you! Don't go too far!"

"Come on!"

"Come on people!"


"I surrender! I admit defeat! This world belongs to you! Get it away from me! I don't want to see it!"



Im's voice echoed out into the void.

Pass it outside.

Outside, Ren was slashing people while waiting for the outcome of the battle: "???"

What's going on here?

He knew from the beginning that Im's ability was definitely extraordinary. There were some fruit users in the sea who could use time and space. As the unfathomable existence behind the world government, Im would naturally use space abilities.

And Renn also learned spatial abilities after traveling to other worlds several times, and has a certain understanding of spatial abilities.

Launching Big Ivan.

He clearly sensed abnormal fluctuations in the space. Im must have hid in a space to avoid being bombarded by Big Ivan.

Renn enters a unique space.

Meet Tom.

I didn’t see Im.

On the other hand, there was a strange creature with a head full of bumps, belching black air, and an afro that was wailing and crying, which made people quite upset.

"What makes this thing so ugly?"

Renn glanced at the strange creature with disgust.

I thought it was the weird creature created by the World Government and used as a trump card. It probably had some special ability. But when encountering Tom, no matter how special the ability was, it would be ineffective.

The so-called sun god Nika, the legendary savior who can bring laughter to the world, is just a poor imitation of Tom.

Tom saw Lane arriving.

She put away the weapons in her left and right hands, turned into a well-behaved cat, and jumped into her arms.

"Where's Im?"

Ren asked.

Tom pointed at the strange creature in his arms.

Ren: "..."

"It's ugly."

Ren walked up to Im and couldn't help but complain.

Tom nodded.

express approval.

Im: "..."

"Go wash quickly."

Ren was disgusted.

Im done washing.

"What are you doing standing still?" Ren waved his hand, "Sing, sing quickly, I'll give you the lyrics."

"I was conquered by you like this, cutting off all escape routes."


Im kneeled on the throne of the void and sang conquest.

She felt extremely humiliated.

A scholar can be killed, but not humiliated.

But she still wants to live, and she still wants to be freed from this boring reincarnation. She doesn't want to play house with Joyboy, using the sea as a casino to torture those pitifully weak civilians all day long.



On the red soil continent.

"Everyone, today I am going to reveal the 800-year-old scam of the World Government. In the name of "absolute justice", they are called the guardians of "justice" with more than 170 member countries, and they rely on strong alliances. The largest international organization, calling itself "the world", dominates the entire world and guards the order of the judicial world."

People around the world were captivated by Wren's words.

A scam that has lasted for 800 years is enough to attract attention. Even Morgans, who is making money around the world, doing live broadcasts, and running a news newspaper for many years, felt that Wren was a good material for news.

"At the beginning of the founding of the World Government, they built the Throne of Empty, which symbolized the supreme throne that no one could sit on, and also symbolized their determination to express to the world. It was a throne hanging in the void, but that throne There is always an owner.”

Ren announced: "The Throne of the Sky has a master. Her name is Im, and she is called "Sir" by the five old stars. When the five old stars meet Yi Mu, they need to kneel down. Such a noble person dares to do something in the sky. The person on the throne is not known to any other forces on the sea, why do you think it is?"

A wave stirred up a thousand waves.



People around the world are thinking.

Civilians are simply thinking about why?

Nobles, royal families and other ruling classes are thinking about their own interests, especially those who join the country. They feel that they have been deceived.

The World Government at that time had agreed to create the Empty Throne in order to symbolize that no one could sit on that position and that the members of the World Government's participating countries had equal status.

It didn’t matter that the twenty royal families were superior to the participating countries. After all, these twenty royal families had done a lot to overthrow the rule of the huge kingdom.

But there must be no one on the Throne of the Sky.

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