Once someone dares to sit on it.

That means that the World Government, or the Holy Land Marie Joa, wants far more than just being superior to the franchised countries, but wants all the franchised countries to become the dogs of their nineteen royal families!

This is a fact that other rulers and other vested interests cannot accept.

They were cheated!

They think their interests have been violated!

They are angry!


Ren summoned the Throne of the Sky, and Im sitting firmly on the Throne of the Sky.

high in the air.

Morgans worked nervously on all the equipment to get the perfect shot.

But Im too powerful.

Even through the equipment, I feel frightened.

The second after Ren's voice fell.

All eyes were focused on Im.

Noble, mysterious, and unfathomable. Just taking a look at it is like looking at a superior god. You dare not look directly, dare not blaspheme, and dare not speak nonsense.

very scary!

This is that Im.

Is she a god?

So perfect, so beautiful, as if the supreme god gathered all the good things in the world.

Let ordinary people dare not think of blasphemy.

"That is the Throne of the Sky." Ren introduced: "That person is the legendary Im, the existence that the five old stars need to kneel down to greet, the only god in the world, the greatest confidence of the world government..."

Another sun god Nika, the savior Joyboy is gone.

"You want to know the answer, let me tell you why?"

"Because the World Government doesn't dare to let other forces on the ocean know that there are beings who dare to sit on it openly. They are afraid of those who are like them!"

"They are worried that people like them will unite and incite the untouchables in their eyes to shake their rule and take away the rule they snatched from the huge kingdom again!"

Wren gets right to the point.

Say something that most people can understand.


Torn skin.

"It's different for me. I can sit on it right away."

"Sit down in front of all of you." Ren stretched out his right hand and raised it high, "Everyone who is oppressed, don't worry, even if I sit in this position, your life will become better. Bad?"

"Of course not! I will lead you to a better life! Everyone will have bread and milk!"

"Those who deserve to be feared and those who deserve to suffer are those who oppress you, those who created the root and mainstream of this world, those rulers who are aloof and indifferent, and those who have vested interests who benefited from the era of great pirates. By."

"They all deserve to die!"

Ren walked step by step to the Throne of the Sky, grabbed Im, sat on it, and let Im sit on his lap.


Ren pinched Im's flawless face and laughed loudly: "This is a god!"


"did you see?"

Countless people around the world have brains that stop thinking.

The gods were blasphemed.

"And we have already won this war. All disobedient nobles, royal families, powerful people, and rulers will be dealt with and defeated!"

"Who is not convinced?"

Ren shouted: "Kill them!"

"Fuck them!"

chants followed from around the world.

This era belongs to Rennes.

Chapter 158 Chapter 156, the end of the pirate chapter

Ren sat on the Throne of the Sky, and in a way that no one could have imagined, he sat in that position swaggering for everyone in the sea to see.

Regardless of their identity or status, they looked at this scene and felt that it was natural, just like Renn should be sitting in that place, and they could not find anyone more suitable than him.

And Im, a noble, mysterious, and unfathomable perfect god in everyone's eyes, felt like a little bird sitting on Ren's lap, as if a god had fallen into the mortal world, or encountered an existence that he could not resist.

"it is good!"

Zefa came to his senses and was the first to say hello and sat down as soon as he could. He felt that he was quite suitable as a student.

"Clap clap clap clap..."

Huo Shaoshan clapped his hands to death and shouted: "Everyone applaud!"

"Clap clap clap!!!"

There was endless applause.

Huaidibei and Hancock looked at each other, expressing their disgust, helplessness and a hint of jealousy towards the old woman above.

Ain shreds the document.

"Are these documents unnecessary?" Huo Shaoshan asked garrulously.

"Hmm~!" Ain stared at Huo Shaoshan with dangerous eyes, causing Huo Shaoshan, a veteran navy elite lieutenant general with far more seniority than Ain, to turn his head silently, as if nothing had happened...

There is no need to use the file at all. What they need in the future is to unify the sea. By then, the work will be different. Moreover, the content of the file has long been remembered by Ain. The main reason is that Renne needs to take a look.

But Renn has always been 'OK, OK', I'll leave it to you, I think you'll be fine, I'll leave it to you.

Ain was helpless.

She really didn't know whether Ren was trusting or big-hearted, or maybe he had absolutely powerful beliefs.




"We deserve it all!"

"I can not be reconciled!"

"Ren is a tyrant! He is a tyrant! This world will fall into a dark age under his rule! We must unite to resist him!"

Royal families, nobles, and members of the participating countries around the world... those who were once aloof have fallen into despair. It's not that they don't want to resist or protest their own interests.

But what are they protesting against?

Those who sit on the Throne of Sky will not listen to their moral kidnappings.

He can only use weapons, blood and fire to reason with them.

No one can stop Rennes in this era.

They can only show off their prestige in words, and the smarter royal family, nobles...those with vested interests want to run away with the people's fat and anointing they have collected over the years.

This is a war in Holy Land broadcast live around the world.

Rennes' side won the World Government with an absolute advantage. The main reason was that the two biggest trump cards of the World Government, Im and King, were completely defeated by Tom.

The remaining forces of the World Government are very powerful, but they are no better than the forces that welcomed Joyboy without ancient weapons, or even worse.

One of the Five Old Stars died, and there were still three Five Old Stars left. He didn’t hesitate much. Faced with this big victory, he didn’t need to take his time according to the process. He directly killed these three Five Old Stars in front of the whole sea. star.

Three heads fell to the ground.

Open and fair.

The five old stars are all destroyed!

None survived!

These five old guys who play around every day and like to show off.

Renn had long been displeased with them.

There are not many Tianlong people alive, and most of them died in a burst of missile bombings and a burst of bombing by the Great Ivan. The Tianlong people's national treasure, the King, is also one of the three legendary ancient weapons.

It didn't play a big role, or it could be explained by the fact that Im shrinks its range and only protects a small area in the core area.

The remaining Celestial Dragons were executed.

The Celestial Dragons are destroyed!

Members of the CP organization, the Holy Knights, various forces, powerful people...and all those who survived this war and came from the Holy Land of Mariejoia will all undergo strict scrutiny.

Anyone who fails the review will be put to death.

The strongest person in the CP organization and the leader of the CP organization was killed by Ryder, and the leader of the Knights of God was killed by the Golden Lion. These two forces, which were comparable to the Yonko Regiment, were almost vulnerable to a single blow.

The rest of the various forces, various hidden strong men, and the army were just like that. All the strong men of the World Government were all defeated in one battle, and what was left were some little shrimps waiting to be dealt with.

The World Government... this powerful force that has ruled the entire sea for 800 years.

Once destroyed.

The naval headquarters of Wano was renamed the Guardian of the Sea.

Renn and other important personnel moved into Holy Land Marie Joa, collected all the valuable things in Holy Land Marie Joa, and prepared to tear it down and rebuild a suitable place.

In the Red Earth Continent, they decided to let go soon.

The news spread across the sea like snowflakes, causing countless people to marvel. The soil of the Red Earth Continent was fertile and the territory was vast. They did not expect that the new ruler would be willing to share it. It turned out that everything the god named Ren said was true.

They, who are untouchables in the eyes of nobles, royal families and other noble people, can live on the Red Earth Continent and live better in this world.

boom! ! !

According to the calculation formula that has been determined long ago.

A corner of the Red Earth Continent was blown away.

The four seas are one.

The birth of a unique sea area that contains all the characteristics of the four seas is Sanji's dream, and it is also the holy land that sea chefs yearn for and pursue.

Now you can have good control over the whole world.

Don’t get caught up in the chaos of freedom.

Some nobles and royal families also want to make a last-ditch effort.

All died miserably.

The major forces came to surrender, the powerful men who lived in seclusion came to make pilgrimages, and some top-notch monsters with extraordinary talents came one by one. They wanted to follow Ren.

Hawkeye challenges Wren again.

Renne defeated Hawkeye with a single finger.

The whole sea was in uproar.

As expected of the already invincible Ren.

Hawkeye, once the world's greatest swordsman, is long gone.

"A complete defeat..." Hawkeye turned his head and looked at Sauron, "Have you seen the difference in the world? Even if you can defeat the world's greatest swordsman in the future, you will not be able to surpass that monster, the world's greatest swordsman. The title will never fall to the second person from now on."

Zoro said with a dark face: "I will try my best."

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